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Thursday, August 27, 2020

It's 'fession Time, but Where Do I Even Begin...

It's 'fession time, but where do I even begin?

As if 2020 hasn't been a wicked ride on a broken roller coaster, August has not exactly been a picnic in the park.  In fact, the past month has thrown a tank of lemons in my direction. 

It's a good thing I have an affection for lemonade! By the way, I'll take that lemonade straight up, sans anything mixed in, because I don't trust myself not to spill.

So, shall I begin the 'fessions

First off, I'll just cut right to the chase and Frankfess that while things could definitely be better (#understatement), they could be so much worse. Most have heard about my recent friendship (#overstatement) with the new boot in my life. His name is Frankenstein, but I'm calling him Frank for short. The two opinions I've gotten on my condition are not in 100% agreement (the ortho specialist at the urgent care thought it was a stress fracture; the radiologist thought not, but agreed it looked suspicious). I have an appointment with a podiatrist next week for further scrutiny and assessment. Although Frank isn't heavy, he's incredibly awkward. I'd compare it to lifting light dumbells with numerous reps (and bad form LOL). A few "reps" wouldn't be a big deal, but over the course of several hours they would start to feel heavy. Thankfully, this is a temporary situation.

UGH...isn't Frank kind of ugly?

Next, I'd derecho-fess that I have a new respect for all the folks who have to live with hurricanes and their aftermath. After the derecho had moved on, our town was left in a devastating state of destruction. Our house was without power for nine days, and our internet service was out for almost two full weeks. But you know what? It was tolerable. A cold front came through, so the cooler temps (and reduced humidity) were very conducive to all the clean-up. Our house stayed moderately cool, we were able to charge our phones via our cars, and I developed a tolerance of lukewarm tap water (no power = no filtered water via the fridge). And, I either wore a different-placed "messy bun" everyday, or simply did my hair at the office.

A glimpse into my derecho "travel" bag

Let me fitness-fess that initially it was a severe gut-punch to be forbidden from all things on foot. We're talking running (my first love), walking (my usual daily go-to), and stair-climbing (no need to explain). I'm assuming the elliptical is also off-limits (but I have no interest in hibernating in my basement anyways). Thankfully, biking (for the time-being) is still a go! After all, it's a non-weight-bearing endeavor with ZERO impact. I have to be careful to keep my foot stabilized on the pedal, and I'm keeping the gears low and avoiding as many hills as possible (difficult, but not impossible, in my town). Can I tell you how good it feels to not be confined to the couch?

So thankful I have the bike to bear this running sabbatical with me

I'll also Damfess that I'll have to miss the virtual running of DAM to DSM. Yeah, that's another gut-punch, since I've run that race every year since 2008. The silver lining, though is that I'm relieved to have a legit reason to not be taking part. The route is usually a point-to-point 20K that encompasses countryside, residential neighborhoods and metropolitan scenes. First the race was post-poned from May 31 to September 5th, then the route was altered to 2-loop 10K endeavor. In the past month, it was outright deemed virtual (and I had planned to run this altered route with some other peeps). Sorry, but a looped 10K route just wouldn't do this great race justice, so now it's a non-issue since I will be sitting this one out. Glass (sort of) half full.

The race that wasn't meant to be...

Lastly, I'll runfess that it's frustrating to be sidelined. Hey, most of us have been there. Almost three years ago, I was on the verge of my return to running after my 3-month sabbatical (following that freaky emergency surgery). That story had a happy ending, so I'm quite hopeful this current one will, too. As I've said before, I'd rather embrace the big picture and be grateful for what I can do instead of dwelling on what I (currently) cannot. Hope not mope!

down but not out

Anyways, those are the major 'fessions for now. It's nice to get them out in the open, but I also feel guilty whining about such things. Again, it could be much worse.

How about you? Anything to 'fess about?

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. It's been a rough year in so many ways! I feel like when there are so many other things going on, this is the last thing you need to deal with. But yes, it would be worse. Hopefully you will get some clarity on things when you see a podiatrist!

    1. I'm eager for a few case-specific answers/solutions. I seriously think this boot is doing more damage than helping LOL

  2. It's almost laughable how much of a dumpster fire this year had been. I suppose if it had to happen, it might as well be during a year with no "real" racing. Glad you're not moping!

    1. Dumpster fire is SPOT-ON! I'd never wish an injury on anyone, especially myself, but right now is an ideal opportunity to be sitting on the sideline.

