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Thursday, November 4, 2021

How About a Chai Chat

Here we are again!

It's that time of year when I'm downing the hot chai lattes several times on the daily. It's also that time of the month for gathering and chatting (virtually) over chai, coffee or any beverage of one's choosing. 

If you have your mug in hand, let's get this chatter party started...

Shall I start?

If we were gathered and chatting... 
I'd try to stifle a sigh. Why? Although the outdoor running will continue, uninterrupted, I've already started transitioning to more indoor workouts. I know, I know...this is a big #FirstWorldProb, LOL. Sebbe (my stationary bike) has already seen quite a bit of action (71 miles). I did my first HIIT workout (a week ago) after a lengthy summer sabbatical. And, just this week, Ellie and I got reacquainted (she's my elliptical). I am still committed to getting outside everyday, even if it's just a 1-mile walk on a recovery day. After all, my outdoor activity streak has its 1-year anniversary coming up later this month.

yep, I'll be hanging with Sebbe and Ellie quite a bit in the next few months 

If we were gathered and chatting...
I'd share another #FirstWorldProb from my most recent race, the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon. Over the course of those 13.1 miles, I didn't notice any photographers until the finish line. Usually, there are several photographers scattered along the route, giving the runners many opportunities to smile, pose, grimace, etc. and be captured on film. When the race pics were posted, I couldn't find any of me. Granted, I seldom ever have any race photos worthy of buying, but it's still fun to hope...you know? I messaged "the people," and after several days, they replied back and told me they were unable to find any pics of me (there was a questionnaire to submit, with details of what I was wearing and approximate time-of-day that I crossed the finish line). Well, hmph. 

I pinky swear, I was there!

If we were gathered and chatting...
I'd share a few more pics of the thriving orchid. Last week, it had only one blossom that had opened. A couple days later, I noticed a second blossom (on the same stem). Now, the current count is at three, and I couldn't be more thrilled.

the top pic was from Monday, a third blossom was in bloom by Thursday

If we were gathered and chatting...
I'd show you my latest social media "almost famous" moment in the spotlight. I've been working on a campaign (with BibRave) for Knockaround sunglasses. This has been a really fun adventure because I already had a substantial love for the sunglasses. Imagine my surprise to get a notification that they wanted to feature one of my pics (with a link to my page) on their "shop" site, via Instagram. Yeah, I was good with that.

#AlmostFamous LOL

Finally, if we were gathered and chatting...
I'd tell you about my October mileage. While the numbers definitely aren't bad, they're certainly not anything stellar. Is it obvious my weekends had a lot of football games (and subsequent travel)? Oh well, I've had a lot of fun following my Hawkeyes around the country. I've been able to knock out a few races, as well. And you know what? This weekend, I'll be doing both (more details in the Weekly Run Down post).

Anyways, those are just a few things I'd share over a cup of very warm chai. We all know I'm not a fan of this cold (and dark) time of year, but it's manageable. Besides, in less than seven weeks, we'll be past the Winter Solstice and these dark days will start getting a tiny bit brighter. How's that for perspective!

So, talk to me...

What's in your cup? Anything to share?  Have you ever done a race, but there were no pics as proof?  How did your October play out? Are you eagerly (or reluctantly) keeping the workouts indoors, or opting outside as much as possible?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. Your orchid is beautiful! I used to have several and would coax them to rebloom each year. Eventually, I got bored with the less-than-pretty bloomless plants and tossed them. Now I'll occasionally buy one that's blooming to enjoy for a few months.

    Have fun this weekend!

    1. I didn't think this orchid would bloom so soon...it was less than two months since the last bloom fell off before I noticed the new spikes with buds. Now I'm curious if it will bloom again or go dormant for awhile.

  2. It's crazy how sometimes you get totally missed by the photogs in races. I have no finish line pic at the London Marathon, my 6th and final major and most-wanted pic. It sucks but What can you do. Beautiful orchid!

    1. Oh, that's a bummer on London! I usually can spot the photographers while racing, but I thought it odd I didn't see any until the finish line. Even when I was looking at pics some of my friends had shared...all of them were from the finish line (and not anywhere else along the course).

  3. Less than seven weeks? That’s looking on (for?) the bright side!

    Bummer on the race photos, but if you wouldn’t have bought it anyway …. I’ve got to check out the photos from the Fondo. I think there are some good ones, but since I’ve already done my recap, what would I do with them? LOL

    Your mileage is not shoddy at all. You are so active every day!

    1. No, I probably wouldn't have bought any race pics anyways, but it's still fun to see if any may have had potential, LOL. My mileage is never an OCD thing...I just thought the running miles would be a tad bit higher. With no long bike rides (with friends) that mileage really tanked as well!

  4. Beautiful orchid! For as much as I love gardening, would you believe I'm a disaster with any form of indoor plant?

    It's interesting you mention the situation of no race photos - I had the same situation on my last 10K. Weird how that happens sometimes.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I've had some races where there's maybe 20+ pics, others where there's only a few. This is the first time any pics were MIA. Oh well...not a deal breaker.

  5. Coffee in my cup with flavored creamer - leaving pumpkin for peppermint

    I have seen photographer while running, I pose and still no pics.

    Then there are many pics and they are horrible - you can't win.

    My mileage is never high - 80 if I am lucky. It's fine because I'm not burned out.

    1. I'm not usually burned out, either...and that's a huge win ;-) My mileage averages around 80 as well, I just though October would be a little higher with the half marathon thrown in there.

  6. When I got my photo email from my wineglass half with "my photos" they were not of me but some random guy. Sigh, never saw any! See you soon!

    1. Oh that would be weird! I seem to have a talent for spotting a photographer only to have someone jump in front of me, or the guy put down his camera for a minute. Lousy timing, ha ha.

  7. That's weird about the race pics... maybe we should blame it on Covid (like everything else.)
    Congratulations on your Knockaround fame! That is a good picture- I can see why they wanted to feature it.

    1. Yes! It's probably all due to Covid (or global warming LOL).

  8. Beautiful orchid! We have 2 orchids but they don't want to rebloom.
    Many times, in the past, I didn't find race photos (or good race photos) but lately photographers are more organized and professional.

    1. My race pics are usually pretty unflattering, so it's not a big loss when none show up.

  9. We usually get out most days with Bandit. And outdoor running is the only option I have for running right now! The weather is actually nice right now, if very cold in the mornings.

    You get plenty of activity Kim. I don't think you ever have to worry about your mileage!

    1. Ha ha, I usually don't even think of my mileage until I add up all the weekly stats at the end of the month. If I happen to hit 100 (or pass it), it's never planned.

  10. My office staff gifted me an orchid for NP week! It's beautiful and I hope it lives as long as my last one.

    I have had races where i didn't get photos either.

    1. I've only had a couple orchids, and that was many years ago. Neither lived very long, probably due to location or overwatering (and not enough sun or daylight to dry out between waterings). And there's the possibility of neglect as well, LOL

  11. I love this catch up - sorry to hear about the photos on the race course, how did they manage to miss you?! But also glad they went to some effort to check if they had any. If I was sitting down for a chat with you, my cappuccino in hand, I'd tell you my son chose to wear his Hawkeyes shirt for "civvies" day at school. Yes, it still fits, my boy grows so slowly! I'd also tell you I had my first run today after a month (and my toenail op) and it felt really good. Of course, I was incredibly slow, everything but my toes were sore! But let's focus on the positives - I'm back!
