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Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 - looking back in pics

2020 ought to be in pictures...

Well, truth be told, I have lots of pictures from 2020. 

I have plenty of memories, too. Some memories are a bit more significant than others, so how about I share a few of those? Maybe a few (or 12) monthly memories? 

Okay, here goes...

January. As per usual, the weather was cold, but not as crazy cold as in recent years. No polar vortex (ironically, 2020 would have been a paramount year for that). I didn't have to take as many runs to the 'mill as anticipated, but I did make it a ritual to capture an outdoor #cyrotherapy selfie after each of those indoor adventures with Milly.

February. I celebrated my first-ever ride on Leap Day (pretty sure that was my first-ever February bike ride as well). Little did I know just how much time Gustavas (my trusty mountain bike) and I would be spending together before year's end.

March. I celebrated my birthday (March 14th) with my first-ever Week of Pi Challenge. Shortly thereafter, Covid-19 hit the fan. The world of running (and racing), as we knew it, changed.

April. This month saw the start of the UN-Canceled Project Series, and my 12 weeks of 5K time trials began (recap HERE). I also took an avid interest in plogging (collecting trash while running), which started with a noontime "plogwalk" on Earth Day.

May. A big highlight was my father's 80th birthday. Sorry, folks. Long before Star Wars entered our reality, May the 4th belonged to my dear daddy.

June. Along with all the running (and some random cycling), the hubby took an interest in stair workouts. We made weekly trips to the outdoor staircase for some serious sweaty couple time (dinner and drinks are SO overrated).

July. As my fondness for cycling grew, so did my quest for distance. The hubby accompanied me on my longest ride ever - 47 miles - on a very hot and humid July afternoon. You can read more about that adventure HERE.

August. Since there were no weekend football games (thank you, Covid-19), we embarked on weekend bike rides with some of our friends. Wow. This quickly became a new obsession that lasted for almost two months!

September. And, with my first-ever stress fracture, biking became my one and only for awhile. Alas, the #SfxBikeStreak (Stress Fracture Biking Streak) was born. I would go on to do 100 continuous days of biking, surpassing the 1,000 mile mark (1,124 total miles, most of which were with Gustavas, were logged when I finally ended the streak on November 29th).

October. After a two month sabbatical from all things on-foot, October 20th saw my return to running. I had to start slow and I had to start with a short 1/2-mile distance. But I was back on my feet again, and ever grateful. 

November. Although there were no live races happening, our local turkey trot was my rally-back event. It also was a virtual endeavor (again, thanks to Covid-19), but I was able to run the entire 5K with zero pain.

December. As with every winter, the Runners World Winter Run Streak served as my grand finale for the year. I was a little apprehensive, but in all actuality, this recovery/rally-back season was a perfect fit for this short 37-day streak. My mileage remained low, and the bulk of my streak runs were simple 1-milers. But this annual streak (now in its 8th year) went off without a hitch.

Anyways, these 12 favorite pics of 2020 memories barely scratch the surface on all that went down this year. Despite all the crazy twists and turns, I feel like 2020 gave me far more than it took away. Granted there were hardly any races, but running itself wasn't cancelled. Covid-19 caused a great deal of anxiety, hardship, and heartache, but it also brought out a lot of love, goodwill, and generosity in people. And my stress fracture may have halted my running (and walking) for a couple of months, but it didn't keep me off my bike.

All in all, 2020 wasn't all that bad...but I'm definitely eager and ready to move on. Here's hoping 2020 is a "once and done" experience of a lifetime, and 2021 has many exciting adventures waiting for us.

How did your 2020 play out?  

 I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. You had a great year, Kim!
    It's only now I realize that you spent more time on your bike BEFORE your stress fracture in September. It was providential that your love for bike riding was there before the fracture. That way it was easier for you to adapt. Lucky girl!
    A happy 2021 to you too!

    1. Yes, dear old Gustavas was a faithful friend before I really needed him in this Fall LOL Honestly, having other cardio options is something to be thankful for. I love running, and I love walking...but neither of those are stress fracture friendly. Happy 2021 to YOU!!

