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Sunday, October 17, 2021

A Topsy-Turvy Taper

With two races on the weekend's roster, this week was all about the taper.

The thing is, it didn't really feel like a taper. Since I was kind of in a holding & coasting pattern (since the cancellation of my September marathon), I haven't really been in a real training mode. I've done some long runs (10/11-miles) in the past couple of months, but no speed-training. The weekly mileage has averaged near the 20-mile mark. And there have been a few weeks with minimal mileage (and lots of biking) while I worked my way through some weird aches and (mild) pains.

Still, as we all know, a busy race weekend benefits from a not-too-strenuous week prior...

Before I dis on the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down this past week in my little world of fitness and fun:

Recovery Day Sunday.
My IMT Des Moines Marathon Taper Week began with a 2-mile walk with the hubby and Max...and that was all that went down. I'd done a 10-mile run the day prior, as well as a lot of football stadium walking, and just wasn't "feeling" the usual recovery run. So, I walked, and called it good. 

Never miss a Monday.
Ugh, waking up to rain is never fun, especially when the temps are cold and the wind is blowing. I saddled up Sebbe (the stationary bike) and we spent 10 miles together before my work day began. Later, either the weather peeps lied or Momma N changed her mind because the forecast 33% chance of late-afternoon rain was actually 85%. Thankfully, it wasn't a down-pour, like the morning's rain had been, so I made the best of the wet situation and ran a couple miles outdoors anyways. 

Not a typical Tuesday.
The morning temps were cold (like, with a "4" in the numeral digits), but the air was pretty calm and the stars were ever so bright. Not a bad setting for a walk, in my opinion, so that served as my morning coffee. 

Stalking the weather showed a really cold (and windy and rainy) Wednesday in the forecast, so Amy and I decided to push up our usual Wednesday bike ride a day early. Hard to believe this was week #19 of these weekly rides!

Weird Wednesday...
As forecast (wow, how did they get it right?), it was raining and pouring upon wake-up. Actually, it really was a good morning to be inside since it was a rest/recovery day. Not much to report...some morning stretching, a 1-mile (windy) walk at lunch and another (even windier) walk mid-afternoon.

Thankful Thursday.
With the erratic weather, Wednesday's ride wasn't the only thing that got switched around...so did the usual #5at5 run with Barb. And, I gotta admit, all the switcheroo'ing played out quite nicely. Thursday morning's 53F temps were a nice surprise from the colder temps that had been forecast. There also was some walking (two miles) and a short 6-mile bike ride after work to keep the legs loosened up.

Freaky Friday.
With two races on the horizon, my legs needed an easy-peasy day. Besides, Friday morning greeted me with rain (heavy rain, and storms), so I was stuck inside upon wake-up (again!). The arms and shoulders, though didn't have it so easy...some upper-body strength work with barefoot balance holds. Later, I was able to get out for a 1-mile walk at work, and another 1-mile walk with Max (after work).

Saturday's busyness...
The day began with a 5:15 wake-up, a 6:15 departure, and then an 8:00 start time for the MercyOne 5-mile Run. The IMT Des Moines Marathon weekend had begun, and this was my first race of the 5-Mile/13.1 Combo. It was a chilly morning (umm, hello, 43F), but the sunshine was plentiful. I was totally on pace for a 5-mile PR...only to have the route end at 4.89 (talk about your #FirstWorldProbs LOL). After the race, I hightailed it back to Grinnell for a quick clean-up and then headed to Iowa City for an afternoon of football (and four miles of tailgating/stadium hiking).

On tap for Sunday? 
Sunday morning, I'll be running the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon, for the second part of the Combo. This event always seems to get sandwiched in between other stuff (usually before a marathon weekend, or right after LOL), but it's a can't miss endeavor for me. I expect I'll need a nap upon my return, so heads up...I will (again) be delayed in reading/commenting/replying to the linked blogs. I pinky swear to get to get to all the blogging business before I retire Sunday evening, though.

So yeah, not a typical taper, but this training cycle has been anything but typical for me. I've learned to just go with what's happening, and make the best of it. It doesn't hurt to smile as it all happens as well. So, this week saw very low running mileage (12 miles, but 13.1 will be happening Sunday morning). Walking was decent, with 18 miles, but still on the conservative end. And the biking was very low-key as well (31 miles), so my legs were kept fresh and ready for the big weekend. Also, there was one upper-body workout, occasional ab-rolling, and the daily planking and push-ups. Yadda yadda yadda.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! The 6-0 Iowa Hawks had another tough game on tap for Saturday, so you better, you better, you bet I was decked out in the black and gold. I also swiped the hubby's flannel shirt from the closet because it's long enough to keep my bum covered (because #LeggingsAsPants LOL).

Deborah gave me the heads-up that October 11th is National Kimberly Day! I bet you didn't know that Kim (KookyRunner) and I were so special, did you!

Remember my mention of Iowa's 6-0 season? Well, that came to a nasty crashing halt at Saturday's game against Purdue. We won't talk about the score of the game, or the lack of much offense or the MIA defense. But, it was a fun time hanging out with my sister and Barb, and the Iowa Wave never disappoints. Glass Half Full.

Lastly, our dear granddoggy, Lola, became a big sister this week! Zeus joined their family...isn't he a cutie? He's a 4-year old Maltese and Dachshund mix.

So, enough about me! Tell me something fun and/or fabulous from you week...Any workout milestones? Races? Unpredictable weather? 

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  1. Zeus is such a cutie! He's lucky to have you as a doggy grandma!

