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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Coffee Chat...this & that

Well, here we are again...a new month (already?), a new season (Yay! My favorite!), and lots to chat about (I'm game).

I've got my mug in hand. Keeping it real, I have not made much progress on becoming a "real coffee connoisseur." Honestly, I'm not losing any sleep over it (pun intended LOL), but I'm still double-fisting the chai latte's most days. And I'm okay with that.

That said, I'm ready for our monthly gathering (of sorts) over coffee, and I look forward to our usual lively conversation. 

Shall I begin?  

Remember (or not) my push-up challenge from last Spring (like, 2020 Spring)? Well, the 10 daily push-ups streak is still going strong. If it's a HIIT (or an interval) day, there's usually many more than that 10-count minimum, though. Like many exercises, there are multiple variations, so I have not once been bored. And, plateauing is not really an issue because you can always go lower and/or add more reps. You can even do them outdoors...like on the stairway on the nearby college campus.   

My Air Force Marathon catharsis. I was excitedly registered for the 2020 AFM, but Covid-19 had other ideas. Oh, and there also was that stress fracture, so I didn't even have the option of running it virtually. I was able to defer my registration...which means I'll be toeing the start line on September 18th. That said, after taking most of last year "off" from extended-long-distance running, the idea of two solid months of weekly long-long runs isn't that intriguing, especially with all the additional mid-week miles that filter into the training. Also, I have really grown to love long bike rides (especially with our friends), and I'm not wanting to sacrifice those while training for one big event (that may or may not bless me with optimal race day conditions). My gut is telling me to train for the distance (with all the requisite long runs), but not obsess over the finish time. In other words, I'm working on a plan that will allow me the best of both worlds, by keeping my mid-week runs on the conservative side (with occasional speedwork) and not have guilt for my biking miles. Stay tuned...this is gonna get fun!

Sunday's Bicycle Brew BBQ Ride

Memorial Day Weekend was action-packed, and my body paid dearly for it.

Here's a synopsis:
*8-mile run Saturday morning. Temps were cold and windy, and overall the run felt kind of meh.
*2+ hours of gardening in the afternoon...nonstop stooping, squatting, lunging, yanking & thrusting. 
*46.2-mile bike ride on Sunday. This was a lot of fun, but the rolling hills meant non-stop pedaling.
*4-mile Memorial Day tribute run at the lake and through the hills of the cemetery, Monday morning.
*another 2+ hours of gardening Monday afternoon...more stooping, squatting, lunging, yanking & thrusting. I practically crawled into the house, afterwards, because my back and legs were totally shot.

Still more wayward grass, in another garden plot, is awaiting its fate

But I have a new favorite recovery tool in my arsenal. As part of the recent #SeeYouOutThere campaign, with Dick's Sporting Goods, I received the Theragun Mini (not an affiliate link). Oh my! Does this little gadget deliver! It utilizes percussive therapy to massage one's muscles, which aids in increased blood flow and enhances recovery. I've been grabbing it before all of my runs (and other workouts, for that matter), using it immediately afterwards, and doing a quick massage "run down" before bed most evenings. 

muscle recovery never felt so good!

Finally, Wednesday (June 2nd) was Global Running Day! As runners, we don't need a day dedicated to our sport for motivation...but it is a nice perk! Several runner/blogger pals rallied and we all ran together, virtually, in celebration. Seriously, aren't runner friends the BEST?

Well, there you have it! Another coffee chatting session in the books. 

Care to join us for a virtual coffee chat? What would you care to share?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. No desire to drink coffee. Every. Saves me lots of money too.

    You should definitely be able to train for your marathon and enjoy your other activities. You might even end up surprising yourself on your time! Although those longs runs . . . they do take up a lot of time. Good luck!

    1. All I know is my "shorter" races (13.1 and shorter) all have had better finish times in the past couple years, and biking has really played a big part in my fitness. Maybe it's a coincidence? Maybe not...but I'm willing to credit it with stronger legs and increased endurance. The long runs are a necessary evil, though ;-)

  2. That sounds exciting that you are thinking of doing another marathon. I am sure you will make your new schedule work for you! Loving the theragun mini over here too. Feels so good on those hard to get spots

    1. Yes, this will be my 10th one ;-) Your marathon post, this week, really struck a nerve (in a very good way!), and it brought a lot of training "stuff" to the surface. I know I can go the 26.2 distance, why not make the training a little more "my way?" We shall see ;-)

  3. There’s really no need to try to like coffee! ;-) Your Memorial Day weekend was so different from mine — we had such a rainy weekend.

    I’m intrigued by these new percussive massage tools! I’m sure my calves would benefit.

    1. HA ha...but coffee smells SO good LOL Why can't it taste better? Yes, the massage guns are a neat alternative for foam rolling ;-)

  4. I'm so excited that we'll be training for a marathon together! Seeing you post those long runs will definitely motivate me to get mine done! What a jam-packed memorial weekend you had!! Love all that action!

    1. Likewise, your posts are going to inspire as well!!! Let's get it done!!

  5. I trained for my marathon and worked out of town and did all other activities. BUT I just did the long runs. Nothing else. I am so happy that I did it that way. I finished, had fun and enjoyed life. There's more to life than PRs IMO.

    I love coffee. But only as an adult. I used to hate it. It's an acquired taste. But I like it flavored and sweet. Not healthy but who cares/

    I have a no name massage gun. The best tool ever.

