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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Welcome to...Summer (?)

Happy Summer...or is it?

Seriously, Momma N!  Can you cut us a (weather) break?

The calendar officially indicates it is Summer, but the temps have still been waivering in Iowa. Granted, at least it isn't snowing, but this warm-weather gal really wants the real feel of summer. Anyways, that's all minimal. I was still able to get outside everyday, so things are good.

But, first things first...

Welcome to the Weekly Run Down! I am so excited to host this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. Please share your weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well.

Here's what went down this past week on the fitness front:

Monday - #nevermissaMonday
A few things about this early morning run....
(1) the 10K headband was just for fashion; I really wasn't feeling that ambitious...#reality
(2) the 5K run with 300m (approximate) mid-mile surges...#fun
(3) the sunrise was beautiful on such an eery, foggy morning...#tranquility
(4) the shiny penny that found me made me smile...#lucky
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, shoes and outdoor

Tuesday - #5at5
With crazy cool temps and (more) rain in the forecast, Barb and I opted to do our weekly early-morning 5-miler a day early. Not a big deal, although I don't often run four consecutive days in a row. The run went well, but it sounded like a tropical rain forest as I ran through the park, en route to meet Barb. All the birds and bugs were wide awake at 05:00, and they had plenty to say...too bad I don't speak the same language.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, shoes, shorts, outdoor and nature

Wednesday - #optinginside
I try to reserve my indoor workouts for the rainy days, so that was the plan for Wednesday morning. Ellie (my faithful elliptical) and I spent 20 quality minutes together in the dark confines of our basement. Besides, after that 4-day run streak (and 18 cumulative miles), my body was ready for some non-impact cardio. All was well. I did get out for a 2-mile walk after work, though.
Image may contain: indoor

Thursday - #doubledown
I had not done a core-focused workout in awhile. The early morning temps were cool (again), but pleasant, so I took my mat outside and got busy on the deck.

Core-focused sweat equity circuit:
*1-minute side plank (on forearm)
*15 burpees
*1-minute side plank (other side)
*20 push-ups
*1-minute wall sit
*2-minute regular forearm plank
*25 leg lifts (each leg)
*1-minute reverse plank ("table top" position)
*25 oblique leg lifts (each leg)

Two sets netted me 10 (cumulative) minutes of planking (with a little bit of intermittent HIIT & strength), took me about 25 minutes from start to finish, and left me with a pretty major sweat going on. Next time, maybe, I'll allow for enough time to do a third or fourth set instead of just two. Maybe.
Image may contain: 3 people, shoes and outdoor

The temps rose throughout the day (75F!!), but the forecast looked iffy (at best) for the next couple days.  Barb and I made a command decision to meet up for a few post-workday miles. Although my body felt a bit sluggish for that first mile, things mellowed out for the remaining three. I was reminded that I get to choose to run, after all. Not everyone is so fortunate. No regrets!
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, outdoor and nature

Friday - #SummerSolstice2019
I really have mixed feelings on the summer solstice. It is such a paradox...the first official day of Summer also points to the fact that the days will (gradually) be losing daylight. That being said, it also is a day to celebrate because Summer is my favorite season. I make it a point to get outside everyday, if possible, and take in as much of the sunshine as I can. Friday was an active recovery day for me, so I got out early for a 2.5-mile walk under the constantly changing sky. Then, it rained like crazy almost as soon as I got back home...how's that for immaculate timing?
Image may contain: 1 person, sky, cloud, mountain, outdoor and nature

Saturday - #sweatequity
Barb and I rallied. More scattered rain was on tap (for the entire day), so we headed out at 7:00. We took a hilly route (because, why not?), faced a serious headwind out of the east, and knocked out eight miles. We made it back home before the rain. Total win! Later, things got intense in my backyard with all kinds of squatting, digging, and lifting...(see below). By the way, the afternoon scattered showers never showed.
Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Sunday - #ahhhh #SUNday
My weather app can be such a #buzzkill. It shows all kinds of clouds and rain (it apparently has a fondness for the phrase "scattered showers"). Often times, though, I wake up to more sunshine than rain (which is a nice surprise!). My lower back has been feeling kind of wonky recently, so the temptation to stay horizontal on my comfy bed was pretty strong. But, I decided to lace up and head out anyways...and look at what I would have missed! The sunshine, peeking through all the funky and feisty clouds, was breathtaking! And, I returned from those two recovery miles feeling like a new person. I love it when that happens. The hubby and Max were waiting for me, so we also got in a 2-mile walk before church. All kinds of good karma going on!
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, cloud, shoes, outdoor and nature

