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Sunday, February 6, 2022

A not-so-warm Welcome Back

Baby, it's not just cold outside, it's ridiculously frigid.

Even by Iowa standards, the past week was downright brutal. We're talking single digits temps on the daily, as well as double-digit mph wind. That just means the feels-like was sub-ZERO on the daily as well. Thankfully, there wasn't any new snow or ice, so I'll give Momma N kudos for that.

How did my fitness fare? I'm glad you asked...

But before I spill it on the frigid details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little corner of the frozen world:

Sunny Sunday.
Don't let the bright sunshine fool you, it was a cold 1F-degree morning. Fleece tights, winter jacket, headband-under-the hat, and thick gloves came along with me on my 2-mile walk. Afterwards, there was a 10-mile ride on the indoor bike...you know, to warm back up.

Never miss a Monday!
Believe it or not, my early-morning 3-miler was the only outdoor run this week. Monday's early morning temps (19F with a feels-like of 7F) were the warmest of the week. I kid you not, LOL. I also got in a 1-mile walk, with a co-worker, during our afternoon break.

Tuesday - another muscle meltdown...
Have I ever mentioned how much I love upper-body strength work? Like, ever? I got in a full-body session and an upper-body workout (both courtesy of Peloton) before heading to the office. Also, some walking, both at work and before dinner.

Double workout Wednesday.
Well, I caved. As much as I detest the treadmill, it was a disaster outdoors (9F, with 15mph wind). I fired up Milly and we ran four miles. I tried out a Peloton run workout, and that was a once and done endeavor...definitely not my gig because the instructor was far too chatty about a lot of non-running stuff. I managed a 1-mile walk after work (holy brrr) and then did a couple of Peloton rides (20 total miles).
Thankful Thursday.
Stepping WAY out of the comfort zone, I did my first-ever barre workout. The jury's still out on that, but it was a challenge trying to keep up with the moves. I'm glad I had the mirror to my back, LOL. I also did a short (but crazy intense) arm & shoulder workout. My friend and I lasted for about a 1/2-mile, while walking at work, but gave up (due to the frigid wind)...so I walked 1.5 miles with Milly later.

Finally Friday.
It has been f.o.r.e.v.e.r since I've done any stair workouts, so I rectified that Friday morning. I made it into a pseudo brick workout, involving 20 flights/2 miles (running) on the treadmill/30 flights. After work, Max took me on a very fast-paced loop around the block (he doesn't like the cold any more than I do). The walk was followed by 10 miles with Sebbe (my indoor bike).

Stuck inside Saturday.
As mentioned, the crazy cold conditions continued, so there was another 'Milly time' workout on deck. I was hoping to go 5-6 miles, but planned on doing some stair intervals to break up the monotony. It actually played out much better than expected:

**10 stair flights
**1.5 miles
**10 stair flights
**2 miles
**10 stair flights
**2 miles
**10 stair flights
**1.5 miles

If you do the math, you'll notice I actually did seven miles with Milly! That's peanuts for a lot of runners, but it was a "distance" PR for me on the treadmill. Afterwards, I hit the (indoor) bike for 10 miles of recovery, and then a short walk outside..to cool off. Yeah, the morning felt like a major victory...but don't expect to see those "long" runs, with Milly, happening on the regular.

On deck for Sunday?
That's anyone's guess. I'd like to get out for a longish walk (2-3 miles) and maybe some more indoor biking.

So, despite the not-so-desirable weather, I did my best to cope with my indoor options. I did maintain my daily outdoor streak (barely, LOL) by getting outside for short walks. Don't worry, Florida didn't make me soft; I just didn't feel compelled to fight the crazy weather. All those sub-ZERO conditions just aren't desirable or safe, no matter how many layers are piled onto ones body. Running came in with 16 miles, walking had 10, and biking tallied 50. I didn't mention it, but there was quite a bit of core work (almost daily) as well as Tuesday's and Thursday's strength work. I'm glad to be back on the stairs, as well, with 110 flights this week! 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! Did you know Friday was Wear Red Day? It's a day to raise awareness about heart disease and promote the importance of heart health. Being it was another day with sub-ZERO temps, I was glad to have my buffalo plaid scarf wrap to keep me cozy. 

Even with the bitter cold, the sunrises never disappoint. It's just a bummer I have to enjoy their beauty from the inside of my car on the drive to work. Oh well...the daylight hours are significantly longer now than when we left for Florida, so that's all well and good. It won't be too much longer until I start seeing a little more glimpse of daylight during my early-morning outings.                      

That's it for me...How about you?

Was the weather especially unforgiving for you, too? Or did you have a few mellow days sprinkled into the mix? Did you wear red on Friday?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. That is a pretty cold welcome back! Way to get it done inside this week. I know that is not your preference. BTW I see more definition in your arms :)

    1. Awh, thanks!! Just recently, I've noticed my triceps seem to have a little more "bulge" to them, LOL

  2. Yep, this weather has to be a shock to your system after being in Florida! I think it's going to be a bit warmer this week! Enjoy!

    1. Iowa weather is always cold this time of year, but this week didn't give us any breakes in the frigidness. The wind was downright rude!

  3. Yes this weather is the pits... but unlike you all I do inside is work... I go outside for ALL my runs. I admit that I am not as anxious to walk outside. Those miles are slacking. Happily my running is going well.

