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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Yes, Let's 'Fess

Runfessions...oh yes, I have a few. And they're not all running related.

So, here we are. The first official 'fessional opportunity of 2021.

What say we get started. I'm game, are you? Yes, let's 'fess!

Let me begin with a #buzzkill 'fession.
First of all, I'm so enjoying the increasing daylight! I haven't quite noticed it as much in the morning (because I'm usually in the shower when it happens). After work, though, it's very clear and present. I was talking with a co-worker, also a fellow runner, and he said he was eager for Spring to get here and Winter to leave the premises. I told him, I was just plain-and-simple eager for Summer...to which he reminded me that the sooner summer gets here, the closer we'll be to Fall (and Winter) returning afterwards. So true. My bad. That being said, I have to runfess that I'm really not loathing Winter as much as usual this year. I haven't had to fight the wind (much) and the temps haven't been too extreme (yet).

How about a major #oops 'fession? 
I was all excited to have #BlissfulPersistence in place as my theme/focus for 2021. I even started using the hashtag a few days before the start of the new year because it just felt so perfect. Well, this week, I realized that I had been spelling it wrong on Instagram (persistance instead of persistence). I must have inadvertently spelled it wrong the first time I used it, because it kept popping back up that way and I just clicked on it for each and every post. So, I runfess that I went back and edited each and every post and corrected it. I'm just glad I noticed it in January and not several months later. Glass half full!

Then, there's that #CoffeeFail 'fession.
You may remember (or not LOL) that last month I set the ambitious goal of trying to become a real coffee drinker. Ugh. Foolish me, I thought starting with the fancy flavored coffee K-cups would be the route to go. Well, much to my disdain, the flavored stuff (even with a generous amount of creamer added) still tastes like...coffee. I gotta runfess, my coffee-drinking future is not looking too promising at the moment, but I'm not giving up just yet. There's still a couple months of cold weather ahead, so I'll have plenty of opportunities to keep at it. Maybe I should have started with ordinary black coffee, so I wouldn't have had such high expectations? 

I had a #WinterJacket revelation 'fession.
With sub-freezing temps (and single digit feels-like conditions), I had a brain freeze (no pun intended) one day after work. I was at a loss as to how many layers I'd need on my arms, or which puffer vest was the right thickness. In an effort to make haste and get out the door, I opted for a simple base layer and my winter jacket. Bodda-bing-bodda-bang, this combo was total perfection! I don't typically wear said winter jacket for running; let me runfess, that may change.

I have a #Sebbe 'fession, too.
Here's the deal....I'm pretty self-motivated and disciplined. I rise and shine, most mornings, before 05:00 and have my workout(s) done before 06:00. I also like to mix things up and experiment with different fitness options to keep from getting mentally bored and physically stagnant. It's no secret that biking has become a significant part of my fitness arsenal, and I find myself riding 3-4 times a week. But, I have to runfess, even with the plethora of online workouts, I still have not taken one class (I know, #gasp LOL). My stationary bike has 10 resistance settings, so I'm able to pedal as long, as fast, and as hard as I want without losing interest or plateauing. But, do stay tuned...that may be changing.

So, there you have it. Whew! Does that feel good to let those 'fessions fly!

Do you have any 'fessions to share? Are you embracing the increasing daylight, too? Are you eager for the cold weather to vacate, or do you wish for it to stick around for awhile? Any revelations, regarding winter running gear? Have you ever misspelled a word so many times that it actually started to look correct?

 I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I can't believe you don't drink coffee! Maybe start with black coffee and add flavored creamer that you know you like? Honestly I didn't "enjoy" coffee until I started drinking it black, but I generally don't really like milk or super sweet drinks.

    1. Well, I don't drink beer or eat bananas either...and I call myself a runner LOL I just never acquired a taste for coffee, though I do like coffee-flavored candy.

  2. ^^What Lisa said! It's tough to believe that there are people out there who don't drink coffee since it's such a big part of my life. Except if it ain't broke, there's no need to fix it. You're in good company b/c my husband doesn't drink it either And the big question, would anyone else ever have noticed the misspelling;-) I sure didn't!

    1. I have coffee FOMO (if there is such a thing?). At least now days, there are more options for hot beverages other than just hot chocolate. I'm totally addicted to chai latte's.

  3. I agree with Lisa - start with basic coffee and build the flavor. I love coffee but the "flavored" coffees not so much.