  3. I know being able to ride is a real sanity-saver! Hopefully the podiatrist gives you a good diagnosis, but foot issues seems to be difficult to diagnose for sure — there are so many little bones in there. Most important is to give it the time it needs to heal properly. It will suck now but pay off later. <3

    1. I agree! Oddly, I miss running, but not enough to even consider risking anything. The biking is keeping me quite content! With no races in the near (and not so near) future, I'm not worried.

  4. Stress fractures are hard to diagnose. They don’t show on an X-ray until they’re almost healed. So wear that boot.

    Glad but not surprised that you are still more active than most people.

    This will pass and you’ll be good as new.

    1. Honestly, this boot is driving me nutzo! My back and hips are SO cranky from all the weird things it's doing to my alignment. A friend is giving me a knee scooter to borrow, though!

  5. The boot is not a fun accessory at all. Way to take this all with a positive attitude and do what you can do. Speedy healing my friend

    1. Thanks, Deborah! Positive attitude has always worked in my favor, so that's my poison LOL

  6. I am so sorry that you are dealing with a sideline, but happy that you have Gustavas. You're right, your foot injury will be in the rearview mirror soon enough. Along with this stupid pandemic and derecho and whatever else 2020 wants to throw at us. I'll toast you with a nice tall glass of lemonade, although there's a strong chance that mine might be a margarita.

  7. August has not played nice with you at all! I'm really glad that you've been able to bike. I hope that you and Frank will not be companions for very long!

    1. I'm about to give Frank the boot (pun intended). HE's not very user-friendly and is jacking up my back. It feels so nice to get home and kick him off (well, not literally) and just not move for awhiile.

  8. I can't do the lukewarm tap. One casualty of my lack of fridge is not drinking enough. Ooph.
    Hope you have just a fleeting friendship with Frank and can get him loose soon. In the mean time, yay on biking.

    1. Our tap water is not nice...weird taste and the lukewarm is less-than-desirable. I added some flavoring to it, but it didn't help much. Oh well...another #FirstWorldProb.

  9. You definitely had a most trying August, Kim. Glad you're embracing what you can do -- so easy not to.

    We were lucky in TX we never took a direct hit from a tornado. I remember we flew out once when a monster storm demolished a town not long after we left. I once had to cancel plans for a talk in New Orleans due to a tornado.

    Luckily we have a generator (although it's not the whole house) and our filtered water comes from the tap, not the fridge. And the generator does power the fridge & the freezer!

    All of that is no joke, Kim. Glad you had some cooler weather so you didn't have to deal with heat & humidity on top of everything else.

    Hoping that the podiatrist as some good news for you!

    1. We'd talked about getting a generator, but never bit the bullet. And, of course, when the entire town was shut down, generators were nowhere to be found. Amazingly, we got really lucky with the weather, so things were manageable. I really respect all the work the pioneers did to maintain a household!

  10. August really threw you a LOT of curveballs - I knew you would have a lot to runfess this month! Great job keeping a very positive attitude through everything.

    1. Often times a positive attitude is all we got, and it's something we have 100% control of. I appreciate all your support and encouragement, Kim. Can I talk you into moving to Iowa?

  11. Oh no! Frank is the kind of friend you don't want hanging around. I hope you can ditch him ASAP. It's weird how the experts don't agree on a diagnosis. Ugh!I'm gald you can still bike.

    I had never heard of a derecho before this year. Thankfully, we had left the Midwest by the time it struck. I would have hated to be on I80 when it struck!

    You are doing an awesome job making lemonade, Kim. I hope you get good news soon.

    1. Thank you, Laurie ;-) The two experts are on the same page (kind of LOL) in recognizing there is something going on, just not in agreement on the specifics or severity. I am really looking forward to seeing what the podiatrist recommends. For the time-being, the lemonade is sustaining me ;-)

  12. Sorry to hear that you folks were out of power for that long! And that just stinks about your foot, at least you are still able to bike! Hopefully September will be a better month for you. I'm sure you are not sad to say goodbye to August!

    1. Knock wood, I finally had a full week of August without any drama! Only a couple more days to go....

  13. I said on facebook the other day I am just sick of all the crap to do with just leaving the house to buy some milk (and a million other things to make it an Essential Journey). The running is OK although I'm tired and I thought it was the running but I think it's just being tired. Oh and you can do this!
