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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Peek-a-boo! I See You, SPRING!

Well, what do ya know...it would appear that Spring has finally sprung!

We did have some cold temps, early in the week, and we had plenty of wind (I know, I know...I say that every week). We had quite a bit of rain in the forecast, but didn't get as much as we'd anticipated. It is still a bit cooler than normal, but it does feel like Old Man Winter has finally left the premises.

With an upcoming half marathon on the weekend's roster, I treated this week as a bit of a taper... 

Before I dis on the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down during this peek-a-boo week of Spring:

Easter Sunday - Will you just look at that sunrise?
While this was one of the coldest Easters on record (it was 28F, with a 23F feels-like), that didn't hamper the beauty of the early morning. Ironically, the sunshine was short-lived...it was overtaken by clouds (and rain, and some snow!) a short while after I returned home from my run. I definitely planned that run with perfection! Later, I got in 10 miles of (indoor) biking.

I see another Never Miss a Monday!
Ugh, the temps have been so cold and windy! Monday's short 2-miler was another chilly and breezy endeavor. But, it is nice leaving the house, in the early hours, without needing any "glow wear."  And check out that waning gibbous moon (can you see it?)! Glass half full, my friends!

Later, after work, I spent some time with Alex (Peloton app). He (jokingly?) said he was "gonna kick my a$$ and smile while doing it." Well, he wasn't kidding. This ride was exhilarating! When a ride shreds your legs, destroys your ponytail, and thoroughly dries your mani...I call it a success. Ten total miles logged, and a whole lot of sweat.

Tuesday's toner - looking at another shoulder-smolder/arm-burner
I won't elaborate on my love for my Tuesdays with Tunde (Peloton app), but these workouts are legit. Two miles of power-walking and two sessions with my gal, Tunde, had me glistening and glowing before daybreak. The weather was nice, so Michele and I were able to get in two 1-mile walks during our breaks at work. After work, I met up with Amy for four miles of walking and chatting. So yeah, that would be an 8-mile day of walking.

Workin' it Wednesday - A double workout day was in view
With rain in the forecast, Barb and I trusted our weather apps' showing the rain not hitting until mid-morning. Besides, the 16mph wind (at 05:00) was a lot more enticing than the heavier wind (and rain) forecast for after-work. A bonus was ending our run with a tailwind! I live on the northwest edge of town, and the wind (more often than not) is coming from that direction. In other words, I'm usually fighting the wind on the back half of most of my runs. Resistance training, am I right?

After work, it was time to hit the stairs. I've been building my stair-training, in recent weeks, so it was time for a scale-back (perfect timing with the upcoming half marathon). I did five interval sets of 10 flights and 10 push-ups (hence, 50 total flights, and 50 total push-ups), and finished with 12 miles on the indoor bike.

Thankful Thursday - a glimpse of upper-body work
In keeping the lower-body work on the down-low, I stacked a couple of upper-body burns on my breakfast plate. Spoiler: these swings did flirt a bit with my glutes, though, LOL. After work, I did a short 2-mile plogging run (see below) and met Amy for a 3-mile walk afterwards.

Friday fitness - I spy a workout in disguise
Holy ouch! The hubs and I helped one of the daughters move to a new place (in the rain, none the less!). I wish I would have had my phone on me, tracking all the steps walked. Not only were there unlimited trips in and out of the two dwellings, there was a lot of heavy lifting, an infinite number of squats, and many, many stairs climbed. When we finally made it back home, late afternoon, the rain had passed and the sun was shining. I took (what felt like) a slow 2-mile walk, did a quick core workout, and called it good for the evening.

Saturday - a recovery day in sight
I was tempted to do a short shakeout run, in prep for Sunday's half marathon, but my gut was telling me to let the legs recover a bit more. Honestly, I didn't know one could experience the DOMS from the "simple" act of helping a daughter move, LOL. None the less, it felt good to get outside, in the real spring-like temps, and just walk. I walked three miles, then did an easy 10-mile ride on the bike, and things felt much better.

What's on deck for Sunday?
I'm heading to Des Moines for the Drake Relays Road Races Half Marathon. This is a race I've done several times. It's a hilly route and the weather is usually less-than-ideal. The forecast, though, is showing sunshine and moderate temps (though plenty of wind). Stay tuned...

All in all, this week played out nicely. I kept the lower-body work to a minimum, and utilized walking to keep in motion while keeping the running miles at the minimum. I actually logged a lot more miles walking than running (18 walking, compared to 11 running), but that will change once I cross the finish line at Drake (at approximately 9:30 Sunday morning). I kept the biking pretty conservative as well, with 42 miles. Strength training had two solid upper-body sessions and three core workouts. As for the stairs, a total of 90 were documented this week (40 of which were part of warm-ups for runs, but I have no idea how many were climbed Friday, LOL).

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Things took a more "athleisure" approach this week. Since we were helping one of the daughters move, workout gear was a necessity given all the activity on deck. And, I'm all about going bright or going home, so I opted for some festive colors. Wouldn't you do the same?

