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Monday, April 11, 2022

#OptOutside Streak: 500 Days!

Where there's a will, there's (a determined runner who will find) a way.

I'm not stranger to streaking. It's happened for the past nine years with the RW Winter Run Streak. I also did the RW Summer Run Streak once (Memorial Day through July 4th). Most recently, I completed my third Week of Pi 7-day streak.

Ever since Thanksgiving Day 2020, though, I've also been #OptOutside streaking. Just last week, I passed the 500-day mark. 

And I don't plan on stopping anytime soon...

While I respect this little milestone means more to mean than anyone else, I thought I'd share a few highlights, insights, and challenges. Who knows? It just may inspire someone else to embrace the great outdoors, on a daily basis.

So, how did I do this? The answer is quite simple: one day at a time.

Truth be told, this all began with that 2020 Winter Streak. After reaching the final day of that streak, New Year's Day 2021, I decided to continue getting outdoors, everyday. Although I had zero enthusiasm to run everyday, I did want to log some walking miles. Hence, the #OptOutside Streak continued on where the RW Winter Run Streak left off. 

I didn't set any minimum requirements, I just had to make an effort to be outside for longer than walking to the mailbox. Since it was the winter season, I even counted snow removal as a qualifying activity.

Granted, many of those daily endeavors, in the past 500+ days, were runs. After all, I AM a runner. I not only love to run, but it feels good and it's good for me. Also, as a runner, there's usually a race (or several) in the near future, and the best way to prepare for a race is to run, am I right? 

Though I may be a runner, I am not a high-mileage runner, nor am I a daily runner (except for that once-a-year winter streak). I cross-train on those non-running days, by way of strength-training. So, even though I was getting outside, on the daily, my end-of-year mileage still was in the "normal" range for me, and I didn't put myself at risk of over-training. A bonus? I think being outdoors, daily, upped my immunity since I wasn't cooped up inside round-the-clock. Other than some nasty vaccine side-effects (all three Covid sticks, plus the two Shingles as well), I have not been under the weather since before this Streak began..

Many of those #OptOutside days showcased biking (when it was warm enough). Sometimes, I rode a few miles at daybreak. Many times, I rode the #5at5 route, after work. Those five miles, on the bike, go pretty quick (and they're a great way to wind-down after a busy day).

There was some stair-climbing (in the warmer months). It's no secret that I love stair-climbing, and I'm lucky to have access to an 18-step outdoor staircase nearby, on the college campus.

And there was a lot of walking. Seriously, walking really is a no-brainer! 

On occasion, there even was strength-training and yoga, on the deck (backyard) or the patio. It's quite a treat to take the weights, and the mat, outdoors in the early morning hours in the summertime.

Probably my favorite thing about being outside, on the daily, was the number of sunrises I got to witness firsthand. Sorry, but a sunrise looks much better in-person than through a window.

Being outdoors, also, allows for more appreciation of nature. There's nothing more tranquil than hearing the birds singing, as well as seeing and smelling the flowers. 

In full disclosure, I have to admit that this wasn't always an easy daily conquest. Living in Iowa, I have the pleasure of experiencing the change of seasons. In other words, I see (and feel) it all, at least in terms of weather. 

Often times, I had to stalk the weather and/or dance around the blizzards of Winter or the thunderstorms of Summer. There are many a day, in the winter, when the temps are in the single digits and the wind chill is sub-ZERO. Conversely, we also have many days, in the summer, where the heat index climbs well over 100F and the humidity is outrageous. Neither of these extremes make for ideal running conditions, but it is possible to take a short walk with the proper layers (in the cold) and with caution (in the heat).

There also were several walks in the rain, some of which were intentional. Honestly, if the temps aren't too chilly, the rain is pretty refreshing and can have a pretty calming effect.

Now that I've made it past 500 days, the big question is "How much longer?" Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I don't have an answer. I've made it through two winters (my least favorite season, don't forget!), so I can't see this ending any time soon. Day 1,000 is a long ways off (October 22, 2023), with another winter season to get through as well. Stay tuned. 

Have you ever taken on a challenge similar to this? Do you try to get outside, everyday? Or do you white-flag it when the weather is extreme?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up


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  1. Well done on the 500 outdoor days, Kim! I can easily see that you will take this streak for many more years.
    Not going outdoors on a daily basis is unthinkable for me. I agree, it is important for our physical and mental health.
    Having said that, it's very easy for me as I don't have to endure your harsh winters. You definitely deserve extra kudos for that!

    1. Thanks, Catrina ;-) I just love being outdoors, especially since I'm inside most of the day at work. As much as I detest the cold of winter, it does give me an edge of defiance by getting outside in it, LOL

  2. I get outside most days, since we walk Bandit most days, but there are definitely days I don't. Glad you enjoy your streak.

