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Monday, August 23, 2021

Favorite Finds in my Running Arsenal

We all have a few favorite things when it comes to running.

While my Arsenal of Running Essentials has evolved over the years, it has many items that are invaluable to me. In the past year, though, a few key items have been added that I can't imagine life without.

Care to hear about them?

In no particular order:

My sunglasses. These babies are required attire, as far as I'm concerned. I have extremely dry skin, which means I'm also prone to wrinkles. There's no need for unnecessary squinting, so if there's a sun in the sky (no matter how low), I'll usually have some funky shades happening. Most of my sunglasses are from Knockaround, because they're so colorful, functional, and inexpensive. 

My Koala Clip. I wrote a review on this last year (HERE). I have struggled with finding a fuel belt that stays in place on me (none of them do...and I do mean NONE). The Koala Clip, though, easily clips onto the underside of my running bra, and does not bounce, spin around, or jiggle itself loose. Problem solved! I also use this for short bike rides (when I don't need full-on cycling gear, with all the extra pockets). And, it's a handy case just for carrying your phone (along with an ID or bank card) in your hand to protect it from sweaty hands (if you don't wish to take the extra 3-5 seconds to secure it to your bra strap).

My Theragun Mini. I was gifted the Theragun Mini  as part of the #SeeYouOutThere campaign (with Dicks Sporting Goods, in May). Oh my, does this work like magic on tired muscles. I use it before a workout (to warm-up and/or loosen the muscles), after a workout (as part of the cool-down), before bed (because it's a great end-of-day relaxation routine) and for general maintenance and therapy.

SiS gels. I did a review of these as well  last year HERE. These have been a game-changer for me, as far as fuel is concerned. The SiS gels  are awesome because they're isotonic, meaning they do not require any additional water for them to be absorbed into your system.

Ultima Replinisher. Another thing I have struggled with is finding an electrolyte replenishment product that I actually liked. I recently reviewed this product HERE. Most of the electrolyte recovery drinks I'd tried were effervescent tablets, which meant they had a "fizziness" quality about them. While most people like that feature, I don't care for it myself. This product comes in the form of a powder...and you empty the packetstick into your water, give it a shake or stir, and almost instantly it's ready to drink. Total convenience and easy to swallow.

My stairway. Although I have gotten pretty disciplined about warming up before a run, the stairway has really become a non-negotiable warm-up vice. With the exception of the races I've done, and a few (very few) random short runs, I have taken some my warm-up to the stairs. I climb 10 flights of stairs prior to almost every run. This has been going on for the past several months. The stairs work almost every muscle in the legs, my core gets a bit of a warm-up as I pump my arms, and my heart and lungs definitely get woken up as well. 

My bikes. I would be extremely remiss if I didn't give some accolades to my bikes. The past three summers, I have been biking a lot more. Much to my surprise, I discovered biking is a fantastic recovery workout for tired legs. It's also a great cross-training option. When I was sidelined from all things on-foot, a year ago, Gustavas (my mountain bike) was a vital part of my rally-back. I was able to maintain my endurance and leg strength, all while being able to get outside and enjoy some cardio endorphins. This summer, Fritz (a hybrid bike) joined the family, and that's given me even more options for cycling on my non-running days.

So, that's a quick peek into my running arsenal. The featured finds, above, have really served me well this year!

While several of the above-featured products are linked to websites, none of them are affiliate links.

What are some of your favorite running necessities? Do they change with the seasons, and weather? Have some stood the test of time, or does your collection evolve as your needs change?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. Great items,Kim! I'm using the Koala myself after buying it with your discount code. It works well.
    We have a set of stairs outside in front of our apartment building where I warm up for a run. I should try to use them for a warm up next time - I can imagine that running up and down them is just as good as a set of high knees and butt kicks!

    1. I'm glad the Koala Clip has worked well for you! Yes, tackle those stairs, Catrina...and report back on how #badass they make you feel ;-) Seriously, it's a great cardio warm-up and works everything from the waist-down. Have fun!!

  2. I do love my Knockarounds as well. They have become my accessory of choice for sure. The Theragun mini and I spend much time together

    1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Knockarounds!! I'm always amazed how well they stay in place...no sliding or shifting on my sweaty nose LOL

  3. So many great things! I've experimented with several items over the years, and definitely have my own go-to arsenal!

    1. It does take some trial and error to figure out what works for our individual needs...and it's great when we find the perfect products!

  4. I do like Nuun. I started out with it, stopped using it, had cramps, and then returned to it and never looked back!

    I love my sunglasses too. I used to buy them at race expos though . . .

    1. I liked all the Nuun flavors, it was the fizziness that didn't work for me. It was a bummer!

  5. I love my massage gun too. It's so helpful when it comes to hitting those sore spots. I also have a set of compression boots and those are amazing after hard workouts!

    1. This massage gun has been a great addition to my arsenal. The hubs even sneaks it sometimes LOL

  6. So many useful things.
    My arsenal is very "poor": not many items but the favorite are the Garmin and an electronic stimulator for my forever injured arm.

    1. It's always fun to try new things, so my arsenal kind of changes periodically. But, there are a few tried-and-true favorites that have been around, mainly the sunglasses and the stairs LOL.

  7. I am intrigued by the Ultima Replinisher, especially because of all the yummy flavors. I will give it a try after I finish my HS hydration product.

    1. I have a feeling your HS hydration is very similar ;-) Ultima does have a lot of awesome flavors, and I'm still working my way through the big "preview kit" they gave us for the product review.

  8. I agree with the Koala clip and Knockaround glasses! I have also been liking SiS gels lately, and experimenting with others. I've been using alot of Liquid IV this summer!

    1. Now that my marathon is a no-go, my SiS gels will be hanging around longer (since I won't be needing them as frequently for long-long runs). Not a bad problem, though ;-)

  9. I wear prescription sunglasses, so I really miss out on all the fun ones! We just got a Theragun and are really getting good use out of it!

    1. Isn't the Theragun nice! My hubby likes it, too...it's great for hitting the little nooks and crannies that a foam roller just cannot reach.

  10. I ordered the Ultima Replinisher after reading your review - looking forward to trying it! I'm also a fan of Knockaround glasses and SiS gels.

    1. Well, my dear, we have all kinds of wonderful things in common ;-) (I also think you're a fan of Brooks shoes...just saying).

  11. I'm intrigued by the SIS gels! Do you use the caffeinated ones? The espresso flavor has a LOT of caffeine!!!
    I wish I had stairs! Wow, I'm really vertically challenged here- no stairs and no hills. I'm sure the stairs really get your glutes ready for a run!

  12. I will have to see if those SiS gels are available here! All the gels I use need water afterwards, which I always find a bit difficult on a run. I can't picture you without your bikes either - you've done so well to make them part and parcel of your whole fitness regime.

  13. I also love my Koala Clip! One of the best things for running. I am bummed that I cannot wear sunglasses because they're all so cute! I wear glasses but not contacts.

  14. I love that you included your stairs in your list! :-)

  15. I love Knockarounds and Goodrs, so much fun for so little money! I've yet to try the Koala Clip but I hear so many good things that I feel like I need to try it. I usually slip my phone in the pocket of my skirt (which means it get a little damp at times!).

  16. I have a pair of Roka sunglasses that I have developed an irrational attachment to. Good sunglasses make such a difference on a run!
