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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Not Just Another Week

It was not like any other week.

The winter temps are still a reality, but they have been bearable. We've been blessed with a lot of sunshine, and the wind hasn't been too evil. As much as I look forward to the arrival of summer, though, I have actually been quite content with Winter (so far).

Trust me, stranger things have happened.

Before I give you the nitty gritty details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what down this past week:

Never miss a Monday.
Another Monday, another 10-mile ride to start the day. Seriously, these early morning rides are really feeling good! After work, I got out for a 5K run on the route that goes by my house (it goes out on a county road and loops back by the college campus, before finishing at my driveway). I'll spare you another post-run selfie LOL...but trust me, the run DID happen.

Another Typical Tuesday.
You can't see him, but the hubby joined me in the sweat den; he got the bike and I got the elliptical. Messy hair, don't care (that's what five "miles" of elliptical action will do to you)...and if you want to add some wrinkles, try a mosaic filter on your photo. You can also take a quick 1-mile walk after work (that's what I did).

Another Wonderful Wednesday.
In an effort to mix up my routine, while adding a little more distance to my mid-week run, I came up with the idea to run a figure-8 pattern around some of the (hilly) blocks in my 'hood. The temps were cold and windy (8F, with a -5F feel's like). Since I was constantly changing directions, though, I didn't have to fight a headwind very much. Alas, this run felt really good! Four figure-8's netted me 12 hills and four total miles. I even threw in a few strides on the downhill portions...because, why not? And, another 1-mile walk after work. Ta-da!

Another Thankful Thursday.
Admittedly, I have been going pretty hard on the cardio lately.  Instead, I did some focused core/balance work and snuck in some upper-body strength work with it. Planks, twists, and lifts...let's just say we had a ball, literally. Later, there was a sun-filled 2-mile walk over lunch.

Another Fun  (but Frigid) Friday.
When it's just you and Ellie (and Grace and Frankie), there's no need for caffeine. Five miles of glorified gliding had me glistening and glowing (and giggling). BTW, Ellie is the elliptical, and she showed me no mercy. After work, the hubby joined me for a 2-mile freeze-your-face walk.

Another Sensationally Sunny Saturday.
Call me crazy, but I love an action-packed Saturday morning. Temps were freezing (literally), but I met up with Barb for a 5-mile run at 7:00AM. The sunrise was absolutely breathtaking (#NoFilter), the streets were clear, and the wind was pretty much a no-show. Afterwards, I had a 10-mile Zoom ride with Coco and Kim. And, believe it or not, my legs felt like jelly when I was finished (but a good kind of jelly LOL). Another upper-body workout, in the evening, ensured a good night of sleep.

Another Simple Sunday.
Often times, the un-shoveled path is far more exciting, invigorating and will give you a better burn. Case in point, Sunday morning. I had contemplated a short recovery run, but my lower back was feeling cranky. Instead, I opted for a 2-mile walk, which turned into more of a power hike in the 2-3 inches of fresh snow. There were several "balance check points," so hiking definitely was the smart way to go. Glass half full! Afterwards, I hopped on the bike for five quick "warm-me-back-up" miles.

So, I'm happy with the week! I'm slowly increasing my weekly running mileage; this week saw 12 miles. Walking was a bit meh, with only 9 miles this week (there may be more happening later Sunday, though). The elliptical and indoor bike are my early morning go-to's when I'm not hitting the streets; 10 "miles" on the elliptical and 35 on the bike. I'm also incorporating 10 flights of stairs prior to some of my runs, as a warm-up (30 flights this week). Two strength workouts. Ka-ching.
In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! Friday was one of our coldest days of the season, temps pretty much stayed in the low teens all day, and the wind kept the feels-like temps in the lower single digits. At least we had clear blue skies and plenty of sunshine. I double-sweater'd it to keep from shivering, and the kiwi scarf was a bonus piece for warmth (as well as a needed punch of color). Have you ever double-layered the sweaters to stay cozy in the cold? As always, you're invited to join the party...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

It was a week of celebration with our little Max. His birthday was on Tuesday (the 19th), and his Gotcha Day is today (January 24th)!  We've had him for six years already, and we're so thankful the stars, moons and planets all aligned in finding him at a nearby shelter (#AdoptDontShop).

