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Monday, January 2, 2023

Blissful Persistence...because if it ain't broke...

As the saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I applied that strategy last year, in coming up with a theme for 2022. After all, "Blissful Persistence" had worked quite well for 2021, why not do a repeat? 

In fact, those two simple words have come to mean a lot to me; so much, that for '23 they're doing a 3-peat.

In other words, that theme ain't broke, so I'm not fixing it.

It really is tough coming up with a significant word or a special theme for oneself. It's quite a personal, all-encompassing endeavor.

Once I came up with these two meaningful words, though, I could not shake them. 

For me, they're all about digging deep, and finding the grit to press on, especially if your circumstances or conditions are less-than-ideal. Persistence is synonymous with persevering, both of which involve a deep-seated drive to keep going when the going gets tough. 

If we're talking about bliss, we're probably also talking about happiness, fun, and all things joyful. Not every run (or workout) may bring you the immediate feel-good vibes you're craving. I believe those very vibes are there, though, even if they don't show themselves right away. None the less, there will always be something good to come from every effort made...if not a desired end result, there will be (at the very minimum) a lesson learned. Why not smile at THAT outcome?

Anyways, that's my 2023 focus. I'll be hash-tagging #BlissfulPersistence on almost every fitness-related post (and probably on numerous other posts as well...because, why not?). Consider yourself warned. 

Sidebar: A few other favorite hashtags, from recent years, will also be showcased: #GoBrightOrGoHome, #KeepSmiling, #ThisIsMyCoffee, #TooMuchGritToQuit, and #BecauseIChooseTo. Stay tuned!

Related posts:

Have you deemed a significant word as YOUR focus for 2023? 

 I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. Blissful persistence definitely deserves a second year. All of grit and determination to see if through...in perfect bliss.

    Happy New Year!!!

    1. Thanks! I keep thinking I should shift my focus, but Blissful Persistence just fits with EVERYTHING...

  2. Why not? A motto doesn't have to change every year. Maybe it's even your life motto and you'll never been changing it!
    A happy 2023, Kim!

    1. Thank you, Catrina ;-) I hadn't thought of a life motto, but these two words certainly have merit for that role!

  3. If words speak to you, there’s no reason to choose new ones, and these two suit you well!

    1. These two very words seem to encompass everything I strive for in terms of strength, gratitude, and happiness. They are worthy of at least another year of highlighting ;-)

  4. That word in definitely YOU. You never give up and you make the best of every situation - injury, weather, etc.

    I would not change a thing.

    Looking forward to following your year.

    1. Thanks so much, Darlene ;-) I'm looking forward to all that lies ahead in '23 as well!

  5. With your glass half full and never give up attitude, blissful persistence is perfect for you. Like you said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

    1. Like I said, I just couldn't find any other words as well-suited...so nothing's getting fixed for now, LOL.

  6. I completely agree about sticking to what is working for you. I agree with Catrina, maybe it’s your life’s motto.

    1. The two words definitely have worked well for me these past two years, so onward!!

  7. Blissful persistence is a wonderful concept! Keep going! My word of the year is related to it.

  8. Totally agree with you - if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Blissful Persistence is an awesome theme for the year.

  9. I like this phrase for you! You are always so positive even when you are struggling. It’s one of the things I really love about you

  10. This suits you so well! I so agree that if it ain't broke...

  11. You need to make a shirt that says this! I also love the #toomuchgrittoquit!

  12. Sounds like a great plan to continue with what is working! Hope you have a great 2023!

  13. You always make the best of everything so what Darlene said is what I was thinking of saying too.

  14. I think that's pretty much your personal life motto. No need to change a thing! In my case, my life does need a little tweaking. My word for 2023 is "nourish" and I plan to nourish myself with good food and sleep, so I have a better chance of reaching my goals this year.

  15. I LOVE that you've kept this: Blissful Persistence and your definition/ explanation is spot on. And this defines you in so many ways - you always just keep going. It doesn't mean you don't have challenges, you have just figured out a way to navigate them and move forward.
