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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Peaking out the Mileage

Yes, it's just about that time...

My training mileage for the Marine Corps Marathon (October 27th) is peaking. Similar to climbing a rather large (but not necessarily ominous) mountain, my training for this big race is approaching its "peak." The long runs have kept increasing in length. The weekly mileage has reached new heights (no pun intended), as has the monthly mileage.

Thankfully, once this summit is reached, the taper will happen. My training will be scaled back, all in prep for the big day. But, I'm not quite there yet (stay tuned...that'll be happening in a couple of weeks).

But, first things first, let's get this party started...

Welcome to the Weekly Run Down! I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)
Here's the run down on this past week:

Monday - another #nevermissaMonday
As has been the routine, there's always a Monday run. For myself, it's a great jump-start to the new week. I try to keep the run fairly easy, but do add in a few surges. In recent weeks, I have also been playing with a "tempo finale" of sorts, where I run the final mile (give or take) at a faster pace (but not an all-out effort). This particular Monday, I ran four total miles...the first three with 1/4 mile surges and the final one at tempo pace. Oorah!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Tuesday - A chilly ride
The sunrise was breath-taking (or it could have been the chilly 5-mile ride with Gustavas, my bike). The colors were so incredible, there was no need for any filters to capture the beauty. Even though the sun is rising later an later, I never regret experiencing it firsthand.
Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

Wednesday - another #5at5
Up and out the door for another early morning 5-miler with my friend, Barb. Cool temps (mid-50's), humid air and damp streets (from another overnight rainfall), all under a beautiful star-lit sky. Not a bad way to start the day. Also, six miles of biking in the evening. Another oorah!
Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and living room

Thursday - can you say Intervals?
When it's the early morning, and it's just you and the unsuspecting sidewalk...intervals. They'll wake you up! There's a 2-block expanse of sidewalk on the college campus (about a half mile from my driveway) with no intersecting streets (as a bonus, it's also well-lit with no pedestrian traffic this time of day). This week, I did 10 sets of sprints...sprinting halfway, then an easy-paced recovery for the remainder of the distance. Back and forth. Mostly progressive splits (getting faster each time). Three total miles (with warm-up and cool down). Energized for the day (this is my coffee LOL). Oorah again!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

Friday - impromptu change of plans...
When the 2-mile morning power walk turns into a 1/2-mile walk and a 1/2 mile sprint back home (thanks to the sudden pop-up downpour), I had to summon other options. Once back home (and dried  off), I grabbed the hand weights and did a short upper-body strength session. Change can be good, right?
Image may contain: 1 person

Saturday - 17-mile #longrunSaturday
Again, cool temps (52F), but these were accompanied with a 15mph NE wind. I met up with Barb for the first seven miles, which went relatively easy. I circled back home to refuel and grab a drink (water and Gatorade), and then headed back out for seven solo miles, which were a lot more challenging. I originally planned on 18 (cumulative) miles, but decided (about midway through the second set of miles) to cut the run short at 17 miles instead. With a 5-mile run on tap for Sunday, I felt it best to scale back Saturday's run (especially when it started to feel not so great). After the second pit stop at home (more water/Gatorade), I finished the final three miles with more ease than the previous three miles had been before my break. My body felt tired (near the 11-mile mark) and the wind was brutal. Had the temps been a bit warmer (or the wind a bit lighter), I think the run would have felt easier. Suffice it to say this was a good "character-building" run. These long runs can't all be joyful. There would be nothing to learn or gain if they were easy. I did go for a 6-mile bike ride in the afternoon, and that did wonders for my tired legs. Huge oorah!
Image may contain: one or more people, outdoor and nature

Sunday - Mollie Tibbits Memorial Run
The usual Sunday shakeout happened via a tribute run for the late Mollie Tibbits (whose hometown is 20 miles from us). I ran 5 miles, which is double from what I usually do on Sundays. The route was was quite hilly, the air was damp, the temps were cool and there was non-stop mist in the air. But, this run wasn't about me or my comfort.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shorts and outdoor         Image may contain: shoes

In summary...mileage has just about peaked out. September (currently) is sitting at 131 (with a few #nevermissaMonday miles still happening before month's end). As this post goes live, this week saw 34 miles of running (including the Mollie run).  Walking had 9 miles (probably more happening on Sunday as well). There were 17 biking miles (with 15-16 possibly happening Sunday afternoon, weather permitting). Daily stretching/foam rolling/planking is a given at this point in my training. I've scaled back the strength work a bit with the increased mileage. Yes, the #ish is getting real LOL.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:
Making It Happen
Kickoff to Kinnick 5K - the race that went virtual  
Runfessions - Farewell to Summer

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair - Friday was another dreary day (rain, rain go away!), so I thought some cheetah, chocolate (brown) and royal blue would brighten things a bit. I've been doing the Friday Fashion Flair posts for several years, now, and it's always fun (for me, at least LOL) to look through the past images for inspiration on blah days. Anyways, you're always welcome to join the party...post a pic, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and tag me (@runningonthefly).

