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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Rock What You Got

Sometimes, you just gotta go with what you're given.

We've had an unusually extended heat wave. We're talking nearly three continuous weeks with near record-setting temps and continuously high humidity levels.

With a September 18th marathon on deck, I've been keeping pretty active on the bike(s) and on the feet. I've been in constant motion and was due for some scaled-back recovery time. 

Wouldn't you know, Fate intervened and allowed both to happen...all within the same week. Lucky me. I like it when that happens! 

Before I share the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Ayways, here's what down this past week:

I became a RAGBRAI rider!
Sunday morning found the hubby and I hitting the road at 5:45AM for an 88+ mile adventure on Day-1 of the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. He's a long-time veteran rider, but this was my first time. Full details are on the recap (HERE), but suffice it to say this was a very l-o-n-g day in the July heat and humidity (and there were several hills as well). But the odds are ever in my favor that I'll be returning.

Never miss a Monday.
Much to my surprise, I awoke Monday morning feeling (dare I say?) mostly recovered from the previous day's cycling antics. Not wanting to chance anything, I opted for a 2-mile walk (with the hubby and Max) and saved the running for after work. The temps were pretty warm and humid (I know, #still), so I kept the miles low (two miles) and slow. The knees felt a little stiff, but everything else felt good. And that summer breeze really made me feel fine...if you know what I mean.

Not quite a typical Tuesday...
I usually try to work in some biking, either on Mondays or Tuesdays, but opted to take a pass this week. Even though I was feeling recovered, I knew there probably still was some residual recovering needed that I wasn't noticing on the surface. So, I kept things easy-peasy with some walking...two miles before work, a mile at work (morning break), and a couple more miles after work. 

Not a typical Wednesday, either
Remember that little bike ride mentioned above? Well, Barb had ridden on Tuesday and wasn't yet back to town on Wednesday morning. While I'm every bit capable of running the #5at5's on my own, I decided to just wait and run with Barb on Thursday morning instead. Besides, my legs would benefit from an extra day's rest. So, some more walking (in the morning, at work, and after work) and some upper-body strength work served me just fine. BTW, this day was a warm one...I heard it set a record high for July 28th in our town (triple digits with the heat index!).

Double workout Thursday!
With the two "bonus" days of low-maintenance/low impact activity, my legs were ready for some action come Thursday. Barb and I did our #5at5 in the early hours (and it was probably the hottest and humid-est early-morning run ever). Then, 12 hours later, I met up with Amy for the weekly 15-miler on the hilly bike path. Sadly, my special lily had only one bloom remaining Wednesday morning; by afternoon, it was gone. I'm grateful that I took the time to stop and sniff it every time I walked, ran, or biked by it the nine days it was in bloom, alongside our mailbox.

Kind of a frigid Friday
Are you sitting? Overnight, our temps plummeted 30-degrees! While the mid-60's feel awesome for summer running, they're pretty chilly for summer walking. As I was lacing up the shoes, Max gave me his "Mommy-can-I-go-with-you" look...and how could I say no to that face? The thing is, once we'd  left the driveway, he decided HE was going to take ME for the walk instead of vice-versa LOL.

Long run Saturday
Momma N had blessed us with some cooler temps, but she also sprinkled in some overnight rain. As luck would have it, there was some remaining light rain and mist come Saturday morning. With 15 miles on tap, I didn't want to wait-out the rain, so I headed out around 6:00. Actually, the sprinkles were so light, I barely noticed them (and they actually felt pretty refreshing). I got in five miles before meeting up with Barb (by then, the rain had halted), and then she ran the remaining 10 with me. Even with the cooler temps, the humidity made for quite a sweat fest. It has been a long time since I've run 15 miles (like, since MCM training, Summer of 2019). While these miles weren't easy, they went off like clock work. I may have taken a few intermittent naps afterwards, though, while watching some of the Olympics coverage...

Sunday's forecast
I'm not sure what's on tap, fitness-wise, for Sunday. Possibly a short recovery run; if not, there will be an early-morning walk (or maybe both). We'll be helping the younger daughter move to a different  apartment (for the new semester at college), and maybe a moderate bike ride after returning home.

So, even though things weren't as active as usual, it still was a great low-key week. The weather was crazy hot and humid, so it worked out well to keep things (mostly) on the down-low. Running mileage totaled out at 22 miles (most of which was from Saturday's long run). Biking was on the higher spectrum, with 103 (but 88 of those miles were from RAGBRAI). Walking dominated with 17 cumulative miles of daily action. 

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! As mentioned, the temps took a 30-degree nosedive overnight. Thankfully, my cold shoulder blouse wasn't too uncomfortable. Just because the temps felt more like Fall didn't mean I had to dress like Summer had ended, right?

More flowers are blooming! The hosta are really coming to life (lower right), as are the blooms on our Hydrangea tree (upper right). I'm finally seeing some Morning Glories and a few of the roses by our mailbox. Summer is such a beautiful season! 

Well, that's a wrap for now. This week gave me some heat, and earned recovery time...I'm glad I was able to capitalize on those gifts.

