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Thursday, March 30, 2023

How 'bout some Stress 'Fessions

Yowza, things have been crazy in my little corner of the universe.

Wouldn't you know? It's that time of the month for baring one's soles (and souls, if you will) and disclosing a few 'fessions amongst friends. I'm certainly in need of some cleansing...shall we get right to it?

Care to join me?

First and foremost, I need to stressfess that I have been terribly over-scheduled in recent weeks. I'm also admittedly under-slumbered, LOL. There's been a lot of PT work, continued training for the Fight for Air Climb, increased mileage for the Cherry Blossom 10-mile (and prepping/packing for this weekend's trip to DC), my car being in the shop, "early" deadlines with blog posts (due to my upcoming busy weekend) and a late Tuesday night at the Journey /Toto concert  in Des Moines with the oldest daughter (sorry, but it HAD to be done). 

...but, in the midst of all the chaos of recent, I did happen upon a sale on the Brooks site. So, Happy Belated Birthday to me (yes, that HAD to be done as well). 

Speaking of blogging, I have to stressfess that I have been a bad blogger. My WRD post, almost two weeks ago, had numerous comments from readers, but I totally spaced-off replying to any of them (a big #FacePalm). I did, at least, read and comment on all of the linkers, so there's that. But, with my trip to DC this weekend, I will have limited time (and access) and may assume #BadBlogger status again, so consider yourselves warned, LOL. I return to Iowa on Monday, and should have ample time to get caught up on the Runfessions/Fit Five Friday and WRD posts that afternoon. Thanks for your patience.

With much attention being thrown towards my achy back, I kinda sorta let some (or a lot) of my PT exercises slide for the glute/hammy region. After all, things were feeling healed, and all of my runs have been going well. Low and behold, this past week I started noticing some oddball "weirdness" returning in that general vicinity. I stressfess, the timing is lousy at best. I'm not worried about Sunday's 10-mile race, but I'm not going to ignore these warning signs. There will be a lot of stretching and  Theragun'ing from here on out. No excuses!

Most know I did my 10th Des Moines-based Fight for Air Climb last Sunday. I also got out for a quick 1-mile walk before hitting the road to drive there. While at the event, I did a lot of walking, making my way through the skywalk between the buildings, as well as several extra flights of stairs in the parking ramp. I definitely was not lacking for all kinds of "bonus" fitness opps. But, in the hurry of getting back home, after an afternoon of watching basketball with friends - to watch even more basketball (the University of Iowa women's team) - I neglected to fire-up the Peloton app. Yes, indeed, I stressfess I had another Peloton fail...and didn't realize it until about 1:00AM Monday morning. Another daily Pelo streak shattered. First world probs, anyone?

Finally, last weekend I also attended a memorial service for one of my high school classmates (on Saturday). I stressfess, I was a bit nervous about the event. My high school class missed our last reunion in 2020 (due to Covid), so I feared it would be awkward gathering together under such sad circumstances. We met up an hour prior, drank a toast to our departed friend, and then hung around for a couple hours after the lunch. Despite the sad circumstance, it was very cathartic being together, sharing memories, and catching up with each other. I went to two different high schools (my family relocated the summer before my junior year), and I feel very fortunate to have two sets of high school friends as a result. It's especially nice that the older we get, the "cliquey-ness" dissipates...I guess several years of  "adulting" will do that to you.

Anyways, whew! Is that a load off! 

You've heard my 'fessions; how about you? Anything that needs mentioned? Any major stress in your life? Class reunions: yay or nay?

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. Eh, over scheduling happens. You'll have so many good memories to look back on once things calm down.

    I try my best to keep up with the bloggies, but sometimes I just can't. Sometimes I have to take a "personal day" away from the internets, and sometimes I'm just don't have time to leave comments. I try not to do it too often, but it happens.

    Enjoy your trip! I can't wait to hear all about it.

    1. The blogging can be a bit much when there are other things (like a fulltime job, LOL) that need our attention. All these obligations keep us young, right?

  2. I think this trip is just the thing you need! Relax, enjoy, and good luck on your race! Have fun with Deborah. I know she's looking forward to seeing you and Cari.

    1. YES, the long weekend away was exactly what I needed ;-)

  3. I feel you on the stress! I also let some blogging go this month. Can’t wait to hang with you this weekend

    1. Well, now I'm playing catch-up on the blogging that I let slide over the weekend...but NO REGRETS!

  4. It's definitely been a month - and feel you on all of the stress! This weekend will be a nice break - enjoy your time in DC and good luck with Cherry Blossom :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle! DC with Deborah and Company was awesome!!

  5. Wow, you have been busy. It's hard to keep up with all the blogging details, especially when you're traveling! It sounds like the Cherry Blossom is going to be an epic event, with so many bloggers converging. I hope it goes well (and that cranky glute behaves.) Can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. Cherry Blossom went MUCH better than expected, and it was fun hanging with Deborah, Cari , Coco and Deb as well ;-)

  6. I love your new Brooks - so pretty! I bet the Journey concert was fun, even if it meant being super exhausted.

    See you in a few hours!

    1. The Journey concert was well worth the loss of slumber. And the new Brooks are about to go for their maiden voyage this afternoon!

  7. Did someone say Journey? Yes please! That definitely had to be done! Haha! I've actually never had a class reunion. here was supposed to be a 10 year one and apparently they hired a company to organize it and it went bankrupt. Then I was overseas and then,...who knows? Have so much fun this weekend!

    1. The Journey concert was AMAZING! I'd seen them 15ish years ago (with another lead singer) and they were even better this time. Of course, hanging with the daughter never gets old either ;-)

  8. We didn't have any cell service this week at my spring break campsite. I'll confess it wasn't such a bad thing :) Have a great time in DC!

    1. It's weird when the cell service goes out and you're left to doing things "old school," like sans social media. It's not usually a bad thing!

  9. Blogging shouldn't be stressful. Just sayin'. :) Much more important all those social connections (even if I haven't been connecting much socially myself lately).

    I only went to one HS reunion -- I've always had a small circle of friends, and I went because I convinced my 2 besties to go, too. We'd also gone to one of Mr. Judy's that year. That's been it for reunions for the both of us, although I keep trying to put together a trip to western NY where one of Mr. Judy's college roommate still live!

    1. I've been to several reunions with my graduating class, but had not been to any of my "previous" class until out 25th year reunion, and it was so much fun! Social media certainly made it a lot less awkward (?) because many of us had already gotten reacquainted via Facebook by then.

  10. Aww. I don't always respond to comments, so I'll join you on the #BadBlogger couch. take care of all the things you need to and don't give it another thought. I hope you have so much fun this weekend!

    1. I'm embarrassed it's taken me so long, LOL. Especially for the WRD, since I'm one of the co-hosts, I make it a priority to get all that stuff done in a much more timely manner. Oh well...

  11. That Journey/Toto concert sounds like fun! I would have gone too even on a school/work night. :-) I know what you mean on reading and responding to comments. I am just catching up on posts from a week ago. It happens. That is life. I hope your trip to DC was wonderful!
