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Thursday, June 24, 2021

'Fessing for June and All That Jazz

June has kinda had me dancing...

There have been some new things happening, a return of some "established" routines, and plenty of other things to be excited about.

With so many good things going on, there's a need for full disclosure...and what better way than to runfess it? You know, just lay it all out there and keep it real.

I'm game, are you?

Let me begin by bringing up the weather. I know, I know. It's one of those things we have zero control of, yet there it is hanging over us and (often times) affecting our fitness endeavors no matter how much we stalk the weather apps. Last Saturday, I'd done my first 10-mile run (in almost a month) and finished a 38-mile bike ride (a few hours later). Come Sunday, my legs were craving some recovery action and, for me, that means a short recovery run. It was raining when I got up, but it was just a light (though steady) rain. The temps were moderately warm, though, so I grabbed my shoes and headed out for a couple miles. I can easily runfess that this run felt oh-so-good and oh-so-refreshing. If only Thursday morning's walk, also in a light rain (that, consequentially, turned into a major torrential downpour after I'd gone about a mile), could have been as pleasing. #RainDropsKeepFallingOnMyHead

Speaking of the weather, there was rain (actually thunderstorms) on the roster for Thursday evening, so any hopes of doing another Full Moon Run were looking pretty dismal  (as of Monday's forecast). So, I suggested we make it an Almost Full Moon Run, and run on Wednesday evening instead. Despite the cloudy skies, and the intermittent Hide & Seek with the clouds, the moon did emerge as we were beginning our last mile! We all moonfessed that we're looking forward to next month's run already. #DontKnockItTilYouTryIt

If you look really close, you can see the hubby joined us for some of the Almost Full Moon Run. It's no secret that he sometimes runs races with me, but he's not very disciplined about training for them. In recent weeks, though, he's been doing some short runs on his own. We're already registered for a favorite 4th of July race (which is actually happening on Monday, July 5th)...and he suggested we find another race so we can run on the 4th of July as well. Say what? Can I shockfess that it's usually me who suggests such things LOL. #WhoddaThunk

One routine that has returned, in full glory, is my weekly bike rides on the hilly bike path. A friend, Amy, has been joining me. We've made the trek three times (in as many weeks), and we've had three different experiences...in the heat, in the humidity, in 19mph wind (both a headwind and a crosswind), in full-on sunshine and in partial cloud cover. You name it, we've already ridden through/with/against it (so far, though, we've been able to dance around the rain!). Can I bikefess how much I'm loving these workouts? It's about a 14-mile roundtrip from my driveway, but I usually add on a bonus mile, on some flat streets, after returning to town. #BikingOnTheFritz

I've mentioned my upcoming marathon (Air Force Marathon, September 18th), but I have not elaborated much on how I'm training for it. I wrote up a plan, mainly for my long runs, awhile ago. I've been experimenting...subbing out a moderate run (5-6 miles) for a moderate ride (10-15 miles). Currently, I'm running five days each week (once in awhile, I scale-back and only go four days), but only my "long run" has the big miles. I'm also doing a long ride each weekend (30-50 miles, on average). Honestly, I runfess that I feel like I've struck gold. While the long rides have their tough moments, those biking miles are also rewarding my legs with some valuable active recovery time. I feel pretty lucky and blessed that I've found a good balance between these two favorite activities! #BestOfBothWorlds

So, there you go. Five 'fessions later, and I'm feeling cleansed and forgiven.

How about you? Anything you'd like (or need to) runfess? 

 I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. I runfess that the only way that I got through Monday's run on a very hot day is that it started storming right before I started. I relished every minute of the downpour and wind that went along with the storm. We've had a decent number of cool days here and there but it's looking like some serious heat this weekend for my 10k. I'm taking it as a challenge to see how well I can race in the heat.

    1. Wow! A run in the midst of a storm! The rain does feel good on a hot summer day :-)

  2. I was really wishing for some rain on some of my humid runs earlier this week. We had some storms and a full day of rain on Tuesday, and then it finally cooled off! Hope your marathon training goes well!

