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Sunday, March 15, 2020

March Madness and Mayhem

Wow. Has it been a week!

A lot of events have gone down (quite literally), a lot of stress has been elevated (unfortunately) and there's been all kinds of panic and fear laid out before us. Myself, I don't think I've let things (known and unkown) get to me (yet), but it's been a week like none other.

Let's just say I'm ever so grateful to have the likes of fitness, sweat and endorphins as my one constant.

Before we has out all the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

Never miss a Monday!
With a rainy day on tap, it wasn't looking like an outdoor run would be happening, at least in the early hours. I started the day on the stairs, dong intervals of 10 flights on the "basement" stairs and the "main level" stairs...60 total flights. I held out hope the temps would rise and/or the rain would subside, but no such luck. With my Week of Pi Challenge underway (it had started the day prior, on Sunday), I only had 3.14 miles on the roster. The 37F temps (after work, still raining), though, were not appealing, so it was Milly time for Day 2. It wasn't fun, but it was bearable. Kudos to all my treadmill-loving runner friends...I don't know how you do it, but I don't have what you got LOL.


Typical "Tri" Tuesday
Another cold morning outside, so I opted inside for the start of my day... 20 flights of stairs, 20 push-ups and 20 minutes on the elliptical. The temps were much warmer, after work, so I was able to do my Week of Pi run outside...another 3.14 miles in the Pi vault and Day 3 was complete.


Weird and Windy Wednesday
Another oddly cold and dreary morning (but with a forecast for afternoon sunshine!), I kept it inside (again) with 20 minutes on the elliptical (and some stairs). By mid-afternoon, the sun had emerged and the day had become picture-perfect (though still a bit windy). This was already Day 4 of the Challenge, and things were still feeling good.

How about a #Pi@5 for Thursday?
For the first time, in a very, very long time, I elected to switch things up for the ritual #5at5 with Barb. It's not every week that I'm embarking on a Week of Pi Challenge, after all. Barb and I met up, we ran the 3.14 miles, and I headed home and she continued on (bless her heart for being such a good sport). This was Day 5 of my Pi streak, and although I felt a little fatigued upon wake-up, things felt great once I got moving. The power of early-morning movement! Little did I know what the day had in store for me, as the COVID-19 scare started a rather large domino-effect of cancellations and turmoil before nightfall.

A Freaky Friday
I woke up Friday morning in a fog. It was surreal how many events had been postponed and/or outright canceled. Schools were shutting down, the NCAA tournament was a no-go, and our local college abruptly ended the spring semester on campus with all the students being sent home for Spring Break and were not to return afterwards (but would be finishing their classes online).WOW. As much as I would have benefited from an escape-the-reality run, I just didn't feel like lacing up. I did some elliptical time, climbed some stairs, and did a short upper body session before work. The bright sun and beautiful blue sky got the best of me, though, so I headed out for my Pi run over my lunch break (instead of waiting until after work). Pi for runch!


Pi Day Grand Finale (and a birthday)
I met up with Barb for the final Pi run. Wouldn't you know, Momma N felt it appropriate to join the celebration...blessing us with some crazy snow (for most of the day). Stay tuned...I will post a brief post-Pi recap, highlighting some of the challenges that arose from the experience.

Sunday - All is well that ends well
After eight consecutive days of running (don't forget, there was that 10K Leprechaun Chase last Saturday), I chose to shun the running shoes and keep things on the down-low. Well, I did do some stairs (20 flights), but nothing intense. And there was a nice morning walk with the hubby and Max after church.

As I said, what a week! I'm not feeling stressed or anxious about the COVID-19 stuff, but am in a bit of a surreal haze. It's uncharted territory for all of us. With all of the Pi runs (not including last Sunday's run), my mileage capped out around 19 miles (technically 18.84, but there was a little extra distance added to "round-up" a few times). I got in three elliptical sessions (60 total minutes). With all the daily running, I took a pass on HIIT and speed-training this week. I did get in 210 stair flights, though. Among all the postponements, the Fight for Air Climb was affected (scheduled for March 29th). I've been training for almost two months, and plan to remain consistent with that. Until there's a future date set, though, I don't see the need for intense stair work (like those 100-flight excursions LOL).

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:
2020 Leprechaun Chase recap
No. Gym. Required.

