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Monday, January 13, 2020

My 2o2o Focus

Do you have a vision for 2020?

Any goals, or ideals? New habits to implement?  Bad habits to kick to the curb?

Recently, I came up with a personal mantra of sorts. Kind of a slogan, kind of a theme. More of a focus, though, than anything else...


While I don't pretend to have everything in perfect order, I don't really have anything specific to change in my life either. There definitely are some things, though, that have brought nothing but increased mojo to my days.

First off, I plan to continue the #MoveDaily gig. I'm a huge believer in daily fitness. Hey, it works for me. Even though I'm moving (and often times grooving LOL), I'm not not always breaking a crazy, intense sweat. I have learned that my body does much better, and seems to recover much more effectively, by not sitting still.

I plan to embrace the fasted cardio workouts (on most days). What can I say? They work for me, too. I'm an early-riser, so early morning workouts are a no-brainer. I get a serious endorphin rush from getting it done early, and often times don't need any caffeine (before or after). I'm thankful I have found a way that works for me...believe me, I don't take any of it for granted.

How about capitalizing on those dreaded 'mill runs? As much as I'd rather be outside, some days it just isn't my best option. Besides, last winter I came to a truce with Milly...I ran more runs with her than ever before. I ran a lot of those runs as speed drills (by default...in an attempt to get done as fast as possible), and I had some decent spring, summer and fall races. I can't deny the treadmill probably played a part in that.

Something I really want to do more of is stretching. I don't necessarily mean that which follows a workout (that's a given), but simply taking a few minutes each day to relax the muscles (which often relaxes my mind). It certainly can't hurt, right?

Why not laugh a little (or a lot) more? Honestly, it beats the eye-rolling, and feels a lot more therapeutic. Heads-up, you're probably going to see a lot more outdoor selfies (following my indoor runs) if this winter is anything like last year.

Lastly, I plan to feed my attitude of gratitude. I've always been a glass half full gal, but my glass often times is overflowing these days. Sorry, that's a rather cheesy metaphor, but it's true. Ever since my emergency surgery (summer of 2017), I've been a lot more mindful of what I have and less remorseful for what I don't. I have said it many times, but it bears repeating: I get to run. Even if it's a slow run, or a bad race, or an endeavor with crazy weather...I get to choose to do it. I don't take that for granted either.

So there you have it. A glimpse into my 2020 plan of action. It's going to be a busy year, and I plan to have as much fun as possible.

How about YOU? Any big plans for 2020? Do you have a focus word or theme for the year?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel  for the Running Coaches' Corner

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. Love your 2020 approach! I fully agree with the importance of daily movement - not sitting still for long periods of time. Although it's sometimes difficult with desk work. But doing something every day, even if it's just a long walk, really helps.
    "Feed my attitude of gratitude" - I think I'll steal that one!

    1. Yes, I feel best when I'm moving, even just a little walk, while recovering from a run or tough workout.

  2. I have been finding doing my steps over the week has helped me get up and walk away from my desk more and I feel better for it. However, I won't be continuing to make myself do my full 10,000 every day as long as I get 70,000 for the week - because my other 2020 goal is "no pressure". The ultra was fun last year but it did hang over me somewhat until it was done (and then the stress of the recovery and being so.tired.). This year I will either be running London marathon (with a more sedate friend, 7.5 hour cut off) or running round Birmingham the weekend after (no time cut off at all of course), then in August I'll be doing the Canal Canter marathon (walkers' cut off of about 10 hours; cakes and tea at the aid stations!). After that I might well work on getting stronger and leaner and pushing things, but until then I'm just going to, yes, run progressively long and keep up my yoga and rolling, but to enjoy it.

    1. I have a desk job, but am on my feet non-stop. I don't know if you saw it, but last summer, for a week or so, I carried my phone with me all day (everyday LOL) to track just how much walking I was doing while at work. My "at-work" mileage, at my desk job, was on average 1.5-2 miles each day. I think you're smart to just run for the love of it (as you up the distance gradually). It's okay to not have a structured, high-mileage plan.

  3. "It's My Day, My Way" - I love that!
    My husband is a big believer in stretching (and not just after a run). I once joined him and was surprised at how good and relaxed it made me feel during and afterwards. It was almost meditative. Haven't done it since but I really should so I think I'll join you on that one.

    1. Thank you, Friend :-) When you posted your hashtag recently, it really got me inspired to think of something specific for ME. And, YES to stretching!

  4. You have a great approach for the year! And, I love that you've found a fitness routine that really works for you.

    1. Thank you, Michelle :-) It took me awhile to figure out what worked best for me...too much comparison crap happening with social media these days, and it kept me from doing what my gut instinct was wanting.

