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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Weather Forecast #FAIL

Ever played the "Guess The Weather Cuz The Forecast Failed" game?

Well, I have, repeatedly. At least that was the case this past week.

Case in point, I have two weather apps I follow. Both seemed to be in agreement on what the weather was going to be doing. However, what they both showed, in the forecast, didn't quite play out as predicted. Not a crisis, but definitely a frustration (actually several).

Before I share the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, without further ado, here's what went down this week:

Never Miss a Monday
It was feeling rather summer-like on Monday morning, but there was some crazy wind headed our way. I opted to get in a 5K run before work and save the walking for later in said wind (one mile at lunch, and two miles after work).

Not a Typical Tuesday
With rain in the forecast for Wednesday morning, it was decided to switch my typical Tuesday (recovery day) routine for a #5a5. Temps were in the 60F's, my friends! Hard to believe we were entertaining above-average temps when we were experiencing record-breaking lows just a few days prior...but I was not complaining. Five early morning miles to start the day, and a couple of after-work (walking) miles later with the hubby and Max. 

What-the-What Wednesday
Both of my weather apps had shown rain for Wednesday morning (like,  85% chance of thunderstorms!) when I hit the sack on Tuesday evening. I kid you not, when I got up Wednesday, the app then showed 18% chance of light showers. Since I'd done my run the day prior, I elliptical'd for four miles and then went for a 1-mile walk outside...just because I could. As you could guess, the forecast "day-long" rain never showed. I even managed a 3-mile walk after work, and the rain finally made an appearance just as I arrived back at my driveway. 

Thankful (for HIIT) Thursday
It had been awhile since I'd done a serious HIIT workout. How does this grab you:

three sets:
*10 stairs flights (double-stepped)
*10 burpees
*10 sets of mountain climbers
*50 jump rope "jumps"
*10 push-ups
*1-minute wall sit

Let's just say there was some serious sweat happening and heart pumping, all in less than 20 minutes. I headed out for a 2-mile walk, but had to cut it short (at one mile) due to the drizzle. It dried up throughout the day, though, so I was able to get in a post-workday 2-mile walk.

Double workout Friday
The hubs and I would be heading out of town on Saturday (family funeral/memorial service), so I was at odds when to get in my long run. Saturday morning looked really iffy (again, rain). I'd considered running early Friday morning (but there actually was rain and wind happening)...so I postponed the long run to after work, and cranked out 15 miles on the indoor bike instead.

Later, after work, Barb was also available, so we rallied. I left the house around 5:00 and met up with her about a mile later. We had crazy wind (18mph), and the air was quite damp, but the temps were not too chilly. The first couple miles felt tough, though. My body was tired and my brain was ready for some down time. We headed to the lake, so we could run a few laps and dodge the wind (plenty of shelter via the trees). Turns out that strategy was on-point. Each mile grew easier, and our pace stayed steady. Coming out of the lake area, we took a brief walk break (about two city blocks) up a steep hill. By then, we were near the 6-mile mark, and I could feel a huge boost of energy washing over me. We finished with eight total miles, and the runners' high was off the charts (for me at least). All splits were around 9:45 pace, and it was one of those runs that left me feeling like I could have run much farther. I totally love it when that happens.

Saturday morning strength
With a 7:00 departure (for our family's memorial service), there wasn't a lot of time for messing around. I had just enough time for a short-but-sweet upper-body strength workout before hitting the shower and hitting the road. It was a long day, with much of it spent in the car (upwards of five hours, thank you very much), but the hubby and I ended the day with a 2ish-mile walk in the evening.

Sunday - still up-in-the-air
An early-morning walk, for starters, and another 5-hour car ride. Stay tuned, there will probably be more walking after we get back from our trip, and possibly some bike riding!

