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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Holy BRRR! Please Make it Stop!

Holy BRRR, it's been a bit brisk...

I guess it should come as no surprise that the real winter weather would eventually make an appearance. The mild January really had me hoping the calm before the storm would remain calm a bit longer, though. 

Oh well. Such is the reality of winter in the Midwest. It's a good thing I'm #IowaTough.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Smile! It's 'Fession Time!

...and just like that, it's time to hit the 'fessional and come clean on a few things. 

Yikes, has it been a month! 

BTW, how are we already almost through the month of January??? It seems like we were just ushering-in 2023 amidst all the requisite fanfare that besieges a new year. Things that make you go hmmm, indeed!

In spite of January being my traditional off-season, I've been riding the wave of keeping active. My running has been (slowly) on the upswing. I've been pedaling to my heart's content on the spin bike. The #OptOutside streak is still going strong. And, I have been staying consistent with cross-training. Yadda Yadda Yadda. 

That being said, I still have a few 'fessions worthy of sharing. Some things never change...

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Moving. Right. Along.

My 2023 off-season is underway, and moving right along. Yay for me, right? 

I gotta admit, as much as I enjoy the off-season, and as much as I know my body needs it, the actual "season" itself can be a challenge. I have a lot of energy (even though I don't drink coffee), so sitting idle is not an option for me. I wake up early, usually before 5:30AM (and that's without an alarm). I don't fall asleep before 11:00PM, ever (unless I'm really, really tired). I love all forms of fitness, and I crave the fresh air of the great outdoors.

Alas, I'm keeping things (somewhat) scaled-back. I'm trying not to give-in to the temptation of doing "long" runs, at least for a few more weeks. My first race of the new year is a 10K (early March), so I don't necessarily need to amp up the distance or my speed just yet.

So far, so good....

Monday, January 16, 2023

My 10th Winter Run Streak: a few highlights

A decade of winter run streaking...whodda thunk?

I recently finished my 10th consecutive Runner's World Winter Run Streak. Truthfully, this is a feat I never, ever, would have imagined happening 11 years ago. 

Why? I'm constantly paranoid of injury. Often times, I err on the side of low-mileage instead of risking too many miles on a tired body. And, although I sometimes run on back-to-back days, I seldom exceed a 3-day jaunt in doing so.

But, here I am. 

It's been two weeks since this 10th streak party ended, and I have a few thoughts to share...

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Can't Stop; Won't Stop

There's the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Or, in my case, the tough keep going, LOL.

Yeah, well, this was one such week. Momma N didn't feel like cooperating, unforeseen hurdles popped up along the way, my lower back decided it was time to have attitude, and there was a Friday the 13th to beat all. It's a good thing we have our fitness vices on standby, am I right?

Alas, things were challenging, but I kept on keeping on...

Saturday, January 7, 2023

New Year; Same Me

Here we are, one full week into 2023...and, my-oh-my, how time flies when you're having fun!

It may be cliche, but it's true (at least in my world). I've been keeping busy, trying to enjoy the remaining remnants of the holiday season and maintaining all things fitness, so this first week of the new year has flown by. 

I haven't really set any specific new goals for 2023, nor have I made any reflective resolutions. My main focus is to keep on keeping on, and to enjoy this ride called life. So far, so good!

Friday, January 6, 2023

Coffee Chatting in January

January is here, and so are the chilly temps of winter.

Thankfully, the (current) temps are tolerable and not the arctic gut-punch conditions that took us through Christmas. That being said, I don't need frigid weather to enjoy a hot beverage...but a toasty drink sure feels good after a cold endeavor outdoors. Even better? Having conversation, sharing a few laughs and high-fiving some friends (virtually and otherwise) during a coffee chit-chat session.

Shall we make it happen?

Monday, January 2, 2023

Blissful Persistence...because if it ain't broke...

As the saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I applied that strategy last year, in coming up with a theme for 2022. After all, "Blissful Persistence" had worked quite well for 2021, why not do a repeat? 

In fact, those two simple words have come to mean a lot to me; so much, that for '23 they're doing a 3-peat.

In other words, that theme ain't broke, so I'm not fixing it.