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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Upright and Vertical (sort of)

Upright and vertical...ever tried to hold that position (physically and mentally) when things felt tough?

Whether it be the weather or the demands of a challenging workout, it's always best to just put on your big girl running gear and face it head-on. I'm a strong believer in tough conditions making one tougher, after all. Why not embrace the #badass training coming to you free of charge?

This week gave me lots of gritting-it-out moments, but I'm grateful for every one of them.

Before I lay it all out, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Here's what went down this week:

Never miss a Monday!
Monday morning arrived with sunny skies, which soon disappeared but reappeared as the day wore on. I got out for a short #fastedcardio walk before work. Later, I headed back to my 5K time trial "race course" and got to work on my 5th attempt at bettering my finish time. Again, I was plagued with wind (I ask you, "what's new?") and, this week, the temps were warm (77F). I did manage a slightly faster finish than the week prior, but it still wasn't where I'd hoped. None the less, all of this speed training in (and against) the wind has been a great character-building experience. We'll just leave it at that.

Typical recovery day Tuesday!
Eager and ready for a recovery day, Tuesday rewarded me with a lot of walking. I walked at sunrise. I walked with Max at lunch. And, the hubby and Max took me for another walk after work.

Jumpin' & Pumpin' Wednesday!
With cold temps and crazy wind in the forecast (18 mph, with gusts upwards of 30mph), Barb and I postponed our weekly #5at5 to Thursday. Instead, I mixed in some rope-jumping and stairs with Deborah's arm and shoulder workout. Holy ouch! It wasn't until I finished that I realized I'd misread the numbers and done the upper-body exercises for a full minute instead of 30-seconds. OOPS!

Here's what happened:
*20 stair flights (doubles)
*50 rope jumps
*first set of upper-body exercises
*50 rope jumps
*second set of upper-body exercises
*50 rope jumps
*third set of upper body exercises
*50 rope jumps
*20 stair flights (doubles)

This workout took me less than 30 minutes from start to finish, but my arms and shoulders were throbbing for several hours afterwards. Everything hurt so good!


#5at5 on Thursday!
The temps were still a bit chilly (39F), but the wind was much calmer. I could even see a glimmer of the sunrise beckoning in the eastern sky when I met up with Barb. Funny how, all of a sudden, this early-morning ritual run now has more daylight than darkness. From here on out, it's only gonna get brighter. Bring it!

Easy-does-it Friday!
With the increased daylight (and slowly warming temps), I've been making it a point to get out for early-morning walks on my non-running days. Once in awhile, the hubby even asks to join me. Max was only too eager to join us as well.


(Somewhat) long-run Saturday!
Having done 13.1 miles the past two Saturdays, I wanted to keep this "long run" on the conservative end. Barb and I decided on eight miles...not too long, but long enough. We started with bright, sunny skies, but things turned cloudy (with a little wind) by the time we'd finished. My body was feeling kind of sluggish, and my right hip was having some stiffness, so eight miles was just the perfect distance.

Simple recovery run Sunday!
No alarm set, but I was still awake by 6:00 and there was a beautiful sunrise beckoning me. After a somewhat stiff (and awkward) first mile, everything loosened up. Three recovery miles (plus a 2-mile bonus walk with the hubs and Max) before our live-stream church service (then a couple more walking miles afterwards). Seriously, this is my kind of social distancing...birds singing, fresh air, and all the spring blossoms coming to life...and I had it ALL to myself.

Overall, it was a decent week. The mileage came in at 20 for running and 20 for walking, and one combined HIIT/strength workout. I'm still treating the Monday 5K time trials as speed work, so there haven't been any additional speed workouts happening. In addition to the daily planking, I've added some extra daily stuff for the month of May (see below).

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:
I Got This (virtually)
Spring Transitioning Tips for the Runner

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair!  I'm all about "go bright or go home," and I'm also all about cheetah print. How do you feel about cheetah print...too bold or too busy? If you pair it with a bright color it becomes a little more toned down, but still keeps its funky edge. Just don't forget your lipstick! As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

I have an #aMAYzingChallenge for the new month. I think I do a decent job of staying active, and I try to do a variety of workouts that enhance all muscle groups. During Lent, I committed to doing daily ab/core exercises every evening before bed, and that made me realize how much I had been neglecting them. Personally, I think daily focused ab/core work is overkill (since I'm already planking daily), but a couple times a week is a good compromise. Also, the push-ups have been amiss lately, so there's going to be some of those happening on the daily as well (a minimum of 10, but I will vary the numbers and the positions). The daily walk is kind of a no-brainer, but I'm hoping to do at least one mile of outside walking everyday.

