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Saturday, May 6, 2023

Just Cruisin'

Baby, let's cruise...

With back-to-back half marathons, over the course of seven days, cruising through some recovery was in order. We're talking minimal running, extra stretching, continuous walking and all kinds of time in the saddle.

I even tried to "bank" a few extra hours of snoozing, which is no easy feat for yours truly. Nonetheless, this week of recovery, was much needed and well-utilized.

Before I dis on the recovery deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in terms of fitness, fun, and recovery...

Almost blown away on Sunday...
Fresh off of Saturday's half marathon, I was feeling pretty beat. After a bit of a sleep-in, I decided to test the legs. The plan was to walk 1/2-mile to the college campus, then run an easy mile. If things felt good, I'd run another easy mile and then walk the 1/2-mile back home. Well, all went well (these recovery runs work like magic, I swear) until I finished the second mile and started the cool-down walk home. Holy Wild Wind, it felt like I was walking in place. Afterwards, I noticed the wind was 32mph out of the northwest, so it was a ferocious headwind for that "simple" walk. Once I got back to the house, I didn't venture outside for the rest of the day. I did get a good nap in the afternoon, though.

Making it happen on Monday...
I had no interest in running Monday morning (ugh, still cold and crazy windy outdoors). Instead, I hopped on the bike for 10 miles of low-impact cycling and a sweet cardio fix.  

After work, Barb and I decided to head to the lake, giving us a bit of shelter from the wind. Still, it felt like we were running-in-place at times. But, three miles later, all was well.

Taking it easy on Tuesday...
I awoke to (still) cold temps and wind, but the sunrise was beckoning. I did a 2-mile walk before work and another 2-mile walk before dinner. I actually got out for a third 2-mile walk after dinner (while chatting with a friend on the phone), and also did some core work in the evening.

Double workout for Wednesday...
The morning started with a tough arm/shoulder strength workout, as well as some core and a bonus arm workout (Peloton app). As promised, the temps were feeing much warmer and the wind was practically MIA...so we got in two 1-mile walks at work (late morning and mid-afternoon). After work, I met Amy and Mike (remember them from all those long rides last summer, including the century ride?). We took it easy and stayed in town, but I finished with 15 miles of outdoor cycling (title pic, above)! Afterwards, I had another 2-mile walk & talk session with a friend (via phone).

Another Thankful Thursday with Friends...
As per usual, the day started early with a 4:30ish wake-up and a 5:00 (my time) ride and chat session with Deb. After 15 miles of pedal power, I cued-up a (glutes-focused) Barre class and did some more core work (via Peloton). The upper-70F's temps were absolutely fabulous, and worthy of a couple of walks at work.

Later, I met Barb and Allison for our monthly #FullMoon5Miler. Yes, it was definitely feeling like summer! Also, worthy of noting, this was my 24th consecutive full moon run...whodda thunk?

Feeling the #FinallyFriday vibe...
How about we cruise into the weekend with our first sunrise ride of the season? Don't mind if I do! I had to layer-up a tad for the upper-40F temps, but it was worth it getting back outside - on the wheels - in the early hours. Five Friday miles, thank you very much. Even with a hint of a sunrise, the day stayed pretty gloomy. Other than a 1-mile walk, late morning, there wasn't any other outdoor action (and rain was waiting for me as I drove home at the end of the day). Just a quick core workout, after dinner, and some stretching.

A (somewhat) #ShortRunSaturday...
I was at odds, come Saturday morning, on what to do distance-wise. I'm so used to running a minimum of 5-6 miles (most Saturdays), but the weather was looking iffy at best. I saw a window of opportunity, before the rain (and thunderbolts & lightning) was due to hit, so I seized the moment. I left the house with 2-4 miles in mind. Shortly after the 1-mile mark, I saw Mary and Rebecca a few blocks over, so I upped my pace to (hopefully) join them. It took me about four city blocks to finally catch them, but it was well worth the effort (nothing wrong with a spontaneous speed interval sprinkled into the run, right?). We chatted for the better part of two miles before I broke away to head home. So, I beat the rain, had some great conversation (and a few laughs), and finished with three solid miles on the Garmin. Afterwards, I did some core, stretching, and a light upper-body workout for my cool-down. And, I rode the hybrid (Krystal) down to the bike shop for her annual tune-up (and walked back home). Although the rain never showed, the humid weather prevailed. Late in the afternoon, I took another 3-mile walk (via a phone chat), and the muggy 79F temps definitely felt like summer had arrived.

...and what's on tap for Sunday? 
The weather is still looking questionable, but nice in the morning. Maybe I can swing another early morning ride (outdoors, on the mountain bike)? 

