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Monday, February 13, 2023

My Red Hot Love of Running

What can I say?

I became a runner in the summer of 2005, and I have not looked back. What started as a hobby of sorts, soon morphed into a red hot love of the sport. 

It didn't take long before the world of racing entered the scene. Along the journey of racing and training came a lot of trial and error...and a lot of other perks as well.  

So, what exactly is there to love about running? I'm glad you asked...

First, and foremost is the simplicity of the sport itself. In the most basic sense, you really just need a good pair of running shoes and a safe place to run. Yes, you should also wear other clothing, but I think that's kind of a given. Whether you run outside or indoors, there's plenty to enjoy. The rhythmic strike of your feet, the increased beat of your heart, and the gentle burn of your lungs all contribute to time well spent. If you're lucky, you might even get a healthy dose of endorphins by the time you finish! 

Probably the most valuable feature of running, at least in my opinion, is the camaraderie with others. It's been said that there are no greater friends than running friends. Having others to be accountable to only enhances your training and performance. Giving out support and encouragement (as well as being on the receiving end) is pretty sweet. And, let's be honest, it's nice being able to exchange stories with one another about ugly toe nails, proper (and improper) fueling strategies and your most cherished PR.

Then there's the gear and all the accessories. We runners love our tech fabric, wool socks and running shoes! We also have a fetish for multiple headbands, varying thicknesses of gloves, and (perhaps) several pairs of colorful sunglasses. Or is that just me?

And, let's not forget the gadgets! Once running becomes a routine, many (most?) runners acquire a fancy exercise watch. Many will also add safety items to their arsenal (lighted vests, ID bracelets, headlamps, etc.)...and take them along on weekend trips and/or family vacations!

I would be a bit remiss if I didn't mention the cross-training. While it's true that runners "run," it's usually only a matter of time before they learn the value of doing other non-running forms of fitness to avoid or prevent injury. For myself, strength-training was slow-coming but has become a priority in the past 12 years or so. After a stress fracture left me sidelined for a few months, biking soon pivoted into the lime light and has remained a huge player as well. I also do a lot of power walking and stair-climbing.  

So, yes, you could say my love for running is red hot, LOL. It's been quite a blessing these past (almost) 18 years, and I look forward to many more years to come.
A few related posts:

How's your relationship with running, or fitness in general? Has it come full circle? What would you say is your favorite aspect of running?

 I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. The point about a simple sport is so true!
    I once took up rowing. You need a boat, another rowing mate and good weather (no wind). It was so complicated! Running is so much easier!
    Wishing you another splendid 18 years!

    1. I agree, running is so simple, I'm amazed that more peeps don't give it a try ;-)

  2. I'm always a sucker for new running gear, especially bright colored sneakers, lol

    1. Well, there's nothing wrong with new sneakers, or bRiGhT cOlOrS!!

  3. Red hot, and you're dressed to prove it! I love that running is always always there for me. That makes me happy.

    1. Running definitely gives back to its participants. I'm so grateful I discovered it!

  4. Gotta love the gear and the gadgets but most of all the friends near and far! Nothing beats the amazing people I have met bc of running

  5. I love how you included pictures of you wearing red! So many wonderful things when it comes to running. Love it!

  6. Well, as you know running and I have broken up except for the sprinting workout that I do a few times a week. It's exactly the same as any other breakup: it needed to happen but we had a good time while it lasted and I have fond memories. And I'm enjoying "seeing other people" - or cross training as you call it;-)

  7. I love the time to think...it makes be feel like I can handle anything else the day throws at me! New shoes are pretty great too.
