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Thursday, February 2, 2023

A This & That Coffee Chat

Is there anything better than a toasty hot beverage and some cozy conversation with friends?

In my opinion, these two make for a great combination...and not just in the winter season. Gathering together, even if it's by virtual means, always makes for lots of feel-good vibes and plenty of laughter.

What ya say? Shall we join forces, fill our mugs, and have a chat? 

Well, here goes...

If we were to gather, over coffee, I'd start by telling you how my January played out. Most know that the month of January, traditionally, is sort of an off-season for me. Mind you, that doesn't mean I sleep late or skip my morning workouts. I do scale things back, though, especially in terms of running mileage, and January '23 was no exception. The running miles were some of the most conservative my legs have seen in a long time, and I'm alright with that. Unfortunately, the walking miles took a major hit as well. But, if we were to talk about biking, the story takes a much different turn...and I'm super content with that.

If we were to gather, over coffee, I'd share my excitement for RAGBRAI '23! RAGBRAI is the acronym for the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. The Des Moines Register sponsors this annual week-long bike ride across the state of Iowa. This event attracts cyclists from, literally, around the world, and the 2023 route was just announced last weekend (it changes every year). This will be RAGBRAI's 50th year, and I hear there's a lot of fun stuff in the works. I've only ridden single days (I rode Day-1 in 2021 and Day-7 in 2022), but am hoping the ride both Days 4 and 5 this summer since both of those days will be fairly close to my hometown of Grinnell (which is halfway between Des Moines and Coralville, and directly south of Tama-Toledo). Lucky me, Day-5 is featuring the second longest mileage for the week, as well as the most elevation (both of my previous days had similar claims to fame as well).

If we were to gather, over coffee, I'd have to bring up my treadmill dilemma. As most know, it appears Milly may have run her last mile this past weekend. While this has happened a couple of times before, and we were able to resuscitate her, I'm not as optimistic this time. My dilemma: Do I replace her or go without? She's definitely not my BFF (best fitness friend), but it is nice to have her on standby for the handful of times when it's just too dangerous to run outdoors. I don't want to spend a lot of money (since she won't be used much), but I can't go ultra cheap, either (because I want her to have a few nice features to lesson the "torture aspect" of it). And, let's not forget that we're almost through the worst of the winter weather. In other words, I could probably make due without a treadmill for the remainder of winter (emphasis on probably, LOL).

If we were to gather, over coffee, I'd admit my confusion over the allure of mirror selfies. Personally, I think they're kind of awkward and odd (seriously? A picture of oneself taking a picture of oneself???).  I seldom ever take mirror selfies, and it's a very rare occasion when I actually post them on social media. This particular one, below, was taken out of sheer boredom after a bike ride. The pose is rather dull. The workout room has a lot of clutter being showcased in the limited space. Even the letters on my tank top are in reverse (a huge pet-peeve of mine, BTW). Yet, while this pic didn't go viral, it did garner a lot more interaction than I'd ever anticipated. Is that what people want to see?

And finally, if we were to gather, over coffee, I'd gush a little more over this orchid. I received this from my son almost two years ago for my birthday (March 2021). It was in full bloom, and the blossoms remained intact throughout most of that summer. In October of that year, I noticed new buds forming on the stems, and they started blooming in December. Those blossoms stuck around for several months, eventually dying-off by late spring of 2022. Wouldn't you know, not only were more buds appearing by late summer, but a new stem had also sprouted. The orchid was again (for the third time!) in full bloom. As those blossoms started wilting, though, I noticed more buds forming. Just a week ago, these newest blossoms have started opening. Obviously, this orchid likes its home, by the south-facing window in the sunroom. Huh, maybe I should give it a name? 

Anyways, those are just a few (or five) things I'd bring to the table, if we were gathered over coffee. 

How about you, anything to share? Did you have a productive January? Ever heard of RAGBRAI? Should I replace Milly? Mirror selfies- yay or nay? Ever have an orchid continue to bloom repeatedly?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I woke up with horrible insomnia and could not go back to sleep. So, since my goal for the year is to get my fitness back on track I figured I'd start blog hopping :).

    I am a newer biker. I'm still not very good at it, yet. Since I'm coming back from 2 foot and ankle surgeries (one each foot, that I've steadily whined about), biking will be on the agenda for my recovery. Glad to find runners who bike too because this is a hard transition for me.

    Two, love your little orchid. I'm making an attempt at gardening this year. My 8 year old will not eat most vegetables, but he helped me plant spinach. He promised he'd try it since he helped grow it. I'm crossing my fingers that I can convince him he loves to eat his little plant that he helped grow.

    Have a great Friday! Off to enjoy some real coffee.

    1. I think biking is a great compliment to running! For me, it's a great cardio fix, it builds additional leg strength AND it's a great recovery vice for flushing-out the legs after a tough workout. I hope it works well for you as your recovery continues ;-)

  2. Back when phones didn't have front & rear facing lenses, mirror selfies made more sense. I don't actually take a lot of selfies though -- although some might disagree, LOL!