Earth Day was Friday. We had rain in the forecast, and I was off work, so I rallied a few co-workers, on Thursday, to join me on a plogging walk during the afternoon. I also did a plogging "run" after work. We all need to do our part.

I hope I'm not jinxing things, but it does officially look like spring in my yard. Even though Spring's arrival is a month late, it was worth the wait. Saturday morning, I spotted the first daffodil to bloom, and the magnolia tree's buds started to showcase their color this week (title pic, above).

So, that's a wrap on last week's fitness, fun, and whatnot. 

How about you? Does it feel like Spring has arrived in your area? Did you do anything to commemorate Earth Day? Any races happening this weekend, or soon?

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  1. we also started out chilly and windy and ended with a summer like week. I am not quite ready for the humidity and summer heat yet. But what can you do!? Arms are looking great! good luck today and have fun out there

    1. I'm glad to finally have some decently "warm" weather. It feels so grand to not be in full tights for my runs!

  2. Good luck today!!! Hope the weather ks perfect and you feel good - no post-moving aches and pains!

    1. Thanks! Today's weather was perfect (well, except for the psychotic wind, LOL).

  3. So much wind this week... a hint of spring with some daffodils.

    Enjoy your race today. You are prepared with all those workouts... I bet you do great...

    1. Thanks, Darlene ;-) I'm excited to see more of my daffodils (and tulips, soon) bloom!

  4. Good luck on your race today. Shall I say “run like the wind!”? You always have fierce wind conditions, but you are fiercer.

    1. Ha! I definitely ran like the wind (often times against it!). All the windy runs (and hilly runs) served me well today!

  5. Yay for spring! So nice to see pics in sandals :) I love it. It was 75 here yesterday, but today is crazy windy and much chillier.

    I hope you had an incredible race today!

  6. I'm glad spring has finally sprung! You must be running while I'm reading this- I hope it's going well and I'm looking forward to the race recap (as always!)
    Your daughter is lucky to have you and your husband help her move- sounds like you guys did the work of an entire moving crew. No wonder you were sore!

    1. There were three other "movers" with us, and we were in non-stop motion for several hours. Although I felt exhausted afterwards, I can only imagine how much worse it would have been had I not been "in shape." Things that make you go Hmmmm.

  7. Great week of fitness! Moving is quite the workout!

    Hope you had a great race today :)

    1. The daughter's move definitely was quite the workout! All of those Peloton classes definitely came in handy!

  8. Hooray for spring in the yard! Yes, moving IS such a workout. I got some squats in after my run this morning, pruning my St John's Wort bush in my front yard!

    1. It's crazy how much of a "workout" these day-to-day tasks can be. It really makes me grateful to have so much cross-training in my routine.

  9. So glad you're getting nicer weather. It has been mostly overcast this week...and SO. WINDY. I'm ready for a bright sunny day, but at least there is no snow!

    1. The absence of snow is paramount! We've had plenty of cold weather, and the wind has been insane. I'd be really annoyed if there was snow in the mix as well.

  10. Love the tights on Fashion Friday. So fun.
    Something about that sunrise on Easter.<3
    Athleisure for President is something we can all agree on, right?!

    1. The Easter sunrise was really beautiful! It was really special since it disappeared shortly after I'd gotten back home...almost like it was just there for those few quick moments.

  11. Hooray for it at least looking like spring! I arrived home to find some flowers blooming in our front yard and I'm thrilled! Hope the race was awesome!

    1. I have my fingers crossed the frost/freeze warming doesn't do much damage tonight...and it's supposed to be in the high-60's tomorrow (???)

  12. I hope your race went well! Moving sure is a big physical workout!! I can't believe it's almost time to move my daughter back home from college already. That time flew by. We do have a few flowers trying to pop out. Our neighborhood is full of flowering trees and all the smells now though! Such a pretty sight.

    1. I have not yet seen much in terms of the flowering trees...probably another week or so before we have obvious color. The fragrances will be even further out, LOL. Spring is really slow on arriving this year...

  13. Congrats on another half! As I wrote, we started with Winter (about 3" worth) but ended with Spring.

    I know I am always stalking our daffodils. They're just so cheery!

    1. I love my daffodils, too! I just noticed a cluster starting to bloom this afternoon... and we have a frost advisory tonight. UGH.

  14. Hey, it’s Wendy— your blog won’t let me post under my Google account. We had crazy weather too, but it was nice to experience summer like conditions in the south for a few days at least! Back to reality…

    1. I have that problem with other Blogger accounts all the time, too. I'm hoping the frost advisory is a hoax for tonight because we have warmer temps in the forecast for tomorrow and Wednesday.

  15. Moving is no fun! But it is a great cross training opportunity! I moved a freaking ton of mulch this weekend (literally!) and I am still feeling it!

    I hope your race was awesome!

    1. Moving is tough! I was really surprised how sore and tired I felt considering I do a lot of strength training on the regular.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Nice workouts last week, Kim! The latter part of last week was very springlike! Finally!