Lastly, I'm happy with how April played out. I did a slew of virtual races, which helped keep me on track with consistent mileage each week. Also, I'm so excited to be walking (again) in the early daylight hours, as well as most evenings with the hubby and Max. I also have had a lot of fun with FaceTime walks & talks with some of my blogging gal pals.

How did your week play out? Did April end on a happy note? Any big challenges happening in May?
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  1. You had a really great mix of workouts this week - nice job! I also love your May challenge, and nice job on your April mileage too.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I like to keep things somewhat mixed up, but in a routine sort of fashion LOL

  2. April was a good month! I still had my races, even though they were virtual. I predict that Iowa will give you at least one good weather Monday for your 5ks, I think you're due. Two good weather Mondays might be pushing it, but you'll get at least one;-)

    1. ha ha ha!!!! I'm actually considering doing my Monday 5K over my lunch tomorrow because there's rain in the late afternoon forecast (and this 5K ain't happening in the rain OR on the 'mill LOL). Stay tuned....

  3. Another solid week for you! Thanks for trying out my arms workout. I am doing my runbet challenge again so that will get me out for some extra walks this month

    1. I loved the arm workout, even though I did it wrong (in terms of the time allotments). I am loving all the extra walking I'm doing again. I can tell my legs are already looking/feeling more toned ;-)

  4. April was ok. Could've been better, but could've been a lot worse, too, so always thankful for the good stuff. Despite being so tired this week, I feel fine now & 2 nice days in a row -- can't beat that!

    My walks will probably get earlier & earlier because of Lola. She can't take the heat much anymore (like, 60, LOL) so I have to walk early with the dogs. But not 6 am. :) Not yet anyway! Always up by then.

    1. I love the early morning walks...not sure how I got away from them (maybe from doing the elliptical on some days?).

  5. Wow! You definitely had a killer week of workouts! I should start tracking my dog walk miles. Actually, I should probably start walking them twice a day but ..... we'll see. If the gyms open back up this coming week, that may not be possible. April DID end on a happy note - my husband finally got his orders. So long as the DOD travel ban doesn't extend past June, he should be home in July!! YAYYY!!

    1. I just take Max on one of my running routes (the 1.5-mile route seems to be his favorite), but he goes with the hubby and I (frequently) on a 2-mile walking route as well. That's awesome news on the hubby's return!!!!!

  6. Lovely pics and strong workouts. I need to do something other than running but I'm happy I'm getting to run even if some days it doesn't go that well. I had a great one today, but I still don't feel like blogging about it.

    1. Hopefully your running will be able to get back to a routine when things evolve with the COVID stuff. But at least you are able to get some running done, so that's a good thing. Great seeing you on ZOOM!!

  7. Great week of activity for you as usual! I hope our glorious weekend weather sticks around. Alas the forecast says otherwise.

    1. I have not looked too far ahead in the forecast...only to see that tomorrow is looking tricky for my weekly 5K routine. UGH. It may have to happen over lunch...

  8. Great workout week! Haha, your Monday windy 5Ks are now legendary! Well done on consistently doing them.
    I try to do daily pushups as well. I do 30, and I need 3 sets to do them. Trying to get that down to 2 sets! 😊

    1. Well, it's looking like I'll have another windy 5K tomorrow as well, but the wind will be out of the S/SE instead of the usual W/NW. Still not ideal...

  9. Great week of workouts! I swear every workout I pick focuses on shoulders. My shoulders are on fire by the time I get done! I think the weather is going to get a little cooler soon, but for this weekend, just enjoying it all! I will continue to walk more often. Still many more chapters to listen to in my audiobook!

    1. Isn't walking a great cardio option? I am SOOO glad I'm able to get back to a walking routine.

  10. I'm trying to keep up with my 8 mile long runs, which I do on the same route these days. I'd like a change of scenery but haven't calculated a different option! Your May challenge looks intense!

    1. I sometimes feel like I run the same routes repeatedly, too. As much as I try to switch some of the streets around, it is nice to know exactly how far I'm going so I can leave the Garmin at home.

  11. You know I'm all about that upper body work! As runners, we don't usually focus on that but it's as important as anything else. Have a good week!

    1. I actually prefer upper-body work over lower-body. I do so much stair work (and hills, by default) that my lower-body "fitness" doesn't suffer much if I skip a few squats/lunges from time to time.