So, despite the somewhat chilly temps, and intermittent rain, the week really played out favorably. Total running mileage came in at 22. Walking was moderate: 18+/- miles (with more on tap for later Sunday). I kept things light on the strength work this week, but had a great 20-minute session on the elliptical and Thursday's core workout felt great. The double workout thing on Thursday was a really nice switch from my usual routine, so that may be happening again.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:
Easy Does It
The Allure of a Local Race
Hot Summer RUNNING

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! Brrrr...even with the first day of summer on the calendar, Momma N shifted things to rather chilly, windy and rainy...I'm glad I was wearing something bright, cheerful, and funky. The multi-criss/cross neckline is a bit tricky with jewelry, but that's a first world problem. And, who says the shoes have to match (Not I!). Anyways, I post these pics as a means to keep a gallery of outfit options for myself. I often refer back to it when I'm feeling bored with my wardrobe and need some inspiration (it's much cheaper to shop in your closet than to hit up the mall or Amazon). So, play along...share a pic, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair), and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly)!

I spent six weeks on a "candy fast". It wasn't a life-changing ordeal, but more a test to see just how badly I really "needed" that candy at work (and elsewhere). It really wasn't much of a sacrifice, after all, since I still had a fair share of sugar via granola bars, etc. But, I did successfully keep my hand out of the candy jar at work and refrained having it elsewhere. On Monday, I officially declared the candy fast over and done. Onward!

Lastly, here's what I spent the greater part of Saturday afternoon doing. We have an area in our yard where grass refuses to grow, despite constant grass seed, fertilizer, and adequate watering. With the crazy rainy and cold spring we'd had, there wasn't any opportunity to get some of my front yard plants dug up and transplanted. So, I finally made it happen Saturday afternoon. After 3+ hours of digging (in the mud), lifting (from the mud), dividing, even more digging (in more mud), and oodles more lifting, my landscape project was complete.  All told, 16 plants now have a new home in our backyard. Maybe that was  a factor in my back feeling kind of grumpy Sunday morning?

So, that's the latest Weekly Run Down, in my fitness world and otherwise. How was your week? Cold temps? Seasonal temps? Rain? Any landscape projects you've undertaken?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. I'm so impressed by your gardening! I really didn't get outside much on Friday -- although I did have my coffee outside at Starbucks -- it was so nice! I had forgotten that the daylight hours will start getting shorter now - bummer!

    1. Yes, UGH to the diminishing daylight. At least it's a gradual thing LOL

  2. I could send some of our humidity and heat your way! :) This week ahead looks like a sweaty one. I wish I had some gardening skills like that. Have a great rest of your day!

    1. Oh, we have plenty of humidity LOL I'm sure the heat will come, just kind of on a delayed schedule this year.

  3. My oldest son, who lives in Steamboat Springs, CO, send me a photo of him making a snowball. It DID snow there. What is up with that???

    Nice 8-miler and amazing core workout!

    1. SNOW?????? What IS up with that? I have jokingly said, in recent comments, etc. when people are complaining about this yucky cold stuff (myself included) that I'm thankful it isn't snowing. Maybe I better knock that off or Momma N will dump it back at me...

  4. I'll bet the planting contributed to your back -- that's not easy!

    Our weather continues to be back & forth. Tuesday was cool & rainy much of the day and lucky me got to drive to my mom, then from there to take her to the dr, all in all 4 hours in the car that day + the waiting time at the drs.

    But most of my runs this week were on the warm side, and summer is really roaring in next week looks like. Warming up rapidly. But still raining (just not today -- we had a weird burst of rain for 10 minutes yesterday that totally surprised me, but luckily I wasn't outside at the time).

    1. Gardening work is definitely a workout all on its own, add in the heavy & muddy dirt and it took on a power lifting nuance LOL I tried to squat and lift with my legs as much as possible, but with a shovel/spade, that's not easy.

  5. You have great gardening skills. I have what some would refer to as a "brown thumb" so I kill plants, lol. I don't even attempt to garden because I already know what the outcome will be.

    Great week of workouts! Mother nature was also all over the place here this past week. The one constant was all the rain - she seems to love ALL THE RAIN this year, especially since April!

    1. Thanks, Kim ;-) I love gardening, and try to divide & conquer (dig up, divide existing plants, and transplant the divisions) as much as possible....it not only saves $$$ but I also know these specific plants are appropriate for my yard. That said, the optimal time for doing so is in the spring, as they first appear...not 3 months later when they are at full capacity LOL

  6. Like yours, our May and June weather so far has been far from summer-like. I don't remember such a cold wet season ever. It's kind of a ripoff, although as runners the cool temps serve us well. I hope your transplants are able to thrive in their new home!

    1. ...and our March and April were winter-like. All the seasons are jacked this year! I agree, though, the cooler temps are more running-friendly. I still like my sweat fest runs, though ;-)

  7. A good week, and yes, gardening is back-breaking!! Looking good and loving all your pics as ever. We've had rain rain rain all week, then incredible humidity and thunderstorms promised today!