    So, so sorry about Iowa's loss. We won't talk about our game either! :-(

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. Iowa's loss had a lot of people shaking their heads. It would have been much less painful had it been Peen State (last weekend) LOL We got to meet Zeus Friday night...he is so lovable, but is a little timid at first.

  2. well, I always knew my Kim friends were special! Nice job on yesterday's race and hope you are having a blast out there today. can't wait to read all about it

    1. Both races went remarkably well, so I'm feeling all kinds of thankfulness and gratitude for what my body can do. Can't decide to do separate recaps or one longer (combined) one...stay tuned!

  3. Good luck on your race this morning! And happy National Kim Day;-)

    1. Thank you!!! The race went well, so I'm feeling so happy with that (albeit tired).

  4. Happy Kim day! Haha! Hope you're having a great race. I was pretty stunned to see Iowa lose but the Purdue QB is a dear friend's son so we are super happy for him!

    1. The Iowa loss had a lot of us stunned...I guess that 12-game winning streak (including the end of last season) was due to come to an end. Purdue's QB certainly had a great game!

  5. Yay on the 5 miler — even if it was a bit short. Good luck on the Half today. I have a feeling you are going to kill it.
    We haven’t seen temps in the 40s yet — I think I’d need long sleeves for that, right? ;-)

    1. Ha ha... well, I definitely need sleeves for those temps ;-) Thankfully, those temps are bearable for running (after the first mile or so)...walking and biking, not so much (unless you have #AllTheLayers).

  6. Omg Zeus... what an adorable picture!
    I'm imagining that you're running right now! Hope it's going well, and that you get an amazing nap afterwards. Can't wait to hear all about it.
    Sorry about your Hawkeyes! It's funny because a year ago I would have been like "what is the big deal about college football?" and now I'm totally into it! It's one of those extra things that makes life so fun right now.

    1. Oh, we've loved college since way back when (the NFL...not so much LOL). My half marathon went really well, even on my tired legs. And, yes, I had some nice "me time" on the couch when I finally got home ;-)

  7. A super busy week for you, Kim, even if you were "tapering". I hope you enjoy your race today -- I'm sure you will. Friday we got poured on during our dogwalk, and it wasn't even supposed to rain on Friday -- yesterday it WAS supposed to rain & didn't until the evening (and pouring again).

    1. We had a lot of rain last week, but we really needed it. Thankfully, the bulk of it came overnight, though it did linger through a few of the mornings (and all day Monday).

  8. I caught part of the Iowa game yesterday and thought of you :(

    Congrats on your 5-miler! I can't wait to hear how today's race goes!!

    1. Yeah, Iowa's game was disappointing, and SO frustrating to watch. I'm not a football coach, but even I could see some things happening that made me wonder what they were thinking. The 5-miler was a lot of fun...I haven't raced that distance in awhile.

  9. I'm still laughing over National Kimberly Day. It always amazes me how there's a national "day" for pretty much anything. Congrats on your race yesterday and looking forward to hearing about today's race.

    OMG Zeus is so cute! This makes me want to get a dog.

    1. The pic of Zeus does not do his cuteness justice, just saying ;-) We got to meet him Friday night <3 This race would be such a great one for you to some & run!!! You would have LOVED the weather today.

  10. Congrats on your two races this weekend! Thats alot of racing in two days! I had no idea there was a National Kimberly day. There's a holiday for everything!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! The two races both went well...one went much faster than I thought I was capable of, and the other felt good despite the tired legs from the day prior. YEs, I had no idea I had my own National Day LOL

  11. Congrats on your races! I guess I didn't realize you were still racing after AirForce went virtual. I runfess that we Badgers didn't shed any tears over Iowa's loss...lol...I guess we'll see what happens in 2 weeks when our teams meet up!

    1. Oh yes, the IMT DSM is always on my fall roster, regardless of what's happening the weekend before or after ;-)

  12. I didn't know you had those races on your calendar! Congrats to you! What a busy weekend. The pupper is adorable! Hope you didn't go too crazy on your big National Kimberly day! Google just told me that Lisa day was on August 8th. Dang I missed it!

    1. My sister's name is Lisa, so I'll have to remember that next year (my mom's bday is Aug. 7th, so I have no excuse). I have done the IMT Des Moines Marathon (in some capacity) almost every year since 2008...such a great event!

  13. I hope the half went well! What a fun weekend already!

    That is one cute pup. what an interesting mix of breeds!

    Happy Kim day!

    1. Thanks, Jessie ;-) The half went really well this morning...so thankful the tired legs came back to life for a couple hours.

  14. I had quite a good taper week and I was looking forward to my nap after my half - little was I to know it would be an exhausted flop after a fall, a trip to the ER, a very late lunch and a bit of TV for digesting ... Hope your race went well - or at least better than mine!

    1. SO sorry to hear about your incident and injury...hoping everything is feeling better and will heal-up well.

    2. Thank you. I've felt pretty rough today but hopefully things will start to feel better tomorrow.

  15. I am sure you have tun a great race!
    Zeus an important name for a beautiful pup.

    1. Thanks, Stefano! The half marathon went really well and I'm quite grateful ;-) Zeus is quite a charmer ;-)

  16. Congrats on your races. I knew they would go well.

    1. Thank you, Darlene! I appreciate your kind words and support!! It's so great to have live races again!!!!!

  17. Oh my goodness! Zeus is such a cutie pie!

    Great week. I was so excited it was in the 50s this morning. It won't last, but it's nice to enjoy while it's here. Way to go with your half this weekend! You rocked it!

  18. OMG, Zeus is so cute
    A Topsy turvy taper is fitting for this crazy two years. So glad to be reading belatedly, that the taper worked
