About Me

Monday, September 12, 2022

Describe Oneself...

Have you ever thought about what motivates and inspires you?

In an effort to come up with some motivating mantras, my mind kept wandering towards my own (perceived)  personality traits and preferences. It's no secret that I use a lot of hashtags on social media, and I don't think it's a coincidence many of them reflect my interests as well. 

Anyways, I did manage to come up with a few (somewhat) simple words that best describe myself (in my humble opinion). I even took it a step further, and included some corresponding hashtags, because why not?

Are you ready? Here goes... 

In no particular order...

I have an unharnessed enthusiasm for early morning workouts. Granted, my work schedule dictates some of that, but I still like rising and shining (and running or walking or riding or elliptical'ing) and not procrastinating the workouts for later. I love a good sweaty cardio fix, right outta bed. #ThisIsMyCoffee

Finding a new way to do an "established" thing is a challenge I embrace on the daily. This goes for all aspects of my life, but especially in my fitness world. Whether I'm tweaking a stair workout, intensifying a HIIT session, or running a different route, I'm usually in a constant state of mixing things up. I'm also avoiding a dreaded fitness plateau and/or boredom. #LetsDoThis

I'm not one to easily give up. Granted, I have had a DNF (only one!), but that was more out of physical necessity than mental frustration. That being said, there have been some pretty tough races (and workouts) over the years, and I usually am able to rise to the occasion and persevere to the finish. It's not that I'm a glutton for punishment or discomfort...I simply love the euphoria (and satisfaction) that comes with every finish line.  #TooMuchGritToQuit

Predictable is not my gig. I believe in having fun and taking chances. After all, if you can't smile, have fun, or lighten up, you're probably in need of an attitude adjustment. I've said it before...We can't always control our circumstances, but our attitude is all on us. #BecauseIChooseTo

What can I say? Colors are fun and expressive...in art, in clothing, and in running gear. While black is a legit color, seldom will you ever see me in total black. If, by chance, that does happen, there will also be some bright touches by way of headbands, socks, or lipstick. More than likely, all three will be at play. Consider yourself warned. #GoBrightOrGoHome.

Indeed, my glass is always half full, at the minimum. After all, why dwell on what's missing? I strongly believe in seeking out the good in others. That doesn't mean I'm oblivious to all the ugly and bad stuff out there, I just choose to not obsess over it. Besides, it's quite empowering to not let the negative (peeps or circumstances) bring you down. #Onward

So, there you go. A fun exercise in self-analysis, and a few favorite hashtags.  #NoRegrets #AllIsWell #StillSmiling #LifeIsGood #BlissfulPersistence 

How about you? Got any favorite motivational mantras, phrases, or simple individual words that you draw inspiration from? Any catchy hashtags? 

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. It is hard to pick just 5 words! I would definitely agree that you are all of these words.

    Seeing the good in others is a good one. Sometimes, people mean well but just don't know any better. Other times, people have had a terrible childhood and come from a very bad place. They only know aggression and defensiveness. In any case, it's good to show them kindness and patience.

    1. Yes, kindness and patience to all others is tough, but ultimately essential. It's a tough thing to put into practice, though. I try to take a step back when someone is rude (to me or to others) and acknowledge they probably have their own personal struggles as well.

  2. I think all your hashtags would serve as good mantras during a race! Humor is definitely a good thing. It's always within our control to change our attitude and turn a situation around. Sometimes it's easier said than done though- it's good to be reminded!

    1. I think humor is paramount in dealing with almost every situation, especially the challenging ones.

  3. I do hope one day we meet as so many of your words resonate with what I aspire to be! I love your optimism, your consistency, your energy - and of course, I love the fact you always bring colour to the table!

    1. Awh, thank you so much, Shathiso! I would love a personal meet-up someday <3

  4. You described yourself perfectly.

    We need to meet up so some of your enthusiasm rubs off on me.

    Let me find a few for me:
    supportive (to my friends)

    1. Thanks, Darlene ;-) I think we share a lot of similar personality traits...and it would be fun to have another meet-up!

  5. I agree that these words describe you well! I am also definitely a morning person but Im not always energetic!

    1. Well, my morning energy is usually pretty consistent...but there are days (now and then) when it's MIA...

  6. all of those definitely describe you! Love this and your positivity always

    1. Thank you, Deborah <3 You're a pretty positive gal, too, which I much appreciate ;-)

  7. I love the words that you used to describe yourself. You're definitely one of the most optimistic people I know. That's such a great trait to have!

  8. Colorful. YES, and hell to the yes on "Predictable is not my gig. "
    Was just talking about the extent to which I believe in star signs, but the wandering optimist in Sag is so me. Let's see if I don't spam myself this time)

  9. Yes! I believe a positive attitude is everything. It's made a huge difference in recent years (for me, at least) in the midst of all the political ugliness and covid stuff.

  10. I love this! You definitely picked the right words to describe yourself. I do love your attitude and I agree that we can't always control our circumstances, but we can control our attitude.
