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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Merrily We Streak Along

 ...and the Streak goes on, as does the holiday season.

In a few days, I will pass the halfway point of this year's Winter Run Streak. Yeah, already! So far, the temps haven't been too outrageous, the streets have been (mostly) clear, and the holiday running gear has been making a few appearances. It's all good!

This week definitely had more "seasonal" weather, temps and wind (emphasis on the wind, LOL). I'm still rocking the daily #optoutside gig, though...

But, before I dis on the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little corner of the universe this week:

Out-of-sorts Sunday
Having spent the weekend in Indianapolis, there was a lengthy 7-ish hours spent in the car returning back to Iowa. Upon arriving back to town (mid-afternoon), I laced up and hit the road for a quick 1-miler...more to loosen up the legs than fulfill the daily streak "obligation." The afternoon sunshine was beautiful (title pic, above), but the weather turned evil a short while later. Thankfully, I was in the basement when the temps plummeted and the wind arrived. After a 3-day cycling sabbatical, I dialed up a 15-mile AC/DC ride and was oblivious to what was going down outside.

Never miss a Monday
With 36mph wind, and a 7F feels-like, Amy and I had decided to postpone our weekly run until after work, so I was back on the bike for a 2-class stack and 16 miles. Later, it didn't work out for us to run together, but I got a spontaneous invite for pickle ball (remember that game?). After 90 minutes of pickle ball play, I headed out for my run in the still-cold temps...but the wind had completely vacated the city. Wow. Total game-changer! I'm not a fan of cold temps, but when the wind is MIA, I can handle winter, LOL.

Another typical Tuesday
As per usual, I spent some time with the elliptical, only things went awry. About 10-minutes in, I noticed the control panel was alit with nothing but zeros. What the WHAT?!? Typically, I don't have OCD with numbers or stats, but the elliptical is a different animal. What to do? Well, I decided to just go with it. I pushed a few buttons, and was able to reset the "time," so I kept going for another 15 minutes and estimated my total elapsed time at 25+/- minutes and total "mileage" at (or about) 3.5 miles. Bottom line, it was a good cardio session regardless of what the monitor displayed. I also did a 10-minute core workout and, later, did my 1-mile streak run after work.

Double workout Wednesday
Single digit temps, but only 5mph wind, made for a (mostly) pleasant #5at5 with Barb. The stars were definitely shining bright in those early hours! After work, it was time for some cycling. In an attempt to mimic my summer Double Workout Wednesday routine, I stacked three cycling classes. The result? Lots of climbing, some sprinting and two legs that felt like jelly when the 15 miles were finished (but no helmet hair).

Thankful Thursday
HOLY OUCH! There were some 4-letter words, center stage, during the morning's workout...BURN, WHOA and WHEW, just to name a few. That said, I am grateful for all the FEELs that HURT so GOOD. The outdoor temps were nice, so I did some walking at work, and #runched my streak run over my lunch break. After work, I was craving just some simple time on the bike (there's a few more 4-letter words, LOL), without summoning an official Peloton workout. I had some social media stuff to tend to, so I pedaled while I did so. Ten miles later, I felt refreshed and Peloton was none the wiser. 

5K Friday
Nothing ground-breaking about this early-morning run, but the temps were calm and the wind was bearable. Traffic was at the bare minimum with only a handful of vehicles sharing the road with me. I may have gotten busted in a #selfiefail by a guy and his dog, though. 

A sunny (and slippery) Saturday
Friday's weather took a nasty turn by mid-morning, blessing us with some psychotic wind and frigid temps again. By late afternoon, there was rain coming down...which turned to snow overnight. Barb and I chose to postpone our run until mid-morning, so I took it to the basement for some riding. A couple of stacked classes, 15 miles, and a good post-ride stretch for the win.

