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Thursday, July 4, 2019

A Coffee Date...shall we?

If we were having coffee, I'd probably be opting for water.

How's that for a buzzkill on this much-awaited, monthly coffee get-together? It's not that I'm anti-coffee...I simply just do not care for the taste of it. But, I could sit in a coffee shop all day, basking in the heavenly aroma of the stuff.

That said, it's gotten so hot in Iowa ((finally)), that I'm slamming the water like it's my job. That's all good...the heat AND all the water. Glass half full (no pun intended LOL).

Anyways, there's a lot of stuff I'd share with you, as you enjoy your java...

First off, it's no secret I'm a novice in the cycling world. Heck, I don't even own bike shoes (#eek), padded shorts (#eeewwwww), nor have I named my bike (#mybad). I bikefess that I haven't been on the Mongoose much in the past two years.  In 2017, I couldn't ride due to my recovering knee (limited range of motion as the suture healed from my surgery). Last summer, I simply made but one attempt to ride (and it was pathetically short, like five miles). That said, I have saddled up and ridden said bike TWICE in the past two weeks...both times were 15-mile rides on the crazy hilly bike trail west of town. And (are you sitting?), both rides went well. Maybe this will be a new weekly routine for the hubby and I? Stay tuned...

Next, even though it's gotten hot, I'm getting outside every day. Some days I'm running, other days I'm just power-walking. Many days, I'm doing both. A few months ago, Kim inspired me with a challenge where she'd committed to run or walk at least one mile every day. Although I didn't verbally commit to the challenge, I decided to secretly give it a go myself. It's been a couple months (maybe three?), and I'm still going strong with it. Most days, I'm well over the 1-mile benchmark, but I've done all of those miles outside. No regrets.

Speaking of summer weather...it's crazy in Iowa! Wednesday, after work, I headed out for a quick 1.5-mile walk. It was a gamble, because the clouds were looking pretty angry, but I knew I'd only be gone 20ish minutes. As you can probably guess, I didn't make it back home before the heavens opened up and blessed me with a downpour...about half a mile short of my driveway. Thankfully, the hubby came to my rescue (he'd been too leery of going for a walk with the threatening sky LOL).

About 90 minutes later, the both of us headed out to take Max for a walk. The temps had cooled and the rain had long ended, and the sky looked beautiful. Whodda thunk?

As long as we're talking about weather (or at least I am), even with the beastly hot and humid temps as of late, there are so many great moments to cherish. As I was returning home from one of my early morning 5-milers, I couldn't help noticing how awesome the gentle cool breeze felt on the saturated clothes on my glistening and glowing persona. That's what it's all about, Friends, seeking out the good with the not-so-good...it's there if you look for it.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, outdoor and nature

Finally, can I just say how much I love the running community? I ventured to a new-to-me race on the 4th of July. It was a great event, in its 34th year. The temps were hot (80F at the finish, though there was plenty of shade), the course was fun but challenging (rolling hills, with lots of crowd support), and there were several running friends there. Imagine my surprise to see one such friend (who was volunteering) cheering for me as I approached the finish line....and later, she added a pic of me in her Insta stories.

So, those are a few things I'd share with all of my coffee-loving companions, if we were gathered together. Anything you'd share with the group? Would you be drinking coffee, or something else?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
The Ultimate Coffee Date

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. I'd be drinking coffee but only fancy coffee so probably a caramel latte ... It's been HOT here too, it was 75 in old money (we went to the other ones but I can't envisage summer in those!) last night and our run turned into a walk and chat just because urghhh. Love that your friend took that photo of you and well done on the biking.

    And look at me caught up with my blogs!

    1. The pic my friend got was such a nice surprise ;-) The biking is a work in progress LOL

  2. Summer running really does make you appreciate the simple pleasures of a cool breeze! Yay for getting on your bike -- you can always have a breeze because you make your own. ;-)

    1. I agree...I can feel a breeze every time I'm on the bike!

  3. You're right there is always good. We just have to train ourselves to focus on it. I refuse to complain about the heat and storms. I do love my iced coffee

    1. I refuse to complain about the heat (and subsequent storms as well)....it is what it is, and complaining doesn't make Momma N relent. That said, I do get really annoyed with her antics in the winter....

