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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Chai and Chatter and (bicycle) Chains

What say we gather (virtually, of course) and chat for a bit? 

You can have your beverage of choice (hot or cold), but I'm opting for a chai latte.' We can discuss the latest happenings in our lives, and give each other a (virtual) hug of encouragement and support. After all, COVID-19 has not yet left us and things are a bit strained at the moment.

Care to join me?

First off, if we were gathering together, I'd whine about the wind. Seriously, wind is probably the most frustrating of weather conditions to battle, at least in my world. Granted, sometimes it does feel refreshing, but most of the time it's an ominous dragon that cannot be slayed. Since I've spent the past six weeks on the bike, it has felt like I've had the wind in my face every time I've been on the road with Gustavas, no matter which direction we've ridden.

Speaking of the wind, if we were gathered together, I'd tell you about the 15mph wind (with 25mph gusts) that enhanced my (virtual) Drake Road Races Half Marathon this week. Obviously, given my stress fracture, I would not be running this virtual endeavor (though I did run those 13.1 virtual miles back in April, on the race's original date). The swag arrived in Monday's mail, so I opted to suit up (in the event jacket, no less) and saddle up with Gustavas after work. Did I mention there was a slim window of "dry" weather on the radar? I estimated the 13.1 miles would take about 1:10-1:15 to complete, and the rain wasn't forecast to appear until about 20 minutes after I'd (hopefully) finish. The wind was out of the northwest, so that meant I'd get to fight it every time I pedaled north or west. Long story short, my quads were on fire from fighting that wind, and racing against the rain, but I made it back in 1:01! When I rode the 20K (12.4 miles) for DAM to DSM (September 4th), that took me about 1:10, so this was a major PR in terms of speed.

Yes, another virtual road race via the bike

It's no secret that biking has become a pivotal (fitness) poison for me while being sidelined from running. If we were gathered together, I'd show you my newest Road iD acquisition. I recently ordered Road iDs for my parents, and while on the site, I gave into temptation and got a couple of cycling-inspired badges for myself. Yes, it's official...now I'm donning cycling-inspired accessories. By the way, Road iD is featuring a funky pink faceplate for the month of October (with $10 from every one sold going to the  American Cancer Society). I might have ordered one of those as well.

the bike chain makes it official...

If we were gathered together, I'd tell you about our current weekend bike rides with friends. Since there aren't any long runs happening for me, and no Iowa football games to attend, we've been exploring bike trails instead. These rides haven't been especially long (at least not by biking standards), but they've been a great way to hang with friends in a socially-distanced manner. Our rides have been averaging 25-30 miles (usually with a stop for lunch and "fuel" along the way).

With all things biking, if we were gathered together, I'd share that my total biking miles for September were actually 361, not the 381 that I accidentally shared on social media Wednesday evening. Major OOPS. I did the math twice, but must have hit the wrong number when I made the original pic and didn't catch it until the next day. Oh well, I'm coming clean now LOL.   

Finally, if we were gathered together, I'd share my excitement to finally be wearing regular shoes again. That probably sounds petty, but getting out of the Frank boot (and then the running shoes) was liberating. Even though I love my pretty running shoes, they are not exactly the most fashionable option in my closet (unless I'm also wearing the requisite running clothes with them). I'm still walking with caution, and not doing a full "flex" of my foot as I step (that will come this next week), but things are progressing in the right direction. 

These boots get the thumbs UP!

Whew! That was a lot to share! Thanks for indulging me.

You're turn...What would you be drinking at our (virtual) get-together? Any exciting news to share? Does it feel like the wind has been especially relentless in recent weeks? If you inadvertently disclosed an incorrect number for mileage, would you let it go or come clean? 

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 

Are you following me on social media?
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  1. I would tell you that my half for next week is still a go (as in a real live race). And that I might have to run on the treadmill today b/c it's storming and cold. I have to imagine that wind is more of a problem on the bike than on foot. Congrats on being back in real shoes again. It occurred to me recently that I almost never wear shoes anymore unless I'm exercising. Another perk of the WFH lifestyle.

