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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Going with Plan B

If at first you don't succeed, go with Plan B (or something like that).

How's that for a strategy? This week had me switching my plans around, pretty much on the daily. Not a bad thing, really, but it definitely keeps one's creative juices flowing in strategizing how to get it all done.

First world probs, am I right?

Alas, let's get this party started...

Welcome to the Weekly Run Down! I am so excited to host this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)
Here's what down, this past week, in my little fitness world....

Monday - Scratch the early morning #nevermissaMonday run...
My weather app hinted that there would be rain (and cold temps) happening at daybreak...and, for a rarity, it was correct. I opted to stay inside, and did a little bit of yoga before work. The rainy morning, though, gave way to a warm (albeit humid) afternoon, with plenty of sunshine. I bumped up the usual 3-mile distance to 4 (this is my peak month for MCM training), but kept the usual surges short and conservative in the heat.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, shoes, shorts, tree, outdoor and nature

Tuesday - Early morning #mileswithGustavas postponed...
Again, heavy rain and thunder storms greeted me upon wake-up. Since I wouldn't be heading outside, I decided to head down to the basement, and spend some time with Ellie (remember her? My elliptical?). I don't think I'd been on the elliptical since maybe February. I couldn't get the tv to work (the signal was out, due to the storm) and I didn't feel like traipsing back upstairs for my music...so I gritted it out for 20 minutes, with Max to keep me company. Later, after work, the sun was shining brightly (again) and the temps were (again) warm and humid...but I got out for 10 miles on the bike. Double cardio for the #activerecovery win.

Image may contain: one or more people     Image may contain: one or more people, bicycle and outdoor

Wednesday - Patriot Day with a  #neverforget bonus run...
Rain and storms had been in the forecast, but all that got pushed back a few hours, so Barb and I were able to meet up and do our weekly 5-miler at 05:00. Holy humidity, it was a muggy swamp outside! I felt the deep urge to do something as a tribute for Patriot Day, so I dug up my shirt from the Hero's Memorial Run (back in March).
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Every year, I do some kind of a running tribute for Patriot Day. It feels like something I HAVE to do. I usually dress in red, white and blue. Several times, I have run (in silence) for 9.11 minutes. One year, I ran 9.11 miles after work. In 2017, while still in recovery from my surgery, I managed to walk 9.11 miles (intermittently throughout the day). Even though we'd run those five miles earlier, all day I just had a nagging feeling that I needed to do more. I texted Barb, telling her I had the urge to run an additional 4.11 miles after work...to reach a total of 9.11 miles for the day. The crazy thing? She wanted to do it, too. So we did. It was every bit as humid as it had been that morning (actually more so), and it was hot (86F)...but we got it done.
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, shorts and outdoor

Thursday - Unplanned #restday...
In lieu of the previous day's unexpected high mileage, I decided a rest/recovery day was in order. My body actually felt fine, but I thought it wise to pass on the speedwork/HIIT that usually happens on Thursdays. Believe it or not, that walk with Max was all that happened (well, there was quite a bit of stretching, foam rolling and some yoga). We'd been home not even five minutes when the rain down-poured (again), but look at that cloudy sunrise! Later, I did go for a short 4-mile bike ride after dinner, but it was very low-key.

Friday - Cutting the #sunriseride short...
Since I had rested quite a bit on Thursday, I was eager to get out for an early morning 10-mile ride before work. Only, the 58F temps felt especially chilly and the wind was blowing especially fierce. I made it six miles, and bailed. Whomp Whomp. That has not happened before. But, I did do a short upper-body workout after I returned home.
Image may contain: bicycle and outdoor

