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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Chatting & Chai & a few Runfessions

It's that time of the month...again.

Are you ready for some chatting? Over coffee (or, in my case, chai)? What say we throw in a few Runfessions...you know, just to keep it real?

I'm always game for a (virtual) meet-up with like-minded people. Here's what I'd share if we were having a (virtual) coffee gathering...

First of all, I'd have to runfess that my Spring races (and their finish times) kind of took me by surprise.  Technically, according to the calendar, Spring is not over by a long shot, but my racing is on hold until June 1st. I'm happy to be done for a bit, and I'm happy with all that I accomplished, but especially proud of the fact that I did it on my own. I didn't really have a specific plan because I had a variety of race distances. I just tried to pay attention to what my body was telling me, in terms of speed work and rest. I got really lucky, though, in how things fell into place in April (after the three speedy 10K's in March). The Cherry Blossom 10-miler was a natural succession (in distance), followed by the Drake half marathon...and then the 1-miler was a significant finishing kick a few days later.
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, shoes, cloud, text, outdoor and nature

Secondly, if we were chatting over chai, I would runfess, with vigor, that the DOMS are no joke. That delayed onset muscle soreness hype is NOT hype at all. There were a few instances of the DOMS after some hill sprints, and brief "flares" after some races. But that itty bitty Grand Blue Mile took a serious toll on me. Granted, there probably were a few DOMS at play from the hilly half marathon a few days prior, but it took me almost a solid week to feel DOMS-free following that intense 1-mile race. Who would think 7:23 minutes of running could wreak such havoc?
Image may contain: one or more people and text

Next, over chai, I'd remind you that I vowed to keep things on the down-low (for the next couple of weeks), and I'd runfess that I have been doing just that, albeit (somewhat) begrudgingly. I am still running a few days each week, but I'm keeping the mileage low and I'm foregoing any intense speed drills or extensive HIIT workouts during this recovery period. I came up with a mini workout that I've been doing on the daily; it takes less than 10 minutes to complete from start to finish and works my entire body for a quick, sweat-infused session:

Maintenance On The Daily:
-10 push-ups
-10 burpees
-10 push-ups
-10 stair flights (double-stepped)
-10 push-ups
-2:30 minute side plank (on elbow, 1:15 each side)
-10 candlesticks
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, tree, outdoor and nature

Fourthly, as we sipped our chai, I'd runfess that my April mileage was really on the down-low, as well. I was a little surprised by that considering most of that happened before I declared this recovery period (Destination:Downtime)  to get me through the two weeks before my relay. How does a grand, monthly total of 67 miles sound? Oh well....I'm totally good with that.
Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and outdoor

Finally, I'm not sure what's happening to me, but I'd runfess that I have kind of morphed into a filter freak. I seem to go in phases where I don't filter any pics (because I want a "real" representation of what I actually look like) and then I start getting creative and go a little overboard. What can I say? Some filters really enhance the image. The colors pop. There's more depth. The pics look more like art. Sorry, not sorry.

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes, tree, outdoor and nature

Anyways, those are just a few things I'd chat about (along with the crazy weather and my yearning for summer). 

How about you? Anything you'd runfess? Would you be drinking coffee, chai or something else? How did your April play out? Any fun races on your roster, in April or coming up soon? 

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
The Ultimate Coffee Date

I'm also linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. I am with you with the DOMS - I am achy after a faster-than-normal go at my standard 5 mile route (I've been running it since 2015 and have just got two PRs on segments I've run 35+ times) and now I'm sore! Plus remember when I got DOMS from five minutes of lunges??

    I have a filterfession, too. I have a new phone and there are automatic beauty filters on the selfie-mode - I worked this out when I took a photo of me and my best friend and we looked very soft focus and dewy! Oopsie not oopsie.

    1. Ha ha..."filterfession" is a great way to describe it ;-)

  2. You know I love the filter, in moderation! Especially on these gray days we are having. It's nice to brighten things up.

    Sorry to hear about the struggle with DOMS. I wonder why you get it so bad?

    1. I think these particular DOMS were so evil because of the hilly half marathon AND the intense 1-mile, which I ran way faster than my legs are accustomed to going. Too much too soon after the first tough race LOL But, no regrets.

  3. There are things you can do to head off the severe DOMS. Lmk if you want my recommendations. I never bought into the whole "look" of Instagram. I joined a "help" group that started actually GIVING us images (what??) and read other advice to always use the same filter. I've always done whatever the hell I felt like and I'm glad you are too. End of story.