A few minutes after dismounting the bike, I heard from Barb, and 30 minutes later we made it happen. Only, unknown to us (prior to heading out), there were some random slick patches underfoot. We kept our pace much slower than usual, did some awkward dance moves (balance checks, LOL), veered onto the grass when possible and called it good at five miles. Oh, was my lower body sore by evening! I don't know if that was from the slipping/sliding, the uneven terrain of the frozen grass, or the prior bike workout...or a combination of all three. 

So, a decent week, even with the colder temps. Yes, it's almost winter on the calendar, so the seasonal temps were due to arrive. Running was decent (19 miles); walking was bleak (3 miles, #oops); biking was solid (71 miles). I also had a couple of core workouts, some strength-training, and those 90 minutes of pickle ball...so I'm giving myself all kinds of grace for not walking much.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! Anyone else a fan of colorful holiday-inspired clothing? I've had this swing dress for a couple years, and just realized I haven't worn it yet this season...so I rectified that situation this week. We're talking all kinds of comfort in this fun piece, but I have to be really careful walking through a parking lot on an especially windy day.


Here's an update on the orchid. It was early October when I noticed the new growth and buds forming.  A few weeks later, the blossoms started blooming, one by one.  Currently, there are seven blossoms on one stem and six on another. Just this week (bottom pic), I noticed the third stem is showing two new stalks emerging, both with buds!

And, finally, 12 of us blogging gals are promoting our first-ever 12 Days of Fitmas! This will be a fun challenge to celebrate the holiday season, but with a fitness twist. Similar to the famous song, each day will feature a new "gift of fitness" to be added to the previous days' "gifts." I hope you'll join us on Monday!

And that's a wrap on this week's fitness fun!

How did your week play out? Has your seasonal winter weather arrived?  Any new workouts to chat about? Has the wind been quite rude in your locale, as well? Holiday races?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. That dress is SO cute! I was just thinking how I really need to find something festive for my wardrobe this year. I'm very minimal (or classic, if you want to put a positive spin on things), but we have a holiday party to attend next week and I have nothing that I really feel like wearing. We don't know the hosts that well and I think it would be fun to have something fun to wear...we'll see if I manage to make something happen. I buy most of my clothes second-hand so we'll see if I hit the jackpot.

    It was a mixed bag for exercise this week. I FINALLY fit in my first outside run in almost a month. It has been almost constant rain/high wind/snow here. It felt great, but definitely uses different leg muscles than the treadmill so I was sore. It was mild and sunny and I made the effort to drive 5 minutes to my favourite trail. Two more treadmill runs (one with intervals that kicked my butt), and then we walked the kids to school 4 days (the other was a snow day and I did ZERO exercise that day).

    I just downloaded the 7M app which is full of HIIT exercise routines, most of which are 7M or less. I really want to start incorporating some strength training, but just don't have the desire to do a long workout video - this might be the right fit for 2022? I could always fit in a few of these during a day? We'll see...

    1. I have not heard of 7M, but I'm a huge fan of HIIT workouts! Those sound like a great option for you, since you have limited free time. You definitely get a lot of fitness, in a short time span, doing HIIT. Enjoy!!

  2. I've dragged out my sparkly tights and top but I need to dig out my ugly Christmas sweater. Busy and fun week for you, and yes, we've had some spurts of winter weather...but then it warms up again. All good!

    1. We're supposed to warm up again this next week, LOL. I'm good with that, but it really messes with my head because I optimistically think it's going to last much longer than it does.

  3. I had some technological issues with my Garmin this week. Must have been something in the air! What a windy week.

  4. the Christmas dress super cure! a busy and fun week for you all around. NO wonder you are sore. Those Peloton classes have a way of doing that!

    1. The Peloton classes do come back to bite me a day later, LOL.

  5. The wind was crazy around here a few times this week! I have leggings that look a lot like your dress. I need to wear them soon! I'll be wearing a seasonal shirt for a party tonight, but other than that I don't have a lot of Christmas clothes. Great workouts this week for you! 90 mins of Pickleball sounds like a lot (and fun!).

    1. The pickle ball can get a little intense! It's a lot of movement, and really works my muscles in a different way than they're used to. I love holiday-inspired clothing! The colors are so festive and fun!

