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Monday, January 3, 2022

*Blissful Persistence* (take '22)

If it ain't broke...

Trying to come up with a theme, word or mantra for 2022 had me stumped.

I mean, 2021's Blissful Persistence pretty much said it all. It kept me focused on the good, the happy and the hopeful. It drove me to stay strong and not give up. And, most of all, it encouraged me to smile while doing it all.

How can that be improved upon?

I'm glad you asked.

While I still plan keep using the hashtag #BlissfulPersistence, since it served me quite well last year, I've decided to add a few others to the mix as well. After all, the more the merrier, am I right?

The last few weeks, I found myself using #KeepSmiling more and more. Honestly, I'm a strong believer in smiling. There's no better thing to see than a genuine smile on someone's face, but often times the smile may not come natural. Let's face it, things don't always play out the way we wish them to. I have found, though, that smiling when I don't necessarily feel like it will make me feel better. It's kind of a "fake it 'til you make it" endeavor. If nothing else, your smile may encourage someone to smile back...and before you know it, you'll be returning their smile (which actually started because of your smiling first, LOL). Domino effect for the win!

Another hashtag you'll be seeing on the regular is #SmilingThruTheGrit. I'm a shameless optimist, but I'm also a realist. I don't anticipate every run, ride, workout or race will be euphoric. Some adventures, conditions and circumstances are going to have me questioning my life choices, but I know persevering through the tough challenges is always worth it. Besides, knowing there will be a lesson to learn (actually, probably several) is worthy of a smile because the sense of accomplishment will be a great reward.

I plan to take full advantage of every day for what it can bring me. A sunrise walk? A noontime runch? An after-work bike ride? Cuddle time with my little Max? A surprise phone call from any of my kids or a special friend? An extra cup of chai? Whatever the day brings me, I plan to #EmbraceEachDay

Finally, I'm excited for all the hope and excitement of a new year. Taylor Swift's 22 song has been on permanent repeat, in my head, for the past few days. I can't help but get excited for all the possibilities that lie ahead. Yeah, I'm definitely #StillFeelin22...and that will not stop.

So, yes! I'm ready for 2022! How about you?

For more insight on my *Blissful Persistence* ideology, click HERE.

Did you make any new year's resolutions? Do you have a key word or mantra for '22? Any big goals or objectives on deck?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. I often smile when I'm running -- especially when I'm not feeling the run. As my brother once said to me, it takes as much energy to smile as it does to frown. :)

    Good words, Kim!

  2. I like the extensions you've come up with for your original mantra, especially #EmbraceEachDay. There is something good in each day if we're just willing to look for it!

    Here's to focusing on the positive in 2022!

  3. Blissful Persistence is so perfect for you. Your positive attitude is contagious and I always feel a little more energized after reading your posts. Like you, I choose to always try to look at the positive side of things - it's certainly feels healthier than moping around like Eeyore.

    1. Awh, thank you, Deb ;-) Eeyore is such a buzzkill! I feel bad for the Eeyores of the world, because many of them don't realize their impact on others (as well as their own well-being).

  4. If a theme works for you, there’s no reason to look for a new one. You definitely are an optimist and I love your positive energy.

  5. I am still feeling '22 as well and have hope for all of us this year. Blissful persistance sounds just perect!

    1. I was on a conference call for work this morning, and one of the guys said he's never heard of the 22 song. He asked me to sing a few lines, but I politely refused, LOL

  6. Your word is prefect. Wish I had thought of it lol

    Mine is Intentional.

    And I will be intentionally optimistic and sign up for races and live my life to the fullest (with safety in mind of course).

    1. Well, I think Intentional is pretty significant, so good for you ;-)

  7. I had to google Taylor Swift's song. I've never heard it before!

    I don't have a word for 2022, but like the idea. "Blissful persistence" is very fitting. It takes discipline to smile even if you don't feel like it, but the domino effect is definitely worth it!

    1. I can't tell you how many times I've smiled at someone who was very complacent (?), and their face instantly lit up as they smiled back. The domino effect is strong ;-)

  8. I wasn't ready...but feel better and better each day. It feels a bit like ripping off the BandAid. I was dreading 2022 for all of December and now that it has arrived, it's a bit of relief to just get it started.

    I DO have a mantra for 2022 - I'm blogging about my reasoning on Thursday but it is "Be Kind."

    So many great ideas swirling around - and you've come up with some great intentions for the year ahead.

    1. Be Kind is POWERFUL! It's so easy to say something snarky back to rude people, but that only results in two people being rude (and one rude person is more than enough). Awesome choice of words ;-)

  9. Well, I would say "blissful persistence" worked well for you in 2021, so why not recycle it? I like your other sayings as well. Smiling is very important! I've noticed that for some strange reason my face will naturally settle into a slight scowl (why???) and then when I'm reminded to smile, I suddenly feel so much more relaxed and happy. So I'll "keep smiling" with you!

  10. I think your mantra definitely worked last year and I'm glad you're carrying it on this year too! Smile through grit is also a good mantra because sometimes it's all we have. If we can usher in some positivity into the situation, we should!

    1. I agree! Sprinkling in positivity, no matter how slight, makes all of us feel better.

  11. You have a great attitude, you always succeed in finding the best things to make positive every moment of your day.

  12. Such a positive, feel good post! Smiling has been proven to help you feel better when you might not be feeling your best. And like you said it is contagious.

    1. It IS contagious! That's why we all should take advantage of doing it...it's like "free" therapy ;-)

  13. I always make a point to smile every day. I smile for my students, my family, my coworkers, and my cats. I love following along because you have such a great attitude. Thank you for everything.

    1. Awh, thank you so much, Zenaida! I'm sure it puts your students at ease seeing your beautiful smile throughout the day ;-)

  14. Replies
    1. Definitely! That's why we all need to do it more often ;-)

  15. I find that when I smile while running it makes the run SO much more enjoyable!

    1. Funny how that happens ;-) It really is such an easy thing to do, and the rewards are awesome!

  16. I like #keepsmiling a lot. It's so important and I think it helps when things get a little tough. I need a personal hashtag!

    1. Smiling doesn't solve or cure any problem, but it sure makes things more nearable ;-)

  17. Smiling definitely helps! These are great mantras for the year. Good luck!

  18. I love all of your mantras! This year I really want to focus on growth in different areas of my life. But I love #EmbraceEachDay!

  19. This is a perfect "word" for the year ahead. We just have to keep pushing forward!

    I think it will be a good year. Maybe not great, but definitely good!

  20. That is such a wonderful mantra for the year. Persistence can be challenging so keeping it happy is also important!