    Maybe don't replace the treadmill & just see how that goes? We've only got another 2 or 3 months of Winter, LOL! But seriously, it's been a relatively mild Winter here, knock on wood. I of course would replace it -- but since you don't enjoy it, and Winter is usually your off season anyway . . . .

    1. Truthfully, I will probably get another treadmill, the question is how long can I go before I "really" need it? I'm hoping I ride out the rest of this winter, and take my time assessing the options...

  3. If you don't use it, maybe wait a bit on the mill. I for one can't imagine life without mine. Our 9" of snow is hanging around in all it's glory making the mill a necessity. Yay for the thriving orchid!

    1. Our snow (from two weeks ago?) has not budged either. At least the steets are pretty clear now.

  4. You know I love to hate on my TM, but when the old one died, I replaced it. I don't use it a lot, but it is nice to have! I didn't get a fancy one and oddly enough, I paid the same for it as I did for my original one back in 1997. If it lasts as long as that one did, I'll never have to buy another one, which is both cool and frightening.

    I received an orchid last fall from my colleagues for nurse practitioner day but sadly, it did not survive. I had one a few years ago that lasted a long time!

    1. I have no memory of what we paid for our treadmill. It was 23 (?) years ago when we bought it, so I have no idea what a good price point is these days for one. They are nice to have, regardless. I doubt I'd use it much, but it would be nice to have on standby.

  5. January was a good start to the year! Now let's get winter out of here.

    It's a tough call on Milly. You're so creative that you could probably go a long time without missing her BUT also you work out a lot and it's nice to have options. Maybe take your time and see if you can find a good sale or a used tready out there? Definitely don't get a cheap treadmill.

    1. Yes, let's get winter outta here!!! I'm glad I have plenty of other options, but am hoping I can take the runs to the streets and slide on through to the spring.

  6. Well you know how I feel about TM running LOL but I must admit I really appreciate having the option. You've been doing so well with your biking mileage I think you might be able to eek it out until its not quite so frigid.

    That orchid is beautiful! :)

    1. Oh, I agree...I do like having the option (though I'm usually cussing under my breath when I'm running on it).

  7. Yes, I get the treadmill dilemma! Because you have a bike and an elliptical, you could probably get through the rest of the winter. I agree with other commenters who suggested to wait a little and see how it goes.
    I'm excited for you to do RAGBRAI again! And doing two of the legs would make it even more epic. Weirdly, I enjoyed looking at that map of Iowa and seeing where all the cities are. You are perfectly situated to do days 4 and 5!

    1. I am really excited for RAGBRAI ;-) Doing two consecutive days will make for a great challenge. Usually the Wednesday leg has a 100-mile option (a little detour, if you will), so that's going to be tempting!

  8. I have not mastered the mirror selfie yet! I bet you could handle all 7 days of that cycling challenge! Let the training begin.

    1. The mirror selfies are just SO awkward! I always seem to have the phone/camera blocking my face, or have my head tilted weird.

  9. That stinks that your treadmill is on the fritz. I would definitely have to replace mine. I am a fair weather runner and hate running in cold. I even like running on it in the summer so I can be in the AC.

    1. Oh, I'm a miserable sweaty mess in the summer on the treadmill...the air conditioning does not work in my favor, LOL.

  10. I take selfies but not just my face!!! it's all about the clothes LOL

    I had a great January though cloudy and gray... February I'm not sure about - SOOO cold. But I will not do the treadmill but it's y our choice. If it's too cold, I can skip a run or too and even use a stationary bike for fitness.

    1. Since I'm not obsessed with high miles, I have no problem (or guilt) if I have to skip a run or switch-in a shorter distance or a different workout. Still, it's hard to make it through an Iowa winter without a few runs on the treadmill...

  11. Yay on RAGBRAI! I’ve been dragging my feet making our summer plans. The Fondo rides are on inconvenient weekends for us so I’m not sure what we will do.

    I vote on replacing Millie, but maybe take your time and watch for sales — maybe President’s Day sales?

    1. Great idea on looking for President's Day sales! I'm definitely not in an immediate hurry to find a replacement.

  12. My Jan was fine but not how I'd hoped to start the year. I was active every day though, so I'm happy with that! I'm excited for your biking challenge coming up! I love that kind of stuff though I don't generally participate (I don't have the right bike for these kinds of challenges here in NL, people are WAY too serious and I'd likely get seriously injured from them pushing me out of the way LOL). As for Milly, I would do it. It's not a cheap thing, but it's an investment that will definitely still pay for itself in the long run. No pun intended. As for mirror selfies, I say why not? Do you and if that is pro or anti mirror selfie then I'm for whatever you choose. I don't like words on clothing being backwards either so I just edit the photo and "flip" it the other way and then all is right with the world again :)

  13. Yay for RAGBRAI's route coming close to Grinnell! You know Bill and I would do it in a second, but it falls at the same time as a very special little person's birthday.

    I vote on holding off on replacing Millie and look for Black Friday sales next year before the bad weather hits again. You've always got stairs to climb if you have really bad weather on a run day between now and spring.

  14. I've never heard of RAGBRA but whewwwww, that is a good chunk of miles!!

    I'm going to agree with Debbie on looking for Black Friday sales! You do so much in between that it would probably be okay? :D?