Despite the unpredictable weather, I did manage to get outside every day and none of my workouts suffered. Whew! Walking dominated this week, with 16 miles (more on tap for Sunday afternoon). Running also had 16 miles. Biking had 15 indoor miles, but I'm hoping to add in some outdoor miles on Sunday afternoon as well. Stair climbing tallied 60 flights (from the running warm-ups and Thursday's HIIT).

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! How about some turquoise? Distressed denim? Cheetah flats? Chunky and funky jewelry? All of the above? I'm game.

Wednesday's 3-mile walk (after work) ushered me across the finish line for the Illinois Criss Cross Virtual Challenge. Total miles logged from walking and running (as well as half of my elliptical miles) came to 659...all since November 5th.

Finally, I wanted to share a pic of our magnolia tree. It started blooming this week...which, if history repeats itself, that means there will be at least one more spring frost happening. This poor tree seldom enjoys an entire season with full blooms because Momma N usually zaps the blossoms off with either a late season snow fall or overnight hard freeze. Fingers crossed it will outlast Momma N's wrath in 2021!

So, there you go! Another week of fitness fun all wrapped up and tied with a bow. With my half marathon happening next weekend, I'm granting myself a bit of a taper this week. I'm also getting my first Covid shot on Friday (I know, lousy timing, but that's just how fate sometimes plays out LOL).

How are things in your world? Has your weather been in sync with the forecast? Any races coming up?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. An Iowa runner in an Oklahoma shirt crossing an Illinois finish line! Congrats on your tri state finish!

    Congrats on getting your vax appointment! I'm crossing my fingers that you'll skip the side effects and still have a good half.

    1. Oh gosh...I had not even though of the triple state thing LOL Fingers crossed if there's any weird after-effects from the vax, they will be history by Sunday morning.

  2. The weather has been extremely up and down here as well. Way to finish that tri-state challenge! I hope your vaccine does not impact your race! Thanks for the linkup!

    1. The vaccine is early morning on Friday, so hopefully those 48 hours will be enough time to filter out any issues.

  3. So sorry for your family's loss. *Hugs* Hope the service went as best as possible.
    Love the tri state finish and your Monday arm sleeves. I swear MOmma N wants to outsmart the apps.

    1. Seriously. This morning was supposed to still be a soaker. I woke up to a lovely window of five dry hours. Nope, got rained on the last half mile. LOL.

  4. don't even get me started on the weather. it was seriously whacked.

    great that you still managed to get out every day! I didn't have such luck at the beginning of the week anyway.

    Sorry to hear that you guys had to travel for a memorial services. Condolences to you!

    1. I'm trying to keep my daily "outdoor" streak alive and thriving, so I can usually muster enough mojo for just a short 1-mile walk if the weather is total chaos. I'm really craving some cycling, but the wind has been too evil.

  5. Yay for vaccines!! But I'm sorry to hear about the memorial. You did a good job getting in daily workouts this week!

    1. I love doing something daily, even if it's just a walk. Motion is medicinal in my world ;-)

  6. I am sorry for your loss. The timing of my first vaccine wasn't ideal, but at least with the second one I'm fairly set to have some downtime around it (in about 10 days).

    Congrats on getting your PM long run done AND your runner's high. It has been a very, very long time since I've felt that.

    Good luck with your magnolia tree! Now that we've decided on the Forsythia for the backyard, I have to hold Mr. Judy back. Our last freeze date is mother's day -- and we are finally burying my Dad the next day, which also includes some long drives (assuming everything goes as planned, there's some movable pieces there).

    1. The runner's high was phenomenal! I've had some decent runs lately, but this was off the charts with all kinds of feel-good vibes when we finished.

  7. our weather apps were totally off this week too. I've decided I just stick to my schedule and go no matter what. I don't mind running in the rain. Condolences on your loss the long car drive both ways makes it more challenging I am sure. Way to fit it all in this week!

    1. I usually just try to go with my schedule, as well, but I also was trying to factor in my weekend travel plans. Ugh. Too much juggling LOL

  8. PM long runs are tough! Way to go.

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Sending virtual hugs.

