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Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Heat is ON!

Momma N handed us a 3-week early gift of summer weather this week. 

Mind you, I am NOT complaining about the heat (and the subsequent humidity), but even I appreciate a bit of an acclimation, thank you very much.

I'm still maintaining my #OptOutside streak, so I got to experience said summer heat (and its humidity, LOL) on the daily. At least it wasn't snowing, right?

Before I delve into the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in terms of fitness...

Sunday - feeling the heat on the ride...
I got out for an early 3-mile walk, then played a bit of a waiting game with the weather. The early morning temps were nice for walking, but the mid-60F's are a slight bit chilly on the bike. About mid-morning, the temps approached the mid-70's, so I saddled-up and headed out. I had a 25-mile ride on deck (you know, those Garmin badges are enticing), and I was riding solo. I did an 18-ish out and back route, then tooled around town for the remaining seven miles. I was not expecting the 675K badge to pop up after finishing, so that was a nice surprise.

Monday - feeling the heat (twice) on Memorial Day
The morning started with a 5K run, complete with an appropriate photo op by an eye-catching mural.

Then, late morning, I tagged along with some friends for a 24-ish mile ride, part of which was on a new-to-us trail (in the hot sun).

Tuesday - feeling the heat, in a low-impact manner
Nothing ground-breaking or grandiose...upper-body strength, outside on the deck, followed by a 2-mile pre-workday walk. We did a little walking at work on our morning break (one mile), and I walked after work (2.5 miles), then spent a good 45 minutes "garden squatting."

Wednesday - feeling the heat on the street and the bike path
Barb and I met for a #5at5 run (ugh, the humidity was h.e.a.v.y). Afterwards, I took Max around the block (more for a cool-down than an actual cardio fix), and we did an afternoon 1-miler at work.

After work, Amy and I met for our weekly hilly bike path ride. The 88F temps felt mucho warm, and the side wind (9mph, out of the south) made for a tough 15-mile ride. But we got it done; this already was our fourth weekly ride of the season!

Thursday - feeling the humidity all day long...
I did my best to beat the rain, but it caught up with me in the second mile of my morning walk. By afternoon, the rain had stopped, but the air was thick for our 1-miler after lunch.

Friday - feeling the heat with a shake-out
With my half marathon 24 hours away, I wanted to get out for a short, easy-paced shakeout run (two miles). We got in just one walk at work, amidst the humid air (one mile).

Saturday - really feeling the heat and humidity at the DAM!
Although I can tolerate the heat and humidity, it's not appreciated on race day, LOL. Despite some walk breaks in the final miles, I crossed the finish line of my 16th DAM to DSM (formerly Dam to Dam) feeling more empowered than defeated. Stay tuned, there's a recap on the way!

...and what's happening on Sunday?
Rest assured, I will be spending time outdoors in the morning. As this post goes live, I'm unsure if I'll be on foot (walking) or on wheels (sunrise ride?). We also have a full moon run planned for the evening.

So, how did the hot & humid week play out? Overall, I'm good with everything. The running tallied just over 23 miles (most of which was from D2D). Walking was mediocre, with 15 miles (due to the high "workday" humidity). Biking held its own, with 64 miles (all of it early/mid week). I kept the strength training low, since I was in a bit of a taper with Saturday's race. Now that D2D is done, I plan to keep my running in maintenance mode since I don't plan on any long distance races until the fall. I'm also looking forward to upping the strength work a bit to compliment the increased biking.  

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. It's definitely feeling like summer in Iowa. Time for sleeveless tops, flowing skirts and chunky and funky jewelry. I've shared this before, but the beaded necklace is actually a belt (that has never graced my waist, LOL). I much prefer it as a necklace!

How about another fitness hack? I stayed in Des Moines, Friday evening, with my daughter. I meant to bring along my ergonomic water bottle, but it got left on my kitchen counter. She had this refillable wine "flask" that I borrowed (but filled, and re-filled, with water along the D2D race course). You're welcome.

So, that's what went down this week. Lots of busyness, plenty of fitness, and all kinds of heat (and humidity). 

How was your week? Did Momma N gift you some "summer feels" with the weather as well? Do you make it a point to get outside daily, even when the weather is especially warm? Any racing on the roster...this weekend or upcoming?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. We did have heat, but not for as long as you (thankfully, Bandit is so sensitive to it now) and not too much humidity.