    1. This will be my 10th marathon, and I just want to enjoy every aspect of it that I can. The last four all have had weird race day circumstances, out of my control (weather, unexpected hills, pathetic course support, etc.). I made the best of those situations, but I also felt a little jilted that all my training brought me to those tough days and I wasn't rewarded with the finish times that I was capable of. I don't regret any of them, but I'm ready for much less stressful journey to the finish line LOL

  6. I once trained for a marathon by running 3-4 days a week and swimming on the other days. So you could definitely switch out some runs for bike rides. No way around the long runs though! But you don't need super-high running mileage (with all the other things you do) to have a great race.
    Your Memorial Day weekends sounds intense! That yard work gets me every time- it kills my hamstrings. I'll just tell my husband that I can't do any more weeding until I get a Theragun, ha ha.

    1. Yep, the long runs need to happen regardless of what else takes place during the week ;-) I have never been a high-mileage gal, so swapping some of the running mileage for biking is going to be a much better fit (I think LOL). Thanks for your encouragement!!

  7. I think your marathon plan is solid. You've proven time and time again that YOU KNOW YOUR BODY. That time when you ran a full bookended by halfs the week before and the week after...all of the biking that you were able to do when you had the stress fracture...I could go on and on. And the most important part, that you ENJOY the long bike rides...it doesn't make sense to give that up for the summer. I'm betting that you'll end up with a very good race this fall.

    1. Awhhhhh, you're the BEST cheerleader, EVER <3 Thank you for such kind words ;-)

  8. I like that you're going to mix up your training for your marathon - I have no doubt you'll do great! Exciting to have another marathon to look forward to!

    You did have one busy/strenuous Memorial Day Weekend! Thank goodness for the massage gun - aren't they the best?!

    I just love that GRD Collage - thanks so much for putting it together :)

    1. The massage gun has been such a fabulous addition to my arsenal! I much prefer it to traditional foam-rolling...feels much more effective for me. I've been looking forward to this marathon for almost two years (since that's when I originally registered for it), so I'm really excited to try a different approach to my training.

  9. I say go for it and let Gustavos be your training partner! I wish I'd done bike cross training back when I was running marathons.

    I've not tried a massage gun, but it sounds amazing!

    1. Seriously! I wish I'd done bike cross-training from the start! My running has dramatically improved in the past couple years, and I think dear Gustavas played apart in that. PS, rumor has it he's going to be a "big brother" soon ;-)

    2. Ohhh, do tell! I can't wait to hear all about the new bike!

  10. It sounds like your training cycle will focus more on a balance of things that will make you happy, which will make the process more enjoyable. I did this for my last marathon training cycle back in 2019 and it was the best training cycle I ever had because I wasn't very stressed.

    I got my mom a Theragun for Christmas but we both use it so I guess it was a gift to myself too, lol.

    1. I had forgotten what all your last marathon training entailed, so thanks for the vote of confidence ;-) Ever since adding biking to my regimen (the past couple years), running has seemed so much easier...at least in terms of fewer injuries and recovery time. I'm really excited to try this new approach to training ;-)

  11. Really, no need to pressure yourself to drink coffee! You should drink what you like. No judgement.

  12. Thanks for the nudge about pushups, Kim. I have been slacking lately on my pushups. I need to get going again. Planks too. Starting tomorrow morning.

    I can't wait until you write about your marathon plan. I am feeling much the same as you for the London marathon this fall. Plus, I waffle back and forth about whether I think the race is actually going to happen.

    1. Marathons are hard! I respect the need for "all the miles," but I also know my body does not like those excess miles and has done decently without them. I'm not trying the BQ, and detest stalking the Garmin (while doing a sport I usually love), so I'm hoping this new approach (?) will serve me better. Stay tuned ;-)

  13. There are alot of reasons I'm hesitant to sign up for a marathon, one of them being the time commitment for the long runs. But i do want to do another one, so I don't know. Sounds like you had a very active MDW!

    1. The time commitment is a huge issue with me as well. I can swing the long runs on the weekends, but the mid-week high-mileage runs are a tough fit.

  14. I think riding can only help with your training, but it is a challenge to fit everything in.
    I wish I could try that mini Theragun before buying one, but you make it sound wonderful so....
    I need to work on push ups, but i am doing planks before bed (when I remember).

    1. Riding has helped with my running in general, a LOT, the past couple years. I'm hoping to continue to "ride" that wave ;-)

  15. I feel like the month of May flew by too!

    I'm thinking I need to hop onto something like the 10 daily pushup streak you're doing! I feel like I'm often really all-or-nothing with workouts and when I have a long day, it ends up being "nothing" more often than not.
    Your Memorial Day weekend definitely sounds like it was packed!! I'm glad the Theragun helped!

    1. The push-up streak has been a good fit for me. They don't take long, so on the days when I forget about them (after I've gone to bed),I can easily get them done without much of a fuss or production.

  16. I know you're so happy it's summer! I hope this season brings you all the good things you love.

  17. Way to go on the push up streak. One of the fun things for me with Peloton is learning good form for a proper one.
    I think your plan for the marathon is a good one. Training should be fun, not soul sucking and life's too short to miss out on fun.
    I'll drink all your coffee.
    Massage gun is such a difference maker. I have a different one, but they're just so good

  18. Great job on the push-ups streak! Hmm, that is something doable for me. Have to think about it. That is exciting about your marathon plans. I am looking forward to follow along on your training. Coffee, tea, water, etc, is all cool with me. Next time I might show up with wine! Haha!!
