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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Scaling It Back

I was due for a scale-back. 

So I took one last week. No frills. No guilt. No regrets.

Have you ever taken a scaled back week? I know most of us talk about them, and we all know we need them...but, let's be honest. They are tough to commit to.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Mayhem of 'fessing

The month of May may be winding down, but there's still some mayhem at play.

No, that's not a riddle, but merely my reality.

Even with a relatively race-free summer calendar, there is still plenty to keep me busy. And, quite honestly, that's how I thrive. But, first things first...shall we clear the air a bit and runfess a few things?

Monday, May 25, 2020

Summer Running Hacks? I Got a Few..

Running? Yeah, we all have our own way of doing it.

Some of us even have a few tricks up our (compression) sleeves. 

After all, why not? As much as we all love our dear sport of running, it would be pretty boring if there weren't a few shortcuts along the way. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Switcheroo, Anyone?

A switcheroo? Yeah it happens. This week was a prime example.

By definition, a switcheroo is a sudden unexpected variation or reversal, often for humorous purpose (source). Well, I did my best to find the humor in how this week played out. Although the laughing was at the minimum, it still was there. After all, if we can't laugh at ourselves, our attitudes may need some adjusting.

Not many things played out as planned this week. UGH, there was plenty of switcheroo'ing (if that wasn't a legit word, it is now) going on, and I am most thankful to have made it through (somewhat) vertical and still smiling.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fitness Options for Honoring Memorial Day

Memorial Day is all about honoring our fallen heroes. 

Usually, most little towns, big cities, and mid-size communities have some kind of tribute to memorialize those who served in the armed forces (but are no longer with us). Typically, there are graveside ceremonies, town hall concerts, and parades. 

Things are a little different this year, with social distancing and COVID-19 restrictions. All the more reason to be mindful on how you honor the day.

In addition, there are those of us who are fitness fanatics...and we have our own options for commemorating the day. After all, isn't that what we do best?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Best Race? Worst race? Is there such a thing?

I've done a lot of races in my time.

In fact, I don't even know the exact count. I have kept almost all of my race bibs (minus a few strays from the early years before I considered myself a "real" runner, that is), but please don't ask me to count them.

I have had some great races, and I have definitely had some nasty ones.  

If I were to name my best race experience, though, it would be tough. There are too many factors (the weather, the terrain, the crowds, the training that got me there, etc.) to name the absolute best one that I've experienced. The 2013 Quad Cities Marathon, though, would definitely be a contender.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Spring? Is that you?

I'm just gonna go ahead and say this out loud....I believe Spring is officially here to stay!

What's more, this next week is forecast to have summer-like temps. Thank you, Momma N!

A lot of our blossoming trees have shed their colorful petals. Many of the summer perennials are filling in. And, just a couple days ago, I could smell the sweet scent of lilacs in the air.

Yes, as the weather took a solid turn for the warmer, I was able to #optoutside everyday. There was all kinds of daily walking, legit cross-training, and the running felt pretty sweet as well.   

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Little Bit of Everything HIIT Workout

I'll say it again....HIIT me up!

Not everyone's a fan of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Some have never tried it, some may be scared of it, and some simply have other preferences for cardio. And that's okay.

Myself? It's totally changed my game as a runner and as an athlete.

Monday, May 11, 2020

It's just a race...What Could Go Wrong?

It's just a race...what could go wrong?

Possibly nothing, or maybe a lot. That's what could go wrong. 

Sorry to have to break it to ya, runner friends, but a lot can go wrong once you cross that start line.  Even experienced runners are not exempt from distress on the race course. 

I've had my share of racing mishaps, and I'd be doing you all a deceitful disservice if I didn't share a few of them with you. Besides, we're all friends here, right? We might as well keep it real.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Winter Rewind?

A Winter Rewind? No, thank  you.

Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I thought we were well into May. 

It seems as if Momma N's memory is a bit askew and she's wanting to relive the cold winter-like weather. Granted, it wasn't that bad of a winter this year, but that doesn't mean I'm eager for an encore.

Thankfully, she did keep the precip to a minimum, and did bless us with a lot of sunshine. But the temps? That's another story...

Thursday, May 7, 2020

6 Weeks of 5K Time Trials...a Few Reflections

Well, this has been an interesting ride!

The 5K distance has always been a challenge to me. 

Early on, it was tough to find the endurance to run non-stop for 3.1 miles. Once I had the distance mastered, next came the task of running those 3.1 miles a little faster. Then, it was only a natural progression to run that distance even faster - but not too fast - to ensure a true "racing" experience. Fifteen years later, I still don't have it mastered.

Truthfully, it's a distance I've never really trained for. Well, I did have to train my body to run the distance, but any 5K-specific speed work  has never taken place. I have gotten somewhat faster over the course of my 15 years as a runner, but my finish times have never been consistent.

In the wake of all the COVID-19 race cancellations, a slew of virtual races and racing series emerged. I quickly jumped on the band wagon and signed up for the UN-Canceled Project  series. Affiliated with Run the Edge, the UN-Canceled races offered various race distances with different themes each week. There was a Facebook group and a user-friendly site to submit your "finish times" for each of your races.

Since all of my Spring 2020 races were either canceled or postponed (from mid-March and on), these virtual races gave me a new focus for my training. And, since the 5K has been such a nemesis for my running self, I thought this was the perfect time to face it head-on.   

Monday, May 4, 2020

PR's: More than finish times

Shall we chat about PR's?

Not necessarily to brag or boast, but to celebrate our successes?

After all, PR's (Personal Records) don't just happen. They are the result of work, dedication, and  (often times) heartache. There's also the requisite blood, sweat and tears (both literally and figuratively). And, best of all? They're personal...they belong to YOU and you alone.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Upright and Vertical (sort of)

Upright and vertical...ever tried to hold that position (physically and mentally) when things felt tough?

Whether it be the weather or the demands of a challenging workout, it's always best to just put on your big girl running gear and face it head-on. I'm a strong believer in tough conditions making one tougher, after all. Why not embrace the #badass training coming to you free of charge?

This week gave me lots of gritting-it-out moments, but I'm grateful for every one of them.