  4. Even though it's warm out, I am enjoying my morning coffee now. Cycling is great cross training and somehow I don't feel as hot doing it as I do running in the heat. The padded shorts definitely help! Thanks for joining for coffee

    1. Oh, I still LOVE my hot chai latte's ;-) That ain't ever gonna change. I also have noticed that the heat doesn't feel as formidable (?) on a bike.

  5. I am loving this weather. You get it I know. I wish everyone would stop complaining about the heat. Soon it will be winter.

    Congrats on your July 4th race. I am always tempted but boating wins. Our race starts at 9:30 which kills the day for me. If it started at 8 am I wold do it.

    1. After the crazy ((LONG)) winter we had (also in 2018), I'm grateful for every moment of heat.

  6. No coffee here, either, but plenty of water & tea.

    Sorry Darlene, I do not like it this hot. The dogs don't either. And I have to get out super early to walk them because Lola is so heat intolerant now.

    Our 4th race sounds similar, but ours is only shady in the beginning. The end is really tough, a big hill, and absolutely no shade. No clouds, either. I wouldn't have gone on my own, but I enjoyed it with friends.

    1. My race was a pretty big one....there were even some elites there, vying for the USATF sanctioned 8K Championship for Iowa. They were booking it through the heat and the hills LOL

  7. Love that you are still doing the run or walk a mile a day challenge! I'm still kind of doing that as well, although I think I may have missed a day or two when I got that annoying summer cold.

    It's also getting HOT here, and humid. I tend to just hibernate in the summer and come back out in the Fall, LOL.

    1. Now that I've been doing the 1-mile thing, it's gonna be hard to stop LOL As I said, I've been doing all of these outdoors....so far, I've gotten lucky with avoiding the rain.

  8. No coffee here, I am a coca-cola addicted (but only a can per day).
    I would like to bike but I am scared of the traffic here around: a statistic says that in Italy we have a fatal incident every other day. ... and stationary bike is like the "dreadmill": a torture.
    Congrats on the race. Beautiful photo.

    1. Well, I'm a Pepsi fan LOL (but Coke will do in a pinch). I don't drink much soda any more, though, but I do like it with a burger or pizza on occasion. The biking I have done has been on a bike trail, so there has not been any crazy drivers to worry about once I get out of town.

  9. The heat has been a buzzkill on my love of hot coffee! I'm still drinking it but it makes me sweat!

    1. Oh, I'm still enjoying my hot chai latte's, on the daily. I just stay inside for those LOL

  10. Iced coffee for me! I do love the smell of coffee too, but I never drink it hot. It has to be flavored :) I hope your cycling routine can continue! I just got clip on shoes and have surprised myself by only falling once. I love them!

    1. I don't know, the clip-ins totally freak me out. I'm such a klutz....

  11. Congrats on your 4th of July race. I love coffee and I could drink that all day long. Summer is my favorite time of year regardless of how hot it is, I'd take that over cold any day. I need to start drinking more water though.

    1. It took me a long time to get used to drinking water. I'd always opt for soda or sweetened iced tea. I wish I like coffee...the taste is just too bitter for my hyper sweet tooth. But the smell is heavenly ;-)

  12. Congrats on your race!!! Awesome that you are getting back out on your bike. Bike shoes are well worth the investment. I say definitely get a pair. It is beastly hot here too but I can't complain as we don't get much of this weather.

    1. Our winter (the past couple years, actually) was horribly long and terribly cold. I'll take the heat, any day!

  13. You know I love my coffee - it's iced for now, though I will still slip in a hot cup now and then. Glad your cycling adventures went well! I cannot even remember the last time I was on a bike. And I love that you've got your own run/walk streak going!

    1. The cycling thing is going well...but it's only been two week. Hoping I can stay with it, at least through the summer.

  14. How you feel about coffee is how I feel about pumpkin. I really don't love the taste, but I love the smell of all the pumpkin goodies.

    I cycle a little - I don't have the shoes (because I'm chicken) or the padded shorts (but I've ridden up to 30 miles and haven't had an issue) and I don't feel so motivated for either. Just do what feels right and it will come!

    I always love your positive attitude!

  15. I need to start biking. My kid loves it and my body would likely appreciate the variety. VA has just gotten crazy hot in the last week. Sadly it will likely stay that way until September.

  16. Great job getting back on the bike! I love biking, but still have not mastered getting a picture while riding, so kudos to you!! :-)

  17. Wow that race sounds really amazing. Taking photos on the bike is a tough call for sure.
