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Saturday, July 8, 2023


...and just like that, I'm back!

Funny thing about my brief sabbatical from all things running, it already feels like I never left. No regrets, and no complaints. And I'm ever-so-grateful for the process of recovery.

So, let's just say this week was all about the return to running, and a whole lot more.

Before I dive into the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, in terms of fun and fitness:

Sunday - playing the weather guessing game...
The forecast was all over the place (and both of my apps were not in agreement). I got out for a nice 2-mile walk just after wake-up...

A short while later, Mike and Amy picked me up and we headed to Des Moines (an hour away). By the time we arrived at Grays Lake, the temps had risen and the sky was clear. We knocked out 32 miles on the Great  Western Trail and had lunch at the famous The Chicken restaurant along the trail.

...and, there was still more to come! After a brief dumping of rain, I met up with Barb and Allison for a  July full moon 4-mile run that evening. Oh, was the air humid! We did see the moon, but had a heck of a time getting a good #moonselfie with it.

Never Miss a Monday...
Typically, in non-recovery times, I do a short run on Mondays. Given my circumstances: (1) just re-entering the running world, (2) having just run both Saturday and Sunday, and (3) with a 5K on tap for Tuesday, I thought it best to simply just walk instead. So, I got in a 2-mile sunrise walk, a 1-miler at work, and then another 2-miler in the evening. 

Tuesday - A fun-filled day of fitness with friends
First on deck: The Sully Freedom Fun Run 5K. The temps weren't too uncomfortable (72F and breezy) at race time, but the air was already feeling pretty sticky. I'll share more details in the race recap (coming on Tuesday), but suffice it to say things went well for all of us! My body felt great, all things considered, and I didn't need any walk breaks for this rally-back race. And, all three of us brought home AG medals.

I had time for a very quick rinse-off and change of clothes, before it was time to load-up the bike again and head east, this time to Solon (about 70 miles). Mike and Amy and I knocked out another 32-mile ride along the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. Oof, this ride felt tough! It has a lot of rolling hills, and the temp had risen from 82F (with a 84F feels-like) to 92F (with a balmy 97F feels-like) by the time we finished.

Lots-of-Walking Wednesday
It may come as no surprise that I slept like a rock Tuesday evening, and still felt groggy Wednesday morning. I knew a 2-mile power walk would not only give my legs some movement, but the fresh air would also breathe some energy back into my tired body. Mission accomplished! Back home, I did some upper-body strength work (the chest presses are still NOT happening #ouch). We got in two 1-mile walks at work, and I also took a 2-mile walk after dinner. Active recovery at its best, 'nuff said.

Thursday - another day of confusion...
I was up and at it, and out the door by 5:00 for my weekly "meet-up" with Deb. The temps were very chilly, by July standards...how does 57F (with a 9mph wind) grab you? That would be all well and good if this was October (and if I was running), but for a walk on a July morning it was downright frigid.

After returning to the house, I did a few short Peloton workouts (Barre, standing core, and arms/shoulders) before heading to the office. We got in two 1-mile walks (at work), and I met Amy for the weekly hilly bike path ride after work (this was already ride #9). This ride was brutal with the 9mph NW wind to battle on the way out and the tailwind (after the turnaround) didn't feel like it did us any good, LOL. And, I spent the entire day thinking it was Wednesday, so that just added to the frustration. I know, first world problems, right?

A bit of a freezing Friday...
Not sure as to what my weekend had in store, I decided to do a quick 2-mile run and take advantage of the beautiful (clear!) sunrise and beat the forecasted rain. Holy Brrr, it was 51F! Again, these temps would feel fabulous if it wasn't July, LOL

Saturday - How about a spontaneous local 5K?
I had seen an inaugural 5K was happening, and it benefited our local veterans organization. Since we don't have very many local events such as these, I think local runners need to show up and support the cause(s). If we don't take part, there's a great risk that these small events will disappear from the grid. Anyways, since I hadn't pre-registered, I had to get there early...so I ran an easy-paced mile to the race site (at our town's central park). The race went well, but (again) the temps were chilly (57F, with a strong north wind). I didn't have any finish time goals, but was hoping for a better finish time than I'd run in Tuesday's 5K. I did get first place in my AG, but the field wasn't very competitive. But, I pulled-off a sub-27 finish, and that's what I was most happy with. My body is rallying back!

...and what's on deck for Sunday?
As this goes to press, my Sunday is wide open. The weather is looking nice and sunny, so there will most likely be a long bike ride on the roster. It's a given I'll also get in some walking miles, at least amidst the sunrise (and probably also in the evening, post-ride).

So, this week was pretty action-packed. I'm typically not much of a napper, but there was a fair amount of extra ZZZ's taking place this week. The rally-back running saw 14 miles this week. Walking did alright with 27. Biking, no surprise, dominated with 79 miles. I'm maintaining a couple days of strength work, each week. Though I'm still having to modify some of the upper-body moves, I'm happy with all the workouts I've done. And, though I can hold a forearm plank without issue, the straight arm planks are still a no-go. Push-ups are still off the table as well. Such is my current reality. I can do almost everything else, so any frustration is at the minimum.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. With Friday's cold temps and eventual rain, it felt more like a fall day. A look I've been embracing recently is the shorts/maxi-length cardi combo. Typically, the hotter the temps, the colder it is inside restaurants and grocery stores this time of year. The shorts are appropriate for the outdoor temps, but the cardi is a great layering piece for inside when the AC is cranked to an outrageously frigid temp. And, let's not forget, the classic white and black color scheme always benefits from a punch of color.