Lastly, I finally bit the bullet and re-registered for the Air Force Marathon. I was registered last year, but Covid jacked up the live race. Sorry, I have ZERO interest in running a virtual marathon, but was able to defer my registration to 2021. I'm hoping marathon weekend holds in September, or I may be deferring it to 2022. Fingers crossed!

So, there you have it! Another week in the books, and we're another week closer to Summer. It's all good.

How are things in your world? Sub-freezing temps? Opting outside? Any big races that you've optimistically registered for in the fall?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Sorry I missed the ride yesterday. But it's my running time and I run long. I'll join you if it rains.

    The sun has eluded us here except for yesterday but the clouds were replaced by WIND!!! It was awful.

    Looking forward to summer too....it will be a while so I better get used to it. And of course, I get outside and run and walk...just don't like it. lol

    1. Wind is SO painful! I don't even really like it in the warmer months either...

  2. I love that Saturday sunrise — and our Saturday ride. Max is such a cutie. I’ve done a few walks with Scooby this week, but yesterday he saw a cat before I did and I had the leash in my left hand — which is my dominant hand and the side of my fracture. So, that was uncomfortable

    1. I was so happy to catch the sunrise yesterday! I really miss seeing it on the regular...another reason I'm looking forward to the extended daylight (that is slowly increasing).

  3. Sub zero and about 4-5" of snow here which is NOT common. I do have yaktrax and nanospikes but I didn't want to risk it out today, which is a shame. I do worry about my livelihood as I sit here typing fast, every day, to earn my living, and don't want to dislocate or break something in my arm or wrist! LOve your pics and runs!

    1. We have more snow forecast for tomorrow afternoon. Yay (#sarcasm). Hopefully we have "just" another 5-6 weeks of true winter weather...

  4. It was 14 degrees on my long run and I didn't know what to wear. Luckily I got it right for the most part and even ended up taking off my gloves at a few points. Funny how it can be so cold but hands are sweating! I love the lion in your workout room. Such pretty warm colors! Great workouts this week!

    1. I start most of my "long" Saturday runs with thick gloves layered over a thin pair, and then remover the thin ones after the first couple miles. Knock wood, that seems to be working LOL The lion is one of my art geek creations...not sure if he's going to stay there or not (stay tuned...there's a story behind it)

  5. Happy birthday and gotcha day, Max!
    LOL at a good kind of jelly, but it is so true. I think we need an art tour of your exercise room.

    1. Ha ha! A future blog post will feature my workout room (when it's "done"). It's still a work in progress...

    2. Can't wait. Also put museum-ing on the list of things we'll do when travel is a thing

  6. Happy birthday and gotcha day, sweet Max!

    We had some cold days this week - frost and freezes and all that jazz. And then it got warm. And then it got cold again. So "fun." Really.

    Love that you have those virtual, group rides. It's so fun to get to "work out" with friends!

    1. It's frustrating with the warm/cold/hot/freezing cycle!

  7. Happy Bday to Max! I have also come to the realization that I cannot push it hard everyday and expect to see improvements everywhere all the time. Took me long enough to figure that out. Looks like another solid week for you. Have a great week ahead!

    1. It's hard to scale things back when everything feels so good. That's why I'm really taking things slow in building back my running...I have no reason to rush things right now, and I have plenty of other things to keep me active. It's all good ;-)

  8. The was the first week I felt like I was pretty cold on my runs. It was really just because of the wind! I haven't registered for any races yet. Still waiting to see how things play out.

    1. The wind is so cruel! I'm glad I came up with the idea of the figure-8 run for Wednesday's run...that was a game-changer with the wind that morning.

  9. Yay for planning to run the Air Force Marathon! I hope it can go off as planned this year and without a hitch.

    So bummed that I missed yesterday's Zoom ride, but at least I got it done! Max is indeed a lucky little guy to have found your family.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. I'm pretty optimistic the AF Marathon will be a go, and I'll (probably) have the option to defer it again if need be. It does feel good to have it officially on the calendar, though!

