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Thursday, September 24, 2020

stress fracture 'fessions


Please forgive me, dear runners. It's been 42 days since my last run..

I wish I could have been running this past month, and I wish I was #runfessing about it now. But I am gonna break stride (see what I did there?) and share some #StressFractureFessions this go-round. After all, this stress fracture has been my reality since August 19th, when it was first diagnosed.

Anyways, shall we begin?

First off, I'll #StressFractureFess that I gave Frank the boot, quite literally. Remember him? The ugly orthotic boot? Well, he was wreaking some major havoc on my back and my hips, due to the 2-1/2 inch elevation (on the affected foot, but NOT the other) when he and I walked. Thankfully, my podiatrist told me that my running shoes would be a great alternative, due to their thick soles and firm support. I was still advised to stay off my feet as much as possible, and I was still forbidden from all things running, walking, and stair-climbing. But for casually walking around the house, the running kicks would suffice so long as I made a concerted effort to NOT put any weight on the ball of my foot. Deal!

Next, I'll #StressFractureFess that I have an arsenal of retired running shoes, and many were given new life. It's no secret that I have a slight obsession with color, and my running shoes reflect that indulgence. I feel like I've dressed more like a golf pro the past month than an office worker, but at least I've been able to color-coordinate my shoes to most of my outfits. It's the little things, right? 

 It seems like I'm always talking about the diminishing daylight, and now I'm going to #StressFractureFess about it, too. I have not been able to enjoy an early-morning run in the past six weeks. Now that we're on the "dark side" of the autumnal equinox, it's going to be several months before any early morning runs happen with even a hint of sunrise (at least on weekdays). That said, Gustavas and I have been sharing many an adventure in the wee hours, complete with (his) headlight and (my) Noxgear vest. Truth be told, it turns out the early morning rides are just as tranquil, yet energy-inducing, as the early morning runs (and power walks, which haven't been happening either). Lemons-to-lemonade, anyone?

Speaking of Gustavas (he's my trusty mountain bike, by the way), let me #StressFractureFess that he's practically been my best friend these past six weeks. Currently, we have a biking streak going (since August 22nd), and have ridden just under 400 miles in the past 35 days. Once I'm cleared for walking (and eventually running), I'll be cutting back on the daily biking, but I plan to continue biking outdoors until the temps get too cold. Why not?

Finally, not really a #StressFractureFession, but an annoyance...the reels on Instagram. UGH. My apologies to anyone who loves (or shares) them, but I'm not a fan. Maybe there's a way to turn them off (?), but I don't appreciate the loud music or being forced to watch them if I can't scroll past them fast enough. At least on Facebook, you have the option to hit the "play/stop" icon for most videos...is there such as a thing on Insta? Can someone enlighten me?

Anyways, I could share many more 'fessions from the past month, but this will have to do for now. You're welcome.

How about you? Anything to runfess? Or any other 'fessions to share?

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. You sure have gotten in a lot of miles on your bike over the past month! That's great that you don't have to wear the boot anymore. I have mixed feelings about reels. I think some of them are fun, but some people are overdoing them. Mine don't play out loud when I scroll past them in my feed so I'm not sure if its due to my sound setting or something. I tend to keep my volume off on my phone when I'm on Instagram because I don't like when stories play loudly either. If I want to hear them, I'll turn up the volume. I've made 2 reels and they are just alot of work for what they are worth I think.

    1. One of the pods I'm in has a gal who is constantly dropping her reels there...I guess I feel like I'm being forced to watch something that I'm not interested in, and then having to comment on it is torture LOL Since the reels are a relatively new thing, maybe Insta will be tweaking that feature down the road.

  2. When I've had stress fractures, I had the option of running shoes vs the boot. I didn't have the issues with the boot like you, tho. Glad you've been enjoying the bike.

    1. Being out of the boot has been such a blessing. It was doing way more damage to my alignment than my foot was benefiting from it. Glad that "stage of recovery" is over & done!

  3. It's weird cuz on my personal IG account the reels don't show. On the corporate accounts I manage, they do. They are annoying, imo. Hooray for no more boot! That had to be annoying. Thanks for 'fessing!

    1. Ahhh, and my Insta is set up as a "business" account, so that's why they're showing there. It's a first world prob, but I wish they had an icon to "play/pause" them (unless that feature is there and I haven't found it yet). Thanks for letting us 'fess up ;-)

  4. IG? What IS that? LOL, I haven't checked in forever (obviously).

    The boot definitely seems like a torture device -- that's great that you're able to wear running shoes instead!