National Daughters' Day and National Sons' Day
Did you celebrate either or both? Crazy how there's a "national" day for everything, right? None the less, I don't share a lot of my family stuff on here...but here's a glimpse of what we're most proud of. 

 HOLY YIKES! For those who didn't catch my Runfession post (link above), I shared this pic of a hornet's nest. Don't ask me how it's been there all summer and no one (especially myself...the detail gal) could have NOT seen it. We haven't even seen any hornets in the yard or near the house. It's the size of two basketballs. We've been told it's best to just leave it for now. After a hard freeze, the inhabitants will be history and the queen will not return to this dwelling next spring. Thank goodness!

So, that about sums it up. The weather was rather dreadful...cold, damp, and more rain than we needed. I'm just grateful I've been able to get in most of my workouts. My body is still feeling pretty good considering all the miles as of late. I'm pretty grateful for that as well.

How was your week? Fall weather, or does it still feel like summer? Training success? Any races coming up?  Ever 'hosted" a hornet's nest in your yard?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. way to go on all the miles this week! impressed by how many you were able to get in. you go!

    1. Thank you!! This is the first 26.2 cycle where I have had ZERO lingering hamstring aches/pains following my long runs. I'm totally good with that ;-)

  2. Congrats on peak week! Can I get some of your rain in exchange for warmer weather? Good luck on your Molly race today, how sad but what a privilege to be able to run for her.

    1. I'd LOVE to swap out my rain for your heat. Let me know the time and place and we can get it done ;-)

  3. Great photos as ever and good going. I'm not training for anything which feels a bit weird, although keeping my base up in case I get into London Marathon. It's been every kind of weather here.

    1. Good for you! I always try to keep my base up so I'm always in "13.1 condition." Not that we have too many spontaneous 13.1's to choose from...

  4. As always, you had a great week of workouts and I love all of your colorful pictures.

    We had a hornets' nest appear on the back of our house. It was about the size of one basketball and our pest guy removed it. He told me that they can build them in a very short time so perhaps yours hasn't been there that long. He tore ours down and the hornets were, well, as mad as hornets. It was quite entertaining to watch from the safety of our library window.

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. That's encouraging about the hornet's nest. It's in a pretty prominent location, so it totally took me by surprise when I spotted it.

  5. My son was in Iowa this weekend to visit college friends and go to the game! Hopefully it didn't rain. What a week of yucky weather.

    1. I don't think they had rain during the game (maybe a little mist), but Barb said it was cloudy and dreary most of the day in IC. Our yucky weather has continued through today...

  6. I think we must be getting your weather today - drizzly and rather dismal! Great workouts this week. Sounds like a solid week. We also have wasps in our wooden mailbox, but thankful no hornet nests around... as far as I can see!
    I didn't realize it was Daughters Day until very late in the evening. I must not have been on Instagram that day!

    1. And I totally caught Sons' Day late last night....I never know if these national days are legit or not, but I try to play along just in case ;-)

  7. so many miles!! what a great week Kim!! Remind me again when MCM is???

    I always love seeing pics of your beautiful family too.

    1. Thank you, Friend ;-) MCM is Oct. 27th...four weeks out from today!

  8. Your training is going so well! I hope the weather cooperates for MCM! It surely will be fall by then!

    1. Thanks, Coco ;-) I've been very happy with this training cycle...if I can just get through the next couple weeks (and another one or two super long runs), I'll be so relieved.

  9. Great peak week workouts for you despite the crummy weather. Where are our crisp, high pressure days? There were two female runners attacked with a hammer here this week. Thankfully they're going to be ok and the creep who did it has been caught.

    1. Attacked with a hammer!?! What is wrong with people...that's so crazy and maddening. Our weather has been so odd. Cold and rainy again today...

  10. Wow, your September miles are great! I see taper town for you in the horizon. Just about 2 more weeks until you're there right?

    Good call on Saturday's long run. Cutting it short by a mile is not a big deal in the grand scheme of training. Plus it sounds like the weather was really a factor too.

    1. Oh, Kim...that wind was just a beast yesterday. The air was cool, but the wind made it cold. And I felt ZERO guilt in cutting that 18th mile outta the picture LOL

  11. Congrats on your peak week! I agree with Kim I think you made a good choice on Saturday's run - no harm in cutting a run short, especially when the weather isn't cooperating.

