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Thursday, June 2, 2022

What's In My Cup?


I'm feeling the need for some coffee time and chatter. Anyone else?

You know, it's already that time of the month for gathering, coffee cups in hand, for some conversation. May seemed to fly by, in record time, and I'm hopeful it ((finally)) took the last of the winter-like temps with it. Don't worry, though, the wind still remains.

Anyways, grab your beverage of choice and let's get the party started...

If we were chatting over coffee, I'd tell you about my latest discovery...chocolate-covered coffee beans! I've coffee-fessed many times how I love the aroma of coffee, but cannot stomach the taste of it. Well, I may have found a happy medium. A co-worker brought in some dark chocolate-covered coffee beans recently, and I could not keep my hands out of the bag. It turns out, chocolate covered coffee beans actually have a more concentrated dose of caffeine (source) than brewed coffee itself. Hmmm, maybe that's why I was walking quite fast (on our morning walk break) and talking in a rather animated manner.

If we were chatting over coffee, I'd tell you about resurrecting the weekly hilly bike path ride routine (say that three times, really fast, #IDareYou). You may recall that last year, Amy and I (and sometimes Barb) did these weekly rides. We didn't start until mid-June, but we made it happen for 20 consecutive weeks (recap HERE). This year, we got a jumpstart on the ritual, and we've already done four of these weekly rides (and three of those rides have been in crazy windy conditions, go figure!).  So, that begs the question...should we do another 20 weeks of rides this summer? Or should we go a little further, like 25? Stay tuned...

If we were chatting over coffee, I'd also tell you how great it feels to be back on the road with the bike (instead of being stuck in the basement, on the stationary bike). In fact, this past weekend, we ventured out with Amy (and her hubby) for our first long ride of the season. Of course, we had wind to fight (that's a given, LOL), but we also had beautiful sunshine for the entire 27 miles. I'm already looking forward to our next long ride.

If we were chatting over coffee, I'd share this beauty of a sunset I recently got to witness on an evening walk. Although I see far more sunrises than I do sunsets, we've had some pretty spectacular plays of color lately. The art geek (and color freak) in me has been quite content.

Finally, if we were chatting over coffee, I'd rehash my miles from May. It was really odd to have my walking and running miles be identical. I don't think that's ever happened! I've been trending towards the conservative, in regards to my running mileage, but it doesn't seem to have hampered my finish times. In fact, it may be a factor in my racing performance this spring. Not everyone "needs" high mileage, and I'm grateful the moderate miles work in my favor. Plus, I'd wager a guess that all those biking miles have been a great alternative. Things that make you go Hmmm.

So, that's enough of me chattering for now. Your turn...

What would you share, if we were chatting over coffee? How did your May play out? Any big plans for the summer season, regarding your fitness?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. chocolate covered espresso beans are delish! I have not had them in a while. Maybe that will win you over to coffee. I need to get my outdoor bike out! thanks for linking up

  2. You remind me that I need to get my trainer tire off my bike so I can ride! The weather has been really nice this week, that's for sure!

  3. Yes yes, I need to get on the bike. now that my gym time has ended, I plan to walk more. Yes I love those coffee beans but I love everything coffee. It's my favorite ice cream flavor.

  4. Nice to see you've been able to get out an enjoy your bike already. I was just saying to my husband that we should get bikes this year - I can't tell you the last time I was on one! Those chocolate-covered beans can provide quite a kick! Perhaps we'll make a coffee lover out of you yet ;)

  5. That is funny your walking and running miles were identical! Yes, it sounds like what you're doing mileage-wise is working well for you.
    I've never liked the taste of coffee, but back in the days where I ate all things sugar-y, I loved coffee flavored ice cream. So I'm sure those chocolate covered coffee beans are amazing!
    That sunset looks incredible : )

  6. Chocolate covered coffee beans sounds like something I need to try immediately!
    I love that your walking and running mileaage was the same - just shows that you have a great mix of the two!

  7. I'm sure that the biking miles have helped! And truly, usually a lot of us can get by on a lot less miles (and have happier bodies because of it).

    I hate coffee. Period. End of story. I don't think even chocolate would change my mind, LOL! Way back in the day, there was a WW mocha dessert I loved, but often if it's mocha, I pass. But I do use chocolate caffeine before a race. :)

  8. I still need to get my bike in for a tune up and tire fix. I've been so bad about getting that done. Ugh. Gorgeous sunset! I'm surprised you like the coffee beans! Maybe coffee will be next?

  9. Oh, chocolate covered coffee beans are dangerous — I can overdo it with them so easily!

    Funny on your May mileage. You are in such good shape, you don’t need to log as many miles to do well in a race. ;-)

  10. I used to buy dark chocolate covered espresso beans at Trader Joe's for my hubby. I never tried them, but he always said he couldn't eat very many of them.

    Yay for the hilly rides coming back (and for spring/summer finally arriving). We're having a delightful weekend of low 80's, sunshine, and low humidity!

  11. Chocolate covered coffee sounds amazing! I'm a huge fan of the smell and taste of coffee but I think I'd really like that stuff as I love flavored coffee.

    May went by so quickly! It was the biggest race of spring for me and I traveled a lot between the end of April/beginning of May and the entire month so it definitely flew by! This whole year has actually flown by! No major summer plans but that's typical for me. I'm ramping up training for World's Toughest Mudder- which why I do this to myself every year is beyond me. I really hate doing long runs in the summer and I usually end up doing my longest races in the fall which means- you guessed it! Lots of summer long runs!

  12. I'm so glad you are getting so much out of biking. You KNOW how much I love to ride -whether to do errands, get around town or go for a long ride. It's just SO nice to be out even if you come against some wind or a (frickin huge) hill! If you want to do another streak, I say go for it. I am hoping to get lots of km's in this spring/summer - in May I already had 98km just in recorded rides. Love it!!

    I love chocolate covered espresso beans. Just... make sure you don't eat too many. It could have an inconvenient effect on you ;-)

  13. May was fine. I love that your running and walking miles were the same. So cool. Your biking is going so well! And I love chocolate covered espresso beans. They are so good!

  14. Chocolate-covered coffee beans does sound like a nice happy medium! I'm super sensitive to caffeine though so I probably wouldn't be able to have much of those (like one, haha).

    Looking forward to seeing how many weeks of rides you end up doing! I will hopefully be doing some of that too with my friend this summer!

  15. I laughed about the effect of the chocolate covered coffee beans! I don't think I've ever had them.

  16. If I have any caffeine after noon I am toast for my night sleep. Ugh. I really hate this because I would love a caffeinated beverage around 3 pm...
