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Sunday, April 25, 2021

One Last Cold Blast


Holy Freezing Buttocks, Batman!

If there ever was a week of roller-coaster-like weather antics, this would be it. We're talking drizzle, snow and frost for starters. Fortunately, things turned more seasonal, with some warmer temps and (almost) nonstop sunshine, as we approached the weekend. Whew!

Before I share the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

Another never miss a Monday!
Fresh off a rather successful rally-back half marathon, this week was all about recovery. I knew there were some icky ((cold & damp)) temps coming, so I got out for a quick, easy-paced 2-mile run before work. There had been intermittent rain, overnight, but it had ceased momentarily, so why not? Only...the drizzle morphed into light sprinkles before I made it back. A short while later, the snow came...and continued to fall most of the morning. Thankfully, it all melted upon hitting the ground, but UGH. I stayed inside after work, and pedaled 10 easy miles on the indoor bike. 

Trivia...the pic on the left is from the morning run, the other two popped up from a year ago. Notice anything they have in common (all by coincidence)? 

TLC Tuesday.
Nothing crazy, nothing intense. I love my early-morning walks, especially during a recovery week, so I did a quick 1-miler before work (notice the winter jacket, fleece headband and gloves?). Also, another 1-mile walk after work. And plenty of stretching, foam rolling and muscle massage.

...when your leggings match the flowering trees...

Winter-rewind Wednesday.
The temps may have rebounded back to winter (28F, with a 23F feels-like, thank you very much), but the air was quiet and calm. Barb and I did our ritual 5:00AM 5-miler, and we were greeted by the hint of sunrise...already by the 2-mile mark! By the time I'd made it back home (around 5:45) the daylight was amazing. No, the sun had not quite yet risen, but things were looking so bright!

another #5at5 in the books

A thrilling Thursday...
Still under a frost advisory (insert eye-roll), I opted to stay inside for the morning and knocked out 10 miles on the bike. At lunch, I took to the streets and did a 2-mile plogging walk (see below) under the sunny sky. There also was another 2-mile walk after work.

jazz hands...or 10 miles?

A much less frigid Friday!
Woot! Temps were still cool, but much more bearable. My legs were itching for a little bit of action, so we ran a quick two miles before the workday. Oh, did it feel good to NOT be in full leggings (with all the layers on top). Max took the hubs and me for a 2-mile walk after dinner, and then 20ish minutes of upper-body strength work after we returned home.

back with the bare legs!

Long run Saturday.
As I said on Instagram, it's all about balance, my FrIeNds. This run had a little bit of eVeRyThInG ...wind, fog, hills, paved streets, a cemetery, more hills, a gravel trail around a lake, and more wind. Eight miles, and every mile offered a different challenge. No regets.
all about balance...

Sunny Sunday.
I joined a bunch of my blogger gal pals in running/walking in tribute for the 9/11 Memorial. Wow. For myself, there's so much gratification in getting to see so many sunrises. That's one of the biggest perks of being an early-riser. The beautiful sunrise not only warms the heart, but brings the promise of hope.  After returning home, I joined Max and the hubs for a 2-mile walk.  

We shall never forget...

So, a recovery week, but with a little bit of action. Much to my surprise, my body was already feeling "recovered" by Tuesday. Since I have nothing on the immediate calendar, I didn't see or feel the need to jump right back into anything strenuous. You may have noticed I passed on lower-body strength, HIIT, and stairs this week. In all honesty, I don't need those workouts every week. Running logged 20 miles, walking had 12 miles, and biking had 20 miles. There was only one (upper-body) strength workout...and I'm alright with that. Onward! 

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog:

In other news:

As mentioned, it was a chilly week. Optimistically, I donned a cold-shoulder blouse and instantly regretted it once I got to work. Fortunately, I keep a black cardi at my work station for such "fashion fails" LOL. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. Care to join me on Fridays? Post a pic of your outfit on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

Thursday was Earth Day. My 2-mile lunch walk involved the act of plogging. Granted, usually plogging is in reference to picking up trash while running or jogging, but walking was my plogging poison that day. I think every day should be Earth Day, but I'm glad there is one day that celebrates it.

Our magnolia tree. UGH. This poor tree seldom ever makes it through the spring season unscathed. Sure enough...the tree was in full, beautiful bloom and then the hard freeze hit Tuesday overnight. 

So, that wraps up a nice recovery week! I'm so grateful to be back in prime condition. I don't have anything on the calendar (at the moment) until DAM to DSM (September 4th), and then the Air Force Marathon a couple weeks later (September 18th). I will probably find a few smaller races, over the summer, to squeeze in...so I'm going to work in some speedwork, on occasion, before my official 26.2 training begins.

How are things in your world? Did you experience a pseudo winter freeze this week? Any Earth Day plogging? Upcoming races?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Yes. lots of winter-like conditions here too, including snow blowing sideways in the high winds, but yes thankfully nothing stuck. I'm so SO ready for some warmer weather so we can fully enjoy our longer daylight. Poor sweet magnolia tree!

    1. I had seen snow in the forecast (early last week), but I didn't believe it. Ha! Thankfully, it was only Monday morning, and nothing accumulated. But, yes...I want my summer back.

  2. It's been chilly on occasion here although warm and bright over the weekend - I ran in a tshirt two days in a row! Really windy though (ugh).