Saturday - a successful #longrunSaturday...
I had 15 miles on the plan, but was hoping to tack on a 16th mile if all went well. I left the house, under the beautiful full moon, at 5:30. I ran five miles, then met up with Barb. We ran a few miles, then decided to change up our route...and took a challenging out & back detour on a hilly gravel road (for about three miles). Gravel is not easy (nor are hills),  but it made for an interesting challenge. Things felt good, and the weather was perfect (clear skies, temps in the low 60F's), so the bonus mile was a go. Although the run wasn't "easy" per se (umm, 16 miles, just saying), it did feel a lot easier than last week's 15-miler. I'd call that a win, for both of us.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Sunday - shakeout with my sherpa for a #recoveryrun...
As per usual, I do a short recovery run the day following a long run (or a long-distance race). As I was getting dressed, the hubby said he wanted to go along with me. He'd left his bike at his office, so we ran to his office (about a mile from our house), got his bike and he then rode along with me as we made our way back. My legs felt pretty good, but my lower back was a cranky mess. Thankfully, after the first mile, all things felt good. We took a mini detour through the college campus, and ended with just under three total miles. Onward!
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So, although there was a bit of juggling (thanks to the crazy weather), I'm happy with how the week played out. All told, running saw 32 miles, walking had a meager 10 and biking had 19 miles (with another 15 on tap for Sunday afternoon). The elliptical was a nice addition, though I don't expect that will be a regular occurrence until the weather gets much colder. There was only one short upper-body strength session, which should have been longer. But, are you sitting? I did some yoga almost every day!

In case you missed out, here's what all went down on the blog this week:
Doubling Down
At-Home Workouts: Options Aplenty!
Biking in the Dark...it doesn't have to be scary

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! It was Team Spirit Day at the office, so I was decked out in Team Iowa Hawkeye attire. Saturday was our big game against our interstate rivals, the Iowa State Cyclones...so that's like the Super Bowl for the state of Iowa (spoiler: Hawks won!). Do you follow NCAA football? Did you have a big game this weekend (if so, were you dressed appropriately in team attire?)? As always, you're invited to join me on Instagram...post a pic of your Friday outfit, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and tag me (@runningonthefly).

I'm always in awe how Fate works. This memory pic popped up on Monday. Two years ago, still in recovery from surgery, I tried to go for a ride...and my knee just could not do it (full range of motion still had not yet returned). Ironically, a few days later, I had my final follow-up appointment with my surgeon, and he granted me full clearance to resume running. If only I'd had a crystal ball... not only did my rally back to running exceed my expectations, the biking thing totally surprised me as well. Setbacks are not a bad thing...they are temporary, and they can make us stronger for the experience if we learn from them.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor, text and nature

Finally. September 11th, 2001 was a dark day in history. That was also an experience to learn from, though. I think it reignited our solidarity in our American pride (as well as brotherhood among other nations) and it also reinforced the power of mutual respect for one another. We do not have to like or agree with everyone we come in contact with, but everyone deserves respect. For myself, Patriot Day is not only a time of reflection, but also a time of moving forward.

So, there you have it. Another week down, and another week closer to the Marine Corps Marathon.  Knock wood, things still are feeling good. I'm working on getting  more sleep, and daily self care. And, I'm quite grateful for getting to choose to do so.

How was your week? Odd temperature swings for you, too? Any exciting new workouts? Training runs? Races?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Sometimes you just have to be flexible, as your week proved. I loved reading about your 9.11 miles on 9/11. What a wonderful tribute. I might have to try to do something along those lines next year. You and your running buddy Barb are awesome!

    Bill and I did our 18-miler this week training for MCM, which went well. I had hoped to get a 20-miler in before we leave for Spain, but that won't happen. Maybe when we get back.

    1. Thank you, Laurie ;-) I'm very sentimental and extremely patriotic, so I use running as a way of paying tribute. It's a great time of reflection and prayer. Glad to hear the 18-miler went well! I"m thankful I was able to get all 16 miles done without any issues. Those long runs can be stressful...with the erratic weather especially. I get more stressed anticipating the long runs than actually doing them LOL

  2. I love that you were able to adjust your plans this week when necessary. I think that sometimes we get so caught up in "following the plan" that we don't allow for compromise.