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair. With Friday's bright sunshine and fresh air, one would never have believed the forecast snow for Saturday...but stranger things have happened. We never really know what we're gonna get in Iowa until the day of (LOL). As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

Looky looky at what I spotted this week! The first of the daffodils are emerging through the soil! Now it really looks and feels like spring is on the horizon.

For the token few who have not heard, it was my birthday this weekend. The hubby organized a dinner party with some of our closest friends on Friday night. I spent a great chunk of Saturday reading numerous texts, messages, and greetings on social media (Thank you, Everyone!!!). Also, I received a few birthday emails from races and my alma mater (is that a new thing?).

Finally, a few thoughts on the Virus. Although it's pretty scary what could come of this current situation, what's even more freaky is the rush of panic it has elicited. It's disappointing to have all these races and events canceled and/or postponed (ummm, I am going through major NCAA basketball withdrawal myself #FirstWorldProbs), but I do think all of these actions are necessary. The hubs and I may be postponing our spring break getaway this week, as things continue to unfold on the social distancing scene. It's not the end of the world (I checked...the sun is still rising and the wind is still blowing). We can choose to be angry, or we can choose to move forward and learn from the experience. And, we always have the option to be grateful for what we still have (friends and family, for example, or that hidden roll of TP under the sink) instead of dwelling on what's been taken away.

So, that's what been happening in my world. How about YOU?

Has the COVID-19 wreaked a little havoc with your Spring schedule? Has your weather been feeling more like Spring, or is Winter hanging on for dear life? Have you ever done a running challenge or tribute for your birthday?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. 100% agree, shutting everything down is the right call, though my heart breaks for those who are facing a loss of income and isolation. I am blessed to be in the first world problems club. Happy Birthday and run strong my friend.

    1. I'm a fellow member of the First World Problems Club, too ;-) Things are tough, but we gotta keep our eyes on the big picture #WeGotThis

  2. That not being cancelled meme has made me smile through this week's craziness. Happy birthday! I think/hope I said it on Facebook on time. I think I've received birthday messages from college - I'm a Thanksgiving baby so some of the commercial wishes get buried amid the Black Friday spam mails so not sure. My personal favorite was from my dermatologist offering an anti-aging discount. If you can't laugh....

    I love your shoes in the daffodil pic.
    At one point I was going to be away every weeekend but one one from March 28-April 25. All of those have been coronavirused. Weird, weird spring.

    1. I did see your birthday greeting...thanks, Cari!! I'm still awaiting news on my (late) April half marathons...I'm fearing they will be not happening (but I will still run them virtually).

  3. Yes, two race cancellations in April for me. In the big picture of things, it doesn't really matter, there are much worse things to worry about. And we can still run!
    How fitting that your party crew positioned themselves on the famous stairs for the photo, haha!

    1. Yes, the big picture is key through all of this immediate turmoil. I had not even thought of the stairway as the photo setting, but totally appropriate ;-)

  4. We canceled our trip to visit my mom this weekend because of COVID-19 because I didn't want to risk infecting her if either of us had been exposed to someone. Also we were planning to go to the beach house in two weeks and whether or not we go is still up in the air. Time will tell...

    Stay safe!

    1. My thoughts exactly on the travel...I've got no business exposing myself to all the potential gunk on a plane or airport and/or bringing any of that back and sharing it with my parents. Tough times...

  5. Good job getting that Pi Challenge done! I didn't have any real travel plans, but was tossing around ideas to get out of town for my kid's spring break. Still thinking about something. I do get wanderlust! I'm not too bummed or mad about things canceling so far. It's been a good reminder for me to just sit still for awhile... which I never do otherwise. Your birthday party sounds fun!

    1. I'm not good at sitting still, either...but I am content to stay at home. This is just so surreal; glad we got the social media to keep us all connected ;-)

  6. It looks like you had a great birthday yesterday! :) Awesome job on your Pi challenge. This was definitely the week where exercise was very beneficial to deal with all the craziness in the world.
    The rush of panic and people downright acting crazy this week has been quite a lot of witness. I do hope that the hysteria dies down soon.

    1. I hope all the panic and hysteria are over with soon, too. People are making utter fools of themselves...

  7. Good job on getting in all your Pi runs!

    I am not freaking out about the virus. Being cautious, though, as a person with an elderly parent. Since I don't have kids, I guess it effects me less. Although I will say I really wanted to get away in April. :( I have not had a vacation in well over a year now. Crossing my fingers that my half in June will be a go.