  6. You had a solid week of workouts! I hope to be able to wear my festive capris on some runs, but so far it's been too warm, and it's definitely too warm to wear them for indoor cardio workouts. Perhaps I'll just wear them to work - my clients would get a kick out of them!

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. I keep forgetting to dig out all the festive gear I have. I don't have a huge haul, but there are a few different pairs of tights that are fun to mix & match with other "regular" shirts and jackets, etc.

  7. Ahh! That dress is great! I love how festive it is. We had mostly seaaonal weather, but yesterday was 60(definitely not winter weather)and I loved it.

    I'll need to try the Fitmas workouts!

    1. I'd love some temps in the 60F's!! We have some 50F days in this week's forecast, so those will feel nice compared to the sub-freezing stuff this past week.

  8. Here winter has come with rain and cold wind. This is a windy city because we are on the sea and the winds from north are very very strong. Unfortunately no holidays races, the only interesting one would be on Dec. 31st at 02:00 p.m. in Rome but that is lunch time and I prefer to stay with my family.

    1. All that wind would be tough to endure. I guess if you're used to it, you just find a way. But still, it's not fun fighting the wind, especially if there's rain with it.

  9. Brr... I remember that wind! Sounds like you had a great week though. I see you spent a little time with Denis! :)
    I love that dress so much!!! It looks super cute and comfortable. I wear a uniform to work (ugh) but I'll be getting out my festive Christmas-y hair tie! I have some Christmas pajamas and t-shirts that I've been wearing (guess that shows where my priorities lie!)
    Congratulations on that streak! Wow, almost halfway- that was fast. Hope the wind cooperates this week!

    1. Yes, I am SO ready for a break from the wind. It's been non-stop (well, almost non-stop).

  10. So much wind here this week too - I'm hoping it dies down this week. I just love all of your festive holiday outfits for your workouts this week!

    1. Seems like the wind has been wreaking havoc for all of us this week. It's pure evil!

  11. Just popped over to read your thoughts on Peloton! I'm glad you're enjoying it. You're taking different classes than me (more biking vs. I just do strength) but the convenience is so nice.

    We got a lot of snow this weekend and I'm dreading the "melt/refreeze" that's about to happen with warm temps this week...the joys of winter running!

    1. I saw all the snow Minnesota received! Wow, that looks like a lot for this time of year (even though it IS December).

  12. So much wind this past week! It's definitely starting to feel more like winter.

    Cute dress! My holiday themed wardrobe needs a boost ;)

    Nice job this week - can't believe you're already at the halfway point for your streak.

    1. It really feels good to be almost at the halfway point of the Streak. Then, the Solstice will soon be here, then it's just another 11 days to the grand finale ;-)

  13. What a cute dress. My clothes are getting lonely in my closet. All I wear these days are running clothes.

    Can't believe how fast Dec is going by...and that streak... I have full confidence that you will stick it out and continue in your brightly colored outfits.

    1. Thanks!! I'm not worried about finishing the Streak; it's just a matter of going through the continued motions, and YES, I will definitely be donning my gay apparel, Fa la la la la...

  14. It IS hard to believe that you're halfway through your run streak!

    We had the rain and plummeting temps yesterday, but no snow -- and while it was a chilly start to my day, it did warm up to a chilly 40 or so this afternoon. With a side of wind, of course, but not nearly as bad as yesterday.

    1. Ugh to the rain! I'd almost choose snow over rain this time of year because it's so cold and then there's the risk of it freezing (which it usually does).

  15. Love the dress! I have a palm tree christmas shirt that mom just got us to match, which I was glad to have a chance to wear last night. Don't have too much else festive, although my fav is "Dear Santa, I can explain"
    Way to go on the streak and love having you on the pelo chat.

  16. You are having a hard time with the wind. We have the fog. It's pretty crazy.

    It will never be as cold here as there (I don't think), but it's been a winter-like winter thus far. I'm not mad about it.

    Stay safe out there!
