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Monday, August 30, 2021

DAM to DSM - 2021 Race Recap

As the saying goes, "always earned, never given."

That's true for many things, in running and life in general. It was the paramount mantra that got me to the DAM to DSM finish line on Saturday morning.

I have said it many times, but this event is one I look forward to every year. With Covid-19 wiping it off the grid for 2020, this race was a long time coming.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Going With The (weather's) FLOW


Well, it was a week!

And Momma N certainly had her own agenda for what kind of weather she was serving up for me. She kept me guessing, she threw a few surprises my way, and she definitely tested my tolerance for her antics.  

It's a good thing she keeps me entertained because there were never any dull moments.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Got a Few 'Fessions?

Got a few 'fessions? 

Rest assured, I have a few. Actually, I have several things worthy to 'fess-up about...but I'll spare you a lengthy post and just share five (you're welcome).

There's been a lot of things going down, and some exciting things on the horizon...

Monday, August 23, 2021

Favorite Finds in my Running Arsenal

We all have a few favorite things when it comes to running.

While my Arsenal of Running Essentials has evolved over the years, it has many items that are invaluable to me. In the past year, though, a few key items have been added that I can't imagine life without.

Care to hear about them?

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Back in Maintenance Mode

And just like that...we're back in maintenance mode.

Yep. My reality took an unexpected turn this week. 

What can I say? One thing we have absolute control of is our attitude, and I embrace that fact. A sense of humor is also invaluable. Thankfully, I have both in my arsenal.

Oh, by the way, did you hear? My marathon (scheduled for next month) won't be happening.

Monday, August 16, 2021

8 Tips to Ease that Race Day Anxiety & Fear

You've (hopefully) done all the necessary training. Preparing for the big race day, though, involves more than just logging miles in your running shoes. 

I've been running (and racing) for 16+ years. Needless to say, I have learned a lot through trial and error (emphasis on the errors).

A little planning ahead of time can ease the race day stress. It may not eliminate the start line nerves, but having a lot of the details ironed out before the big day will make getting there a little easier. 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Resurrection of the Daily Rides

Well, this was a week I could not have foreseen...but not necessarily in a bad way.

We do what we can with what we have, am I right? And, we make the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in....well, at least I do LOL. 

Biking was front and center this week, and Gustavas and Fritz went head-to-head for attention. Care to hear who garnered the most mileage?

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Refuel. Rehydrate. Replenish. with Ultima Replenisher

Disclaimer: I received a supply of Ultima Replenisher stickpacks to review as part of being a Bibrave Pro. Learn more about becoming a Bibrave Pro (ambassador), and check out Bibrave.com to review, find, and write race reviews.

When you're feeling #HotHotHot, what you #GotGotGot in the recovery arsenal is paramount.

As runners, and all athletes for that matter, we need to be conscious of not just staying hydrated, but also keeping the electrolytes in check. This is an ongoing situation, but is especially crucial during the warmer months.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Favorite Quick HIIT Fixes

It's been said that time is of the essence...

The thing is, time is (often times) in limited supply for many of us. We all have the same 24 hours each day, and we all have the same seven days each week. Those days and hours, though, have a tendency to get loaded down with work, family, and household obligations.

Sneaking in a workout, or even some personal time, can be a struggle.

It's those really busy days when I turn to an old standby...HIIT!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Rise & Shine, Rinse & Repeat

Sometimes, you just gotta keep rising, shining, and showing up.

Even when you're a victim of late night (Olympic) star gazing, staying on track (no pun intended) is beneficial. That said, a few aches and pains will come and go...it certainly helps having a beautiful sunrise, on occasion, to brighten one's spirits.

Such was the case this past week. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

An Olympic-Sized Coffee Chat

How about an Olympic-sized coffee (or caffeinated beverage of choice) to withstand the current status quo? 

Yes, please, and thank you.

When it comes to the Olympics, I'm not a huge diehard. That said, I've been serving my time on the couch, this go round, and my entire routine has been temporarily upended. Not necessarily in a bad way, thank goodness.

All that aside, shall we grab our mugs, cups, or glasses and have a quaint little virtual gathering? I'm game, are you?

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Welcome to the Kim Gym

All is fair in fitness and fun. While my "home gym" is pretty bleak in comparison to some, it gets the job done. 

After all, it's not about a fancy-schmancy set-up, or an elaborate mass of equipment. It's about commitment to your own well-being. And, a little bit of creativity never hurts.

C'mon, step inside. I'll show you around and make some introductions.