    Sounds like overall a great week and I know you actually (mostly) love that heat! You can keep it. :)

    LOL at the refillable wine flask (who knew there was such a thing?).

    1. I had never seen a wine flask like that! My daughter even had lanyard straps (?) to attach to it, so she could carry it like a cross-body purse. They're probably meant as a one-time use thing, but she let me keep it so I've rinsed it out and will have it on standby for future use.

  2. It got hot here, too! But I was able to still get outside and run, and luckily I run when it's still dark so it wasn't quite hot. Nice miles this week. I'm looking forward to hearing more about how DSM to DAM was!

    1. I think it got hot everywhere this past week. I'm ready for it ;-)

  3. Congrats on the hot half!!! Even though I was not a good hot weather runner, I really do adore summer and I loved soaking in the heat this week.

    1. Ditto! The heat can be a bit oppressive, but I'll gladly sweat a little more over freezing my buttocks off in the cold of winter.

  4. yes on the heat and love it but I quickly realized that it's easier to run before work...

    Congrats on your 16th DSM2DAM!!

    1. I do most of my runs in the early hours, so the heat isn't too bad (most days).

  5. Things warmed up around here this week too! You know I am not a fan but always grateful to be able to get outside and do whatever I can. Congrats on your race. Looking forward to reading about it

    1. You know I love my outdoor time as well. It often means taking things a bit easier, but I'm alright with that.

  6. I'm glad your race went well! Races this time of year are hard because they can be so hot, and people haven't had a chance to acclimate yet. I'm looking forward to the recap!
    Lots of heat here... and it will continue for the next five months. SIGH!

    1. The acclimation was the biggest issue with the race. We've had some hot days, but nothing like what we had on race day.

  7. Well, I will complain about the heat, LOL. At least summer cycling is not a tough as summer running!

    1. Totally agree! Summer cycling is a great trade-off to running ;-)

  8. Congrats on your 16th Dam to DSM finish - can't wait to read your recap!

    We got a taste of the heat yesterday and Friday as well. As you and I've discussed, it's not as bad on the bike, so I wasn't too miserable.

    1. I find myself getting choosy on how early to go out on the bike, which is crazy. It really feels a lot cooler than if I were running (or even walking).

  9. It heated up here fast too! I'm not ready lol ;) Congrats on #16 for DSM2DAM!

    1. It definitely sounds like it was a hot week for all of us! I am ready for it, though ;-)

  10. Well done doing the half marathon in the heat! We have some hot weather here too (probably a lot cooler than what you have) and I'm really enjoying it although I was absolutely roasting doing some simple workouts outside today. But I'll never complain about hot weather!

    1. I will never complain about the heat either. Well, the humidity does a nasty number on my already straight, lifeless hair...but I can remedy that with a funky up-do ;-)

  11. Congrats on your half marathon! Mine was today and it was warm. But as I keep telling myself, it was a training run. I'm looking forward to dialing back my mileage as well.

    1. I just kept reminding myself how much I love the D2D race, and the course is so scenic. I look forward to running it every year, despite the heat we've had the past three years. Glass half full!

  12. I am a sucker for badges and filling up trackers (as you know), so I definitely understand the motivation.

    Congrats on your halfmarathon. Another one! You're badass!

  13. What a great week! And yay for 16 years of your favorite race. As you know, it's pretty much always hot here. And humid. Blech. But I'm always outside, so we adapt. I raced on Memorial Day, and I've got another one planned for Saturday night. It's an invitational, followed by an open, so we can watch the local elites crush a 5K in 15 minutes or less (I'm exaggerating. Slightly). And then we can go do our own race. At the end, there is pie.

  14. good week working up to the race! did anyone think you were actually drinking wine in the refillable flask? haha! humidity is the worst if you ask me, rather dry heat than humid!!

  15. Its not hot in London yet- I'm excited for it! But honestly the mornings have been pretty ideal for running. But I'm ready to wear those summer dresses and what not! Though this will be my first summer without air conditioning, so maybe I will regret saying I'm excited for it!

    Awesome week Kim, love that wine flask repurposed for the race, ha!