Finally, is it obvious that I've been on the bike a lot in recent weeks? This pic does not do justice to the very vivid tan tines form my Chacos sandals.

So, that's the latest and greatest! All is well, and the recovery continues as my shoulder and ribs ebb their way back to normalcy.  

How was your week? Any fitness achievements? New goals on the horizon? Summer weather giving you any stress or frustrations? Any racing over the weekend?

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  1. You are back for sure — and what a comeback! Congratulations!!!

    I hope your shoulder feels better soon.

    1. Yeah, my shoulder (and still some of the ribs) are taking their sweet time in healing, but that's what they need.

  2. Nice that you've been able to start running again. It's like you haven't missed a beat!

  3. That’s quite the comeback week! Nice work on your race congrats

    1. Thanks, Deborah! It's not very often I have two races within four days of each other, LOL

  4. Congrats on being back to running and especially on that AG win! Looks like a good week.

    1. Thanks! It feels good to be back in the swing of things (for the most part).

  5. Don't call it a comeback when you were always here but yay for recovery!!! Posts like this are always so fun to read.

    Can I just say that this last week felt like 7 straight days of Mondays? The holiday confusion was real.

    1. Oh gosh, last week was NUTZO! I was confused practically every day on what day it really was.

  6. Wonderful news on the comeback Kim! Glad that injury is in the past. Strong week, lots of fun races and cycling!

    1. Thanks, Jessie ;-) It was a fun week, though it did leave me a little sleepier than usual...

  7. Wow! That was an action packed week for you for sure. Congrats on both your races!

    I'm still envious of those 50s -- the humidity has been around all week and it's soul-sucking!

    1. Honestly, I don't mind the 50's, just not in mid-July, LOL

  8. That's quite a rally back - two races in one week. And congrats on that AG win... those times are quite good IMO. Pace is so relative.

    1. Thanks, Darlene ;-) It was fun doing two races within four days...don't have that opportunity very often!

  9. Wait- 51 in July??? That's weird! Obviously I'm envious- it's been even hotter than normal here (which I didn't even believe was possible, but apparently it is?) Anyway, sounds like you had a great week! So what if you can't do a straight arm plank yet- you can RUN! Congrats on the races- I'm looking forward to the recap on Tuesday.

    1. Yes, 51F! It does feel refreshing, but those temps can happen in October, LOL. Our summer is so short, there's no sense in wishing away the "real" temps, right?

  10. Foot tans forever. My flip flop one is getting pretty intense. Love the arm sleeves, and you KNOW I'd be all over the 57. Can't we just have summer daylight and fall temps in the morning? Yay reentry going well. Misread your Solon one at first as riding 70 to ride 32. I mean that's still amazing but that would have been wow

    (Cari, who can't login again)

    1. HA ha...I'm just not ready for fall temps in the mornings yet. I don't necessarily want "mid-day summer temps" in the early hours, but the recent mornings have just been too cold too soon (IMO) ;-)

  11. Welcome back! You did it, and you did it great! I would be delighted to have temps in the 60s, if not the 50s! It would make life so much more pleasant! I am so glad you are back at it and thriving!

  12. How exciting to be back running and doing so well this quickly after your bike accident (although, I'm sure it seems like forever to you). And congrats on both an AG win and place within one week!

    1. Thanks, Deb! I'm thankful both races went so well, considering how close they were to each other.

  13. That is an epic comeback, if you ask me! Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm still not quite at 100% (just ask my left shoulder and a few of my ribs, LOL), but I'm feeling good.

  14. A fantastic comeback!I knew you wouldn't be down for too long :) Congrats on your AG!

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) I'm grateful things are going so well...so far ;-)

  15. Great to see you back and congratulations on the AG win! I feel like I'm back, too - up to 3.6 miles of running and can do functional running like running to and from volunteering today. (LyzzyBee)

    1. That's great news!! I Hope things continue to improve for you ;-)

  16. Welcome back (I almost didn't notice you were gone ;)). It sounds like you had a good week and so many people ran a 4th of July race! How fun.

    P.S. I used to run the Brooks Ravennas (they're Ravennas in the picture with the green top, right?) . I loved the color scheme!!

    1. Yes, those are Ravennas. I've had that pair for awhile, so I don't wear them for much running these days (unless it's VERY short), but they are great for non-running stuff.

  17. I hope to have as a successful comeback as you have had! Well done!

    1. Gosh, I sincerely hope your recovery and comeback go well, too!!!

  18. Welcome back to the running and racing world. Congrats on the first place in your a.g.
    Thursday you made a walk on a "July morning": this is a jump in the past when I was a teen ager (1971); a great song of the Uriah Heep.

  19. gotta love Iowa weather! sheesh!! so glad for your comeback and well done on your AG awards last week!! By the way, napping is good for you ;-) embrace the nap, your body needs that too ;-)