  12. I love upper body workouts! But I do have a tendency to look pretty bulky up top, but I still would rather be strong :)

    Great week of workouts for you! Lots of variety. Glad April is done, but not sure if May will be all that different...though hopefully more consistent weather!

    Thanks for hosting the link-up!

    1. I'm eager for more consistent weather, too. I'm ready for summer, actually ;-)

  13. Yay, I can comment again I think. We'll see if this goes through, but at least Publish isn't greyed out. Blog gremlins.
    It was so good to see you yesterday - and Max's cameo.
    These past weeks have been trying, but we're somehow navigating. Glad you're able to see the upside

    Loving your May challene. I'm still doing Marcia's planks from Feb, but might borrow some of yours too

    1. Seeing the upside (and focusing on THAT) is what gets me through. Honestly, I don't ignore the "bad" stuff happening, I just choose to not dwell on it...it's too much of a downer (and it's not healthy).

    2. Same. Sometimes it comes through, but otherwise... I mean we're all in the same mess. Just glad we're healthy and safe

  14. Another solid week for you! Overall you had a great April - and I'm loving you May challenge, especially the 1-mile daily walk!

    1. Well, you can join me with the May challenge! I'd love some company ;-)

  15. First of all you know I love that leopard and pink outfit! I love bright colors and pairing things like that. Sounds like you had a pretty good week and looks like some good goals for May! We kicked things off with our Ragnar Virtual Race challenge, which was amazing, but I'm exhausted now haha.

  16. Midwest winds never seem to settle down this time of year! They are certainly character-building. Great job on your workouts this past week!

    1. The wind has been utterly insane this year! We usually have some wind, but not not usually at this intensity (and practically on a daily basis).

  17. You're such an over achiever doing double the time on your arm and shoulder workout. I always love seeing your variety of workouts! Hopefully, the wind will die down this week and you'll have a real taste of spring.

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. ha ha ha...the over-achiever thing was totally by accident. When I got done, I was like "huh?" No wonder some of those 1-minute exercises were so tough LOL

  18. Great job this month! I walked and ran over 100 miles in April, and that made me so happy! It's been so long since that's happened :)

    You are bringing in some great challenges. I've been tired after my runs, but I do need to do some other movements to stay strong and well.

  19. What a great week for you! I’ve been tracking
    my multiple walks/day in Strava. Even if it’s only a mile or two it adds over the course of the month. I’m glad to see April gone. Let’s see if May keeps up with the good weather.

    1. Now that I'm back to walking more often, I am amazed at how fast those miles do add up. When it was so cold (and miserable) I just took Max out to the back yard (and I think he was perfectly content to NOT have to endure any extra time outside. Now, we're back to short walks a few times each day (for his business), and usually at least one longer walk for my enjoyment.

  20. I love the idea of FaceTime walks! I've been wanting to do that. Maybe I'll actually get to it this week!

    1. The FaceTime walks are so fun, and they go so fast ;-)

  21. It's so nice to be able to enjoy the morning daylight this time of year! All things considered, April was a pretty good month fitness-wise. I've been thinking that I need a challenge to focus on but haven't ben able to decide on anything.

  22. You did awesome this week girlfriend!! Way to go! I'm totally going to have to tackle that arm and shoulder workout this week. I need to do more of that for sure. April was a really active month for me and was much needed, especially considering the circumstances. Hoping May will be even better! :)

    Have a great day, Kim!!

  23. You had another great week! Ugh to the hip pain, I've got the same thing going on! It's been hard to sleep in lately with the sunlight streaming in at 6 am, haha, so I've definitely noticed!

    I bet when you have a non-windy day that you'll be flying through those 5K time trials, though you're already pretty speedy in my eyes! :)

  24. I am actually impressed with the miles/hours you walk each week. I am not much of a walker. I get bored. I guess that is how people feel when they run on the treadmill. :-) It felt like Spring this weekend but now we are back to Fall but slightly colder. I am excited for May. Nothing in particular but knowing that we're one month closer to hopefully things start to feel normal again. Maybe soon?

  25. Nice mileage walking and running! I'm definitely loving the amount of daylight too and at some point in this work from home situation I will be out earlier in the morning rather than later in the day! (I know I keep saying that!). April was definitely better than March and it inspired me to try with some May goals and maybe even get to the WRD in time!

  26. Sounds like a good week overall in spite of the wind. And I love the cheetah print paired with a bright color, looks great!