    I do love doing Yoga outside, just wish the season for that wasn't so short! I also enjoy simply sitting outside and either sketching or reading. I agree that getting outside is important for our physical and mental health!

    One other habit I adopted due to COVID was that I crack a window almost every day, even when it's super cold, to get some fresh air in the house. Although on those cold days I do literally mean just a crack, LOL!

    Congrats on your streak. I'm sure it's going to continue.

    1. That's a great idea cracking a window like that! I think so many people are getting sick, these days, is due to all the "indoor" the air they've been breathing for the past two years.

  3. Yay, 500 days! That's a fun milestone to hit. I'm sure getting outside every day helped your mental health, in the winter especially when a boost is needed! Living in Florida there's absolutely no excuse for not getting outside every day, but there are definitely days where I don't do it. I'm sure there were days where you didn't feel like it, but did it anyway- that's the great thing about a streak, it makes you push yourself a little more.

    1. As I mentioned, above, to Catrina...getting outside on the crazy insanely cold days is a nice little act of defiance. I refuse to let the weather win!

  4. Happy 500 and here's to many more! I tracked my activity for a mileage challenge in 2021 and there was only one day in the year that I didn't record any activity. To be fair, my dog gets a lot of the credit for that! I won't run in icy/snowy conditions but going out for a walk is a totally different story.

    1. I agree... a walk is much easier to justify and pull off in the extreme cold than a run would be. WE don't walk Max when it's really cold, and he's not usually interested, LOL He get's his little "business loop" in the backyard and he's done in about 30 seconds flat.

  5. I have not counted but I am pretty sure I either walk or run everyday... no choice since I don't own a treadmill..

    Congrats on your streak... keep it up!! I know you will.

    1. It's amazing how easy it really is to just get outside...even for a 10-minute walk around the block. I always feel refreshed afterwards, no matter the temps.

  6. I love this idea of a challenge. I truly think we all could benefit from being outdoors more. We have similar summers but definitely not winters so you are a champ for making it through multiple weather seasons and still finding time outdoors!

    1. Well, many of those winter outdoor adventures are only 10-15 minutes, but they give me a nice break in the day. And, they feel rather empowering, believe it or not!

  7. wow that is an impressive milestone! I do like to get outside whenever I can but I am not as dedicated as you are!

    1. Well, I think you like the cold weather a bit more than I do...it probably wouldn't be as big of a conquest, LOL

  8. Kim, this is SO incredible. And it also seems like it has just been such a great personal streak for your overall wellbeing. The whole post oozes contentment with this daily ritual and I couldn't be happier for you!
    I've walked at least 1 km outside since January 1st. While I refuse to call it a streak (because I'm a completest and if I miss a day, tend to just abandon everything - even if it's a great habit), I'm in no hurry to stop doing it daily. There is something so comforting about fitting in that daily time outside. And it becomes so much easier the longer I go.
    That said, I definitely don't have plans to get to 500 days, but kudos to you. I think this is so, so inspiring <3

    1. Thank you so much, Elisabeth!! And kudos to you for your daily walking ;-) You just may surprise yourself by how long you'll keep up your "streak." Enjoy!!

  9. 500 days is awesome! I'm not great about getting outside every day. I mean most days I at least walk from my car to my office which is like 5 mins:) But I have been getting out for walks with coworkers during the day more now that its warming up! The fresh air feels good.

    1. I have to walk across the small parking lot from my car to the office door, too...and I curse it like crazy! But, somehow, the 10-15 minutes outdoors (on the really, really cold days) is manageable...maybe because it's a choice, and not just an obligation to get somewhere? Hmmm...I'll have to ponder that thought...

  10. This is am impressive streak! I love how it doesn't have to be running but as long as you do an activity outside. Definitely more options!

    1. It really is pretty easy to get outside on a daily basis...I was surprised how much I actually looked forward to it, even in the winter!

  11. I'm so proud of you! Definitely not an easy task, especially with the harsh Winter weather but you did it!

    1. Thanks, Kim! Fighting the winter weather just made the conquest that much more fulfilling ;-)

  12. I've never been one for a run streak (I tried some of those RW ones back in the day but could never stick with them)- but opting outside is one I can definitely get on board with! I moved to NC and have been trying to get outside more since it's just so beautiful here year round. My goal for the year is 10,000 hours outside so I'm sure there's a streak in there as well :) Well done!!

    1. Wow! 10,000 hours is an awesome goal! That has me curious how close I'd come...I seldom keep track of time in that capacity. Now I'm intrigued ;-)