So, things are feeling good! Granted, I had some muscle fatigue (and general sleepiness) early in the week, but things evened out as the days ticked by. I kept the running miles conservative, ending with 13 miles for the week. Walking wasn't as high as I'd prefer (18 miles), but I blame the crazy wind. Biking was adequate, with 48 miles (23 of which were outside!). I kept strength-training limited to upper-body workouts (except for Thursday's Barre, which is more like a PT session). This week, I started a 5-week core program, via Peloton, and am loving it thus far. It has five workouts, each week, most of which are 10 minutes.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. I'm all about bright and bold colors, but I do (on occasion) like to mix in some neutrals as well. Hence, the kiwi cami and the gunmetal grey maxi cardi combo. A few pieces of chunky and funky jewelry, and I was all set for a casual Friday at the office. After all, casual doesn't have to mean jeans with t-shirts and sneakers. 

Finally, how about a peek at some of the spring flowers that have come to life in my yard? The daffodils are long gone, but the tulips are thriving. This week, the bleeding hearts made their presence known and the first iris bloomed Saturday morning. 

Anyways, another week done, and we're another week closer to summer. The increased daylight, both in the early hours and in the evening, makes me smile on the daily. Even though we've had some cold days, it does feel like we've turned the corner and are leaning more towards summer than winter...I just wish the wind would mellow-out!

How did the first week of May go for you? Any races coming up? Has your weather been shaping up, or hanging on to winter-like conditions?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I had completely forgotten about the full moon this week until you mentioned. But it sure explains the craziness of this week, lol!

    Nice week of recovery!

    1. The full moon is always on my radar (and a few of my running friends' radar as well, LOL). The recovery week felt good!

  2. The morning light is really taking me by surprise this week — the sun is was out before I was most days!

    I’m hoping to get on my bike today. It’s been a while.

  3. Glad to see you are feeling more rested by the weekend. It’s such an important part of training. We saw the gorgeous moon Friday night! Yay for spring flowers

    1. We had to do our moon run a night early, due to scheduling. Also, Friday was a cloudy day and evening, so it worked out well ;-)

  4. NC was surprisingly cold, but luckily my packing was on point. Glad to hear you're recovering from your halfs, Kim! Sorry about the un-Summerlike weather, but hey, it's only Spring, LOL!

    Love all the flower photos. Your garden is spectacular!

    1. Thanks, I'm always happy to see all the color coming to life in the gardens ;-)

  5. Sounds like a nice week! Your weather was all over the place but I'm sure you're enjoying those warmer temps. I'm also loving the earlier sunrise- I'm not a fan of running in the dark! I'm glad you actually took a nap on Sunday- you don't seem like a napper to me, but I love them.
    Your spring flowers are so pretty!

    1. Ha ha! You're correct in that assumption...I am not much of a napper. I seldom am able to fall asleep in the middle of the day, unless I'm legitimately tired/fatigued. 'Nuff said, LOL.

  6. How fun that you caught up with friends (literally and figuratively) on Saturday during your run. Yay for spring flowers and being closer to summer than winter!

    1. Yes, we need to get all these fading winter vibes outta here!

  7. Looks like you're recovering nicely after your back-to-back races. Your spring flowers are so pretty! I don't know what to say about the wind - it doesn't want to seem to settle down.

    1. Ugh the wind! It definitely has NOT been playing nice this year!

  8. Your recovery week has still so much activity. Good for you for getting out there but overall taking it easy. I love your Thursday riding sessions with Deb. It's so nice to have riding buddy, even if "virtually".

    That combo of the kiwi cami with a grey cardigan looks so great!

    1. I did stay active, but I try to keep things low-impact (as much as possible). My body craves action, LOL.

  9. You're doing so much even during a recovery week. Nicely done!! And congrats on your double halfs - so impressive!

  10. Everyone was out of their minds this week! Thanks, full moon! You had a great recovery week! I think we are over the wonky weather. Now we are just back to hot and humid.

    Love your pops of neon and pretty flowers.

    1. We're back to (somewhat) hot and (very) humid this week...

  11. 23mph winds sounds intense! And I also saw the hail storm you had yesterday. Mother N seems a little angry with the midwest right now, lol.

  12. That is some serious wind! But glad you had some good weather too. Way to go on the full moon tradition.

    1. I love the full moon runs! I've only had to do a couple on my own, the other gals are always ready to join me ;-)

  13. awesome week despite the wacky wind/ impromtu resistance training LOL!! so glad you are back out on the bike now too!

    1. I just got my bike back from the shop yesterday (the hybrid), so I'm ready for even more outdoor riding!
