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Sunday, September 5, 2021

A Breath of "Fall" Air


Where did my summer go?

Apparently, Momma N is in a much bigger hurry to shut-down the summer season than I am. The days are getting markably shorter, and my dear sunrise is arriving later and later each morning. Alas, I'm determined to get outside everyday and embrace what's left of summer.

That's the plan, and it kept me smiling most of the week. 

Before I share all the Fall-like details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what really went down in my little world of fitness this week:

Sunday Supreme
Fresh off of Saturday's hot & humid DAM to DSM 20K, I awoke feeling (dare I say?) recovered. Alas, just to play it safe, I opted for a recovery ride on the bike (wearing my new D2D shirt), and returned home feeling even more rejuvenated. The hubby agreed...biking is a pretty decent recovery vice after a tough race. A few hours later, we loaded the car and headed to the hubby's hometown, in northwest Iowa, for our brother-in-law's visitation and funeral.

Never miss a Monday...
Feeling exhausted (physically and spiritually), I knew a short run would loosen up my body, wake-up my mind, and start my day off right. I ran a short ways from the hotel, along a highway, and then alongside a golf course and through part of a neighborhood trail. The sunrise and fresh air definitely worked their magic. Later, after we returned back home, I took Gustavas out for a quick 5-mile ride and my legs were most grateful (after upwards of five hours in the car). 

The sunrise in NW Iowa is just as breathtaking as it is in central Iowa

 Take-It Easy (Peasy) Tuesday
With rain threatening to dampen my morning, and damp streets from the overnight rain, I opted to take a simple walk and postpone the bike ride for later. Nothing like a damp morning to really make me nostalgic for a hot, summer morning (if you know what I mean). It did warm up, a tiny bit, but the 15-mile ride with Gustavas (post-workday) did have me in long sleeves.

Anyone else ready for football season? Go Hawks!

Double (Windy) Ride Wednesday
Holy Brrr, Batman, can we lighten up on the fast-forward-to-Fall weather? Yeah...temps in the upper-50F's feel a bit chilly on the bike, but Momma N blessed me with another stellar sunrise. By the afternoon, the temps had done a 180, and it felt like Summer again...though, we also had some wind to fight. I met Amy and Barb at the trail, and we embarked on our weekly (hilly) bike path ride to the lake and back. Yowza, we had a viscous NE wind that kept us all quite humble on the return trip. Afterwards, Amy headed home, and Barb and I rode a few bonus miles. With the morning's 10 miles (with Gustavas, the loyal mountain bike) and the 21 post-workday miles (with Fritz, the hybrid), Wednesday's mileage totaled out at 31miles...a nice 50K for the day! Believe it or not, I slept like a rock that night.  

BTW, there was an awkward moment when the "drive-by" busted me in my selfie

Thursday's #5at5...and nothing else
We had to postpone the #5at5 to Thursday; and, after crashing hard Wednesday night, 4:30AM came rather early Thursday morning (but hitting the streets in my running shoes is my kind of coffee). Wow...where did all the morning daylight go??? The temps were crisp (59F), the sky was clear, and our run went well (albeit a bit speedy LOL) ... but there wasn't even a hint of a sunrise when I returned home. Oh, how I wish the summer season lasted longer! I spent the greater part of the day trying to keep my eyes opened. When I got home from work, I hit the couch and crashed for about an hour. I'd been up for almost 13 hours at that point and not even a bike ride sounded enticing.

I had every intentiontion of an early-morning run (even in the forecast rain), but the cold temps (mid-50F's), wind, and storm-like conditions had me changing my plans upon wake-up. A new fitness toy that I have been playing with is the hubby's ab wheel. Holy Burn, Batman! I can now do 10 "roll-outs, " with near-perfect form, so I went "rolling" instead of running...and did a bunch of upper and lower-body strength work (as a cool-down LOL). Later, after another 5ish-hour drive back to NW Iowa (this time for the hubby's class reunion), I took the bike out for a few miles to map out a running route for the next morning.

Sunny Saturday
With a full day of reunion activities and meet-ups on the roster, I got out early and got my run done just after daybreak. We're talking five miles, exploring the hubby's hometown on foot, and then another eight miles on the bike. Fresh air, cool temps (again), and plenty of early mornig sunshine...not a bad start to a busy day.

Sunday's forecast?
A long drive back, so I'm going to try to get out for some biking (and/or walking) before we hit the road for home. And, probably some more biking, upon our return to town, to loosen up the legs after all that car time. My reality!

So, although we still have a few weeks remaining of the official summer season, Momma N tried to fast-forward it to Fall this week. The cooler temps weren't terrible, but I'm defintely in no hurry for my summer to end. Running was still on the conservative spectrum (12 miles), and walking was pretty meager as well (I think about 5 or 6 intentional miles). Biking was respectable, though, with 67 miles on wheels. The daily planks, push-ups, and (now) ab-rolls were spot-on, as well as the full-body strength workout Friday morning. All is well.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. It was a cold and damp day, so we went with some bright red (to brighten the dreary day) and the tried and true white skinny jeans (for warmth). So what if my toes may have been cold...the sparkly sandals are still in rotation because it still is (technically) the summer season.

Finally, as mentioned, the hubs and I returned to his hometown (again), this time for his class reunion. Yes, I do wear other things beside fitness gear...and so does he. BTW, congrats to our Iowa Hawkeyes on their season-opener against Indiana!

How did your week play out? Has it been feeling more like Fall than Summer? Any weekend racing? Ever tried ab-rolling? 