    1. The wind on the bike is a nasty beast...but it feels pretty badazz to finish a ride knowing you survived it!

  2. Cute boots! I haven't worn anything other than running shoes or Oofos since March. It's so weird. I usually buy a few new items (clothes and shoes) for the fall and my only purchase so far was a cute tunic/hoodie that I can wear with leggings while I work from home...

    1. I can't wear all of my regular shoes yet (like the ones with heels), but at least my restrictions are lifting ;-)

  3. I am always up for a good whine about the wind. While it hasn't been too bad here in PA yet, you can tel winter is coming. Ugh! Nice bike PR in the virtual race. Staying dry is a good motivator. Those weekend bike rides sound awesome. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday or Sunday!

    1. The weekend rides have been so much fun! We have really lucked out with the weather...we've had some wind (shocker!), but the temps haven't been bad.

  4. Your new love of biking may be the one good thing that came out of your stress fracture!

    I have more than one bookcase full of cute shoes (and then there's the boots). Except sadly I almost never go anywhere these days other than running, walking, and hiking, for which they are obviously not appropriate.

    1. I really got into biking last summer, so when I picked it back up this year, it just seemed like a natural fit. Then the stress fracture took over, and the biking became my "one and only" for awhile ;-) I'm so glad to have it as a viable fitness option!

  5. Very cute boots! I do love fall weather and clothes I just got some cute booties.Hope I can find somewhere to wear them! Very nice bike mileage! It's the winter wind that keeps me off of my bike

    1. I can totally relate to the winter wind, even though our temps haven't even scratched the surface of "winter" yet. I'm hoping I can make it to November before I have to put Gustavas in hibernation.

  6. Your group rides sound fun! Yes it's been windy here but I think wind is especially wicked when you fight it on a bike, which sadly I haven't ridden mine. Ugh. Cute boots! I'm still in my summer Birks.

    1. Yes, the wind is especially evil on the bike. The head wind is tough, but the cross wind can get a little scary if the gusts get forceful.

  7. I've said it before, but I love how you have embraced this new cycling phase!

    Very cute boots! I'm a jeans, sweater, and boots kind of girl so I'm ready to dig my boots out - the only problem is Mother N keeps kicking the temps back up around here!

    1. Our temps got seasonably cooler this week, but it's been so windy that it felt more like late fall. I love the jeans/sweater/boots thing, as well ;-)

  8. You really rocked your cycle mileage in September - awesome job! Hooray for being able to wear regular shoes again. As someone that had to wear a boot for a few weeks, I can totally relate to this!

    1. Wasn't it like a right of passage getting out of the boot?

  9. We haven't had much wind so far, but thats one of my least favorite running conditions. So glad you are out of that boot and can use regular shoes again!

    1. The wind is terrible. I honestly prefer snow and cold weather over wind...

  10. Great progress, I'm so happy for you! I got out before the big wind started this morning and am hoping the canal will shelter us tomorrow ...

    1. We keep getting wind either out of the northwest or southeast, which means you have to fight it twice as much. Not fun!

  11. You weekend rides sound perfect! And wow on all those cycling miles — your weekday rides are adding up too. LOL at getting bike bling. You have officially crossed over to the dark side.

    1. Ha ha...the dark side ;-) It's been a fun knew adventure to explore!

  12. I'm definitely also not a fan of the wind right now, not so much because of running, but because it's apparently still fire season over here right now. :(

    Great job on your virtual half marathon with Gustavas! :] Bike rides with friends sound fun too.

  13. Oh I'm with you on the wind. I think that's the worst ( unless of course it's a warm wind...lol). I had no idea Road ID had charms. I mostly wear my road ID so I have a place to attach my ipod to while I run!
    Thanks for linking up. Have a great weekend!

    1. It's crazy, but a strong warm wind doesn't feel as powerful as a cold one. I noticed that when I was doing all of my 5K time trials back in the Spring. A couple days I had a warm breeze and I barely felt it.

  14. Oh sure, the wind...I would tell you that i took my run to the woods and the wind was buffered by the trees...

  15. LOVE your boots. YAy on shoe graduation. Did not know there were Road ID badges. That' pretty awesome.
