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Saturday, May 20, 2023

A PrEvIeW of SuMmEr

Ahh, the sweet taste of summer...

Or, at the very least, an early preview. Even though we still have (officially) another month to go, this week had all the makings and feels of my favorite season. There were some beautiful sunrises to behold, post-workday bike rides, and some serious sweat equity banked.

Truthfully, it was ALL good.... 

Before I dis on the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little world of fitness and whatnot:

An easy-like-Sunday-morning kind of Mother's Day
My Mother's Day gift to myself was a (slight) sleep-in and a 5K walk in the (somewhat) early hours. Not only did I (again!) beat the rain, but Garmin rewarded me with a badge, LOL. Later, I had a late-afternoon dinner with the kiddos, my sister, and my parents.

Never Miss a Monday
Nothing grandiose on the roster...a 2-mile run in the morning and a 1-mile walk on my afternoon break. Later, I got out for a 2-mile walk in the evening.

Takin' it Outside Tuesday
It had been a hot minute (actually, several months) since I'd been able to take my workouts back outside, so it was time! I started with an intense Flash 15 workout (kind of a HIIT-type of full-body extravaganza), and I quickly realized that was a bad idea right out of bed. The arm and core workouts followed (all from the Peloton app). The temps were so awesome, we got in two 1-mile walks at work and I also snuck in a quick 2-mile walk after getting home.

I also met up with Amy and Mike for an easy-paced ride (after finishing that 2-mile walk, mentioned above). We kept the route pretty flat, but got in a good distance of 16 miles.

A weird Wednesday...
Call me crazy (you wouldn't be the first, LOL), but I have found that the sunshine gives me both energy and tranquility. This was a day that I needed both, and the sunrise came through. I had the day off from work, so I allowed myself a slight sleep-in, and got out for a 4-mile run upon wake-up. Later, I took advantage of the beautiful temps, and indulged in a summer-like 2-mile walk at twilight.

How about a double-ride for Thankful Thursday!
As per usual, Deb and I knocked out another virtual ride-n-chat sesh in the wee hours (13 miles for me...I was planning on the bike path after work, so I thought it best to keep the morning miles conservative). Afterwards, I did some core and Barre work, as well as another intense upper-body session. The shorter Peloton classes are usually tougher than one would think because there's very minimal recovery time and the moves allow for a pretty quick max-out or high reps.

Since Wednesday didn't allow for the usual post-workday ride, we moved it to Thursday instead. Of course, that gave us warmer temps (not a bad thing) but also more wind than the day prior (ugh). At least the 15mph wind was out of the southwest, so we had a decent tailwind on the way back from the lake. That meant, though, we had a pretty severe battle getting to said lake, LOL. Nonetheless, another hilly bike path ride was done (15 miles).

Finally Friday, and I was ready for it!
I awoke to chilly temps (57F, which felt really cold compared to the recent high 60F/low 70F we'd been having in the early hours. I didn't want to be stuck inside, so I grabbed a long-sleeved top and headed back out to the deck. My legs were feeling fatigued from the previous day's 28 miles on the bike(s), so I kept things low-key with some core and arm work. I kept things low-impact, as well, with a short walk before work (1-1/2 mile), a mid-morning walk (one mile), and an early evening walk (2-1/2 mile).

A Sensational Saturday in the Sun
Oh, what a day! Six other gals and myself  "rocked the flock" at the Market to Market Relay. We left town at 5:00 in the morning, took turns running over 76 miles of trails (13 of which were mine), and I walked back into my house at 11:00 in the evening. We were blessed with near-perfect weather, and had a great time doing all the team relay things. Recap coming soon!

...and what about Sunday?
More likely than not, there will probably be a sleep-in of some sort. I'd also like to get in some biking to flush out my legs. The weather is looking beautiful, so I don't plan on staying inside.

Not a bad week, at all! We had some summer-like weather (temps-wise), but definitely had some nutzo wind as well. Running was on-par with 19 miles (most of which were from the M2M Relay). Walking had 22 miles (with easily a couple of "uncounted" miles walked back-and-forth all day Saturday. And, biking...a bit low-key on the numbers (44 miles), but the intensity was legit with Thursday's bike path ordeal in the wind.