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  1. It cooled off here this weekend too but it was pretty perfect because the mornings were just under 60 but during the day it still felt like summer! Id be happy to keep this weather for awhile longer. I could definitely use some more light in the mornings though! During the week its dark for my entire run, and for my long run this weekend it seemed like I was running for hours before I even saw a hint of the sunrise.

    1. I don't mind the cool mornings ((much)) because at least the afternoons are still warm. The dark mornings, though, are tough to accept....

  2. It's been cooler here as well, although not quite as cool as it is there, and it feels so good! Sorry there was a funeral in your world this week. Great job on the workouts as always!

    1. Yeah, it really got cool here...must be an Iowa thing LOL I know we'll still get some warm weather for awhile, but this Fall Preview showed up quickly!

  3. I'm actually enjoying the cooler weather, but losing the morning light is hard. So sorry about the passing of your brother-in-law.

    1. It got really cool really quick here...and the morning darkness really happened fast. UGH. Hoping for a little more delayead summer weather for awhile.

  4. Love the scarf at the reunion!
    So sorry about the passing of your brother in law.
    You know I'm loving these fall mornings. Yesterday upstate was crazy, long sleeve tee running, then shorts and long sleeves and then a quick change to a tee before lunch because summer happened.

    1. Thank you, Cari ;-) It's been a busy eight days...

    2. btw-the above? A festivus miracle. I could comment from my phone.

  5. I thought the breath of fall air was refreshing and made running this weekend so much more enjoyable. I do hate to see the sunlight diminish though. Sorry again for the passing of your brother in law.

    1. WhIle I prefer the warm weather running, the cooler temps are bearble for running (though a bit brisk for biking). The morning daylight is really a downer....

  6. I didn't realize the funeral was for such a close relative. I'm so sorry, Kim, that's rough -- hugs to your family. But fun to return for a happier occasion!

    Yes, it's very fall- like here -- today is rainy, but most of the week has been just fabulous!

    1. Not much rain here, but the rain we did get was c.o.l.d. Yes, this weekend was a muchhappier occasion ;-)

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law, Kim, and I'm sending virtual hugs to you and your family.

    We had a mixture of very crazy weather here - hot and humid, then lots of rain and a tornado watch all day on Wednesday, and then delightfully cool (almost too cool) and crisp fall air.

    I have an ab wheel and you're not kidding, it's a tough workout!

    Congrats to your Hawkeyes! We were thrilled to watch our Hokies win their opening game Friday night against number 10 UNC. We played a great game!

    1. We have had a few tornado watches, but (surprisingly) no actual tornado warnings. The humidity has really been crazy (prior to this week).

  8. We’ve had a taste of fall weather too and I love it! I love your bright shorts too. ;-)

    Ab wheels are no joke! Just when you thought you had a strong core ….

    1. Right? I'm getting the hang of the wheel, but I definitely can feel it!

  9. So sorry for you and your family- your brother-in-law must have been fairly young, right?What a sad occasion.
    Oh the ab wheel. The funny thing is my grandparents had one in their house when we were little, and the reason it's funny is they didn't exercise at ALL. I don't know why they had it. We would always mess around with it, and I remember how hard it was.
    I felt exactly like you when I lived up north- just give me all the heat and humidity all the time! I hated winter. Now that I live in Florida I'm longing for cooler weather sometimes... but not enough to move back up there.

    1. The BIL was in his mid-60's, and had suffered with RA for much of the past 10 years or so. Well, I don't love all the humidity, but I'll take it becasue it usually comes with the heat of summer ;-)

  10. Very sorry to hear about your brother in law.
    I will not miss hot and humid: I cannot wait for the real fall weather! However I am enjoying the breeze and the sunrises of the early mornings.
    Here not rain yet. I have an agreement with my friends: a relaxing run under the first rain of the season!

    1. Well, you're much more enthusiastic about running in the rain than I am ;-)

  11. It's cooled off here a bit in the past couple of days, which I love - I just wish the morning light wasn't disappearing.

    I'm so sorry about your brother-in-law.

    1. The morning darkness really happened quickly this year....

  12. I'm sorry about your brother in law. That's tough.

    The dark mornings came on quickly! I didn't realize it on my Wednesday early morning run and definitely needed a headlamp. Summer was too fast!

    1. I don't ever remember the early morning darkness happening so fast before!

  13. You already know how I feel about Fall weather :) We had a few cooler days this past week (after all the crazy storms) which was much appreciated!

    I knew that you attended a funeral but didn't realize it was for your brother-in-law :( So sorry for your loss and will be keeping your family in prayer. Hugs <3

    1. Thank you, Kim ;-) My SIL is doing pretty well, but the past several years have been rough on her husband...RA did not play nice with him ;-(

  14. yes the temps have cooled down here...i'm sad except it does make running easier. But the dark...

  15. Ooh ab rolling sounds hard but fun! I would love to try it!
    So sorry about your brother-in-law. I'm glad you found a run to provide some spiritual healing.

    1. The ab rolling is really tough! I've tried it a few times, in the past, but never did more than a few rolls at a time. I'm determined to keep at it this time.

  16. You've had a busy week! So sorry about your brother in law. Going for a run is a great way to cope. I bought some white jeans this spring, and only wore them once so far! I was hoping to get more use out of them, but they were thick. There's still hope for September I guess!

  17. I am totally with you. It was extra burr this week, which I was not mentally ready for. But it was great for my cold temps loving doggies so we switched his walks to the morning. Also, loving that red jacket. You should wear that color more often!

  18. That's crazy you experienced such a drop in temps! No way that is happening here anytime soon! Boo!

    I hope you had a wonderful time in your hubby's hometown. That sounds like fun, even if it was a long drive.