    Great news on the vaccine! It's so random who had affects and who doesn't...fingers crossed you feel just fine!

    1. I do some PM runs, but they're usually short ones. The longer ones, such as this, can be really good or really tough. I'm glad I didn't judge this one by the first mile LOL

  9. This morning the rain was supposed to stop around 7, but it was still raining around 9 when I got back from my run. It wasn't a big deal but it is annoying when that happens. Looks like you still had a strong week of workouts!

    1. Rain is so tricky to run through. I can tolerate it, but having it last longer than expected would be frustrating.

  10. I am lucky. One of the runners in our group works for the National Weather Services. She gives us the real forecast. Very frustrating...like today. Supposed to rain all day and now it looks like no rain until tonight.

    I got my 2nd shot right before my half marathon - I was lucky and had no side effects. I bet you will be too.

    1. Fortunately, my shot is early in the morning, so there will be almost 48 hours of recovery time before my race. It's a hilly course, and my first rally-back of that distance, so there's absolutely no grandiose expectations of a "fast" finish time.

  11. I always laugh when the Weather Channel app wants me to upgrade to a premium account — why would I pay more for misinfomation? Today it didn’t warn me that it would be drizzling on my run.

    I’m glad it didn’t stop you — nothing does. ;-)

    1. I would never pay for an upgrade either. I'm just glad I have the flexibility to switch my workouts around if need be.

  12. Yes, I feel like the weather forecast is NEVER right- there's almost no point in looking at it.
    Your weekend sounds challenging- 10 hours in the car for what sounds like a sad occasion. You made it work though!
    Can't wait to hear about your half! Most people don't have big side effects from the first shot so it will most likely be fine.

    1. I honestly don't know why I waste my time checking the weather app...though, on occasion it is spot-on, so I keep hoping it will come through for me LOL

  13. Spring is always a weather crapshoot, right? I feel like the forecasters always go for the drama and then it's just a bunch of nothing. At least this year!

    I really didn't have much in the way of side effects with either dose--hopefully, you won't either!

    1. Spring is always hit/miss in Iowa, so it's a nice surprise when the app forecast is actually correct. It's not usually so off for so many consecutive days, though. Definitely keep us guessing ;-)

  14. Sorry for your family's loss. Other than the effort of the workout, part of a the challenge is just figuring out how to carve out the time for them! You did well this week. My kids were just asking today when we will plant our garden. I think another freeze is still coming!

    1. Getting all the workouts to fit the schedule is definitely a challenge! I have a lot of flexibility (and many indoor options), but I'm hoping to get outside for most of them. I'm really craving some outdoor biking!

  15. The weather apps were certainly not reliable this week or should I say Mother N kept them guessing!

    So glad you've got your vaccine appointment lined up! Hope everything goes smoothly.

    And, I'm sorry to hear about the memorial service - sending you hugs.

    1. Thanks, Michelle ;-) I hope it works out for you to get your vaccine on the calendar. Fingers crossed!!

  16. Ugh on the screwed up forecasts. I mean, good that you didn't get all that rain, but bummer that it messed up your workouts. Yes, I have a real live race on Saturday and I'm so excited (first race in 17 months)!

    I'm sorry to hear that you lost a family member. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

  17. Great job on the Illinois Criss Cross Virtual Challenge!! I only have one weather app but I check it constantly and I have learned not to really rely on it. The weather is always changing. I check it one last time while getting ready cause it makes a difference between wearing shorts and tights.

  18. We started our run in snow (that was meant to have finished by then) and ended it in sun (not expected at all) yesterday, and Mr Liz and I went for a walk this morning when it was supposed to be raining ... but wasn't!

  19. I'm sorry for your family's loss.

    That's great you were able to get your vaccine appointment! Dose #2 for me next week.

    Our weather is CRAZY. It's been super hot and humid and we had SQUALLS Saturday and Sunday! WHAT???