  5. Love your focus, Kim! Laughing more is always good. Stretching, slowing down, really does help calm you down -- it's backed by science!

    I can tell you right now I'm not as active as you. But neither do I sit all day -- that would make me so stiff! Motion is lotion.

    1. Yes, we all need to laugh more! I know you don't spend much time sitting...you're busy all day long with your fur babies and yoga, oh and running :-)

  6. Whenever I workout in the morning they are always fasted cardio workouts. I don't know if I could ever workout on a full stomach!

    1. I honestly had no idea fasted cardio was such a thing, I was just doing the workouts because they worked for my schedule. I gotta say, I do like the side effects...my tummy is definitely a lot more trim :-)

  7. Love the attitude of gratitude! I feel the same way! Thanks for livening up my mornings on the 'gram!

    1. Thank YOU! Gratitude is such a no-brainer, it really makes a difference in one's health (physical and mental). I love all your Insta inspiration, too :-)

  8. Sounds like a good plan for the year! I agree, having as much fun as possible is always a good goal :)

    1. Right? Having fun makes a big difference in everything :-)

  9. I love your handwriting!
    And I'm totally with you on laughing more. My HS ambition in my senior yearbook was "Do what makes me happy and never stop laughing". It's good words to live by

    1. Wise words for a HS senior! Too bad more people don't see the value in a simple laugh or even a smile :-)

  10. Sounds like you have a good plan for the year! Love your positivity. I hope you dont have to spend too much time with Milly this year, but good for you for making the best of it.

    1. Ha! I hope I don't have to spend too much time with Milly either! I do have a much more open mind about it, though, given what all went down last year with the "accidental" speed work she gifted me :-)

  11. I think the fact that you don't have anything specific to change in your life means that you're on a good path - you have a good foundation and you keep building. A few years ago I wrote a NY resolution post, and I haven't written another one since because all of my goals are lifetime projects: more time with family, taking care of my health, etc...I'm never going to be "done" with those. More stretching tho...need to do that.

    1. We definitely are on the same train of thought. The things I mentioned above are all things that I hope to continue doing long term...including the stretching LOL

  12. You have definitely found a system that works for! Why not keep going with it? I love the idea of laughing and smiling more. Life is short have to enjoy it!

  13. So far so good as far as this winter is concerned! I'm hoping to get outside as much as possible! Keep positive.

  14. Your plans for 2020 sound good. Reasonable and do-able. I love your #MoveDaily. If I don't move every day, I feel bad and have trouble sleeping at night. Like you, I don't need to go all out every day, but I at least need to go for a walk. I just started swimming again. I like it. It's a good workout for my calves and ankles and it's not too strenuous. It's a good workout to do on a non-running day.

    1. Yes, even on my "rest" days, I have to move in some capacity. I think the only time I put my feet up is immediately following a long run...and then I get in the shower LOL

  15. You've got some great goals! I also need to do some more stretching. It's good for the body and the soul!

    1. Stretching feels so good....I don't know why I neglect it sometimes...

  16. Sounds like a great year ahead for you. I have very few plans for this coming year but want to keep moving. Run, cycle, soccer, ski etc...whenever I can. Run some races and enjoy time with family!

    1. You are always active! I don't see you sitting still very often LOL

  17. I absolutely love and support all these goals. Laughing beats eye-rolling EVERY day and gratitude keeps us upbeat and positive, too. <3

    1. Laughing is good for everyone...the eye-rolling isn't healthy or wise. I'm all about gratitude 24/7!

  18. Laughing and gratitude are both amazing things to need more of. You always have some phenomenal goals, and you always do such a fantastic job at achieving them. I don't really have my eye set on much yet, this year. I'm in a bit of a holding pattern and just in search of the right motivation to drag me out of it.

  19. You have such a positive attitude. It inspires me.

  20. Love your attitude of gratitude! I just got a little gratitude journal that I am starting to use on a daily basis! Laughter is also a good thing to strive for more of!

  21. I always love your positive attitude and Your commitment to running is inspiring. Gratitude tops my list for 2020!!

  22. I love your attitude! I definitely wished we lived closer so we could run. These past couple of weeks I've been reflecting on how lucky I was that my fall wasn't too serious. I mean, I can still run and plan to soon.

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  23. I love that you also love fasted cardio, and moving everyday. I am the same way and get so frustrated when 'people' say that you NEED to take a complete rest day. I would lose my mind, for starters, and my body would not be happy with me! Love your mantra! Do it your way!
