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Monday, December 20, 2021

2021 Highlights: The Year in Pics

It's just about time to bid 2021 a fond farewell...

While the year didn't play out the way many of us had hoped, it was a huge improvement from its predecessor, 2020. Well, at least in my little corner of the universe it was.

Shall we take a brief walk down Memory Lane?  How about a few highlights? Maybe some pictures can tell the story...

Here's a brief year-in-review:

January: Let the rally-back continue!
Having spent the last few months of 2020 recovering (and rallying back) from my first-ever stress fracture, I was eager to get back to a more balanced fitness routine. I'd developed a new appreciation for all things cycling, so there were many miles logged on Sebbe, my indoor bike. I was able to increase my running mileage, but the indoor bike definitely dominated my cardio time through the winter. Several fitness friends, and myself, even "cycled together," via Zoom, on Saturday mornings!

February: Let's add some distance!
After patiently easing back, and running only short distances (3-5 miles, max), my podiatrist gave me his blessing to resume my "normal" running routine. In other words, the sky was the limit to how much distance was allowed. That didn't mean I jumped immediately to double digits...but when I ran that first 6-miler (after a six-month sabbatical), it felt like I'd finished a marathon. 

March: Let's return to racing!
Covid had wiped out most in-person races, for upwards of a year. It was really exciting to have races resuming, especially for me since I'd also been out of commission with the stress fracture. The Leprechaun Chase was where it happened for me. There were all kinds of Covid restrictions in place, but the race day atmosphere was still on-point. I had tears in my eyes as I crossed the start line, and probably a giddy smile on my face the entire race. It felt so good to be back on a race course!

April: Let's take on a hilly half!
A true test of my rally-back's success would be a long-distance race. The Drake Road Races Half Marathon wasn't just a 13.1-mile race, but a hilly one at that. I'd run it numerous times before, but not  following a broken bone's recovery. Also, I'd never run this particular challenging race sans music. I finished in 2:05:21, which was dangerously close to a course PR (and that was with a potty stop!).

May: Let's do some 1-mile time trials!
Fresh off the Drake 13.1, I didn't have anything else on the roster until July. I was feeling good about my recovered foot, so I got the CrAzY idea to spend the month of May doing weekly 1-mile time trials, and I'd do them on the track. Mind you, this was a huge step outside of my comfort zone because not only do I (1) detest the track (#boring),  I'm also (2) intimidated by speed work, AND (3) I shared my finish times each week with the general public, to keep myself accountable. So, yeah. Amazingly, these time trials served me well, and my finish times far exceeded any expectations of what I thought my body was capable of.

June: Let's start a 20-week biking streak!
Since my love of cycling had been gaining momentum, my friend Amy and I started doing weekly rides out to the lake on the hilly bike path. This weekly ritual began innocently enough, but each week's ride lead to another the following week. Little did we know, these weekly rides would continue for 20 weeks! We also were doing long rides, most weekends, so these hilly training rides served us well...and we both became stronger runners as a bonus!

July: Let's do RAGBRAI!
Since 1973, RAGBRAI (acronym for the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) has taken place during the last full week of July. The route changes every year, but it averages upwards of 500 miles of pedaling over the course of seven days. My hubby has ridden RAGBRAI several times in the past 15+ years, and finally sweet-talked me into joining him, for Day-1, this year. It was a long day that began in the dark (5:45a.m.) and ended about 11 hours later. The temps were hot and humid. The route was not only long (88 miles!), but hilly as well (so all of those hilly rides had paid off, dearly). It was a tough endeavor, but I have the grit and determination to do tough things...and this was quite a conquest!

August: Let's savor every sunrise!
It's no secret I'm an early-riser, or that I love seeking the sunrise. When I'm not running, I'll either be  walking or cycling in the pre-dawn hours. Somehow, this summer, I really noticed the dwindling daylight more than before...even as early as August. You better believe I appreciated each and every display of color of those sunrises brought to me!  

September: Let the full moon runs continue!
In May, I rallied some friends to join me for a full moon run, and that ritual continued through the summer (and is still going strong, here at year's end). There's something so peaceful and tranquil about seeing the moon on a clear evening. It's a given that running under that moon is pretty incredible, too. September's full moon run was a solo endeavor, but beautiful none the less.

October: Let's travel and run while there!
The hubby and I went to a lot of out-of-town University of Iowa Hawkeye football games this fall. Myself, I'm a believer in bringing the running gear along. Let's just say there were several appearances in my Hawkeye black and gold (and running shoes) on game weekends, regardless of where the team was playing.

November: Let's drink the Peloton Kool-Aid!
At long last, I finally decided to give the Peloton world a gander. I've done mostly cycling workouts, so far, but I also really like the strength workouts. I'm finding myself making a more concerted effort with post-run (and post-cycling) stretching. Even though I know how to stretch and show my body some well-deserved TLC, it is nice having someone else lead and guide you. Stay tuned...this venture is far from over.