    1. Thankfully, our rain was not as heavy as forecast, but still more than I'd prefer. It keeps showing up in the forecast, though, so it's a challenge to figure out how to dress for outdoor activity. Rain in the 60F temps is much different than rain in the 80F temps.

  8. Love your friday flair neckline!
    At least it isn't snowing is such a midwest/great lakes adjacent sentiment

    1. ha ha ha...I'm afraid I have been over-using the "At least it isn't snowing" sentiment. We were kind of denied a real spring, so I'd hoped we'd at least get some real summer-like weather. Hopefully, it's on the way ;-)

  9. That's a lot of transplanting - that will definitely get your back talking to you! Thanks to Mother N and her fondness of rain, I'm way behind in my gardening. Hopefully Mother N will get her act together and give us more of a summer than she did a spring!

    1. Lets hope Mother N is a bit more kind with her summer blessings than she was with winter and spring. My hostas were almost too big to be transplanted, but there was not any other opportunity in between rain and other obligations.

  10. The cool weather is good running weather and that's all I"ve got. It snowed yesterday in Colorado...it could always be worse!

  11. I like your core routine! I've been thinking of doing one of those 30-day challenge type things for the core, just to spice things up. Summer solstice is bittersweet for me for the same reasons, I love summer but don't like the dwindling daylight.

    1. Thankfully the dwindling daylight happens gradually...but still ;-(

  12. This weather...ugh! We had a summery weekend but I think the rain is making an appearance again this week. I love the Summer Solstice for two reasons - I love summer and it's my kids birthday. BUT it's true - the days are going to be getting shorter now. NO!!!

    1. Happy Birthday to the kids!!! I love summer, too. I look forward to it for practically 9 months every year LOL I just wish the extended daylight lasted for a couple months longer..maybe I'm living too far north

  13. I've really been slacking on the gardening - next weekend. I keep saying that.

    Slacking on my running too but I did run a 15k this past weekend and it was HARD but went as well as could be expected.

  14. Weather everywhere has been absurd! We've had monsoons and torrential downpours at home, heat waves and ridiculous cold on vacation, and everything in between. Oh well. we do the best we can.

    I haven't had as many miles this week, but I've had so much hiking and walking around new cities that I guess it will have to balance out .

  15. I'd say that's some ambitious landscaping activity...mine mostly consists of beating back the weeds and aspen shoots! But if I had more time & money, I'd completely re-landscape and replace the grass with native plants.

  16. It was humid early last week in Virginia, but then it turned gorgeous! We're in Southern Utah this week and yesterday and today were very comfortable in the 80's, but the rest of the week is supposed to be in the high 90's.

    I feel exactly like you about the summer solstice. I hate to see the days start getting shorter...

    Thanks for the linkup!

  17. Good job on the gardening.
    I have been running since feb 1985 and I never succeed in doing what you have done: a workout at 05:00 a.m. and 4 running days in a row!
    Here, in middle Italy, the weather is hot and the forecast says that this will be the hottest summer of the latest years so ..... it's time for me for shorter and slower runs.

  18. After 26 years, we are doing a major overhaul on our front and back landscaping. Our kids pulled EVERYTHING out of the front on Mother's Day and we had a 30' spruce removed. Then on Father's Day the kids pulled down our 30' X 15' pool and our lower deck! We are having another 30' spruce removed from the back yard (they were/are both diseased and need to go). Next we have to move and replant all of the plants and flowers that encircled the pool, remove our main deck, replace the pool, replace the two-tier deck, remove and replace the fence around our yard, replace all of the front landscaping...and who knows what else!

  19. great mileage this week Kim, running and walking and that core HIIT looks good too. How lucky were you Friday that you beat the rain??? I love the solstice, we only see the days getting shorter very, VERY slowly... that is definitely one thing I love about living in Northern Europe. One of these years I'm going to run the midsummer midnight marathon in Norway, where the sun simply doesn't set at all! Sorry to hear about your back, I hope that doesn't stay niggly for too long.

  20. I feel the same way about the Summer solstice. I love it but it makes me a little sad because I feel like we're just tipping toward Winter from there.

  21. Those little Hershey's are my favorite :) They keep a stock those at work. Lucky me!!

  22. It's easy to see you had a great running session on Tuesday, as you ran through the park. Love the pink running outfit which you wore on Saturday :-) Good job in your backyard!

  23. The weather has been so weird lately! Hopefully this week stays warm. I delayed my gardening a lot this year because of the cold also.

  24. My mother loves to garden but I don't. For sure when I get a chance she'll be offering to plant some there in the garden.

    This weather - Mother Nature cannot make up her mind. Now we are having HOT weather (well for me it is hot). I couldn't take it anymore and finally turned on the AC today.
