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Thursday, April 28, 2022

'Fessing & Guessing

Here we are again...another month is winding down, already! 

I am (again) in a whirlwind of wonder at the passing of time ( I swear I just wrote my March Runfessions post yesterday). I am also in a continued state of confusion as to which season we are really in (because it changes every day in Iowa). And, I have a few 'fessions to come clean about (some things never change).

Shall we do a quick pass through the 'Fessional? You know, cleanse our soles (and souls!) and all that jazz...

I'll start off with a doozy. Recently, I was asked to provide three dozen cookies for a funeral at our church. Not a big deal, except I procrastinated until (almost) the last minute in baking them. I thought the sugar cookie dough smelled a little odd (I'd used margarine instead of my usual butter), but surmised, once baked, the cookies would be fine. Only, they smelled and tasted terrible. On a whim, I checked the margarine package...only to see it had a July 2021 expiration date on it. Oops. I didn't have time to make another batch...so, I cookiefess I bought some packaged cookies and passed them off as home-baked. I even layered parchment paper between the cookies to (hopefully) make them look authentic. Hey, at least I didn't use dead giveaways, like Oreos. Moving on...

Next, there's the Honor Flight with my father. This really isn't a true 'fession, other than I forgot to mention it in my recent WRD posts (#MyBad). I regretfess, that the Flight didn't happen. Our plans, for the April 19th Flight, got cancelled and we weren't able to go this time. My work schedule has been nothing short of crazy and busy, so it was quite alright for me to be in the office that day instead of on a plane (#GlassHalfFull). Alas, we have sights on a possible Flight in the Fall. Stay tuned.

With Easter over and done, a co-worker brought in a bunch of extra candy. I snagged a package (or two) of the Key Lime Pie M&M's. Did you know these little gems even existed? Let me candyfess, they tasted like the real thing. I sincerely hope whoever invented them won the Nobel Peace Prize, or at the very least, was a candidate. 

Last weekend, I ran the Drake Road Races Half Marathon (recap). Having not run a long race since last Fall, I haven't needed to have any "race day" fuel on hand. I'll runfess it here and now...I broke the cardinal rule of Nothing New on Race Day. Remember my procrastinating those funeral cookies? Well, I procrastinated in getting some fuel for my race, too. My only option was Walmart, and they didn't have any Honey Stinger product available (not a big surprise). Instead, I bought two packs of Cliff Shot Blocks. My tummy cannot tolerate Gu anymore, so I thought these were the lesser of two evils. Low and behold, the Shot Blocks worked well! I ate a couple before the start line, then had two more at the 5-mile mark. I ate the last two just before the 10-mile mark. Boom! Crisis averted.

Finally, as mentioned, we've been skipping back and forth between Winter and Spring. We even had a frost warning this past Monday evening. Of course, all my daffodils had just started blooming that day. Although there was some frost on windshields, the ground (at least in my yard) remained unscathed. All the daffodils survived and my magnolia tree is currently thriving. Can I weatherfess that I just want my summer back? I'm really tired of the extended cold, the nonstop wind and the threat of frost. 'Nuff said.

Whew! That'll do for now, and I feel like a new person. Who would have thought sharing a few (or five) 'fessions could be so liberating. I'm grateful for the opportunity. Thanks for indulging me. 

How about you? Do you have any 'fessions to share? Go ahead, I'm listening...

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?

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  1. I'm really surprised that even expired butter was that off, but totally LOL at your using parchment paper between the store bought ones. :) Seriously though it's the thought that counts.

    Key lime M&Ms probably wouldn't tempt me.

    I'm so sad you didn't get to go on the Honor Flight though! Even though it wasn't a good time for you, I can tell you it was one of the highlights of my Dad's life (and he had many!) and we were not allowed to go with him. You'll both have a wonderful time when you do get to go.

    1. Well, this was margarine, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not (?). The hubby said the cookies tasted like fish, LOL.

  2. Oh wow. I'm glad you pulled the rancid cookies before someone became ill. Store bought for the win! Haha! Our weather guy is saying it's a La Nena summer and in historically "cold" springs we've had very hot summers. I'm holding out hope for that at this point. Thanks for 'fessing!

    1. I tried frosting one of them, and it helped (LOL)...but I just couldn't share them. Thankfully, I had time to swing by the grocery store, on my lunch break, and "prepare" the goods for drop-off.

  3. Oh the irony of bringing rancid cookies to a funeral! It's a good thing you tried them before you went. Too bad you didn't get to go on the Honor Flight. That would have been amazing.