    We have to go up & down stairs to let the dogs out (carrying Lola right now, who doesn't like to be carried) -- or even just to go anywhere. I know you have stairs (obviously) -- has that been a problem?

    1. With the stairs...I can go up and down as needed, I just can't do stair workouts. Reels are short (30 second or less) videos on Instagram. I'm not a fan, but they're the latest crave for some reason LOL

  5. Had to wear the boot for 4 mos with broken ankle. Luckily I had one pair of shoes with the right heal. Had to wear it again with my stress fracture.

    Used to coordinate my shoes with clothes. Now I’m just glad to have no pain and TOpos don’t have pretty colors. First world problems.

    I prefer IG to FB. I love looking at pretty pics. As you know.

    1. I definitely prefer Insta over FB. And I love all your pretty pics of flowers!

  6. The music on the reels can be loud! Glad you and Gustav have been hanging out so much. Good for you for getting out there in the dark hours w him. I also could not take that boot and threw it against a wall. Who designs these things???

    1. I seriously think the boot was doing more damage than healing. I'm having fun spending all that time with Gustavas ;-)

  7. One of the biggest takeaways that I get from your blog is how well you know your body and how you never hesitate to adapt conventional advice to what you know is right for you (can't run, fine then bike. Boot doesn't feel good, fine let's break out the fun running kicks). That's how you ran a marathon bookended by two half marathons last year and how you're having the most active "sideline what sideline" recovery now. Bravo!!!

  8. I haven't done any reels on IG yet, but I usually just scroll past them, lol. Honestly IG can take away all the fancy updates and just give me my timeline back in chronological order and that would make me super happy!

    1. I don't want or need any of the fancy updates, either. They're not necessary!!!

  9. Yay for getting rid of the boot! So glad you've been able to log some quality time with Gustavas and that the news from your doc continues to be good!

    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's not a fan of the IG reels. I feel like my feed is overrun with them now and I'm having an even harder time finding friends posts :(

    1. I'm seeing fewer and fewer of my friends as well...and all the reels are annoying!

  10. Good news about the boot, very sensible. I don't know what these reels are but I hardly go on Insta, only if I have two good photos one day. Bad Liz!

    1. The reels are short videos. Personally, I don't find them "engaging" at all.

  11. I also like to match my sneakersto my running outfits even if it means running in an old pair( which I probably shouldn't) I have been teaching many more groups fitness classes this month which takes away from my longer runs. Thats the last thing I want to do after teaching a spin or body pump class.

    1. I'm pretty good (most of the time LOL) about not running in old shoes...but I don't have any problems walking in them....especially now (since I'm not walking more than a few steps at a time)

  12. Oh, Kim...you are counting the days! I would be too. I am so sorry you are sidelined by the stress fracture. Glad to hear you could ditch the boot. Walking around in running shoes sounds SO much more comfortable. Good for you and Gustavas. It's nice to have alternatives, especially for early morning exercise to get the old heart pumping.

    1. Indeed!!! When my podiatrist told me biking was a great alternative (at least for me, and my condition), I was so happy!! I love my early morning ritual, and it would be a bummer to be stick inside...

  13. I’m annoyed by Reels too. If I wanted to see video I’d be on Tik Tok. ;-) I’m so glad you can wear running shoes instead of the boot. They should suggest that from the start since the boot does cause gait issues. I’m glad you’ve been able to do morning rides. I am way too chicken to ride in the dark.

    1. I don't know if running shoes are a great alternative for everyone with a stress fracture, but I'm certainly grateful I have the option;-)

  14. Oh happy day to say goodbye to Frank! I can only imagine how badly wearing a boot would mess up your lower back/hip alignment. I'm so happy that phase of recovery is behind you. Here's hoping the stress fracture continues to heal quickly and you're back out running soon.

    1. Thanks, Debbie!! I'm excited to be back on the road (walking and running), but I'm not in any big hurry. I want this healed completely first and foremost. Not having any races (for myself or anyone else) really makes my situation a lot more bearable than it would have been a year ago.

  15. I'm so glad you have had your trusty bike to get you through! I think we both know what it's like to be benched completely and at least there's a bright side to all of this. However, I know you want to be out there running, too, and I hope you get the all clear soon!
