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Thursday, May 30, 2019

So...Let's Runfess Already

Shall we Runfess to one another?

It's been an entire month since we all gathered, virtually, over coffee (or any other beverage of choice), and chatted. Actually, these are some of the most fun posts to write (and read).

Here's the latest from my little corner of the universe....

If I can bring up the weather just one more time....
I'd Runfess that we've really had more than enough of the cold temps, wind, and rain. Spring 2019 has pretty much been a bust. Granted, it has been warmer than Spring of 2018, but not by much. At least we haven't had any snow in almost two months.

If we were to talk about the DOMS...
I'd Runfess that the acronym DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) has been transformed into a (pseudo) real word in my world of fitness. Let me give you an example...."The Murph workout left me DOMS'ing for days." That's not an exaggeration.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

If we were to compare tough workouts...
I'd Runfess that the Murph Challenge on Memorial Day left me so sore! It also left me quite proud, and I felt pretty accomplished even though I (technically) didn't complete the entire workout. Honestly, I have not had that much "DOMS distress" since the first time I did the P90X program (almost 10 years ago). Although these recent DOMS came with a great deal of muscle strain and stiffness, they also rewarded me with a healthy dose of post-workout endorphins. That said, I did get a good idea of specific muscles that need some work (I'm looking at you, lats, pecs, and quads). Let me just say that foam rolling never hurt so bad.

If I played the postponing-my-run card one too many times....
I'd Runfess that it worked in my favor, every time. There's a difference between procrastinating vs. postponing a run, especially if the weather is (1) unusually cold, (2) terribly rainy, and (3) ridiculously windy in the wee hours of the day. In recent weeks, the usual #5at5's have morphed into #5at5PM's, and Momma N has rewarded me with warm, dry and (usually) sunny post-workday conditions.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and outdoor

If I seemed a bit too preoccupied with my at-work steps...
I'd Runfess that I took on a mini challenge of tracking my steps while at the office recently. I have a desk job, but I'm rarely seated for extended periods of time. I was curious just how much walking I was doing "on the job," so for a couple of weeks, I tracked my steps. It turns out, I averaged between 2,200 and 2,500 each day from approximately 8:00-4:30 (not including any lunchtime walks). In other words, that's between 1.25 - 1.50 miles while at my "desk job." I don't routinely wear a tracking/activity device, so I tried to always have my phone with me and monitor the pedometer function (which I don't believe to be totally accurate, just saying), but it was interesting to see how much walking I'm actually doing while at work. No wonder I'm usually well over the 10,000 steps-per-day benchmark.

Finally, if I may get a little sentimental...
I'd Runfess that this weekend is the DAM to DSM 20K race, and I'm having  mixed feelings. This race replaces the beloved Dam to Dam race that I've loved since the first time I crossed the start line (in 2008), and I'd gone back and ran it every year since (for a total of 11 times). I'm excited that this new race is using the same route, but I'm also a bit apprehensive for the big shoes the new management company has to fill. Here's a flashback to the previous 11 years (minus 2009...I couldn't find any pics from that year):

2008, 2010, 2011...

2012, 2013, 2014...

2015, 2016, 2017...

...and 2018, when the youngest daughter joined me

So, that's the latest and greatest.  Crazy weather, DOMS, running, walking, and a (hopefully) new favorite race.

What's new in your world? Anything you'd care to share?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
The Ultimate Coffee Date

I'm also linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


Are you following me on social media?
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  1. Oh, I hope the new race goes well! Fingers crossed they will have done their research and put in the time and effort it deserves. I have a desk job and I barely move. I will sit for hours if I'm deep into something. I know it's so unhealthy but it's been a hard habit to break.

    1. My job has me up and walking almost every 10-15 minutes, just doing odd errands, or tracking people down, etc. I actually like it that way. The steps mentioned were an average, though...some days it was over the 3K mark if I had numerous copy machine stuff ;-)

  2. Those are some great Dam memories! Sorry I couldn't resist. How can a runner need to work on their quads?? Thanks for runfessing!

    1. ha ha ha...I may have squatted too deep, but my quads were burning by Tuesday afternoon. I usually feel the squats in my tush, so it was odd. Everything about Murph hurt so good LOL

  3. Good luck on the 20k. I love that distance. The last 1K of a half is usually the worst. Loved seeing the photos of you over the years. Man, you look better now than you did 10 years ago! How do you do that?