    Thankfully no snow here! But yes, after Monday's lovely weather, it got much colder -- but not really any colder than it should be at this time of year.

    1. I'm not freaking out ((yet)) on my behalf, but I am concerned about my parents. They're in good health at the moment, but they don't like staying in their cozy little house.

  8. All of those stair workouts will serve you well! Happy happy birthday guess it’s one March you won’t soon forget

  9. Snow? Oh dearie me! And happy birthday! Yes, it's all gone awful here, as well, with panic buying and selfishness everywhere. I have drawn out some positives in my post, though. Stay well!

    1. We all need to stay positive during a time like this and not give in to panic.

  10. Happy belated birthday! I’m glad you aren’t letting the corona-chaos get to you, although I know precautions are needed. I’m really glad we can still “get together” in our on-line community and support each other.

    1. Yes, I'm also glad we still can converse and socialize virtually ;-)

  11. Happy birthday and congrats on the PI challenge~

  12. Yeah winter definitely returned this week here as well. The snow felt very "wrong" after getting a taste of almost 70 degrees earlier this month. I'm glad your birthday was still fun despite the cornoa buzzkill!

    1. It was a bday to remember LOL The snow was so odd yesterday, but I honestly have seen everything on my birthday LOL

  13. Great job with your Pi Challenge! I love the graphic you shared - so many important things are still here and it's so important to remember that! So glad you had a good birthday :)

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle ;-) I'm trying to focus on the big picture and not dwell on all the immediate crap. We're gonna get through this!

  14. Happy Birthday to you from a fellow March baby (I'm on the 17th!)! Thursday was definitely the day where things felt like pure chaos. Things are changing hourly. My kids are out of school for the next 3 weeks and my job status is unknown at this time. I work with a compromised population already in rehab. I'm not sure most of them are going to want to come to their appointments and I really don't want them to either. We'll see what happens tomorrow because like I said, things are changing hourly.

    1. Things do seem to be changing hourly. My due date was March 17th ;-) That would have been another great day for a birthday! Good luck navigating your way through the next few weeks...

  15. Glad you had a good birthday despite all the craziness happening! I agree that things need to get cancelled. I think what makes me anxious is not knowing how much worse this could get and how long it will last. Sorry your climb was postponed, especially after all the work you've already put in!

  16. Happy Birthday once again and well done for completing your Pi Challenge! Love your thoughts on COVID-19 too. We haven't had a positive case yet, but South Africa now has 61. They've closed several of their borders and also flights from overseas. Really hoping their actions will help. Relatively calm for now although the panic around is unsettling.

  17. Because I work in healthcare, havoc doesn't begin to describe what is happening at work. I'm still off, techinically on vacation. Glad for that but a little anxious to return on Friday.

  18. I love how you named the days of the week! I also Love that you said you are not stressed or feel anxiety over Coved 19. ( Unless they are taking care of an ill one, I don't understand why people on social media are so stressed. So they have to stay home and change plans, big deal. I think it is a good precaution. okay, I'll get off my soapbox) I do however understand feeling a sense of surrealism. Please remind me to participate in Fashion Friday again. I did enjoy that but got away from it. Perhaps I can start it up in the Spring again! Your outfits are always so colorful and stylish! And sorry I missed your birthday. I hope you had a good one!

  19. Happy birthday <3

    These are crazy times, and I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. I'm not stressed about the actual virus, but I am anxious about what this will do to our economy, my husband's business, and the communities around the world.

    I'm ok with the cancellations. Disappointed, sure. But again, we do this on a smaller scale almost every year with hurricanes, so maybe it's not such a shock.

  20. I'm not freaking out but it's hard not to be stressed. Hope you next B-day is at calmer times.

    I'm trying to run as normal and hoping the weather cooperates.

  21. I'm with you in the "surreal haze" - it's like the world has been turned upside down! I feel for everyone who has been training for months and then races are cancelled. I just opted to run a half marathon virtually, mostly to be extra cautious because I'm "running for two" :) I just don't want to take any chances for the baby! And oh my goodness... you have shorts on in some of your pics. BRING ON THE SHORTS WEATHER, pleassseeee :)

  22. Happy birthday! I agree with your take on the current situation, the cancellations were disappointing but it's what we have to do. And I'm definitely trying to think about all the things we have to be grateful about.