  2. I love how you always make the best of things, Kim, even when you're dealt a raw deal. But out of that grew your love of biking, too, so that is something I know you'll keep up going forward. Love the photo of your Dad on his birthday.

    I feel we have been so lucky in 2020, knock on wood, but it was also a year that was marred by difficult events, too. We moved my Dad to a nursing home the day before Christmas in 2019, and that started the inevitable downward spiral leading to his passing in 1/2020 -- and I am actually quite grateful that happened before COVID really reared its ugly head

    And of course the passing of our sweet Lola 2 months ago. She is still very much on my mind.

    OTOH, I got us out to a lot of new places, got myself out to run in a few new places -- always some good with the bad!

    It'll be fun to see what adventures you tackle in 2021, Kim.

    1. There definitely were some tough times this year (for all of us), but there were so many great things, too. I don't ignore the less-than-perfect things, but it serves me better to cherish the nicer stuff.

  3. My favorite thing about 2020 was all of the extra time outside. All of the runs that I got to do outside in sunlight instead of on the treadmill in the dark, all of the work time that I spent in my "Friday office" (the backyard), and all of the extra dog walks. Here's to 2021!

    1. And I'm sure your dog appreciated having you around more than usual ;-) I really got spoiled the two weeks I was working from home, and the laid-back time constraint (for showering LOL) was sweet. Best wishes for a great 2021!!

  4. Love your pics and accomplishments in spite of adversity - stress fracture & COVID.

    You always look so colorful and your pics make me smile.

    Hopefully we both stay healthy and injury-free in 2021 and have virtual races together and who knows, maybe an in-person one...someday.

    1. I'm craving some real races, as we all are. At least this year we all learned how to cope with the absence of them...

  5. What a year! It was a pretty good one overall, despite all the challenges. I am having a really hard time remembering what happened in January and February, pre-covid.

    1. I had forgotten about the pre-covid life as well. I had to look back through some of my Jan/Feb posts to refresh my memory LOL

  6. Covid did not take the fun away from us! I love how you always made the best of it all these months.

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Well, we can dwell on all that was missing from 2020, or we can celebrate all that we still had ;-)

  7. You had a really strong year and were able to keep up your fitness no matter what challenges came your way. Glad you found a love of cycling and that you got your hubs to join you as well

    1. Well, the hubs was a fan of cycling long before me, so he was really happy to have me come around LOL He still hasn't convinced me to do the week-long ride across Iowa (RAGBRAI...look it up). I had a great support group to keep me inspired ;-)

  8. Bravo Kim! You did an awesome job rolling the challenges. I always appreciate your glass-half full attitude :)

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) It was a challenging year, but oh well. I know I was not alone in all the craziness!

  9. So glad the stress fracture healed up and you're back on your feet! But like you said, you definitely didn't miss any fun races :) Here's to health and happiness in 2021!

    1. Right? This was the perfect year to be side-lined from running and racing ;-)

  10. Wow - what a year! Wasn't it fun to look back at some of the good things in 2020? I especially love the photo from your dad's birthday and the turkey trot photo.

    1. It was quite a year. Hard to believe all that happened (and that didn't happen as planned). But we made it!

  11. Such a busy and strong year despite the boot! You really adjusted well. Hope 2021 brings you the best!

  12. I love looking back at your year in pictures! You made a great come back after your stress fracture! And awesome job with your bike. Seeing your cycling photos always makes me want to dust off my own bike and get back on the road.

  13. What a fun trip down memory lane! The boot was an unfortunate hiccup, but you are back to it and will be in top form before you know it! Happy New Year Kim!

  14. I love that I'm not the only one who chooses sweaty dates over dinner and drinks!! I keep saying this but What a Year... I look back and think, How did we get through all of that? I know we still have a long way to go but at least we are now armed with better tools and lessons to get us through. In a way (although its awful that this affected the whole world) but I think the fact that the world was affected helped to bond all of us. It wasn't just a virus in one part of the world that no one could quite relate to. I felt the fact we were all going through it, kind of bonded us all as humans fighting one enemy. But really hoping 2021 is less dramatic!