    Love that you do a great running tribute on 9/11.

    1. As you know, I seldom ever follow a plan exactly as written...it's just not (usually) possible. This week had such nutzo weather! Thankfully, though, come long-run day, the weather was perfect.

  3. Wow, thunderstorms and strong winds, it was throwing it at you. But 16, hooray, well done you!

    I was very contemplative on 9/11 over here. Always sit and have a think about it. We really felt the repercussions in London, including my now-husband, then friend, being evacuated from working in Canary Wharf.

    1. Yes, 9/11 was a world-wide ordeal. It happened on American soil, but it wasn't just Americans who suffered. So many other countries played a part in all the healing and recovering that followed as well.

  4. The morning thunder storms are really annoying! Looks like you were able to mix things up and fit in all of your long runs. Marathon training is going well for you! Love your ideas on how to pay tribute for 9-11

    1. UGH! Yes, the morning storms are the worst! I wish the rain would hold off until about 8:15, because by then I'm all settled in at work and don't need to be outside LOL

  5. Sounds like a really good week despite crazy weather. Our weather was back & forth, but most of the running weather was pretty good. Today was a tad humid, but it still wasn't all that bad.

    I did a LOT of walking this week, as I couldn't run a whole lot, nor could I do much in the way of ST. It is what it is. In fact, I realized just how nice it is to walk by myself, without the dogs. Every time I get to do that I realize how much I like it. Alas, the dogs are not terribly happy if I just go out for a walk with them. Sigh.

    1. You know I love walking, too...unfortunately I just haven't been walking as much since that bike entered the scene LOL

  6. So crazy because my post was originally named Plan B! Over the course of the week I changed it, tho. Funny!

    1. ha ha!! I knew from Monday morning I needed a Plan B perspective (and then it was reinforced with Tuesday morning's rain). And the pattern just kept repeating...

  7. Kim, I love your 9.11 idea so much that it's going to be part of my Patriot Day going forward. And just wow on the 3 gravel miles inside of 16 miles.

    1. Awwwww ;-) Thanks!! Maybe we should try to organize a virtual 9.11 thing for bloggers next year? I realize it's not everyone's way of paying tribute, but a lot of runners may be interested in doing something our of respect for the day (?)

  8. My week was similar to yours, with some changes and accommodations due to bad weather, etc. We can have the best intentions, but need to be flexible with ourselves and our training plans :) Great job on the long run, MCM is coming up quickly! Excited for you!

    1. All of last week's rain was frustrating. At least it didn't happen on my long run day!

  9. Flexibility was my theme this week too! I love the 9.11 mile idea, I'll have to do that next year. You and Barb are great running partners!

    1. Thanks!! I"m really lucky to have such a great friend who is always willing to succumb to my craziness ;-)

  10. Boy you definitely had your fair share of rain this week! You did a great job being flexible. I really like your 9/11 tribute - I lived in NYC on that day and can't believe it's been 18 years already.

    1. Oh gosh! I'd forgotten about you being in NYC...I think we talked about that when we were bunking in Chicago last summer. Such an unbelievable day in history...

  11. Way to go on your long run! I hate when weather interferes with my plans— it’s great you were able to switch to Plan B!

    1. The rain was frustrating last week...and we have more on tap for t his week, too....

  12. Flexible is my middle name esp. with my crazy work schedule.

    I ran 16 too. It was hard but the weather was perfect which helped.

    1. I'm quite thankful I have great weather for my 16-miler as well. That's all that matters ;-)

  13. I really like your 9.11 idea. I like doing things like that. It's small but it still has meaning.

    Nice job on your 16 miler! My 24 miler turned to 25. I'm ready for the taper!