    1. My run didn’t feel that hot this morning, in the 100% humidity, until I stopped. Yikes! A little rain would have felt nice...

  3. Great job getting out in the rain. The monsoons seem to have hit here finally. Ozzy refuses to go out. That's great your hubs is motivated to run more! All the best with marathon training. That's awesome you found a mix of workouts you like!

    1. We’ve had rain in the forecast all day and it still has not made an appearance... but the humidity is off the charts. Curious if any shows up this weekend or if that’ll miss us, too?

  4. It is so nice to see your husband out with you on some of your runs. And way to get a group together for you moon runs. Love your passion for the bike. I am embarrassed to say my outdoor riding has not happened yet this year. that is changing this weekend

    1. I’ll bet Betty (I think that’s her name?) will be excited to get back out on the road :-)

  5. You are amazing...nothing stops you!

    My biking is not going well but my evening runs are still happening.

    1. I have not done much for evening runs other than the moon runs. I kind of miss them because they’re so tranquil under the stars.

  6. Your marathon training plan sounds GREAT. If I were going to runfess, I would say that I just don't enjoy cycling. I wish I did! Maybe you'll inspire me with all your rides. Or maybe you'll inspire me with the incredible marathon you run with all this cross training!

    1. Thanks!! I’m really excited to see how this training goes... I love running (duh LOL), but I don’t like high mileage. Fingers crossed!

  7. I love that you've found a great mix of biking and running that's working for you!

    And yay for your hubby not only joining you for some runs but suggesting some races!

    1. Ha! I almost fell off my chair when he asked about doing the races. We still haven’t registered for the second one... yet. Stay tuned...

  8. So glad that your back to your bike rides now that the weather is nice!

    I love that you're playing around with your training plan for the Air Force Marathon. The best (not my fastest) marathon that I ran was Chicago in 2019 and I customized my plan to make it work for me so that I wouldn't hate training and it really worked out well!

    1. I’d forgotten about your Chi training... looks we’re twinning again LOL I just love biking too much to give up those miles for all.the.running. , so I’m really hopeful I’ve created a perfect plan of action.

  9. Well, I think technically the moon is full for a few days, it's just at its most full on one night.

    It's amazing all the ways there is to train, isn't it?

    I'm always shocked when my husband actually suggests a hike or a daytrip somewhere! You'd think he'd know better than to mention something in passing since he knows I'll hop right on the least excuse!

    1. Yes, the moon definitely looks “full” for a few nights, so I’m glad we were able to take advantage a day “early.” It IS great there are many options for training and not jjust one perfect method :-)

  10. Gooooo hubby!!! You are rubbing off on him!
    About marathon training - you and my husband have a similar training plan going! He does a long mountain bike ride every week instead of a run and absolutely loves it. I'm also alternating weeks - so one week has 5 runs and the next has 4. It feels less intimidating than having 5 runs, week after week.

    1. Ooh, that’s encouraging yo hear your hubby is doing something very similar! I also like your every-other weekly strategy for your runs. We gotta do what works for US or we may not want to stay the course.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I find cross-training is really great alternative to just running. It's worked me in the past but right now I don't have a bike, so I use the spinning one at the gym. So happy that hubby is wanting to do some races with you!

  13. I always did crosstraining as part of my marathon training. Hope your plan works out for you.

  14. I am excited to following along on your marathon training! I know it is going to go great because you always put everything into everything that you do.

  15. So excited for your marathon!

    We have had terrible thunderstorms with awful lightning and soaking rain. It is hurricane season now, but we usually don't get slammed like this.

  16. A very good plan for your next marathon. I ran my last one when I was 50 y.o. and my training plan was, like you, 5 days each week and cross training (swimming). It worked very well.
    No more marathons later because I got into the troubles with my first incident (femure broken for a motor bike fall).
    Glad you could run under the rain. I love to do it!