    1. I love the 29K distance, too! This race was my first long-distance race, and I often have a tough time remembering there's still another .6 mile remaining when I do an actual half marathon because the 20K is so ingrained in my head.

  4. I find that most days I walk the same around the house, just doing normal chores (the 2000 steps range). Although there are definitely days I barely move, too! I've actually been less obsessed with steps lately, more concerned with just getting movement in the day (but that probably has a lot to do with being sick & wanting to make sure I stay healthy!).

    Unfortunately I've had the lovely running in cold run quite a bit this month. Can't always shuffle things around so it is what it is. Of course we're not supposed to get a cold rain tomorrow (but it keeps changing, as it always does).

    Good luck this weekend!

    1. I seldom ever worry or think about my steps, but I was curious so I tracked them. It was interesting!

  5. I rarely get sore from strength training anymore but after so much time off this month I am looking forward to feeling it. I have never tried a real cross fit class before kind of scared but good for you!!

    1. I rarely get sore from strength training, either...but the Murph was pretty extreme and so concentrated on just the three moves. I almost couldn't get my sweaty sports bra off the next morning because my shoulders/arm were so sore...

  6. I love that you tracked your steps during the workday. This is something I should do too. I know I get 80% of my steps in during my workouts but it would be good to see how much I move/don't move during the workday!

    This is a totally random question but where do you get your headbands? They are so cool and colorful!

    1. I know I get the majority of my steps from my exercise, too, but I was curious just how much I was getting from that "desk" job LOL My headbands are from various race expos and some are from Hippie Runner (?), a site that frequently has grab bag deals.

  7. Oh my goodness can I relate to the DOMS this week. I started back up at CrossFit after a month off and have been sore as all get out ever since. Congrats on the MURPH though! That is awesome!

    1. I knew I'd be sore from Murph, but HOLY COW, my arms were a mess LOL I think it was all those pull-ups that did me it...but I definitely want to do it again next year ;-)

  8. We've had some rain here lately but other than that our May weather has been great and I'm ashamed that I hadn't gotten in more runs.
    Does your work place ever do a Step Challenge? Mine did that once and I enjoyed it and it really got me motivated because I do very little walking at work.

    That is awesome that you've done that race so many years! Quite the memories!

    1. Our office has had various fitness/wellness challenges. We all got pedometers one year. The challenges are great, but few people keep up with the stuff after the challenge ends.

  9. I actually had to turn OFF my activity tracker the first summer I changed jobs. I went from teaching to an office job and would get up every 15 minutes and just walk a lap in the office to move and get steps in. Turning it off put it out of my mind.

    1. I'm not usually concerned about my steps/activity because I know I'm active enough. It actually was a bit of a nuisance because I usually just leave my phone at my desk, so to have to grab it every time I got up to walk somewhere was crazy (I don't usually have available pockets to keep my phone on me). Oh well...it was an interesting little project LOL

  10. Ugh I really hope the weather turns around for you soon!

    Great flashback photos! Hope the new race is a good one!

    1. I'm really excited for the race, since I know the route well...just hope all the details go over well! Currently, though, the weather is showing a 40% chance of storms with a partly sunny sky (???). That's 60% chance of dryness, right? ;-)

  11. I'm sure I get tons of steps at my job, but I generally leave my phone on my desk when I am up and about so I have never tracked it. Lots of small little trips in and out of the unit, and I'm sure they add up. I'm excited to hear your take on the new race!

    1. That's my typical day, too...lots of random trips back and forth without my phone. It was a PAIN trying to remember to grab it every time I left my work station!

  12. I also get a lot of steps for my desk job! And stairs! I am always running up and down the three flights we have in the office. I am really interested to hear DAM to DSM 20K. Dam to Dam was on list of bucket list of races. I hope you enjoy it as much as the Dam to Dam!

    1. Ugh! I don't know why it tells me I am signed in but shows me as unknown! Sorry! It's Missy from Getting Fit to Find Myself.

    2. The new DAM to DSM was great! They had to alter the route slightly (due to flooding), but overall it was very well-done ;-)