    1. I try to get all my miles done outside, but last week was just too crazy with the wind.

  4. 7 miles on the mill is legit! Especially when you're taking "breaks" for stairs.

    We had another storm that was so severe that the kids got TWO snow days out of it. But it's supposed to warm up today so I'm hoping that the roads will be clear as well so that I can get an outside run.

    1. Let's just say this 7-mile PR is gonna hold for a long time ;-)

  5. 7 miles is a lot on the treadmill! I really have to psych myself up for anything longer than 45 min. Our weather wasn’t too brutal this week, but the icy sidewalks kept me from running. It rained Friday and this morning there are still sheets of ice that force me into the street.

    1. Doing the stair intervals was key to my doing seven miles. There's no way, whatsoever, I'd want to attempt seven continuous miles...

  6. Pelo runs are not for me either. I've tried outdoors and mill and it's a no from me on both. We were cold, but we also had another "snow event" that threw a kink in my outdoor runs. I feel bad for my Boston Marathon athletes. It's been a challenging year to run outside.

    1. Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with snow-covered streets or ice. The insane wind, though, was brutal!

  7. Er... well, let's just say the weather wasn't much of a factor here and leave it at that!
    Great job on the treadmill run- it's good to know you CAN do a longer run on it if you have to. Breaking it up with stairs was a great idea, mentally and physically. I hope you get some warmer temps this coming week- but I know if you don't, you'll figure out how to keep moving anyway!

    1. I'm not sure I'd ever want to do anything longer on the treadmill. Breaking up the miles with the stairs worked well for me, but I know some people don't mind the steady ((uneventful, LOL) grind of the treadmill. Just not my gig, mentally or physically.

  8. Kudos to you for getting 7 miles on the mill - I lasted no more than a little over 4. Mother N was just ruthless this week! Let's hope she plays nicer this week.

    1. Once I made it to six, I figured it would be a good challenge to just add one more. If I hadn't done th estair intervals, though, I would have proabably been struggling after three or four. My body just does not like the 'mill...

  9. Wait, was I the only one hoping for MORE snow this past week? haha! Between my husband and me our treadmill got a lot of action this past week. I'm sure that was a bit of a rude "welcome home" for you! Good job getting in your workouts despite the cold temps.

    1. You can have all the snow, LOL. I know I'm not out of the woods, yet, but am hoping we don't get any nasty storms.

  10. Oh yes, the weather was definitely frightful this week and downright dangerous at the end of the week.

    You do what you gotta do! You're always good at adapting, Kim -- nice job. My outdoor was trying to shovel (in those nice frigid temps + wind -- actually, I have the right stuff so I wasn't that cold). Unfortunately all the ice made it absolutely impossible. Frustrating!

  11. I'm definitely ready for summer. Or at least spring. Or at least something in the 40's, ha! Great job on the treadmill PR Kim :)

    1. My after-work run, Monday, had temps in the 20F's...it felt almost balmy.

  12. Goodness, that's cold! We've been up and down here (though not that cold), though I've succumbed to some sort of stomach bug so missed my run today. Hope things improve next week for you!

    1. We always have cold weather, it was just odd that we had so many continuous days of it. USually, there's a break in the temps for a day, here or there. Usually, LOL.

  13. Nope, 1° F is too cold for me for walking. I'd run in temps that cold, but not walk.

    It wasn't until the end of the day on Friday that I remembered that it was National Wear Red for Women's Heart Health Day. By then it was too late, but I did have a red heart on my blue "Virginia is for Runners" shirt.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. I can handle the low single-digits if the wind is mild. Or if there's at least some sunshine. I don't love it, but I can grit it out, LOL.

  14. Iowa was like "welcome back, here's sub feeling temps for ya!" lol. Glad you made the most of it and still got in a bunch of great workouts.

    1. It was insane how cold it was! I'm glad I had a "cold" week in Florida to somewhat transition me to what was waiting for me back home.

  15. Welcome back, indeed!! Sorry about the weather. We have had similar temps here! Yesterday I ran outside in 11 degrees and it felt balmy in comparison! Hope it warms up for you soon!

    1. I ran in mid/low 20F's after work on today (Monday), and it felt so nice!

  16. Welcome back, sounds like Iowa wanted to show off for you.
    The sun came out which was a real difference maker, even with the whipping wind.

  17. That is a real cold but nothing can stop your runs!
    In my opinion the early morning runs are the most fascinating: running alone through the empty and silent city, seeing the first lights of dawn, listening to the sound of footsteps and then all the day available for other activities!
    Here many sunny days!

    1. I agree...the early morning runs are magical. Sometimes, the late evening ones are, too ;-)

  18. They don't call you #IowaTough for nothing! Goodness, those temperatures! Now that is cold. So glad you were still able to get your workouts done and that you've brought back the stairs!

  19. It's been horrible here. I don't even mind the cold so much, but the wind and rain can take a hike. Yes, I wore red on Friday (at least for the fitness portion of my day).

    It looks like we are definitely getting more winter here.

    1. Wind, rain, and cold are not a great threesome. 'Nuff said!

  20. BRRR. It's been cold here, but not that cold. I managed to get out most days, but I'm really over the layers. Confession: I only do stair workouts if I'm trying to close my rings for the day.

    1. I'm still trying to get outside everyday, even if for just a short walk. My "outdoor" streak has been going strong since Thanksgiving of 2020 ;-)