In case you missed out, here's what went down this week (only one blog post):

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. I'm not really into the boho look, but on occasion I go with it. The temps were borderline chilly, and the wind was (again) insane...so the open-weave shrug worked well in giving me some warmth without being too stuffy.

More flowers are blooming! I especially love these bi-color irises.

And, Mothers Day had me hanging and having dinner with the kiddos. No one liked any of the pics taken at the restaurant, so here's a collage of my three greatest gifts.

So, that's another week all wrapped up and tied with a bow. 

How did you week play out? Nice weather? Any great workouts or races that need mention?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I'm glad you got to enjoy Mother's Day with your kids and mom! Here's to a beautiful summer ahead!

  2. What an excellent week! I can't wait to hear the deets on M2M. My fitness mention of the week is that I'm on one of my long weekend getaways somewhere that's very bike friendly. I've gotten very spoiled with being able to peddle from my front door to the biking trail for a nightly after dinner bike ride.

  3. Looks like another solid week of workouts. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

    1. Thanks, Marcia! I hope you had a great Mother's Day as well ;-)

  4. Looks like you had a really great week of fun and friends and fitness. Relay races are so much fun

    1. This relay is so much fun! As you know, relays make for a l-o-n-g day, but so many memories ;-)

  5. Yay for summer, my favorite season as well! Fall is great, but it loses a spot on the list since it leads to winter...

    Glad you had a nice dinner with your kids for Mother's Day! The market to market relay sounds like so much fun, way to go Kim!

  6. From Mother’s Day to M2M it sounds like a great week! M2M sounds like a lot fun!

    1. This relay would be a blast with a bunch of my blogger friends (cough cough)

  7. Great week Kim! Can't wait to hear all about your relay - what fun!

    1. This relay is always a lot of fun! It's exhausting, with the early wake-up and departure, but there's all kinds of good mojo and inspiration in the van.

  8. Ooh, I've never run a relay race- I can't wait to hear all about it! Your Mother's Day sounds perfect- spending it with all three kids and your parents. To answer your question, the weather here is hot and getting hotter... but I'm embracing it because I'm looking forward to summer vacation (the kids off of school) so much.

    1. This was my sixth time doing this relay, the second year with this team of gals. SO much fun!

  9. Although our weather has been mostly nice, definitely not Summer like. Maybe next week. That's ok, it makes for some nice running weather!

    1. We've had some really cold mornings, but the late mornings and afternoons have been awesome.

  10. Our weather really has been great, but I was in Orlando all week! I ran Cleveland Half today and it was a great!

  11. So glad you had a lovely Mother's day with your kids and parents! That's special. I've been loving the early mornings outdoors too and have been trying to get out for runs more often this week. It's so worth it.

    1. I make it a habit to get outside every day. Our "warm" season is so short in the Midwest, I refuse to spend it indoors.

  12. Can't wait to hear all about your relay (I love the flamingo pose you're doing)! The weather's been beautiful here as well.

    1. We were (perhaps?) a bit obnoxious with our flamingo theme, but everyone knew who we were ;-)

  13. You got a lot of biking this week! I'm hoping to start up with one our weekly group rides around here in the next week or two. I've missed it! Congrats on the relay. Looking forward to reading the recap!

    1. The only group rides we have in my area are the gravel riders, and I don't really have a great bike for that. My mountain bike could sort of keep up, but it would not be ideal.

  14. our weather has been up and down and it was down for my race... at least it wasn't too hot.

    Congrats on a fun relay..

  15. Another solid week of sport. Cannot wait to read about the relay, I entered this kind of race only one time: 1986!!!!!
    Here weather has been up and down: one day sunny and warm the day after rain and cold.
    My week was good and I can add another race in my log book.

    1. Wow, 1986 was awhile ago, LOL. But, another race this week? That's great!!

  16. Love your collection of photos. I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day. You deserve it and I'm so glad you got to spend it with your kids! That relay sounds fun!

    1. This relay event is so much fun...lots of costumes, funny team names, and plenty of laughs and camaraderie along the way.

  17. amazing week! and wild to read that you let yourself sleep in a couple of times!! Who are you and what have you done with the real Kim??? the M2M sounded and looked just incredible!

  18. Another great week of workouts and fun for you #kimtwin! Our weather has been so-so, especially with all the rain we got on Saturday, but I'm hopeful this week will be better.