    1. I would LOVE your input on the DOMS avoidance!! I agree with the Insta stuff and filter/no filter/same filter crap. I refuse to give in and do things the way everyone else does, I guess I'm just a stubborn art geek with my own way of doing things ;-)

  4. I like the daily maintenance routine that you have set for yourself!

    Oh DOMS is most certainly real. My most recent bout with it this week had me cursing anytime I saw a set of stairs, lol.

    I do back and forth with my IG filters but I think they are fun. Usually it just depends on how tired I look in the photo - that will determine what filter I use lol.

    1. Agreed...the filters certainly can take a boring pic (with a boring background) and give it some life!

  5. needing all the coffee today! You did have an amazing few months of running glad to see you taking a little cut back. Don't want to get injured!

    1. I definitely do not want any injuries, so that's why I'm refraining from the temptation to do any races in May...

  6. That workout is your down low??? You are amazing! Congrats on all of your spring successes. You deserve them. You work hard at fitness and your improved times are your reward.

    DOMS is not fun. Sorry to tell you, but it gets worse as you get older! :)

  7. Oh, I love chai on a cloudy day! I’ve started using filters to make my indoor photos more interesting. Plus they are fun. You had a great Spring!

  8. DOMS are no joke - especially when there have been some hills involved!

    You know I applaud you for managing all of your races with such success - you have clearly figured out what works for you!

    I go through phases where I like to play with filters too - I'm not much for following the IG "rules" of how to do things. It's all about having fun, right? ;)

    1. Yes, there were plenty of hills in my half marathon. I agree...I think Insta should be all about the person, the "rules" just make it boring and too uniform.

  9. I can go down a filter rabbit hole for sure! I try a bunch of different ones, and tweak shadows and contrast with them all, and then inevitably end just getting rid of a filter and just sharpening the photo and tweaking the lighting. But I can't tell you how much time I waste on it, especially for food photos!

    1. Oh gosh....I hear ya on the time spent "filtering." It can be a huge time suck!

  10. I did a little bit of pilates this week. I'm always saying I'm not convinced about pilates, I don't even know if I'm doing it right, etc? Welp. I can tell you I have DOMS in my abs from that 20 min session!! That was Wednesday and I'm STILL feeling it! DOMS is no joke; haven't felt it for a while (except for after my first PT session that I thought was worthless at the time - ha! joke was on me!).

    just because you are not running all the miles doesn't mean you shouldn't maintain your fitness, so good on you for your daily stuff!

    i love the filters. maybe I'll have a filter phase too!

    no running or races really - IF I get the go-ahead to run that will be May 21st. Liverpool is that weekend. Decided to do the 5k and the 1 Mile because I can already walk those distances with ease. The 5K time limit is 1 hour :D I do 3K in 30 min so I literally can walk the whole thing in case it doesn't feel good.

    1. A 1-hour time limit on a 5K? Wow...that's very generous. I did a 5K as my first race after my recovery from surgery, mainly because I knew I could walk it as a last resort, too.

  11. I am certainly impressed with all that you've accomplished this spring already! I feel like I'm just getti.g started with my running! My first race of the year will be Sunday ( and I hear it is going to rain).

  12. I'm also team fun with filters, but sometimes it gets ridiculous
    What'a a candlestick? Googling it with cardio.HIIT is surprisingly unhelpful

    1. Well, turns out my "candlesticks" aren't quite the same as the ones I've seen on Utube LOL I guess mine are more like "leg raises" but I do them with a lowering motion (kind of like a seated reverse leg lift?).

    2. Gotcha. Sometimes descriptions are infinitely more clear than names, which vary like crazy

  13. You had such an amazing spring racing experience! You forever amaze me with your speedy times!

  14. Racing? What’s that? Right now I’m just hoping to be healthy for the race I’m mentoring for! I’ve had a tough spring.

    No, I wouldn’t have thought you’d get DOMS from a mile race but when you think about it it makes sense. Your racing year is off to a great start!

    1. Yes, that 1-miler was far more intense than I usually run LOL #humbled

  15. Chai definitely sounds great right now!

    DOMS definitely is not fun. :[ I really should implement something like those daily mini workouts you're doing! It'd definitely be better than nothing! :O

  16. I'm struggling with how to keep weight lifting as I up my mileage. Lately my legs have been so sore from my Wednesday workout that it's affecting my Friday long run. I'm thinking I may need to shake things up a bit.

  17. Oh the DOMS, always keeping us humble after those hard efforts, lol!

    I'm terrible about filters. I've noticed you've been using them more and they look great! Honestly I'm too lazy to try haha!
