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Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Defender Ring

Ever heard the phrase, "The ring's the thing?"

Well, it has merit, at least if we're talking about fashion, function and peace of mind.

Case in point: The Defender Ring.

The Defender Ring (website HERE) offers numerous options for subtle, self-defense rings. These rings offer a flair for style as well as practicality.

But first, let's touch on safety. Unfortunately, in today's world, women don't have it easy. We have to constantly be on "our guard" almost every time we leave the house. 

There are many preventative measures we can (and should!) take, the most important of which is to be aware of our surroundings. We can try to stay in well-lit areas. Most of us don't go out alone. And, usually, we have our phones with us. Yadda yadda yadda.

Still, no matter what precautions one takes, there are no guarantees. Even under the most ideal circumstances, danger can still arise. Being equipped with a defense mechanism could be the one little thing that allows for a getaway...

Enter the Defender Ring.

If you're in search of a subtle defensive vice to add to your arsenal, this may be a great option to consider. I had the opportunity, recently, to preview a couple Defender Rings

Here are some observations on their features:

The Maximalist Rings. These rings come equipped with a 10mm concealed serrated blade (there's also a Minimalist line, which features a 5mm blade). At first glance, it looks like an ordinary ring with a decorative setting.

Beneath that unassuming bauble, though, lies a mini blade. There is a nice variety of  ring toppers (which cover the blade) to choose from, as well as different colors of ring bands (white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, or black).

Open Point Rings. These rings have a more slim, contemporary design. They can be stacked with other rings, or worn alone. There are options with single-point (shown below) or double-point, and both are  also available in white gold, yellow gold, rose gold or black.

What's to like? I'm glad you asked...here are five features:

First-off, these rings are fashionable! I've seen other rings, of a similar nature, that look like blatant defense weapons. Granted, that is their purpose, but the Defender Rings can actually be worn as regular jewelry. After all, not all attacks happen to runners out on the road.

Secondly, they can be worn discreetly, but are easily accessible. An attack can happen in a split second...walking across a parking lot, outside of the ladies room at a cocktail party, or in the elevator of a ritzy hotel. You may not have time to dig your can of mace out of your purse, but the ring(s) will be there at the ready.

Another thing to consider is the peace of mind that comes from being prepared. I sincerely hope that I (or anyone else) will never have to use these rings for their intended purposes, but I'm glad to be  taking a proactive role in my safety and/or defense.

While a tiny blade may not leave an attacker helpless, it can do enough damage to allow the victim a chance to escape. That same tiny blade could also capture some DNA evidence from the attacker, should it be needed.

Finally, given the variety of toppers, there's a suitable style for everyone. Seriously, what's not to love?  

Overall, I think these rings are great add-ons to my running gear, but also will be utilized in my everyday non-running routine as well. I found both rings to be comfortable to wear, and were easy to get on and off. The Maximalist Ring was a bit bulky, due to its nature, but it wasn't cumbersome. Conversely, the Open Point Ring was so lightweight, I barely knew it was on my finger. I think these would make great gifts for your female running friends!

Talk to me...
Do you own or wear any jewelry of this nature? Have you ever felt unsafe while running, or even at non-running events? 

I was gifted these two Defender Rings in exchange for my honest review. All opinions, expressed within this blog post, are my own. For more information, check out their site HERE (not an affiliate link).

I'm linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

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  1. Great review Kim! I like the fact that they can be worn discreetly but are available when you need them. Let's hope you never have to put it to use!

    1. Yes, these rings look like "real" jewelry...which I think just adds to their effectiveness because you won't look "armed."

  2. I've never had any kind of an incident while running, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. I like these rings! I'm going to check out their website- thanks for the review!

    1. Fortunately, I have been very lucky as well. That said, I am fortunate for the safe area where I live (and run), but I still don't take anything for granted.

  3. Great review. It seems like a great option to help a runner feel safe.

    I try to run with others or if I am alone in a safe lit place. But as you noted, anything can happen. There was a runner attacked in broad daylight on a bike path that I often run on.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules as to when a potential attack could happen.

  4. A few of my friends have this and really like it. I took a self defense class and run with a self-sheathing knife. Fingers crossed that is enough. Stay safe. Always.

    1. I have never taken a self defense class, but have thought of it. Being a tall gal, I think my stature gives me a bit of an advantage (in that I don't look "small" and vulnerable)...but that definitely is not a guarantee.

  5. Thanks for the review, Kim! They reached out to me (probably all of us) too, but one problem for me is that in Winter I always have gloves on -- otherwise it seems like a great idea.

    I have taken self defenses courses, but the problem with that is you really need to do it yearly, otherwise you forget; and I haven't!

    1. Ha ha, well, I'm usually wearing gloves as well when I'm running, LOL. Unfortunately, attacks can happen anywhere, not just to runners on an open road.

  6. I think those rings are much more fashionable and higher quality than any other ones I have seen. Hope they give you an extra sense of security while out on your runs

    1. I agree, they do make a nice fashion statement! They're easy to wear without drawing any attention to the fact that they're there to protect.

  7. A useful item!
    But you have another important defensive solution: you are a runner and you run faster than your "enemy"!

    1. HA!! Let's hope that's true if the situation ever arises...

  8. Never heard of Defender Rings but I know of a few women who have been attacked in broad daylight, and this seems like a very feasible place to start in terms of self-defense.
    Years ago I used to run on a long - very open, but quite out-of-the-way trail. I got into the habit of having my phone playing dialogue (podcasts) on speaker; as I was running it sounded like I was having a conversation with someone on the phone, which always made me feel better.
    I stopped running that route alone (sad, because it was my favourite), because I just thought it didn't make sense to take that risk...but even my walking/running route in town could still, theoretically, be dangerous!
    Interesting product.

    1. That's a great idea to have your phone on speaker! It's just so sad that we, as women, have to go to such lengths to protect ourselves. These rings are really nice, though, so they serve as great options in terms of safety and self defense.
