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Saturday, January 29, 2022

Freeze Frame

Let me start by saying, "Brrrrr!"

 Yep, it was a cold week in the sunshine state. For the record, we didn't see much sunshine, but we certainly had plenty of wind to cherish.

In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't totally miserable. After all, the temps back home, in Iowa, were much colder. It's all about perspective. So what if the water - in my half-full glass - had turned to ice?

Before I share some of the frigid details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little (frozen) world of fitness:

Sunday's objective: Stay warm and finsih the PeloFondo.
The oldest daughter was visiting for the weekend, so I had to dance around family time to get in the remaining miles for the PeloFondo. I'd completed 13 miles the day prior (while she and the hubby had been golfing), and was hoping to squeeze in 22 more miles (for 35 cumulative miles). I got up early and rode 15 miles in the Florida cold (it's a good thing I'm #IowaTough). I did five more after lunch, then rode another seven just before dinner...surpassing my goal with 40 total miles! 

Never Miss a Monday!
Believe it or not, there was frost on the ground Monday morning! Sorry, but frost on the grass, among all those palm trees, just isn't right. I gave my post-PeloFondo legs a break and walked three miles. By lunch, all the morning frost was history. I was able to explore another new route, and finished with four (running) miles for runch. There also was some walking with Max, both later in the afternoon and evening.

Tuesday - Muscle Meltdown
Holy heat! I had an intense early-morning Flash 15 workout, upper-body strength session and core work. Things were so heated, I had to change my socks (I know, TMI)! As forecast, rain was on the way for most of the day...and it started just as I was finishing my 2-mile walk.

A Weird Wednesday
The cool, damp weather continued. I'd planned to do a couple of HIIT workouts (and hopefully run later, when all the rain ended). When Wednesday morning arrived, though, I just wasn't feeling the HIIT vibe. I wasn't tired or sore, but decided to do some yoga instead. Later, after the rain had finally ended (nearly 2:00), I got in a 5-mile "late lunch" run. The rain may have moved on, but the wind remained. Ugh.

Thankful Thursday.
No one ever said being fit would be easy, but I'm thankful to put in the hard work. Knowing I'd be "resting" most of Friday (in a car, en route back to Iowa), I "front-loaded" Thursday morning's workout. Both Daniel's full-body and Rad's core workouts had all my muscles on fire (things were still burning several hours later). Also, there was a final 3.5-mile pre-workday walk (no sunrise to witness, though). And, Rider and I took our final ride for the season...10 miles in/against the 14mph wind. Yowza. Going out with a bang.

Friday - road-tripping!
The hubs, Max and I were up at 4:00, and on the road around 4:30...so all cups were on deck, LOL. Other than some planking, a 1-mile walk during one of our rest-stops, and an evening core workout...there was plenty of rest (if there is such a thing when one is cooped up in a car).

Saturday - return to the frozen tundra!
Another early-morning wake-up. I got in some much-needed stretching before hitting the road before 6:00.

Later, we arrived back home around 2:15. After unloading a few necessary things from the car, I laced up and went for a run. I was hoping for 4-5 miles, but settled for three. My body does not like the confines of a car, expecially for so many hours on end. This run felt good, but definitely not great. Afterwards, I changed clothes and hit the indoor bike for some Peloton riding. It had been five weeks since my last ride with Sebbe, after all. I did two 20-minutes classes, and both were frustrating endeavors becasue my bike kept stopping and re-starting with no warming. I think I rode approximately 12 total miles, though, and it felt good to move my legs.

I was really hoping for more walking and biking this week, but the weather just wasn't ideal. Walking ended with 15 miles and biking had 49. Oh well. The running was also minimal (12 miles). The strength work, though, was on-point. Funny how everything, somehow, manages to balance out in the end. 

On Tap for Sunday?
I need to get back to my Iowa routine...hoping for an early-morning walk and possibly some indoor biking. Oh, and there will be plenty of unpacking and regrouping before returning to the office on Monday. Don't be jealous.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Instead of showcasing Friday's less-than-impressive travel outfit, I featured a favorite from the recent holiday season. As much as I love the contrast of red and black, swapping in grey really makes the bright red pop. And we all know I'm a fan of puffer vests. I'm also a bit obsessed with handknit infinity scarves. 

As mentioned, a big highlight of last weekend was having our oldest daughter visiting for a few days. 

And, because our vehicle simply wasn't full enough (LOL), we swung by the daughter's place (on the final stretch back to our house) and brought her two dogs home with us for an overnighter. I mean, why not?

So, that's a wrap on my final week in the "sunshine" state. Although the weather wasn't the greatest, by Florida standards, it did give me a taste of re-accliamtion to the even colder temps awaiting me back in Iowa. 

How did your week play out? Crazy cold temps? Any obnoxious wind to battle? Weekend racing? 

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  1. Wow! This reminds me SO much of my only winter trip to Florida where it was COLD. I'm so sorry you got an icy blast of winter in the sunshine state, but hope it still felt nice to avoid the colder temps in Iowa.
    I had to laugh when you talked about it being a rest day when you travelled all day yet still fit in a walk, a workout, and some planking. That would be a huge day for me. Haha.
    Glad you're home safe and sound, and all the doogy love in the car looks adorable <3.

