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Monday, August 29, 2022


It's that time of the year that I dread (almost) the most....the end of summer.

Granted the majority of my runner friends are ecstatic to usher in some cooler weather and kick summer to the curb...but not me. Well, I do appreciate the less intense heat and humidity, but I have a special place in my heart for all things summer.

None the less, I live in Iowa. We get to experience the change of seasons. As much as I love summer, though, I doubt I'd love it so dearly if I lived in it year-round. Besides, getting to experience both extremes of weather reinforces just how much I truly love summer more than winter.

As we embark on the end of summer, I thought I'd share a few realities and some coping strategies to ease the transition into the cooler temps (and darker days) of the fall season. Just as we need some "easing in" when the mercury rises, it's also best to be prepared for the shift towards the cooler days ahead. Read on!

*It's getting darker in the early mornings. Although there may be ample street lights, it still can be dark along the roads and tricky running along uneven sidewalks. It's always beneficial to have a light source with you.

*It's harder to be seen. Just as important as being able to see where you are going, you also want to be visible to oncoming traffic. Common sense prevails...bright (preferably light) colors, glow strips on your clothing, and extra light sources/accessories definitely can't hurt. This applies to whether you're on foot or on wheels.

*The darkness can feel ever-so-chilly! Even with the warm daytime temps, the air is often times quite a bit chilly in the early hours (or evening). I just can't bring myself to wear my capri's yet, but if I throw on a long-sleeved top with my shorts, it feels like an ideal balance of warm and cool dressing.

*Even in the daylight, there's a chill  in the air. Yes, there may be a sunrise happening, but the air still can feel a bit nippy, even on a humid morning. For me, arm sleeves are an ideal solution. I can still wear my summer tanks, but having just part of my arms covered feels warm enough without being over-heated.

*Don't forget the ears! Although the cooler temps may feel ideal for running, your ears may not necessarily agree. Recently, the early morning temps have been in the mid-50's. My body usually feels fine after the first 10-15 minutes, but my ears are quite thankful to have some cover over them... a scrunched up buff works nicely.

Those are the main ones for me...if you need a few more ideas, check out this post, Favorite Fall Running Hacks.

Talk to me....Are you sad or joyful to see summer winding down and fall emerging? Does it take you a few weeks to acclimate to the cooler temps and diminishing daylight?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:

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  1. I love summer too! I'd rather deal with being hot and sweaty than feeling frozen.

    I only have one set of black arm sleeves and it's not enough. I should really look into get more of them (and also more colourful ones). They're so handy, especially for the autumn!

    1. Total agreement on embracing all the heat ;-) I can deal with the winter freeze, but I certainly don't love it much.

  2. Kim, I feel for you. I HATED to see summer end when I lived up north. Now I'm longing for some cooler temps, but we won't get them for a while. Your fall gear is what I would use for our coldest winter days. I agree- if it's in the low 50s and windy, I could be running in shorts and a tank top, but I just need my ears covered up!

    1. My legs don't mind the coolness, but my arms (and ears!) appreciate a little bit of cover. Summer is far too short of a season in the Midwest.

  3. Very sad. I got up early to run today and had to wait until it got light.

    It was still hot and humid so the cooler temps will be welcome.

    I'd rather have the longer days than cool temps though.

    1. I really miss the early morning daylight already. I just got back from a bike ride, and I had to cut it short because the daylight was disappearing (in the evening) as well. Sigh.

  4. So we do not have any chill in the air yet and it's really been particularly challenging the last month. I do notice the darker mornings which makes it harder to get up. I am also writing about summer tomorrow w a slightly different slant

    1. It's odd how much cooler our mornings have been recently, because the temps have been "normal" summer-like in the afternoons. Oh well...at least it's not snowing!

  5. I can do shorts longer than I can do short sleeves. Bodies are weird.
    I want your morning nippiness. Please share

  6. Although I am not a fan of the darker early mornings, I am very much over the oppressive humidity this summer. I just want to weather to cool down so I can drink my pumpkin coffee in peace, lol.

    1. Ha! I heard on the radio that today is the official start of pumpkin spice at Starbucks. Were you in line? ;-)

  7. I appreciate each season, no doubt. That doesn't mean I have to love every aspect of them, LOL. If Summer was a bit longer and Winter was much shorter, things would be ideal in my world.

  8. I am sad to see summer ending (I want a few more pool days!) but I am ready for slightly cooler running weather. Lately its been in the mid 70s with 90 something % humidity every morning, so anything cooler than that would be appreciated!

    1. We've definitely had some intense heat and humidity this summer (not a big surprise, but there hasn't been much of a break in between the hot spells). I can function in the heat, fortunately, but the extreme temps/humidity can be draining.