    1. Thanks ;-) My pace actually looked decent (on my watch), but really felt like a struggle at times. Fighting the wind was exhausting, so when the thought came to cut the run short, I just went with it. No regrets ;-)

  12. Great job, Kim!!! Congrats on another great week for you. One month to go for MCM. It is finally Fall and while I enjoy the cooler weather, I don't like all of this rain. It better stops soon. :-)

  13. Marathon training does pack on the miles. You are doing so well.

    We have been having great weather. One hot day but the rest perfect. Hope it holds out until Nov 3. My big day!

    1. I'm really hoping for decent weather for the next couple weekends. We've had such tricky ((rainy)) weather, it's been a gamble on getting the long runs done.

  14. Nice peak week! Those character building runs make a big difference - I ca;; them "Type 2 Fun" where in the moment they are a drag but later down the line hwne you see the fitness results you're happy that you stuck it out.

    1. Oh, I agree! The character-building runs definitely make us stronger, physically and (especially) mentally. It's actually kind of a relief to soldier through them, because usually a tough run means a better run is next in line ;-)

  15. You get the most beautiful morning sunrises, totally makes that early morning wake up worth it! And I love that your bike name is Gustavas :)

    1. I do love seeing the sunrises, outside and in person. They are coming so late these days, it's usually only on my rest/recovery days where I have a slight chance of seeing them.

  16. That Miles for Mollie quote is awesome, and that story is so heartbreaking
    Love your Tuesday sunrise
    Yesterday, ugh. I only had a bad wind on the Bridge -- and that was more than enough. Kudos on getting to 17

    1. The wind is really a tough dragon to battle. When I was running into it, I was cold (from all the sweaty clothing), but when I had it to my back, I was overheated.

    2. That hit me with Saturday's 20. Almost wish I was carrying long sleeves v stashing it in friend's pack

  17. Great job with your training! We have had like opposite weather from you lol. Its still really warm here and hasn't rained in awhile. Getting those long runs done is a huge accomplishment. I think the tough ones just make us stronger for race day!

    1. Oh, I definitely agree...the tough runs reward us big time on race day.

  18. Great job on the training! I'm shooting for 100 mile months this fall...the first since injuring myself earlier this year. Yikes on that hornet's nest! I'm terrified of them- I was stung as a little girl and developed an allergic reaction to them so I've never been ok with any stinging bug being near me.

    1. Stinging insects creep me out, too. I was just surprised we hadn't seen any of them circling the house all summer....

  19. That is a beautiful sunrise you had on Tuesday! And boo to all the rough weather but it sounds like you made the most of it.

    1. Too much rain! Well, at least too much rain when I wanted to be outside LOL

  20. That’s great that nothing’s bothering you. Oorah, indeed! I definitely don’t think that one mile makes a difference.

    1. I'm also quite happy nothing is bothering me ;-) There are times when I feel tired, but that's my own fault for skimping on the slumber.

  21. Sounds like an active week, great work! It always sounds like there's a lot of cool sounding local running events in the states. I hope the marine corps marathon goes well.

    1. Thank you ;-) I'm really looking forward to the Marine Corps 26.2!

  22. Great peak week! It is definitely fall here...you can tell because we got our first snow over the weekend ;)

    1. snow??????? Yikes, I am so not ready for that LOL I do like snow, just not until December at the earliest ;-)

  23. Awesome week for you...here all are in festive mood as always in October and November...mine is round the corner...though running only 10K...still I don't have courage to run a marathon...

    1. It took me a long time to get the courage to do a marathon, so don't feel like it's something you have to do by any certain timeline, or even at all.

  24. Another great week! I just can't over seeing people out in long sleeves and capris/leggings! It must be so nice for running or even for walking from the parking lot to the store. I can't wait for our few weeks of cooler temps!

    I am seeing animal print everywhere but I don't know if I can pull it off.

    1. Our temps have been so odd...seems to be the theme of 2019. It's cold most mornings (upper 50's/60's, but getting to the upper 70's in the afternoons.

  25. Great job on the intervals and the long run!!! You will be ready for MCM for sure!

  26. Marine Corps is such a fun race! Meanwhile, here in SC it's still 90 degrees. I can't believe it's OCTOBER!

    1. Wow...still 90? I can't believe it's October, either. It came so fast!

  27. Great job on your miles this week! It has still been in the 90s here, and we are ready for some fall temps! Send some this way :)
    That was a gorgeous sunrise!
    You are going to rock MCM!

  28. Great job on your mileage this week! :]! That sunrise photo is gorgeous! I need to go watch one of thoses again sometime!

    1. Yes, you should go watch a sunrise ;-) They are nice, especially outside and in person ;-)