    I love the bright pop of color of your jacket! Perfect for cold grey winter days :)

    1. I love all the coffee advice I'm getting ;-) The only better thing would be to be having coffee IRL with everyone!

  4. Hey if you don't enjoy coffee, no foul. I did not start drinking it until I was in my mid 40s. I'd have just a half a cup black. It was an amazing turbo booster before my weekend long run. That used to be the only time I drank some. I still keep it pretty basic ie without flavored creamers for the most part, although the Chobani creamers over the holidays were nice. I LOVE the growing daylight! Holds so much promise! Thanks for linking!

    1. Our oldest daughter detests it as well, but her fiance' and her brother and her sister are all coffee peeps. I was really impressed how fast our son took to it LOL

  5. Now that I’m restricted to the treadmill, I haven’t noticed the change in day light. LOL on the coffee — why bother?

    1. Yes, the coffee thing is just a fun quirk. I'm not losing any sleep over it (literally), but I really would like to acquire a little bit of a fondness for it.

  6. Same as you. I have to be working so it's dark in the am. But after work, now I can get ina 3 mile run!!

    I prefer black coffee with flavored creamers. You should try that.

    I usually wear a vest when I run and i t is run. I hate being over-dressed. Once it goes below 20 degrees, I have to drag out the jacket. Like tomorrow!!

    How many days until summer???

    1. I almost always wear a vest for warmth in the winter, but I just had that impulse to try something different with minimal layers underneath. Presto!

  7. I still play around w different layers for running depending mostly on the wind situation. I as you know, love winter running! I have had my best running month in a long time this January. Summer humidity is not my friend. Hey, if you are happy w your biking set up why change it? Have a great weekend

    1. I agree, the wind is the main factor in figuring out the most comfortable combo of layers. I love my biking set-up, but I'm always open to trying new things, too.

  8. Hey if you don't like coffee, you don't and that's ok! My personal opinion is to skip flavors, bells and whistles and find a black one you might like and then go from there. Personally I don't consider coffee with all sorts of extras actual coffee. That's a coffee drink or a drink that might have a coffee taste. But I'm a coffee snob haha!

    as for online classes, especially for biking, don't feel like you are missing out per se! Just do you. If you are happy with your workout possibilities that's what's important :)

    LOL on the wrongly-spelled hashtag! it happens! I spell weird wrong all the time. Or is it wierd ? ;-)

    1. I think you also were a barista at one time, right? You definitely know your stuff ;-) Wish you lived closer....

  9. Hmm...it sounds like you should probably stick to tea for the time being lol. I drink coffee but I really only like the hazelnut flavored coffee. I've tried other flavors like vanilla and caramel but they just didn't taste good.

    1. The vanilla and caramel smell so good, but I cannot taste a hint of either LOL

  10. You know that I'm with you on thinking that coffee tastes nasty.

    I runfess that I've never done an online workout while riding my bike either. I am loving virtually chatting with friends, though! That makes the time fly by.

    LOL on misspelling persistence and correcting your old IG posts. That sounds exactly like something I would do.

    1. Yes, virtually riding with friends has been so fun!!! Why didn't we think of this sooner LOL

  11. Well, I'm doing my best to embrace Winter. It probably helps to not be training for anything and feeling no pressure to run.

    Don't like coffee, not even the smell, and have zero desire at this point in my life to embrace it. Good luck with your quest!

    I do really enjoy the Peloton run/bike classes. It makes things far less boring to me.

    1. For me, Winter seems a lot easier to face once we get through January. Granted, February is usually cold and March is a total gamble, but just knowing we're that much "closer" to Spring is nice ;-)

  12. Ok, my third attempt to post a comment. Anyhoo, a big thumbs down to flavored coffee--I wouldn't drink coffee at all if that's all that was offered!

  13. I love coffee and enjoy it with flavored cream but sometimes I just add almond milk. Try black coffee and take it from there. I have noticed the increasing daylight and I love it!

    1. The extra daylight is SO nice! I remember, last year, thinking it seemed unusually brighter already by mid-January, and this year it seemed even earlier.

  14. It took me a few tries to get Fit Five Friday right lol!

    I actually went for a walk in a regular hoodie the other morning. It was cold and I just wanted to be cozy. It was much more bulky than I prefer, but I stayed toasty.

    1. Sometimes, if it's cold enough, the "street" clothes work just fine since the perspiration is pretty minimal (or MIA).

  15. I’m ready for longer, warmer days!
    Maybe you should stick with tea. I tried to like beer because it’s such a social thing, but I gave up. Beers gross. ;-)

    1. Oh trust me, I gave up on beer a long time ago for the exact same reason. Even the craft brews all taste nasty (and usually cost more LOL).