  10. Thankful it hasn't been too cold this winter. We've had a lot of sunshine, which is really unusual for January. It sure helps!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day to Max! What a well-loved little pup. I'm ready for winter to be over; too many layers, way too much to think about compared to summer running :)

  12. Hooray for being able to defer your marathon. I suspect running a virtual 26.2 would be a hard no for me as well. I cringe at the thought. Hopefully everything will clear up and races can resume by fall.

    1. I'd think by fall, racing should be back (with safety protocol still in place). I can handle a virtual 13.1, but 26.2 would be much too far on my local streets.

  13. We had the cold and all the wind yesterday! Luckily for me it was a good day to relax inside & make chicken noodle soup. :)

    Fingers crossed for your marathon! I can't even fathom a virtual one, although people do it all the time.

    1. The wind has been cold, but not as bad as it could be (yet). I'm just ready for warmer days. I'm still managing to get outside for at least 21 minutes each day, thanks to you ;-)

  14. All you guys up north who are getting out there in the cold and dark deserve a medal! I grew up in the midwest so I know what it's like... ugh. You're obviously not letting it hold you back though!
    Happy Birthday to Max... he's a lucky little dog.

    1. Well, I can bear the cold because I hate the treadmill even more. A couple years ago, we had a nasty polar vortex, with temps in the -60F range with wind....I did a lot of treadmill running then LOL

  15. Crossing my fingers that your marathon takes place. I don't blame you for having no interest in a virtual one. It's been too cold for me. Ha, I am being a wimp about it and now cannot handle it anymore. :-)

    1. I'm amazed at how well I have been tolerating the cold...thankfully, the weather hasn't been too extreme yet.

  16. Happy belated birthday to Max! He's such a cutie :) I love your Fashion Friday outfit! I pretty much live in leggings and joggers all week so nothing very fashionable for me on Fridays lol.

    Fingers crossed for the Air Force Marathon. Totally don't blame you for not wanting to run a virtual marathon - that just sounds like torture. Fingers crossed that the race will happen - I think you have a good chance of this since it's a Fall race and hopefully many people will be vaccinated by then.

    1. I agree about the marathon. It's quite a ways off, so hopefully by then racing will be back ON (even with some precautions/protocol still in place).

  17. Happy BDay to Max! My dog is my #1 reason for leaving the house these days and I'm Ok with that (and very happy that we have her). We don't have a weight bench so I often use our ab ball for chest presses. Registration for our local marathon opened this week and I couldn't get there fast enough to sign up for the half. I really, really, really think that fall races will happen in person (spring races will happen as well one way or another though most likely virtually).

    1. I finally had the hubby put more air in my exercise ball yesterday because it was painfully low. I don't have a weight bench, either, so the ball is my bench.

  18. We had ALL the cold this weekend too - it was feels like 7 degrees when i 'woke up and it "warmed up" to feels like 11 when I went for my run. But I still was glad I got it in and didn't have to stay on the treadmill.
    Happy bday and gotcha day for Max! And here's to hoping you can get in that IN PERSON marathon this year!

    1. It's crazy, but anything above zero is feeling "bearable" to me these days as long as the wind plays nice.

  19. Another solid week for you! I'm sorry I had to miss yesterday's ride, but hope to catch with you again soon.

    Max is such a cutie! Happy B-day and Gotcha day to him :)

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you on your fall race. I've been eyeing an October half marathon and debating on whether to register.

    1. It really is hard to pull the trigger on registering for fall races, even though I believe racing will be back by then. Things may not be back in full swing, but I am hopeful races will at least not all be virtual anymore. Yes, fingers crossed!!

  20. how fun that the hubby joined you a few times as well this week! fingers crossed your marathon actually happens - it's september so maybe there's a better chance! good week, Kim! hope to join you again on the virtual ride soon.

  21. Happy Birthday/Gotcha Day to Max! Kylo will be 4 in March it's crazy how time flies! I adopted him in 2017 so it's 4 years as well. My baby is getting so big!

    I am not one for virtual marathons. So far all my road races have gone virtual or postponed to fall so I only have trail/obstacle races this spring. Those have been happening quite regularly for a few months down here now so fingers crossed they all continue to go off without a hitch.
