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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Just Keep Movin' & Groovin'

No matter what Momma N throws my way, I gotta keep moving and grooving.

What can I say? It's my best coping strategy. After all, sitting inside will not make the iffy weather pass any quicker. 

It was another week of (mostly) undesirable weather. Some rain (though not as much as was in the forecast), unseasonably cool temps (again), and plenty of wind (I ask you, what's new?). But, it still was great to get outside and face each day head-on.

Before I reveal all the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what down in my little corner of the universe this week:

Sunny & Windy Sunday
Ugh. The morning temps were sitting at 43F (with a 36F feels-like). Hello? Aren't we just about to June? I got out for a 2-mile walk, in a fleece jacket, headband and gloves (title pic, above). The temps warmed up by mid-afternoon, so I got in seven miles on the bike, but the wind was still psychotic. Finally, by early evening, the weather had calmed down a bit so I was able to go for a short walk, sans fleece and gloves.

Never miss a Monday!
Another chilly morning (48F), but the wind was in the single digits. Amy and I met up at 5:15, resurrecting our walk/run/walk routine from a few months ago. Basically, we walk the 1/2-mile to the college, run three miles, then walk the 1/2-mile back to my house. This week, we walked together, ran our own distances, then walked back...and I may have snuck in some fun fartleks in there. There was more of the walking at work (two total miles), then an after-work meet-up with Barb for 13 miles of cold and windy biking.

Strength work (on deck) Tuesday
We had rain in the forecast, but it was a no-show upon wake-up. I shuttled a couple sets of dumbbells outdoors and stacked a few upper-body workouts (Peloton app). Just one 1-mile walk at work because the rain eventually showed up by late morning. And that was fine.

All things Peloton Wednesday...
More rain...like 24 hours of continuous rain! The #5at5 wasn't happening, so I stacked three strength workouts for the morning. Later, after work, the rain had lightened to a mere mist. I  went for a 2-mile walk, and then saddled up the indoor bike and did a couple of cycling workouts (more for the music than the actual workout, LOL). I kept the resistance between 3-4, and mixed in some sprint intervals, but otherwise kept the cycling pretty low-key, ending with 13 miles.

Double Workout Thursday!
Finally, our temps were climbing back to their normal "seasonal" range. Barb and I got in our #5at5, and Michele and I were able to squeeze in a walk at work. Then, the day turned a bit ugly...the temps weren't too terrible (59F), but the wind was absolutely insane (again). None the less, Amy and I decided to brave the elements and tackle the bike trail after work. Fortunately, the wind was out of the north, which meant mostly a crosswind...but at 17mph, that wind was brutal. It's a good thing we've had more windy rides than calm ones, so we knew how to handle things for those 15 miles.  

Feel-Good Friday
This wound up being a low-key day with plenty of walking. The morning began with a beautiful 2-mile sunrise walk. Then, there was a quick 1-miler at work, and a 1/2-mile walk with Max over lunch. Finally, after dinner, the weather was so beautiful, I got in another 2-mile walk.

A Saturday to smile about...
Would you believe there was more wind? Barb and I met up at 6:00 and took part of our run out on some dirt and gravel roads, all while battling the 12mph wind. At least it was a warm, balmy breeze. Eight miles done and dusted, quite literally, and a 1-mile cool-down walk afterwards.

Then, a couple hours later, the hubby and I met Mike and Amy at a nearby trail for some biking. We'd done a lot long rides with them last summer, but this was our first official outing of 2022. Again, the wind was still rampant, and wind always feels more intense on a bike than it does on foot. Still, it was a beautiful summer-like day. We knocked out 27 miles, and I took a brief nap upon returning home, and then did a 2-mile walk & chat with my college BFF. 

And what's on tap for Sunday?
Believe it or not, we have even more wind in the forecast! We also have very warm temps headed our way, so I plan to spend a lot of time outdoors. I'll probably get in some "recovery" walking, and I have a slew of flowers that didn't get planted last weekend (due to all the rain). I plan to keep the bike and running shoes out of commission for the day.

All in all, it was a busy week! The running was mediocre (16 miles), but with DAM to DSM coming up this next weekend, I wanted to allow myself a bit of a taper. Obviously, this was a biking-dominated week with 75 total miles (13 of which were indoors). Walking was pretty solid, as well, with 18 miles. I'm still keeping all the daily planking, push-ups, leg-lifts, and core streaks alive.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Although the capris look black in the pic, they're actually brown. Personally, I love the color combo of turquoise and brown together...both colors enhance the other. A few chunky bracelets are always a necessity in my world. And, those wedge sandals? A word to the wise, use caution when taking an energetic dog for a walk while wearing them, LOL.

Did you know Wednesday, June 1st, is Global Running Day? Do you plan to celebrate in your running shoes?

Lastly, let's not forget what Memorial Day is really about. A group of us usually meet at the lake, which is right by our local cemetery. We do a lap around the lake, then have a silent run along the hilly paths of the cemetery, and pay tribute to the fallen.  

So, that's a wrap!

How did your week play out? Cold weather? Warm weather? Windy weather? Any plans for Memorial Day? How about Global Running Day?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I'm glad your weather finally improved,! But great job still getting it in even with the rain.

  2. We're up in Wisco and the wind is pretty annoying. I'm hoping to head out for some miles before it picks up. It's certainly been a wild week of weather!

  3. That's so fun that you have another couple to bike with! I need to start planning some cycling adventures. Great workouts this week!

  4. I cannot remember the last time I was on my outdoor bike! I need to fix that at some point. Another fun and busy week for you! Good luck w your race next weekend

  5. Congrats on getting your fitness in spite of the weather. I love that you have a running tribute to Memorial Day.

  6. Ugh, your weather! And it's almost June... that's crazy. I can't even imagine it because it's been so hot here. But you'll have plenty of heat soon! I like your attitude- you just get out there and do whatever you can. We all have to keep moving!

  7. You had a range of weather this week! We had nice temps but high humidity.

    Yay on the cycling and good luck getting ready for next weekend.

  8. Moving and grooving is the perfect strategy for mental and physical health. And yes, all the weather.Sometimes in the same day!

  9. As always you did still get it all down. We were cooler than usual -- especially being way up in northern ME -- but I was ready for that & it really was just an amazing time, if not very restful. And I certainly got in less miles than you!

    We're moving so it's all good.

  10. I just did the workout laundry and yes, the weather was all over the place and I've got tights and half zips in the wash along with tanks and shorts. It's been a week! I'm doing my best to finish up the spring planting but it looks like another trip to the garden center will have to happen.

  11. It seems like you have been battling the wind all year! You really had a little bit of everything in the weather department - great job not letting it slow you down!

  12. Nice weather here this week except last Sunday and this Sunday, it was HOT and humid.... just acclimated to it for racing!!

    Still better than staying home in an air conditioned house.

  13. Oh my, what crappy weather you've been having, but it sounds like you're making the most of it and getting outside for your workouts.

    I have big plans for Global Running Day, but sadly I'll probably be walking much of my "run." More on that on Tuesday!

  14. I can't believe that Global Running Day is just a few days away - that really snuck up on me this year. I really don't have any huge plans but I will get in a run that day.

  15. What a lot of wind, deary me! We've had a bit of that, and colder temps again. I wish it would make up its mind!

  16. Why is it so cold??? And rainy??? What is going on? It's so full into summer here that I would be thrilled for a long sleeve day. So excited for Global Running Day! I almost forgot entirely!