    1. Our wind has been psycho! I don't mind it (much) when the temps are warmer, but when we're flirting with sub-freezing weather...a big No Thank You.

  3. Yes, we also had some cold and winter return this week. I woke up Wednesday to 4 inches of snow and no power due to the heavy snow! It was cold and interfered with my plans to hit the treadmill. And the poor magnolias in our neighborhood took a beating, too. So sad - they are so beautiful!

    1. Thankfully, none of the snow lasted here, but YUCK. Spring needs to decide if it's going to play nice, or we can just fast-forward immediately to Summer and I'd be happy ;-)

  4. Nice recovery week!

    I think Mother Nature is phoning it in on the Spring weather. Such a bummer about your Magnolia tree :(

    1. Spring really has been kind of a fail this year. It's always erratic in Iowa, but 2021 has really been unpredictable...

  5. The weather here this week was all over the place. Thursday I had to wear my winter coat yet the pollen count was still high so my allergies were all over the place, lol.
    Love that you participated in the 9/11 Memorial Run with so many other bloggers today - I was sad to miss it!

    1. Yeah, as much as I love the pretty purple/fucshia of my winter jacket, I am SO DONE wearing it LOL I'd like to wash it one last time and pack it away, deep in my closet, for awhile.

  6. Minneapolis temps were chilly again this past week but we're in for some 80 degree days next week. Bring it on! I'm tired of wearing gloves :)

    1. We have 80's on tap for Monday and Tuesday! I'm just a tiny bit excited!!!

  7. That's crazy! It's almost May!!! I certainly hope the title of your post is correct, and that was your last cold blast!

    1. Oh, I'm sincerely hoping last week was the last of it, too. The 30F/40F temps are feeling really cold now (though they felt tropical not that long ago).

  8. I've literally had to dress in layers all week because it is like a pendulum-- swinging from one extreme to the next. It's crazy. I'm ready to skip Spring and go straight to summer.

    1. Yes, I'd love to just skip the remainder of "spring" and settle nicely into summer ;-)

  9. It was pretty cold here on Thursday, and there was even some snow flurries! But it may get into the 80s later this week, so maybe we are done with the cold weather now?

    1. We're supposed to have 80F temps tomorrow and Tuesday ;-) Hoping that holds true LOL

  10. Yep we got a bunch of snow this week! The dog was very happy about it and the rest of us were happy when it cleared up.

    My schedule is "race lite" for the next few months as well. Last year at this point I was absolutely obsessed with running all of the virtual races, and in this season I'm content to "just run".

    1. I'm content to just run as well. It's kind of nice to have a somewhat open calendar. Never thought I'd ever be saying that, ha ha!

  11. A nice and varied week for you as usual! Enjoy your warmer temps this week

    1. I am SO looking forward to warmer temps. Hoping for some cycling action...outdoors!

  12. Sorry about the magnolia — they’re so pretty! Oddly the ones in our neighborhood survived the wintry mix on Wednesday.

    Way to recover, Kim!

    1. I though the magnolia had made it because it still looked intact when I went to work Wednesday morning. But, when I came home for lunch...ugh...all the blooms were brown and drooping. I'm happy it at least bloomed this year. Many years, only a few blooms open up before getting zapped by frost or snow.

  13. No snow here but we have some nice days where I ran in shorts and then it got chilly again. No snow here which I am happy about. That is exciting that you will start training for your marathon in September!

    1. I'm hoping to be back in shorts all this next week. I'm done with the full tights and fleece LOL

  14. same here - cold, rainy, snowy - the mix. Luckily I was able to get out and run and hike. Weather will be nicer this week...since I'm leaving lol

    1. We have nicer weather in the forecast as well. Last week was not much fun with all the cold and crazy wind.

  15. I think it's supposed to be in the 70s tomorrow, so you should be much happier!

    1. I will be MUCH happier...we have 80's in the forecast ;-)

  16. I had to pull out my gloves again last week! Except for my walk with Scooby, I didn’t even make it outside on Earth Day. Work kept me in front of my computer most of the week. I’m glad you’re feeling good after your race!

    1. Yes, I've been in gloves more than I'd prefer (at least for the first few miles). We have much warmer days ahead, starting today!!!

  17. Thanks so much for joining me for the Memorial 5K. While not at all a race in normal form, it's probably the "race" I've missed the most the last year.

    Love the pink and green combination.
    We luckily didn't have snow (that I noticed) but all the seasons were here too. Was glad to run in a skirt today after a hat and jacket Thursday. I think Momma N just wanted to be sure we were paying attention on Earth Day. So glad you recovered so quickly.

  18. Your outfit from Monday is so cute! I love the colors and probably mention that every time you wear it. I'd forgotten about your fall marathon - so exciting!

    It was nowhere nearly as cold here, but we were under freeze warning two nights last week and I had to cover some of my plants.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

  19. Oh, your poor magnolias! Ours are in full bloom right now and I hope they survive the weird weather we are having.

    I love all your bright colors when you go out for your runs. That helps warm up the colder days. Great week for you!

  20. Great recovery week! Seems like you had a bit of everything too, especially with the weather! we've had it really chilly here for the most part but the sun has been shining so that's something right? Thought about your plogging this morning while I was out, wishing I'd had a rubbish bag with me...

  21. Well done on your Earth Day cleanup! I'm not signed up for any races yet and not sure when my next will be. I better get planning - I do like to have a plan!