    1. I bet you're ready for the taper! I still have a few weeks before mine will be here...

  14. Another great week for you! I've been enjoying reading about your training and cannot wait for next month.

    1. Thanks! Time is going so fast! Hard to believe the marathon is already "next month!"

  15. I love the 9.11 miles on 9/11 and that Barb had the feeling to join too. Every year I am shocked that the students I work with weren't alive then and don't quite understand the magnitude of the day. Solid running mileage for you even with the storms! Nice work :)

    1. Yes, that day had so much magnitude....and it still impacts so many of us.

  16. We had pretty decent weather around here. It did get warm enough to sit by my pool a few days although the water felt really cold! Time to cover it up soon. Good job getting those workouts done, one way or another!

    1. Our weather was all over the map last week LOL I'm just glad my long run on Saturday had awesome weather ;-)

  17. I love how you were able to switch things around where needed and to still get it all done! Nice couple time on Sunday too!

    1. Thanks! I'm usually pretty creative with switching things around as needed, but last week got to be a challenge at times.

  18. You really did have some crazy weather this week! Luckily we haven't had much rain lately so it hasn't interfered with my workouts. Right now our treadmill is having some issues (we are getting it fixed hopefully this week) so I am hoping the weather continues to cooperate. Great job this week!

    1. I almost had to fire up the treadmill last week...almost ;-) I"m just not ready for "Milly time" just yet; I spent too much time with her last winter.

  19. I love doing 9.11 tribute runs. I usually do 4 miles for the 4 planes. It's annoying when you have crazy weather that interferes with your normal routine but good on you for getting things done and moving it around when you had to! Hoping your final month of MCM training goes well! I have friends doing that race.

    1. I also do a lot of tribute runs...for me, it's a way of shifting the focus on someone else while my feet just do their thing.

  20. You're great at being flexible! I think it's great that your husband liked to ride along with you on your run.

    1. He totally surprised me when he offered to go along with me...and wanted to run the first stretch to his office!

  21. It sounds like you had a great week of training! The temperature gradually got warmer as the week progressed, and of course heading farther south for the race put us in an even warmer climate. The forecast called for a 30-40% chance of rain every day while we were in NC, but we somehow the dodged the rain.

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. We didn't get a lot of rain, but we did get it almost daily. Just enough to cause a shift in my plans LOL

  22. I have a friend who does 9.11 every year on 9/11 and one of these years I'm going to do it too. such a great idea. (She starts at 7, i'm done running by 6 ...) We had some crazy storms in our city this week - we're without power for a while :( but otherwise ok to run!

    1. Losing power is not fun! Fortunately, our storms weren't too intense, nor did they last long...they just happened to arrive at inopportune times LOL

  23. That's great that the 16 miler went so well! Hope your back is feeling better after the crankiness on Sunday :)

    1. My back felt fine after we'd run that first mile or so. It sure felt stiff when I got out of bed, though #ugh

  24. Nothing wrong with a Plan B (or even a C or D!) Flexibility is a great characteristic- it just proves that you can roll with the punches and overcome the challenges!

    Finally got on my bike this week and thought of you!

  25. It's so important not to get bogged down when things don't follow the plan you had laid out. A much better attitude to take it in stride like you did!

    1. Exactly! I seldom ever follow a plan exactly as it's written LOL

  26. I totally hear you on 9.11. I wanted to do more on the Monday, but knew it wouldn't work with the 20 looming and coming off 18, but that seemed such a selfish reason not to. I could not get the math to work for the "right" mileage so settled again for running to the Memorial. It's so hard to navigate. Interesting that Patriot Day has caught on in some realms and not others -- partially because I'm so far behind in reading I had to think back and then went duh when I realized what the day was.

    1. Ha ha ;-) Patriot Day certainly means a lot more to some people than it does others. I guess that's our freedom(s) at play...

  27. Late comment, but go Hawks. :) (New-ish reader, first time commenter...)
    And yes, I really appreciate your take on 9/11. Well-said.
