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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Returning to the Sunrise

I have often said that I've never met a sunrise I didn't love.

Recently, thanks to the increasing daylight, I've been able to return to my (almost) daily sunrise exploits. Of course, those consistent exploits are currently suffering a brief setback due to the time change. Within a few weeks, though, that "lost" hour will be reinstated (mostly, LOL) and all will be well.

None the less, I'm eager and ecstatic to be experiencing the sunrise again...

It goes without saying, I'm an early-riser. A huge benefit of rising and shining in the wee hours is the reward of witnessing the sun as it breaks the horizon. While I still wake early in the winter months, it's just not the same as doing it during the other months. And, although I can see the sunrise while driving to work, I'd much rather not be looking at it through a window.

Getting outside, and seeing the sunrise first-hand, is where it's at for me. Care to hear a few reasons why? 

First off, it's a perfect opportunity for some fasted cardio. I respect fasted cardio is not for everyone, but it works well for me. In the most basic sense, fasted cardio is simply doing exercise in a fasted state...in other words, not having eaten for anywhere between 8-12 hours. Myself, I'm not hungry until mid-morning, so it's a mute point. If I have a long run (or a workout longer than an hour) on the plan, though, I will have some fuel prior. But getting outdoors, for an invigorating walk, short run, or an easy-paced bike ride...amidst the rising run? I'm there! 

Quite simply, the beauty of the sky is reason enough to take it outdoors. The thing with the sunrise is that you have a decent window of opportunity to see the play of color. The sky will start to brighten a good 30 minutes prior to the sun actually making its appearance, and the colors will be ever-changing.

Another key factor to these sunrise endeavors is the rush of fresh air filling my lungs. Even on a humid summer morning, that first taste of fresh air is almost euphoric.

Also, there's the benefit of active recovery. I believe movement is medicinal, and what better way to do so outdoors? Not only will your muscles (and probably your mind as well) benefit, but you'll have something pretty to look at while you're in motion.

Finally, the tranquility of the morning is like none other. The traffic is usually minimal. The air is crisp. You may even hear a few birds singing. It's a prefect time of day to think happy thoughts, meditate, and prepare yourself for what the day may bring. Throw in a beautiful sunrise and my morning is pretty close to perfect.

Anyways, those are just a few random thoughts as I await Spring's official arrival. It's an exciting time of year as we kiss (the worst of) Winter goodbye and usher in some better weather as we work our way towards my favorite season, Summer.

A few related posts:

Are you noticing a big increase in daylight (even before the time change)? Have you gotten outdoors to see the sunrise recently? 

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. Loving the extra daylight after work... but a fan of those dark mornings... at least not until the snow melts.

    I do enjoy your pics.

    1. I'm looking forward to getting my sunrise routine back in motion. I hadn't realized how light it had been getting in the morning until it was zapped from me last weekend...but I know it won't take long for it to return.

  2. I was appreciating the sunrise until the time change! Now we get to see it as I'm driving my daughter to school. But as you said, in a few weeks we'll have sunrise runs again.
    I know fasted cardio can be controversial, but I never eat before short runs. I'm just not hungry that early, and I want to get out the door as quickly as possible. For long runs I've recently embraced a bowl of oatmeal beforehand and it's been working well. I usually eat within an hour of finishing my runs though.

    1. I'm not hungry either! I seldom need caffeine either...but I do appreciate a hot chai after returning from my outdoor adventures ;-)

  3. I miss my early morning runs - I runfess that I've been holding on to my pillow a little extra longer which has me getting out the door a bit later. I'm looking forward to getting back out there - you can't beat that early morning serenity!

  4. It's always hard to give up the morning light when DST starts, but it's worth it a few weeks later when it catches back up to where it was. I naturally wake up at sunrise, and I really love waking up early on weekends during the summer. Yay for sunshine!

    1. I love the early mornings, as well, even on the weekends. My non-running friends think I'm crazy, though ;-)

  5. Spring is almost here! Squeeee! I love the later nights, but the darker mornings are tough for waking up.

    1. The darker mornings were a definite buzzkill this week, especially because it was so cold and winter-like (again).

  6. Lovely pics! We haven't gone forward yet so our sunrises stay for a week more!
