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Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Few 'fessions for February

February has been a month, and not necessarily in a good way. 

Well, I digress. It hasn't been all bad, but it has had it's moments. Maybe a few 'fessions will help clear the air and ease my mind. 

Shall I? Shall we?

Okay, here goes....

Let me freeze-fess, I've seen much warmer days. In case I haven't mentioned it, February's weather was frigid. The first 21 days saw (almost daily) snow, wind, sub-freezing temps and did I mention snow? When the temps finally broke on the 22nd (only after a last-ditch effort - five more inches of the white stuff - on the day prior), it felt like a tropical paradise. Ironically, two days later, the temps were feeling cold again. It took every bit of my love for Max to walk him (twice) in the 33F temps and wind...but, I was quite thankful those 33F temps were a good 60-degrees warmer than they'd been just a few days prior. It's all about perspective, my friends.

Let me friend-fess, the runs with Barb were on the scarce side in February. Due to the extreme cold, a couple of our Saturday runs didn't happen (Milly to the rescue LOL). But, just this week, we resurrected our mid-week #5at5 routine! Don't forget, those mid-week 5-milers came to a crashing halt mid-August (#StressFracture). Even when I was able to resume running, two months later, I had to take things easy as I built back up to the 5-mile distance. Although I had gotten back to the 5-mile distance for my Saturday "long runs," it wasn't until this week when I felt ready to increase my Wednesday run from four miles to five. Let me tell you, it felt like we'd never had a 6-month sabbatical! 

Let me daylight-fess, that life is really good right now. I am so thankful for the extended daylight, especially after work. I don't feel like I have to rush home to beat the sunlight or the "daytime" temps. Trust me, those temps usually feel much colder, in the late afternoon, as the sun sinks behind the trees and buildings. Been there, done that.

Let me walk-fess, my walking kind of tanked in February. While I did keep my commitment to get outside every day (which I've been doing since before my winter run streak's start on Thanksgiving), there were many a February day when that outdoor walk was the bare 1-mile minimum. A few random days may have seen an additional (short) treadmill walk, but oh how I have missed the carefree power-walks outdoors. Trudging through frozen slush and/or thick, wet snow (often fighting severe wind) makes for a good workout, but it's not very enjoyable. 

Finally, let me foot-fess that I still have some fear. Earlier this month, my podiatrist cleared me to resume running in all capacities (more days and longer distances). Needless to say, I'm thankful to have the stress fracture behind me. That said, I've had a weird "thing" going on near the bunion area of the same foot recently. Nothing is swollen, and nothing really hurts. I don't feel said "thing" 'round the clock, thankfully, and the odds are ever-in-my-favor of needing new long-distance shoes. But...I can't ignore the paranoia that every tweak or twinge, from here on out, may be another fracture.

So, there you have it. A few 'fessions for February, and I already feel much better. Onward!

Anything you'd like (or need) to runfess? Have you been enjoying the increased daylight? Have your temps warmed up some? Ever had a stress fracture, and found yourself paranoid it would happen again?

 I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

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  1. Just the idea of leaving my cosy house at 5am to go out in the dark, freezing cold makes me shiver!
    I don't blame you for missing a few Wednesdays with Barb. Well done for getting back out there this week and for hitting 5 miles again. Yay!

    1. Oh, Catrina! It feels so good to be back to the Wednesday 5-milers! I'm much more a fan of the 5am thing than Barb, so we passed on early-morning runs until the distance was substantial enough to warrant the early hour LOL

  2. You know that I won't run outside if there's any chance of something slippery, but lately walking has been pretty treacherous and man it's getting old. If it's not icy then it's slushy from all of the melting snow. I keep living on the dream that "tomorrow" the roads will be safe enough to run on.

    1. My Sunday morning walk was more of a cautious stroll due to the ice UNDER all the falling snow. Totally not the walk I'd hoped for...

  3. I'm very much looking forward to the increased daylight when we go home. The Caveman is pushing to extend our stay here so who knows when that'll be. Hooray for 5 at 5! That's a fun tradition. Hopefully the bunion area issue is just phantom pain. Thanks for linking!

    1. I'm not worried about the foot (for now) since I mostly feel it when walking. I think I'm just hyper aware of every little twinge.

  4. I think every injured runner gets super vigilant about weird aches in the previously injured area. I'll bet it's nothing -- you've been so careful!

    I am slowly working my way up to 5 miles. Today might be the day . . . or not. Not quite sure I can face 5 miles in the hood, plus it's been a tiring week. Stay tuned.

    My walks -- the dogwalks -- are always short, and always slooooooow. Better than nothing. In fact, because of all our frigid weather, they've been even shorter for Bandit. But I usually continue to walk to get a bit more walking done. Bandit, of course, even on most very cold days, then balks at going home without me!

    1. Max has been so happy to get back in a walking routine! Of course, we have numerous stop-and-sniffs, so I can't really call that much of a power walk for me. But he's happy LOL

  5. Oh, Kim!!! You do live in a deep freeze!!! No wonder you are so anxious for spring. Your poor little Max must freeze his little tushy off when he has to go outside and do his business. I hope your dog walks will start to get a little warmer now.