    1. We're hoping we can make one of the Fall Flights work. We're definitely looking forward to the experience!

  4. That cookie fession is priceless - I love that you used parchment paper with the store bought ones :)

    I did not know Key Lime M&Ms were a thing and it's probably a good thing I didn't - could be dangerously addictive!

    The wind lately has been ridiculous and it seems like you all have had constant wind since January lol! I just want a proper Spring before we leap into the heat & humidity of the Summer.

    1. I had never heard of the Key Lime M & M's...maybe they're just a limited edition thing? Warning, you may not be able to eat just one!

  5. Bummer on the honor flight. I hope it gets rescheduled.
    LOL on the cookies. At least you didn’t try to serve the bad ones. I have never tried to pass off store bought for homemade. For a while my kids’ school required store-bought for hygiene/allergy reasons.
    I ahd not see the Key Lime M&Ms. Intriguing!

    1. Our schools required store-bought treats for the same reason. I normally would not consider passing off those for a funeral, but I was desperate, LOL

  6. Ha ha ha ha... yes, at least you didn't use Oreos (I'm picturing Oreos layered between parchment paper, hmmmm...).
    I see you have a "share" size of those M&Ms in the picture- did you share them? : )
    Sorry about the honor flight- I hope it happens in the fall!

    1. I left the open package on the kitchen counter, so I'm sure the hubby helped himself to a few.

  7. LOL on the cookies! That kind of thing would send me into a tizzy. Hope you can get that honor flight w your dad on the books soon. Nope on they key lime flavored chocolate. I am a purist on those!

    1. Ironically, I don't think these Key Lime M & M's had any chocolate in them...but they were delish.

  8. I runfess that I feel like running right down to the store right now at 10:00 AM to snag some of those key lime pie M&Ms. Yum!

    Speaking as someone who bakes cookies frequently - I've never seen anyone turn their nose in the air at a "store made" cookie. You went above and beyond in my book!

    1. Ha ha, thanks ;-) I felt bad resorting to store-bought, but at least the chocolate chip ones looked somewhat realistic...right? ;-)

  9. 1) Those tie-dye bottoms are amazing.
    2) Your cookie fiasco made my morning. Hilarious. I once subbed baking soda for baking powder in biscuits. I was 10 and actually sold baking to some people in my church. Thank goodness the recipe made a bakers dozen; I tried one (they looked fine) and it was AWFUL. I made another batch but have never forgotten that experience.

    1. I typically don't use margarine (but the hubby does). I only had one stick of butter, so I grabbed two margarines instead...and will never do that again. Or, at least I will take note of the expiration date, LOL.

  10. I ate new fuel during my first and only marathon. No problems...

    I have passed off store bought squash soup once when I didn't have time to make it myself..

    Wait. Key Lime M&Ms!! I need to get those!!

    1. I have used other "chews" before, usually without any problems, so I wasn't too concerned. Heck it was "just" a half, right? I wouldn't experiment like that with a longer distance, though.

  11. OMG, that is weird and funny about the cookies. Who would have thought expired margarine could do that? Bummer about the Honor Flight. Good news about the Fall!

    1. I don't use margarine much, so I don't know if expired butter would have a similar result or not (?). These cookies were nasty. YUCK!

  12. The cookie mishap sounds like something from a sitcom. Hahaha.
    I like Cliff Blocks, glad they worked out for you because yes that could’ve gone bad.

    1. I would never experiment with gels like that, but I felt pretty safe with the Cliff Blocks. Thankfully, all went well ;-)

  13. hmmmm, rancid cookies...I probably would have done the same!
    what's the Honor Flight about? I missed that I think!
    Can't go wrong really with the Cliff blocks - luckily you had no strange reaction!

    1. Honor Flights are free flights, offered to US military veterans. They get a free flight to Washington DC (for a day) to see some of the monuments and memorials. They are scheduled a ways in advance, and some of the vets are allowed to bring a guest (kind of like a chaperone). My dad was scheduled for a Flight, two years ago, then Covid hit and all Honor Flights were put on hold until just recently.

  14. Honor Flights are so amazing. They are coordinating a few around here and asked for the Scouts to help. Timing was tricky, but we are on the list for assistance. I put those Key Lime M&M's in A's Easter basket. He LOVED them. I'm very much a chocolate person, while he loves lemon and citrus sweets, so it worked out perfectly for him.