December: Let's streak again...for the 9th time! 
A big part of my end-of-year wind-down is the Runner's World Winter Run Streak. As I've said, many times, I'm not a year-round streaker but I do embrace this change of routine for the 5-6 weeks following Thanksgiving. It gets me through the Winter Solstice, after all, and I'm all about finding vices to cope with the cold temps and dark days. Some of those streak runs have happened with friends, and that makes those cold runs all the more bearable. 

So, that's a very brief glimpse of what kept me moving and grooving in my little world of fitness in 2021. I feel very blessed to not only have running in my arsenal, but many other fitness options as well. And my fitness friends? They're a fabulous bonus.

How did 2021 go for you? Did you make some valuable memories? Any achievements? 

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I looked at the full moon last Sunday and I thought of you - I was pretty sure you would be out there chasing the moon.
    I love how creative you are with your workouts - from 1 mile time trials to sunrise runs, full moon runs and streaks, you've got it all.
    Tricky question: if you had to single out one single event as a highlight of 2021, which one would it be?

    1. Gosh, I don't think I can single out just one event...there were so many fun experiences, and all had merit for different reasons. Maybe I could go with the feeling of accomplishment after taking on a tough challenge? The time trials, the hilly bike rides, RAGBRAI, and those two back-to-back races in October (the 5-mile and the 13.1)...all took a lot of mental grit ;-)

    2. Yes! The feeling of accomplishment - that's a great way of summarizing it, Kim!

  2. You did have a great year of fitness and got in a number of races in person as well. You have done a fantastic job of pairing cycling and running and now Peloton to the mix. Cheers to a happy and healthy 2022

    1. Thank you so much, Deborah ;-) It was an exciting year! I'm so glad that cycling has played such a valuable part in everything.

  3. I love how you continue to grow your biking while you can run again -- so great for your body! I also don't understand how you do sunrise AND full moon runs. I turn into a pumpkin around 9. :)

    2021 was a rough year for me, after many tough years -- yet I did make many good memories, too -- I'll share those next week!

    Great rally back, Kim.

    1. HA ha...well I love both the sunrises and the full moons, so I just go with it. Both are working well with my schedule for now, so I'm taking advantage ;-)

  4. Like you, I'm so grateful for all the activities I do that allow me to keep running! Nice year!

    1. Yes, we have to more than "just run" to keep our bodies able to run ;-)

  5. This is great. I love looking back on the year and focusing on what was god.

    Lots of good things for you - so many varied activities and outfits!!

    I had a good year - better than 2020 anyway - many races, some race-cations and good times with family and friends. Most importantly a healthy one.

    1. Oh yes, health is paramount! That's something I never take for granted!

  6. You are and will always be the QUEEN of Consistency!

    2021 was worse than 2020 for me...I think because the pandemic generally had a delayed reaction for us in this part of the world. But having said that, I felt better prepared for 2021. In a weird kind of way, it's as if 2020 was the training ground for 2021! My favourite photo here has to be that sunrise one and the many other sunrise photos you shared on social media!

    1. Awh, thank you, Shathiso ;-) I'm grateful I can see (and experience) all those sunrises. Not everyone has the schedule that allows the early mornings, so I feel really blessed.

  7. What a fabulous year you had and so many great pictures to prove it! I loved being able to share some virtual and one in person workout with you.

    1. It was so much fun doing all of our virtual rides last winter ;-) I'm glad we could do the K2K together...that was a great morning!!

  8. Hmm. Let's not talk about my 2021. But yours was amazing! I love how you incorporate all different themes into your year. It keeps things fresh and exciting. I can't wait to hear all about your 2022!

    1. Thanks!! I thought it would be a disservice to not highlight everything (I do a lot more than just run, after all LOL). I'm excited to see what 2022 has in store for us ;-)

  9. You had a great year! It's nice to be able to have more than just running as ways to exercises and move. I was grateful to have running during another crazy year.

    1. We definitely needed our fitness fixes to get through the craziness these past couple years ;-)

  10. An amazing year of activities! Cross training is very important to stay fit and to improve the performances.
    Great photos as usual.

    1. Thanks, Stefano! I'm grateful all of my fitness vices are at the ready ;-) It's great to have a variety of exercises to keep everything in balance.

  11. Love this look-back Kim! You really had an awesome year of fitness! It was great to see you embrace your cycling...and of course I'm happy you drank the Peloton kool aid ;) Can't wait to see what you take on in 2022!

    1. Thank you so much, Michelle ;-) I'm grateful to have you on my "team."

  12. A great year for you - filled with races, friends, cycling and so much more. Here's to even more fun in 2022!

  13. What a great year it was for you! I love how you shared your different activities, running, walking, biking, etc. I hope 2022 is just as great or even better!