    I definitely think you should get new shoes. Hey, any excuse, right? You have a really good reason. After your fracture, you need peace of mind.

    1. Yeah, Iowa really got hit this winter...and most of it happened all in February. Max has a shoveled "circle" in our backyard (we call it his "business loop"), but with the melting snow, it's down to the muddy grass right now. He doesn't mind, but I do when he tracks it back inside. Walking is a much better option, for all of us!

  6. Kudos to you for running in that cold air. I know like me, you prefer the heat.

    And I won't run at 5 am unless I have to for a race.

    I had a stress fracture years ago and every twinge I think: is it another one? Should I stop? Am I over training? Some runners are prone to them. I've never gotten another so we'll see.

    So I guess try to think about what caused it and don't repeat that. It may mean running few miles which is better than not running at all.

    1. We pretty much determined the fracture was from the random twisting/rolling of my feet when we were cleaning up our yard following the August 10th derecho. There were branches down everywhere, and our yard was nothing short of a battle zone. But, we probably never know for certain...that just seemed the most logical explanation because I had not felt anything prior.

  7. Every time I am recovering from an injury, I think I feel little twinges and it freaks me out. I guess it's just your body's way of reminding you to pay attention and back off sometimes. Yay for running wit Barb again. Running friends are the best!

    1. Yes, running friends are the best! No argument there. I just think of all the weird twinges I'd feel prior, and they didn't phase me much. Makes me wonder how many were more serious than they actually felt (?).

  8. the extended daylight is the BEST!!

    I hear you on twinginess and slight paranoia. I'm there all the time with my knee now. I guess we just don't want to go back to the sidelines again.

    1. We certainly do NOT want to go back to an injured state. No fun being side-lined...

  9. The extra daylight just makes me smile! Great to see you getting back to your 5-milers with Barb! I totally get the post-injury twinge concerns - it hard not to have some alarm bells go off after being sidelined.

    1. The daylight is amazing! I didn't get out for my run until 6:08, and I almost didn't need my Knuckle Lights...there was enough of a hint of daylight that I probably would have been fine (but I was concerned about black ice and re-frozen puddles).

  10. Alright, you're definitely copying me (or vice versa) because I also took my Wednesday run up to 5 miles!!! And I also still worry about my foot. But your situation is different than mine- stress fractures are hard to come back from because you fear every single twinge. Most likely everything is fine.

    1. Yes, we were twinning! I honestly had never thought about all those itty-bity bones in the foot, and that they have to bear all the weight when one walks/runs. It's a miracle more don't get broken or injured as a result.

  11. February has been rough, but especially for you since I know you've been dealing with extreme cold and snow! Fingers crossed that March is better.

    1. Let's hope March is better! Although, March can be rather temperamental, too. That's why I just prefer summer...there's usually no guessing on the temps ;-)

  12. Oh dear, I hope that weird foot pain is nothing. I'm loving the extra daylight. In fact, it caught me off guard yesterday morning by getting light as early as it did while I was out running.

    See you in the morning for our Zoom spin!

    1. Just this morning, I had a lot more daylight than expected at 6:10! Had it not been for the sub-freezing temps, and potential re-frozen puddles, I'd have left the Knuckle Lights at home ;-) Yes, see ya in the morning!!!

  13. It's been a long time since I've run with Steph--well over a year! I sure miss my buddy!

  14. Eeek! I hope your foot is ok! I totally understand the paranoia and I would feel the exact same way. I am glad you are getting warmer temps and more daylight. That will help.

    1. I'm not too concerned with my foot. I feel it more when I walk than when I run, but I know my current distance shoes are approaching retirement...

  15. Oh, I hope that twinge in your foot is nothing and goes away for good. Yay on returning to your #5at5

  16. I've barely gone on any walks this winter. Its so hard to take out the stroller when there is snow everywhere! I realized DST is coming up in a couple weeks which means the mornings will be darker again :(

    1. I usually can get out for walks, but the past couple weeks were just too cold and the streets were a mess. Walking a simple (???) mile through my 'hood was doable, most days, but it was tricky navigating the snow in the streets and keeping my hands warm and my face covered.

  17. February was wild and it will soon be over. I am also loving the extra daylight. The sun sure makes me feel better.

  18. I'm always super impressed with all your activity, even when you are "playing it safe" while being vigilant about your injury.
    I too am looking forward to more outdoor walks and runs. It has not been super duper cold here, but I just have more incentive to work out inside...lol

    1. I'm thankful for all my indoor workout options, but I still want to be outside as much as possible. I need that fresh air ;-)

  19. I am definitely looking forward to more daylight, especially since I have to do a lot of my running in the evening! When I had a stress fracture in my foot, I did feel a bit of a twinge when I was cleared to run again, but I think that's normal and not an indication of reinjury!