    1. Well, we were welcomed to FLorida with warmer than usual temps (it was in the 80F's for the first couple of weeks). The temps leveled off to normal, but then turned really cold the final week. Yes, still warmer than Iowa, so it was all good.

  2. Sorry the weather was less than optimal but you make the most of what you have, right? At any rate, it was better than the tundra that is the Midwest right now. Omg looks at all those cute canine faces! Love that pic!

    1. We were really glad to mis all the "yuck" of January in Iowa, so no regrets. I'm hoping February plays nicer this year than it did last year...

  3. Welcome back home! I hope that IA plays nice with the weather. We're still in freezeout mode.

    1. It's definitely cold here, but it IS still Winter in the Midwest. I know we're not out of the woods, but I hope we avoided the worst of it. Fingers crossed.

  4. January is a dicey month no matter where you are, Florida included! But it still was better than here, right? Long car rides are definitely hard. Enjoy your unpacking and return to reality...

    1. Oh it was MUCH nicer than here, so no regrets. Long car rides are pure evil...I think I need more recovery time from sitting still than I do from long runs or races.

  5. yes crazy cold temps... it's winter!

    Too bad it was not warm in Florida. I know we both prefer it that way. You made the best of it. I bet it was great to get away,

    Now back to reality!

    No race this weekend... a half in 2 weeks .. in Florida!!!!!!!!

    1. YEs, back to reality! It was nice getting away, but I knew it was short term. I'm ready for my regular routine to get back on track, cold weather and all.

  6. Welcome back from Florida!! I'm impressed you got in a walk at a rest stop. How'd you do that?! Another great week for you!

    1. The hubby wanted a short nap opportunity, and it worked out that the closest rest area had some trees and plenty of sidewalk. I didn't GPS my actual distance, but I walked around, at a good pace, for more than 15 minutes so I'm pretty sure I got in at least a mile's worth of footsteps (some of that with Max leadign the way).

  7. "So what if the water - in my half-full glass - had turned to ice?" LOL Our son and d-i-l in Tampa went to the Gasparilla festival yesterday and said it wasn't nearly as well attended as usual due to the colder temps. Here's hoping Momma N throws some milder weather Iowa's way to help you ease back into the colder temps a little easier.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. It sounds like most of FLorida got hit with colder than typical temps. There was a hard fereeze advisory for the entire weekend...it mayhave been slightly "warmer" in Iowa!

  8. Welcome home! How long is your trip (car time) to the Florida house? That's fun that your family members were able to visit too. Do you have many house projects at the Florida house or things you want to change? Good job fitting in some workouts on your trip home. Sitting in a car for a long time is tough!

    1. I don't know the mileage, but we drove for more than 14 hours on Friday, and about another seven hours on Saturday. The villa we bought was turnkey, with all the furniture, etc. The hubs did some minor improvements, and we swapped out a few furniture pieces, but nothing major.

  9. That is nice that your daughter got to spend some time with you all as well. Sorry the weather did not cooperate that last week. I despise long car rides as well and I also get super stiff and antsy.Welcome home

    1. Long car rides are not long-leg friendly, LOL. I try to take advantage of every stop to do some stretching, quick walking, etc. to keep the muscles happy.

  10. Somehow sitting in a car for hours does not feel restful! Way to go on your rest break walk — we never stop for that long, but also don’t travel with Scooby! Glad you made it home safely.

    Back to winter reality!

    1. We're really lucky Max travels so well. He gets antsy and pops up to the front seat (on my lap) now and then, but that's not a bad thing.

  11. Yes, our weather was definitely"winter-ish" this week! Honestly I think you missed the worst of it- We had a "wind event" yesterday and the coldest temps of all last night! Florida is really hit or miss in January.
    No matter what, it probably feels good to be home. Travel is hard! I hope this week- and return to reality- goes well for you.

  12. Plenty of wind, plenty of cold, some snow. Glad you seemed to have missed the snow on your way back?

    I'll see your minimal miles and show my miniscule miles. :) It's all good though!

  13. Frost under the palm trees? That does NOT sound right! Glad you got back home OK and hope adjusting back goes alright. I've done my monthly round up today, lovely to link up with you all again!

  14. You are are an experienced runner and to change the routine will not be difficult for you.
    And, of course, you don't have any problem to run with all that ice around you!
    The car "full of dogs" is too beautiful!!!!!
    Have a good (running) week ahead.

  15. Welcome home! How nice that you got to spend some time with your daughter. Even though the weather didn't cooperate it looks like you made the most of your time in Florida. I hope IA weather will be kind to you this week :)

  16. Ha, a workout so sweat you had to change socks? I haven't had that before!

    Glad your travels back were safe and uneventful. Good luck with the re-adjusting back to Iowa life!

  17. Oh that car full of pups, the best. Glad you had a solid week, as always, and made it home OK
    Love infinity scarves too

  18. Now you know! It really gets cold! Obviously not Iowa cold but cold!

    Glad you had a safe trip home. I'm sure you're missing the warmer temps, but I know you're glad to be back. Great week of fitness despite the travel.

  19. I think most of the country was in a cold front last week, especially this weekend.

    Glad that you made it back home safely!