How are things in your world? Was it hot, hot, hot and humid for you, too? Are you training for any fall races? Any races this weekend?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. It cooled off here yesterday which felt great! Earlier in the week it was still pretty warm, but I think I'm used to it at this point. Glad you felt good following your big bike ride! Good luck with the college move-in.

    1. I haven't even looked ahead to this week's forecast. I figure, the runs need to happen regardless, right? I'm looking forward to getting back on the bike, a little more, this week.

  2. I think our high got to 97. That was plenty hot for me, but yes, the cooldown was fantastic and much needed. I had no idea your hubby was a veteran RAGBRAI guy. Cool! Well done on that epic ride!

    1. The hubby has been doing RAGBRAI for the past 15 years or so, and most of those he's done the full week. That's how long it took him to convince me to do just one day LOL

  3. Good week to take some extra rest! Really hoping for some cooler temps this week. I am kind of over it. Today's run is going to be rainy and that's ok by me. Have a good one

    1. This week's rest really worked well with the crazy heat and humidity. The first 3-4 miles of rain, yesterday, felt really nice...I don't say that very often ;-)

  4. Thankfully our heat was limited this week, and much of the week was very nice -- when it wasn't raining, of course. We were 4" over average for July!

    Sounds like you had a great recovery week, Kim, and love the flowers. <3

    1. My long run mileage is going to ramp up this month, so I'll be really rocking the recovery time between the running and biking. Knock wood, this crazy combo seems to be serving me well. So much rain! We're almost in the midst of a drought again, but the humidity has helped (some) in keeping the grass green. My weeds seem to be thriving in it, too.

  5. You are working well, alternating running/walking/bike in consideration of the September marathon.
    In this part of Italy we are under a terrible heat wave. I don't remember a period like this.
    Beautiful flowers.

    1. Heat waves are tough! I love the heat much more than the cold, but I do appreciate a break in the temps now and then. I hope it cools off for you!!

  6. Yo are amazing with all your variety.

    No real heat just lots of rain.

    I do not train hard and don't follow a formal plan but I do have quite a few short and long races in the fall - a half in Sept, Oct and Nov.

    1. The hubs and I have DAM to DSM (20K) at the end of the month. SO, while I'm in shape for it, he just finished a week of riding (450+ total miles) and his running mojo is MIA at the moment. That'll be my project...helping to get his running miles back on track. He doesn't like to train via a formal plan, either LOL

  7. This cooler weather is definitely a treat! I have the windows open. Makes me long for a run, tho...

    1. The break in the weather does feel good! I haven't looked ahead to see what's in the forecast, but we really could use some rain (I cannot believe I just said that LOL).

  8. It would be illegal to say no to Max, right? So cute
    Love the open shoulder top and of course the sandal tan.

  9. Wow a 30 degree drop! That must have felt so nice for running. It was so hot and smoky this week here in Minneapolis, but its a little cooler this weekend, which is great.

    A Saturday long run followed by naps watching the Olympics is my kind of weekend :)

    1. Unfortunately, I did not run in the cooler temps (recovery day)...but I did walk in it ;-)

  10. Well recovered and hooray for a drop in temps. We've had cooler days this week and it's been great, I got some good miles in and our running club run has come back!

  11. Wow, a 30° overnight temperature drop is pretty crazy. 60° is pretty perfect summer running weather, though. Glad you recovered so seamlessly from your Sunday Ragbrai ride!

    1. I was really happy the Ragbrai recovery was so much smoother than anticipated!

  12. A 30 degree temperature drop- that's crazy! I'm glad you didn't have to do your long run in triple digits though. Nice job on getting the 15 miler done! Sounds like it was the perfect combination of recovery and hard work this week.

    1. The temp drop was almost a shock to thesystem...a weather whiplash of sorts.

  13. Your RAGBRAI sandals tan line is pretty funny, but I do cringe at the thought of riding with exposed toes! So glad you recovery went well — you were smart to take it easy even if you didn’t feel like you “needed” it.

    1. Since this was my first real long ride, I thought it best to be cautious with the recovery time, especially with all the marathon miles remaining...

  14. After RAGBRAI, a low key week sounds like it was a good plan! Great job on your 15-miler! I hope the cooler temps stick around for you for a bit.

    1. The low key post-Ragbrai week was a perfect fit ;-) I'm thankful I didn't have to a lot of running miles to crank out in the extreme heat last week.

  15. the planets aligned and you got the low-key rest week you needed! nice work this week though keeping the recovery active and cranking out miles where they were needed!

  16. You more than earned a nice lowkey week after Ragbrai!

    We has such beautiful weather here this weekend that it made me so excited for Fall. Having a cool breeze after weeks of humidity was such a nice treat.

  17. Your bike event sounds great! What a fun community. I'm getting a bit nervous about going 102 miles for my event right now. I haven't done any biking in almost 3 weeks. I might need to drop down to a shorter distance. You did big miles. Yay!!

  18. I am glad to hear your recovery went well. But I am not surprised because you are very active. All of that biking , walking, and running does come in handy.
